Rod of personality

The Willys brand is known, perhaps, no less than Levi's in relation to the United States and Tank T-34 in relation to military history. And it will not be an exaggeration to say that this legendary army SUV certainly influenced the course of the Second World War. Willys was so successful, reliable and unpretentious that later a number of automotive companies developed their own models based on its design. Some of them of course, preferably changed over time they lived to this day.

Here they are all three. Three heir to the legendary Willys. Perhaps, from all three only Wrangler retained some similarity with his ancestor. Two others are absolutely not like it. This and not surprisingly so many years have passed! Is there anything common left? We will not make hasty conclusions, about everything in order. Immediately note that the task of this test was not a direct comparison of these cars. It is clear that the modern Land Cruiser falls out of this Trinity. And in the opponents, it would rather come completely different, approximately equal models from the same manufacturers. For example, Range Rover and Jeep Grand Cherokee. But we have other goals, so you can safely start. Of course, they are very different, but there is one point that everyone unites them. And you know what it is? From them for the vest carries a man! To present a woman behind the wheel of any of them is very difficult, almost impossible.

And they are all ugly. Muscular Yes, powerful on the appearance, too, yes, huge again yes, but you can't call them beautiful. Utilitarian genes Willys take their own. But there is some special attractive force in this non-protected. Land Cruiser, of course, stand out. The course on the luxury SUV, which Toyota took back in the 60s gives itself to know. Off-road entity covered a huge body and comfortable interior. Diet two hundredth of Nesuro, he was seriously recovered and weigh three times more than military Willys! The body appeared fat folds of the wheeled arches, the huge forehead of the radiator grille, from which the square eyes-headlights look sulvert, and an impressive ass. But many of this wrestler Sumo in the shower. Especially in our country. We are generally attributed to the Land Cruiser, this is a special fetish machine, hi out of the 90s, when Land Cruiser and six hundreds were the symbols of the life of life.

Echoes are still heard so far. On the road from him shake in different directions. Behind the wheel of this Mastodont, you feel yourself a complete owner of the position. And, apparently, this feeling I want to experience very many of our compatriots. And how otherwise explain more than an annual queue for this not a cheap car? Wrangler and Defender attract others. This is incredibly charismatic cars! They seem to be written on the forehead: I have a story! And this is true: by the shoulders of each more than half a century life. It is impossible to confuse them with any other SUV, each has their family features.
In the appearance of Wrangler and now, then there is guessed by Willys. Take a look at this angular body with separate wheeled arches, round headlights and an outstanding front bumper. Is very similar! Even the folding windshield is also removable doors and roof. And the radiator grille is almost the same, only vertical slots on it are not nine, like the Willis, and seven (this is the branded feature of Wrangler). Such similarity is not surprising, because Jeep is just the heir to the first stage.

As for Defender, he, if it looks like Willys, then only round headlights and a common angularity but its own, special. And this is your explanation. Initially, when the Wilks brothers came up with their car, they did not try to make it look like an army SUV outwardly. It is unlikely that they generally thought about the design. The inner component was important to them in the first place. Nevertheless, the shell, which the British pulled onto the off-road chassis, was very original and interesting. And now, a few decades later, during the universal chase for good aerodynamics, the Kubism of the body Defender suggests that this car seems to be from another world. And in this, you must admit, there is some truth.

You open the thin flat door of the def., You click somewhere upstairs and finally plunge on the seat mounted on a square podium. The chairs, by the way, unlike the machine of the previous generation, became much more convenient. But this is perhaps the most significant change in the cabin. A new dashboard and a more perfect ventilation system appeared, but otherwise inside it is all the same Defender car from another world, from the world of antironomics. The driver, like a pedal node, is strongly shifted to the door, because of what the left hand and foot do not find a place. But if the elbow can be flashed into an open window, then the leg is not allowed to go anywhere or keep over the clutch pedal, or put on the floor clumsy.

Seat adjustments are clearly not enough for a tall person, and the adjustment of the steering column is not provided at all. Yes, and mirrors need to be tuned by hand. Remember when you did this last time? In the middle between the front seats box with a lid, he is a box-armrest, made of plywood! Very much reminds that black box that they put in the program what? Where? When?. Music loses only medium frequencies, and they are drunk in a stove that works only in the first speed. And you will go a little faster, it will already begin to soloize aerodynamic and transmission noises. Yes, and diesel is quiet with all the desire you won't call. He has a truly tractor sound, and besides, he generously transfers his vibrations to all controls. Here is such a paradise for a masochist. But this can be used to it. And after a while you feel quite normal, and you even start to rejoice. What? What you are going on a real honest car, without any of this modern ergonomic nonsense.

