Test drive Jeep Grand Cherokee 2003 - 2005 SUV
The return of the Big Cheroka

Great and terrible
In the mid-90s, the first Grand became the hero of the criminal chronicle and jokes about the new Russians, and the collective portrait of its owner was so that he could be written from any bandit.
Legally, the car was known no less criminal. The duties at that time were so high that the officially customized Grand with a 5.2-liter engine pulled $ 75,00078,000. It is clear that there were few hunters for that kind of money, and almost all cars were imported into the country with curved paths. Sooner or later this fact popped up, and the owner began problems. The reliability of the case was also not in the best way. When, two years ago, I collected and summed up the statistics on the sores of the first grand, asked the question: what doesn’t break in it? ..
It is not surprising that after such a problematic in all respects of the car, customers waryly accepted the new grandios. However, it soon became clear that in comparison with its legendary predecessor, the new car became much more reliable. And when the first three -year -olds appeared a year ago on the market, the revival of the once popular model began.

Without a doubt, people with a sophisticated taste buy the current grand, guided by the category. Indeed, the car does not look like any other alternate. Look at his rounded face with convex headlights (they shine much better than the previous lamps), on a sloping windshield, and neat proportions. Grand is more like a stylish passenger station wagon on huge wheels than an all -around.
The jeep interior can only be reproached for the fact that its dimensions do not correspond to the title of Grand. For four people, there is enough space here, but nothing more. But what is the performance of the interior! Noble design, soft plastic, buttons and switches do not hang out (for overseas cars this is more an exception than the rule). It is felt that the Americans sought to please demanding European customers. And, I must say, they succeeded. The Grand Counts are the only American all-tribe in the class that is really sold on this side of the Atlantic.
And only too soft chairs are absolutely given to the national origin of Grand. In the top version of the limited, they are leather, with electroregulations, and in a more democratic laredo velor, with manual settings. In addition, the limited is equipped with climate control, and laredo air conditioning. Other differences in the interior between them are not so significant.

The interior of the top version of the limited (on the right) differs from laredo mainly with leather upholstery instead of velor and climate control (4 rotating handles) instead of air conditioning

The Lado version (left) with unpainted bumpers is preferable to off -road. The combat scars on the glossy bumers of the limit will appear faster, and it will be more difficult to get them out
Well, at first glance, Grand leaves a very pleasant impression. Let's see what he can still please (or upset) the buyer.
American size
As appropriately, the Yankees is present, the Grand Counts have powerful multi-liter engines.
Most of the machines presented on the market have a limit and equipped with a 223-horsepower V8 with a volume of 4.7 liters (hereinafter the power according to the European standard EU). Such a Grand Ccher is able to accelerate to 200 km/h, and gains a hundred from a place in just 8.3 s. For an alternate, the indicators are simply plague. But the appetite of the 8-cylinder Grand is appropriate: it pumps out 1522 l/100 km each. Moreover, it must be fed either with a good 92nd gasoline or 95th.
No serious problems have been identified in the motor. But he has one innate feature. Unlike other V8, it twitches slightly at idle. For the first machines, a special service campaign for reprogramming the brains of the engine was even carried out. But it was not possible to achieve perfectly even work.
Machines performed by laredo are usually equipped with a 4-liter in-line six with a capacity of 190 forces. You can’t call such a Grand slow. But the six with pleasure consumes A-92 of any quality, and in somewhat smaller (per liter-half) quantities.
Despite the advanced age of the structure, the 6-cylinder engine until the mid-90s suffered from many diseases. But by the time of its appearance on the new Grand, he became much more reliable.
In addition, occasionally on the market there are faces with a 140-horsepower 5-cylinder turbodiesel with a volume of 3.1 liters of the Italian company VM. But there are very few of them. Take an American car from the road of Europe, and even with such a high course, E-Ro business is unprofitable. In terms of characteristics, the Italian diesel even looks convincing today. But, apparently, it is not in the best way to combine with an automatic box, so the accelerated dynamics of the Grandes equipped with him leaves much to be desired. No wonder by 2002 the VM diesel gave way to the 163-horsepower Mercedes motor with the Skmon-Rail power system. Fantastic diesel! Its dynamics is almost gasoline, and fuel consumption is simply childish. But such cars will appear on the secondary market only in two years.
Mechanics of branded Kraisler technical centers with Italian diesel are rarely encountered. Therefore, if problems arise, it is better to contact specialized diesel centers. The specialists there consider the VM engine very reliable and repairing. For its successful work, it is required to fulfill only the general rules for the operation of diesel engines.

