Test Drive Kia Sportage since 2010 SUV

Kia Sportage II.

Autopilot estimates famous cars in five criteria. The amount of advantages is indicated by b, flaws - Ch. The next subject scored 4 b and 1 t. This is Kia Sportage.
EXTERIOR. Thanks to the massive bumpers of the new configuration, painted in silver color, as well as wing expanders and side linings and thresholds of similar color, the appearance of the updated Sportage has improved significantly. Now it is unlikely that it is possible to attribute the definition of a murdered closure of an indefinite sex, expressed by colleagues four years ago. He became more tightened, acquired distinct traits of an SUV.
Fully updated lighting optics. The front block headlights have a modern diffuser reflector, and the glass gave way to a solid and practical polycarbonate. Cute steel rear lights. The body uses the so-called zincometal with high corrosion resistance (in this sense, Sportage in many countries is recognized as one of the best). Ladder frame. The clearance is decent - 210 mm, the lumen between the bottom and the soil has become much larger, and the bottom itself is completely flat, from which it does not perform anything, except for the rear axle reducer and the lower levers of the front suspension. More expensive versions are equipped with luggage ting on the roof, hatch and alloy discs. The spare tire made on a special bracket can also be covered with a neat cover. Open and close this bracket has become much easier. 4 B, 1 Ch.
INTERIOR. Here, too, some changes are observed, they touched the forms of torpedo, from which, in particular, the handrail disappeared for the passenger. The colors are traditional: matte gray in combination with black edging dashboard and front console in the middle. Execution is quite accurate. Good soft materials. Gray tones of the salon quite well revitalizes a slightly shorter seat upholstery velor, from which inserts are also made on the door trim. He not only looks decently, but also has excellent antifriction properties - it is almost impossible to move from the seat.
The cabin is quite spacious, and the rear seats are raised above the floor level - the landing of passengers is more convenient than in most jeeps. The high ceiling will not create problems to people any height, but the distance between the backs of the front seats and the rear is not enough. With the growth of the driver and the front passenger, 185 cm and above sedaws behind the back feel tight. However, it must be remembered that even by passport information, the car is intended for a maximum for four, including the driver. The trunk is relatively small - 373 liters, but by folding the backs of the rear seats in parts 60:40 or completely turning them to the front seats, you can increase the volume of two times. Gently and practical. Five B.
Equipment and ergonomics. The standard bundle includes a power steering, power windows, a transponder immobilizer, a central locking and a radio transparency with six speakers and an antenna radio control. As well as air conditioning and an airfield ventilation system. The steering wheel is supplied with vertical adjustment. There are e-watch. In more expensive versions in the cabin there are airbags for the driver and passenger.
Standard Arrower Instruments: Tachometer, Speedometer, Fuel Reserve Indexes and Temperature. There are no problems with their readability. Ergonomic seats, excellent visibility, reach and location of the main management bodies, as well as the distribution lever, which is located on the same line with the lever of the PPC, can be attributed to advantages. Disadvantages: Very thin rim of the steering wheel with meaningless pseudo-claiming protrusions, charged behind the landscape inconvenient keyboard control of the rear window cleaner. Four h, one B.
ROAD. The impressions of the Sportage with a 2-liter motor leaves the most positive. Very smart and maneuverable. According to subjective sensations, its acceleration dynamics is even better than indicated in the manufacturer's data. Motor with properly selected transmissions in the checkpoint in the range of 2500--3200 rpm. Gives a very good craving. He has worthy high-speed qualities, a decent course stability - 130--150 km / h along a smooth road reason for criticism do not give. If you do not forget that this is still an SUV with its characteristic features. A rough suspension makes it noticeably shaking on the irregularities, but large bumps withstands without breakdowns.
Having reduced next to the gear ratio of 1.98 and self-locking differential Sportage quite confidently overcomes the shallow swamps, sand and king of the village, confidently climbs on the wet slopes. It is clear that this is a car not for trophy raids, but if there is an appropriate rubber, its chances of off-road can be assessed as very high. Of the frank minuses, a very dull and non-informative brake pedal and insufficient reactive effect on the steering wheel were not paid, although the last, rather, there is an objective feature of the steering type. And the motor is noisy.4b, 1 C.
Features of national exploitation. The factory guarantee for the new Sportage II is still small - one year or 20 thousand km. However, the autotor intends to extend it in the near future or 60 thousand km of run. Based on the average annual run at 25--30 thousand km, the costs of regulatory services every 10 thousand km on the branded engineering will be about $ 250--350 per year.
The most common Bed of the second generation Sportage is the electrical couplings of the turning on the front axle. A new design carries a primary sin and fails after the first kilometers on the mud. While better treatment than replacing vacuum couplings to mechanical from the first generation, could not come up with. Replacing the set assembly with work will cost without a small $ 500. Therefore, it makes sense, without waiting for the end of the warranty period, to ride as it follows in full drive --so climbs, and quickly. And replace free.
Other typical difficulties manifest as a rule, not earlier than 50 thousand km. The air drows begins through the gasket between the intake manifold and the block head. Itself is only $ 11, but the work on the replacement will fall out of dollars in 80. The work of the suspension elements is definitely depends on the style of driving and from what is under the wheels, but on average 80--90 thousand km can become critical for it. It happens, the rear springs of the suspension can not withstand the active ride with the cargo in Ughab and burst on 25-- 30 thousand. Run.
The engine is reliable and unpretentious, 130--150 thousand km for it - not the limit, but it is worth paying attention to two positions. It is afraid of overheating, and monitoring the level of coolant has one trick: the expansion tank is above the level, so it is necessary to check the level through the radiator cork. The hydrocomathers are sensitive to the quality of the oil, and the savings on it can sensitively respond to the wallet: one hydraulic component is $ 15, and there are only 16 pieces.
In general, Sportage is assessed by Russians as a completely reliable and low-passable car. But often for the Russian-Korean auto industry cases of production marriage or violations of technology lead to the fact that it can shoot the most unexpected malfunction at the most inappropriate time. 4B, 1h.
Our sentence. To date, the cheapest compact SUV on the Russian market. Well equipped, has a high degree of versatility for home and for a family in the city and beyond. If the price promised to the auto industry will occur, it can become a class leader. 4B and one C.
Text Andrei Timofeev, photo Alexey Ilyin


A source: "Autopilot"

Kia Sportage Test since 2010

Crash Test: Details
Driver and passengers
Active security system