Test Drive Lexus Ls since 2009 Sedan
Car as a piece of "modest" luxury. Lexus LS460 Review

What are your impressions of exploring this model?, We asked our journalist who had the opportunity to make a trial trip on it, being commaed to Austria. That's what he told us
Car not similar to competitors
The Austrian city of Salzburg (salt castle) is all filled with a festive atmosphere, which is simply explained: this year marks 250 years since the birth of an outstanding musician and composer of Mozart, who, as you know, was from these places. The city is located in the heart of Austria. And it was here that it was decided to arrange a global representation of the flagship machine of the LEXUS car LS of the new sample.
It is believed that the Lexus LS car is a 4th generation machine. However, Japan is well aware that even before everyone learned about the LEXUS brand, the Toyota Celsior car appeared in the domestic market, from which everything began. So, in fact, it is this model and should be considered a first generation Lexus machine.
Japanese journalists are already accustomed to the fact that with new models of Japanese brands they have to get acquainted in Europe. This is not wise by Europe, Europe is a very attractive market for Japanese manufacturers. Here is a new LS model, in fact, is also issued with the firm intention to give a real fight to European competitors on their territory. I wrote a phrase European competitors, and suddenly caught myself thinking that in fact, despite the fact that the cars are equal in class, between prestigious European models and LEXUS LS cars there has always existed a significant difference. This, by the way, concerns not only the LS model range. You just look at other Lexus models, such as GS or IS, who were the first to be on sale in Japan last year. I had to experience them not in Europe or America, but in the historical homeland, in Japan. Nevertheless, even without having before the eyes of the European analogue, which can be placed nearby and compare directly, I still did not leave the feeling that there is a big difference between expensive machines of the European sample and similar in class, but excellent in the spirit of LEXUS cars. I left the same impression from dating a Lexus LS car, which, as already mentioned, took place in Austria.

Despite the slight amount of time during which I could directly communicate with the new LEXUS LS car, I managed to drive a few kilometers sitting in the back seat. I can immediately say: by convenience, it is largely superior to the front row chair. It is likely that the suspension of the wheels was calculated in such a way as first of all to extinguish all the oscillations per capita on the back of the car. And even when the back begins to hesitate, it makes it extremely smoothly. Similarly, the rear pillows they seemed to me more plump and failing under the weight of the body, which also made a positive impression on me. All new models of the Lexus family can be ordered with an elongated body, and this process will begin with a new sample LS car. Increased rear seat comfort. This is also part of the general plan, according to which these cars will be destroyed at all for those who are used to ride with a personal driver driving.

As for the LEXUS LS power unit, I will immediately note: in 2007 it is planned to supplement this range of a car with a mixed type of thrust (hybrid). In the meantime, the engine of the new machine remains purely gasoline, its working volume is 4.6 liters. The inlet of the mixed type is also provided for the direct fuel injection into the cylinders, and through the D4-S system. In addition, the inlet is retrofitted by a mechanism that allows you to maintain the permanent correction of the phases of the gas distribution and the value of the opening of the ink valves. Moreover, this mechanism is activated by electricity (VVT-IE system). In short, the car is equipped with the latest technology, although all these high-tech innovations are made in Japanese cars, appear without unnecessary advertising and only then where it is really necessary.
The sound of the operating engine LEXUS LS does not seem too energetic, at least its sluggish character is incompreparable with a huge working volume of its cylinders. In this regard, he is clearly inferior to his European competitors who are always trying to demonstrate their power by all available means, including noise effects. But on the timbre, he is pretty clean and continues to be quiet even when the engine begins to gain momentum. In a word, it is a high-quality motor with a calm temper. At the same time, in the same way as in the LS machine of the very first generation, it seems that the sound of the exhaust does not quit. It is only worth pressing the gas pedal to the floor, and immediately hear how the engine does a discreet sigh.
One of the main features of the new LEXUS LS model, which, according to the authors of the project, will attract the attention of buyers, this is the first-step automatic transmission for the first time in the world. The first thing I noticed when I tried from the place and began to accelerate, is an amazing smoothness in the transmission switching in automatic switching mode (the lever is in position D). Switching proceeded so smoothly that when accelerated sometimes it was difficult to determine which transmission works at a particular moment. The negative side of such a multi-step is that the transition to reduced transmission occurs with some delay, and even, perhaps, in manual switching mode,

The Lexus LS steering mechanism is equipped with an electric amplifier and a special gearbox, which automatically changes the steering gear ratio depending on which speed is moving. Something similar is placed on BMW cars, where this device is called Active Steering. So, if the German machine is characteristic of the electric amplifier, lethargic still manifests itself at the most initial moment of rotation, then the Lexus LS steering mechanism is adjusted so well that if I did not know that the electric amplifier, I would never guessed. So steering acts naturally, and that at the beginning turn, that at its end. There is an improved work of the electronic brake management system, which on Mercedes cars does not act in the most perfect way, but on the LEXUS LS machine, the new sample produces the most favorable impression.
Unfortunately, the nature of the test route did not allow me to carefully figure out how a new car behaves on steep turns. But at some points, his handling made a strong impression on me, since it seemed to me that he had a greater maneuverability than you could expect from a car with such a massive body. A relatively small reversal radius should be attributed to the number of undoubted advantages.

If in the technical plan of Lexus Ls the last model seems very restrained in manifestation of their emotions, then this restraint is also characteristic of its appearance. Indeed, the design of the new car is somehow not at all associated with an assertion or with aggressiveness. I personally think that its external equipment is better characterized as a silhouette with a predominance of smooth, moderate lines, and the car itself is called a luxurious interior. PART OF Japanese buyers, I know, will reproach designers for the fact that they could not make a car throw, and the design itself will be appreciated as a faded and alignment. Well, Europe is Europe, but now the LS model series will have to master that part of the world, which is called Japan. And here has its own system of values, so it is quite natural that someone new Lexus may seem deprived of individuality.
If I started my report from mentioning Mozart, then let me on the musical note and finish. So let's compare the design of the car with a musical work. And then we will try to determine how the genre can be attributed to the style of Lexus Ls. Of course, he does not pull on the classics. And Rock, and in general pop music is not about him. Most likely, we can talk about the musical style of New Age (new times) or other than Ambient (music around us). This name is ambient, by the way, first introduced the Bryan Eano musician from the former composition of Roxy Musical. And he suggested her music not to listen. He offered to dive into her and not resist when she starts to tighten you. I think that this expression delays, just applies to the new car Lexus Ls.
Sedan, the main purpose of which to be a luxury subject (Luxury Car) can be defined as a perfectly manageable or enjoyable driver, but it will not give it the essence, it will not, figuratively speaking, his calling card. In fact, let it be not so well managed and not so pleasant for driving. Let only be a car of such a high class so that you can tighten. This thesis is perhaps how it is impossible to better convey the essence of my impressions left after exploring the new LEXUS LS model in the Austrian territory.
Technical characteristics of the LEXUS LS 460 car:
Length 5030 mm x Width 1875 mm x Height 1465 mm.
Wheel base: 2970 mm.
Machine weight: 1945 ~ 2055 kg.
Drive: on rear wheels
Engine: 4.6-liter, 8-cylinder with V-shaped cylinder arrangement, gas distribution mechanism Two top-location shafts and 32 valves, developed power 380 hp at 6400 rpm, the greatest torque
50.2 kg / m at 4100 rpm.
A source: WebCG.net