This method will have to resort to customers of a 4-liter grand. Before buying, you need to ask the mechanic to remove the valve cover and examine the insides of the motor. If they are covered with thick grease, it is better to refuse this instance.
The fact is that the in -line six is \u200b\u200bextremely demanding on oil replacement intervals. The cheap mineral water, which is used in America, must be changed in this engine after 5,0006,000 km. If the previous owner was economical, the oil quickly thickens and turns into plasticine. I think there is no need to talk about the consequences. Moreover, if you add flushing to the oil, the engine will knock right away.
No congenital or age-related sores in gasoline engines have been detected. Both have an eternal chain timing and valve hydropoliders, so inexpensive maintenance. The main article of your expenses will be the spark plugs, which on our gasoline have to be changed after 10,00020,000 km. In addition, do not forget every 30,00040,000 km every 30,00040,000 km to clean the injection nozzle with ultrasound. Thousands of 6080 from the dirt begin to whistle the rollers of the belt of auxiliary units. Two videos are not necessary to change at once. It is enough to eliminate a specific whistle.
With the word, the fuel pump of the owners of the former Grand Cherka threw it into the cold. It cost from $ 400 to $ 800 and could die after one refueling by surrogate. Some over the year, they changed three pumps if the current grand suddenly starts to start after the parking for a long time, do not rush to grab the heart. The pump itself is most likely working. It now costs cheaper and works much more reliable. Surely it will be enough to replace the rubber sealing ring, or a filter-adjustor of the pressure. In any case, this is not the money.
Behind the diesel, one strange eccentricity has been noticed. Even if the cooling system is tilted under the cork, the sensor in the expansion tank signals insufficient fluid levels. Of course, it can be changed. But the new one will soon begin to lie.
What is the price
Replacing candles V6/V8 $ 45/60
Replacing belt roller $ 95-135
Replacing the sealing ring $ 100
Replacing a filter-regulator $ 130
Full -wheel drive is always ready
The gearbox of the Grand Cherka can only be automatic. But Grand offers an extremely rich selection of transmission. Moreover, all of them allow the use of the advantages of a constant all -wheel drive. That's just this idea has been implemented in different ways.
The most advanced transmission of the square darer. Under ordinary conditions, the leading wheels are leading, and the front ones enter the work automatically after the start of the slip. When the handout lever is transferred to a low row, the front bridge is connected rigidly to provide better cross -country ability. But the main highlight of the square dad is self-locking differentials in both bridges. That is, the car can get out of the trap on a single wheel, which has reliable contact with the soil.
The transmission of the square trace II is somewhat simpler and cheaper. It works according to the same algorithm, but a self -locking differential here can be present only from behind.

The transmission type is indicated on the selector cover. In this case, this is a square-track II
On cars from America and Canada, sometimes there is a handout of the sink-track. It has five provisions of the lever (including neutral) and provides the driver with the widespread possibilities of choosing. On ordinary roads, you can ride both in the back and on a constant full drive with a central differential. On off -road, it is possible to block the center or turn on the lowering gear with simultaneous lock. In order not to get confused, the modes that are constantly used are marked with green on the selector. And those that are designed to overcome difficult areas yellow. On vehicles with sneakers from behind, a self-block can also be installed.
Repair of the transmission of the all -wheel drive is always expensive. And, unfortunately, the characteristic transmission diseases did not bypass the Grand Counts. About how to identify them and subsequently be repaid, read the whole thing in the chapter in oil.
It's all about oil
If the transmission is flooded with the wrong variety or small level, large expenses are guaranteed to you.
The fall of the oil level in the units is completely on the conscience of the car itself. Over time, the sealing oil searns of the handouts and bridges begin to sniff on the Grand. In the handout of the square-drama, in addition, the plug may leak above the shank of the rear cardan. If the oil flows out, then it becomes less inside. And without oil, as you know, the units do not live for a long time. Therefore, it is not for nothing that such short intervals for conducting then work for American cars. For 5000 km, you can still eliminate the leak and add the oil in time. If you look under the car once a year, there is a risk of reaching the distribution of the distribution or replacing the main pair of the bridge.
Approximately the same result awaits you if it is not what is recommended by the plant in units. Particularly demanding on the variety of oil is the transmission of the square-dope. It uses a special oil that does not enter wide sale. An attempt to fill in something else leads to the fact that noise appears in the handout box, and the bridges in the turns begin to crunch. If washing with recommended oil with the subsequent addition of double additives will not help, the handout and self -locking differentials of the bridges will have to be changed. Therefore, it is better not to experiment.
By the way, in any handout, the oil changes after 50,000 km, and in bridges after 40,000 km. If you have to regularly ride on the road or drag a heavy trailer twice as often.
Another enemy of the transmission is high. On cars brought from Canada and Europe, where there are high -speed autobahns, sometimes gearboxes are buzzing. In this case, no additives will only help replace the main pair.
But the crosses of the cardan shafts, unlike the previous Grand, are completely trouble -free. In the front cardan, they are replaced by almost eternal craps, and in the back more than 150,000 km walk.
Automatic gearboxes (there are three of them for the grade) with proper operation and regular oil change after 50,000 km are quite reliable. Only on diesel versions does the control solenoid or pressure sensor sometimes fail. The box starts from the second gear and does not switch above. But these are trifles. The cost of repair in both cases does not exceed $ 100. In addition, on any of the machine guns, the palmage can be placed. Also not a problem. They put the tray on the sealant and order. The main thing is not to delay the repair.
What is the price
Elimination of oil leaks (one point) $ 50-150
Replacement of differential squares-drives (1 pc.) $ 1500
Replacement of the hand gearbox $ 2500
Replacing the main pair of gearbox (1 pc.) $ 1000-1500
Replacing Krestinov (2 pcs.) $ 230
Crossing an elephant with a cheetah
The design of any alternate consists of many compromises and is subordinated to a certain logic. Models with a load -bearing (non -fire) body, not intended for off -road extreme, at least in front have an independent suspension that provides worthy comfort and handling. In turn, a strong dependent suspension of all the wheels and the frame are attributes of gross professional all -terrain vehicles. Their driving qualities are mediocre, but endurance is at the highest level.
What logic was guided by the Americans, installing a carrier body on addicted beams, it is incomprehensible. The dynamics of Grand is hurricane. But try to implement it if, with an increase in speed, the dependent suspension makes the car dance on the bumps and scour around, and it has to be tucked into the turns to the touch. What are 200 km/h maximum wings? For our autobahns on Grand, it’s unpleasant to go faster than 140. Therefore, the presence of a powerful V8 under the hood should be regarded only as a national American feature.