Land Rover, as a time machine, tolerates such qualities as reliability and permeability to the head of the corner, and the convenience of use was located to the farthest plan. Soldiers of the Second World War driving their Willys was, it was necessary to think, still unreal, they even had no roofs over their heads. You can only take the roof from one car from our Trinity from Jeep Wrangler. In the summer, definitely, this is a special kayf ride without top, as on Buggy. But we spent the test early in the spring, so we did not experiment.
Wrangler, despite the fact that in its pedigree is closest to all to Willys, in terms of

the arrangement of the indoor space left much further than Defender. There is already a completely modern interior with quite ordinary landing and governing bodies. It is immediately clear that this generation paid great attention to comfort (relative, of course) and the quality of materials. After winding a huge Barank (here, just like the Willisa) no longer beating the elbow about the left door, and the front panel is a gorgeous for Wrangler plastic. But their ergonomic delights are present here.
The buttons of the windows, as well as in the defects are located on the central console, the doors without retainers constantly need to hold, and then give the foot or hand, but through the slots between

wind glass and removable roof at speed pools air. But in general, Wrangler is much more calm, quiet and modern, rather than his English fellow. Although it feels this very different world, the world of the military past. But where he does not feel at all, so it's in Toyota. Over all these years, Land Cruiser has so far away from his roots, that the unfamiliar person will be uncommon from which car in fact he has grown. The spacious interior of the two hundredth steps in the foot with time. There is everything that is inherent in expensive SUVs of today's generation: a comfortable high-rise landing in luxury leather chairs, light pedals and steering wheel, high-quality finish, branded optical device backlight, 4 zone climates control, audio system with decent sound and touch-screen on a panel with built-in navigation .

All this did not even dream of two other participants of our test (despite the fact that the equipment of this level is in other corresponding models from the same manufacturers)! Land Cruiser Salon surrounds his inhabitants unprecedented comfort, silence and gives birth unattainable for many other cars a sense of security and superiority over other participants in the movement. This feeling is even more enhanced when you click on the accelerator. Three-tont Machina breaks away from a place with an unexpected ability. The new D-4D turbodiesel reports Toyota acceleration, about which and Defender, and Wrangler can only dream. Their weak motors (2.4 liter turbodiesel near Land Rover and 3.8 liter low-rod gasoline motor at Jeep) are not different, even taking into account the smaller mass of these machines.

On the move Land Cruiser amazes calm and insensitivity to different kind of irregularities. Perhaps this is one of the most comfortable cars in the world. At the same time, the Japanese SUV behaves well and at the high-speed highway adequately reacts to the steering wheel and rigorously rolls during rebuilding. This is the merit of the KDSS electronic stabilizers system. But the land cruiser stops not so willingly, the huge mass affects, and the steep turns are not for him a high center of gravity is not allowed.

Wrangler on the freeway is not so good. It is still a purebred off-road pedigree. In his actions there is some kind of disadvantage, and a pair of 4 speed automatic gearbox and the engine is not working very well. The gas reaction is highly accomplished, overtaking has to be planned in advance. In addition, the steering wheel lives his life and on the irregularities of Jeep in itself a little rearranged by the rear axle makes itself felt. Nevertheless, Wrangler remains a machine on which it is quite possible to ride every day, pretty sacrificing the car in favor of originality and image. But still, his true purpose is to overcome those areas where the road is ordered to more civilian SUVs.

Defender separate story. During the test, my colleagues have repeatedly appeared analogies with our native UAZ. And this is not good. Movement on asphalt for Land Rover and his driver torment. The answer is hiding in the chassis design two bridges, a spring suspension, a long steering wheel and cotton brakes do not allow you to control the car in the generally accepted understanding of this word. To, for example, squeeze the clutch (Defender is the only dough participant with manual gearbox, the machine is not provided in principle), you need to make a serious effort. At this point it seems that you feel how the disk and flywheel are closed. Yes, and two other pedals require male strength. Live car, present, with a minimum of auxiliary mechanisms and systems. This liveliness (I would even say the animal) and dislike the city and asphalt pulls Defender in his native element. There, where he feels like a fish in the water. The DEF wants to show the sake of what was born to light and he, and Wrangler, and sometime Land Cruiser, and the same Willys. He rushes off the road. Well, we could not refuse him in this pleasure, of course, taking with them two other participants in the test. The Meshchersky Territory, Suspended by Turgenev, accepted us with a characteristic welcome. In the suburbs of early autumn, almost immediately after the snow came down, you can find a huge amount of natural obstacles that will be insurmountable for the vast majority of cars. But our trio is the heirs of army all-terrain vehicles, which fought year-round in the most terrible conditions. Therefore, we boldly turn the field to the risking after the winter and break through the bank of the gums of the gums, abundant kochet cunning tops.

