Test drive Kia Rio Cinco 2001 - 2005
In a dispute with authorities
Oh, and a difficult fight will have a new kia-rio! The model, in fact, is at the junction of classes B and C, while the basic Rio costs significantly more than Hyunde Aquacent or Chevrolet-Aveo from the B-class. What are such ambitions based on?This is what we decided to find out, taking Rio in an adult company: Chevrolet Latsetti and Ford Focus. In the base, these cars are even cheaper than Rio. Test Ford and Chevrolet in a noticeably richer and expensive configuration than Kia. But the main advantages and disadvantages of cars are generic. You can’t cover such options.
Round first knockout

I get the keys and find a golden sedan in a slender row. I like Rio more and more. The restrained appearance does not conquer at first glance, but it is difficult to complain about the proportions: the elegant arc of the roof, the developed hood and the moderately fatigued feed is a pretty machine! I take it for a convenient, pleasantly massive handle and open the door. What's this? All the same, familiar in the model of the previous generation, cheap not only to the touch, but also in the appearance of plastic!

The console settled to the driver sets up to move quickly. I hasten to get a job: again, not that! It is not clear who is designed for completely flat backs without a hint of side support and a short pillow. There are no questions to adjustments in height and length, the supply is quite decent.

No, the focus is completely different. The plastic looks much more expensive, the grip steering wheel is nice to hold in your hands, the bucket of hard seat reliably fixes the body, and the control range is simply magnificent! Topping the goal of getting as high as possible, shook a lever for several seconds and arrived at the ceiling! Putting back until it stops back, with an increase of 180 cm, he barely reached the socks of the boots to the pedals. Even if such an uncle Stepa leads the car, a tall person will be completely sucked in the back. True, there is almost enough comfort: there is too much the salon is dark and strict.
In contrast with a stiff focus, Latsetti seems to be plush. And the point is not only in soft velor seats, but also in muffled tones of tissues and plastic, in particular the light bottom of the front panel. Planting from the back is a little worse than in a focus, but more convenient than in Rio. Well, in the first round, Kia receives a knockout from Ford and a knockdown from Chevrolet
Round second revenge

The second pleasant surprise presented the motor: not knowing which one under the hood, he would have added 200 cubes to him! Of course, if the car is loaded to the eyeballs and send up the mountain, do not expect miracles from a 1.4-liter engine. In other cases, 97 forces and 125 N.M of torque are enough for the eyes. A flat thrust is already pleasing with 1,500 rpm, and if you set the goal and do not trample the gas pedal to the floor, you can save good on gasoline.

Ford in this regard is the exact opposite. A short lever with sports clawing is included in the desired slot and is clearly fixed. It is a pity, with a noise there is worse, especially on uneven asphalt. The rumble of shin blocks all other sounds already starting with 50 km/h. What is there on the go! Even sitting in a car with a drowned engine and clicking a lever of the box, you hear how to turn on a bit to the body. I let the motor and sharply press the gas in response to a distinct sigh of the open throttle. The Chevrolet is quieter than in Ford, but it does not reach the reference Rio in this regard. Moreover, the level of noise of Latsetti for some reason is high in a usually quieter rear seat.
Round Third: Experience Victory

In the sense of Latzetti’s handling, not ideal. There is a noticeable spread of reactions to the actions of the steering wheel; At high, emergency speed, Chevrolet stubbornly seeks to swim out of turn. When trying to return it to the trajectory, breaks down in a skid. And on irregularities in the lateral loads, Latzetti begins to rattle with something in the front suspension.

And what is small? Dynamic, youth, assertive and sports is advertising. I agree with her only partly. By the nature of Kia, the most resembles American cars. The empty steering wheel at first even raised the question: is it an electric amplifier? There is no hydraulics. The steering not only suffers from unimportant feedback: the steering wheel has to turn to too much angle if you need to shift, for example, for the detour of unevenness. This tires the greater, the higher the speed.
If you go into a turn to the limit, Rio will frankly stick out the front to the outside. Like Latsetti, the drum suddenly wakes up in the turns, publishing frightening knocks.
After the ring

Chevrolet Latsetti conquered a comfortable automatic and a cozy salon. Kia Rio has an excellent sound insulation that sets a new standard for this class and is very alive, for nothing that a 1.4-liter engine. But Rio still does not reach such rivals. And not only because the test car was with the least powerful engine and in poor configuration. However, it does not lag behind them so much.
Looking at one of the American sites, KIA found out: a base machine with a 1.6-liter engine costs in the USA from $ 10,570. In Russia, the car falls into a different price category, therefore it will be necessary to compete with high school students, albeit in the basic configuration. Maybe it’s easier to win in your weight category?
Kia Rio
The world premiere took place in January 2005 in Detroit. The 5-door hatchback and sedan are released with bodies. Engines: gasoline 1.4 and 1.6 liters (97112 hp), diesel 1.5 l110 hp). Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 4-speed automatic (except for diesel). Complete: LX, EX. Price: $ 13 89018 590. (
Chevrolet Lacetti
The European premiere took place in 2003 under the brand of DEU. After buying a Daewoo, General Motors, the cars for export are produced under the Chevrolet brand. Body: sedan, 5-door hatchback, station wagon. Engines: gasoline 1.41.8 liters (95122 hp). Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 4-speed automatic. Complete: se, sx, CDX. Price: $ 13 50018 050.
Ford Focus II
The debut took place in the fall of 2004, since May 2005 it has been produced in Vsevolozhsk. Body: sedan, 3- and 5-door hatchback, station wagon. Engines: gasoline 1.42.0 l (80145 hp), turbodiesel 1.8 liters (115 hp). Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical two types, 4-speed automatic (only with a 1.6 liter engine, 100 hp). Complete: Ambiente, Comfort, Trend, Ghia. Price: $ 11 72017 110.
Kia Rio is a big step forward compared to its predecessor. They will conquer those who prefer comfort, but are not ready to buy a more solid and voracious car. General assessment 7.6
+ Excellent sound insulation, high smoothness and economy, modern appearance, comfortable brakes.
- High price, close rear seat, cheap decoration materials.
Chevrolet Lacetti Cozy, Homemade with a friendly character and major salon. General assessment 7.7
+ Great machine, spacious interior, good visibility, comfortable seats.
- mediocre sound insulation and geometric patency, average smoothness.
Ford Focus everything is balanced: sled properties and appearance, price and quality. General estimate 8.0
+ Good finishes, a traction motor, excellent handling, a spacious trunk, a spacious salon.
- unimportant sound insulation, not very effective and convenient to control brakes, mediocre visibility through a salon mirror.
Mikhail Gzovsky: We deliberately forced Rio to compete with the representatives of C-class in Russia: after all, at a price he approached them close, becoming much more than the first generation model and many classmates. Maybe the price will become more interesting if Rio begins to collect in Russia?

Mikhail Gzovsky
Source: The magazine "Driving"