Without going into the technical details of the device of the full drive of our subjects, I will only say that all cars have a lowering row in transmission and inter-axis differential blocking. The role of inter-track locks perform electronic systems after all the XXI century in the yard. By the way, Willys did not have these most inter-track locks, so to some extent the participants in our test are even better adapted for off-road. From the very first meters, an understanding of how Land Cruiser has departed far from his progenitor. A huge mass, impressive dimensions and unimportant geometric patency do not allow him to perform on equal terms with Defender and Wrangler. Those raw storage, which these two overcome the playing, even without inclusion of a downstream series, not that the inter-axis lock, Toyota is given with difficulty. Take these slides by passing Fraging soft suspension forces the Land Cruiser to peck the nose, you can easily damage bumpers or hit the steps. Dirty cruiser climbs reluctantly, you have to resort to the help of the entire off-road arsenal. But even with him a great risk to put Toyota on the belly practically in the smooth place three tons there are three tons, the car simply sucks into a slush.

Meanwhile, Jeep and Land Rover wear themselves around the fields, like Martam hares, and with pleasure bathe in mud baths. The reduced row they require only to overcome particularly slippery and steep areas. Land Cruiser on such lines helpless stops. But if ahead is a clean field, Toyota sweeps on it, almost no concern of his saddles. Incredibly energy-intensive and comfortable suspension! Jeep and Land Rover, who goat on the asphalt, can also go quickly through the fields, but chatting in them at the same time, so that you look at your head about the ceiling! Keep tight. But is it capable of a Land Cruiser to fly on all pairs through a rut, left gas 66 or, worse, tractor? Most likely, he will remain there.

But Wrangler and Defender can! For them, this is in the order of things. They may also calmly move her, filled with spring alien, dashing. Machine throws from side to the side, clay flies from under the wheels, but as a result, the goal is reached on the ears in the mud, but on the other side. Interestingly, in almost all off-road nominations, Land Cruiser showed itself in almost all off-road nominations, Land Cruiser showed itself in diagonal hanging. Here, the already mentioned KDSS system came to the rescue, which completely dismisses stabilizers on off-road, providing a huge move of suspension and a large angle of crossing the axes. Toyota is cling to the latter, but after the separation persistently continues to move forward, provided that the wheels are enough clutch with the surface. Wrangler and Defender do not have such an advanced system, but without it, the axes are cross them very much. Even on two wheels, all cars are quite capable of continuing forward movement. In fact, the strongest passability is limited to the geometry, and here Defender and Wrangler with their short skes and impressive clearance are invincible.

But still we succeeded to plant this couple. Of course, a bad thing is not cunning, but we were wondering what could stop these passing. To such vandalism, to dip in the hump with Land Cruiser sticking hide, we did not reach, but Jeep and Land Rover experienced. Move the above obstacle to the latitude described above even on a downstream series of transmission and we failed to be included. Both cars, sowing on the bridges, only helplessly rotated all four wheels. However, these wheels were shods in quite ordinary tires. It is necessary to assume that be the tires of the shabasy, the chances of breaking out of the captivity themselves from both it would be much more. And so I had to get the cable and pull each in turn. By the way, we did it quite easily. Maybe you chose a swamp? Look at the photos, you know a lot of cars capable of overcome this?

Dirty, but satisfied, we choose back to the asphalt and we are going to the nearest sink, where the appearance of the car is horrified by all workers of the Kercher and rags. All three cars from the head to the legs are risen in spring mud, the shreds of hay and herbs are hanging under the poor. It is immediately clear that these three recently have fun at the real off-road! Well, while the cars wash, there is time to summarize our test. So, whether something left from the military army SUV WILLYS, thanks to which they were once born? Although he himself in our test for quite understandable reasons for participation and did not accept, but without it, in the case of Jeep and Land Rover, the answer will be unambiguous, of course, yes. Throughout all these 60 years, these two persistently honored the traditions laid back during the Second World War. Despite the continued modernization, improvement and application of modern technologies (much less to a lesser extent than in most other modern vehicles), Defender and Wrangler remained, perhaps, the most conservative cars on the planet (if, of course, do not count the VAZ rear-wheel drive classics) and saved Those qualities that were laid in Willys design: reliability, stunning permeability and endurance. In addition, their appearance is characterized by an outstanding charisma, emitting them from the total flow of cars. They are able to break the ideas of any person about off-road driving, can move in real terrible conditions. For this they love them, appreciate, respect and buy, sacrificing comfort and handling.

With Land Cruiser is not so simple. Yes, compared with the overwhelming number of all-entertainers produced, it is very and very good on off-road. But all the same Land Cruiser is different, and to the results that have demonstrated two other participants, it oh how far. Toyota In the 60s, in the 60s, actively began to leave the truly off-road subject, creating a car as a result that became no less famous and legendary than his military relative. During the production, he lost almost everything that Willys was famous, but acquired many other valuable qualities. His initial task Comfort, respectability and disgrace from the outside world. It is a pity that most of the owners of modern Land Cruiser are unlikely to be remembered where their car began. And what else is capable of.
Dmitry Krotov
A source: Magazine Motor [May 2008]