The handout, the exhaust system and the gas tank hang quite low. Be careful on the bending of the relief
And how does the Grand Cherka feel off-road? In general, quite worthy. The car has a powerful lowering gear, strong and long-flowing suspension, automatic blocking of the front and rear differentials (with a quadra-pave transmission). True, the driver needs to remember a low hanging hand, fuel tank, exhaust and a long rear overhang. On some copies there is a powerful steel protection of a motor compartment, a handout and a tank. If there is no armor on your car, you can buy it from the dealer. But whatever one may say, the absence of a frame does not allow the Grand to compete on the off -road with a patrol and Gelendevagen.
Everything is relative
However, only the uninitiated can complain to the riding qualities of the Grand. The owners of the former model will be glad that the dependent suspension has finally ceased to be a constant source of headache.
The notorious reactive rods of the front axle, which on the old Grand required replacement already by 20,000,000,000 km, today reach 100,000150,000 km. Significantly durable became the ball supports of rotary fists, steering rods and shock absorbers. By the way, when the time for replacing shock absorbers is suitable, it is better to put reinforced. If before this was standard on your car, you will feel that it began to steer better.
The statistics of predicted repairs are closed with the bearings of the rear pennants and a hinge of the triangular lever of the rear axle. In the bearings, the backlash appears over time, and the wear of the hinge is manifested by a knock on the back on irregularities or during braking.

Sweating and, especially, current transmission oil seals (shown by an arrow) require an urgent replacement

Even so powerful in appearance, the front Balkomost can bend from fast off -road driving or from jumping on border stones

In the former Grand, the reserve was vertically in the trunk and ate a good third of its volume. On the current model, she moved under the floor of the trunk and ... even lower the gas tank squeezed out
The largest unscheduled waste can be the replacement of the bent beam of the front axle, if you use the Grand as a racing all -terrain vehicle. But this, as you know, is not a question to the car. In second place in financial losses, replacing the upper part of the steering column, if the bearings are overwhelmed in the mechanism for adjusting the angle of inclination (rarely, but it happens). In addition, by 120,000150,000 km, a steering gear can pour or flow. It will also have to be changed. But the hoses of power steering can sweat for a very long time. With their replacement, you can not rush.
A feature of the brake brakes is that the inner pads wear out faster than the outer ones. This is a normal phenomenon. But the brake discs do not like overheating troops. If you go carefully without braking to the floor, the discs withstand three sets of pads.

Despite the absence of a separate frame, Grand's body is very tough. Therefore, if the previous owner was not engaged in off -road extreme, there should be no problems with him. Among the characteristic body sores of mechanics, only the failures of shock absorbers of the fifth door are noted, the stems of which for some reason are covered with rust, from which they stop working.
Nevertheless, before buying, an experienced tin must carefully inspect the car from the bumper to the bumper. The fact is that the Granda body has one unpleasant feature. The blow received in one place can get out anywhere. Therefore, the car is often sold after a cosmetic repair, making sure that the full -fledged body restoration after the accident will be unreasonably expensive. And if you, God forbid, will get into an accident, do not rush to take money from the culprit on the spot, assessing the damage to the eye. Perhaps the consequences will be much more serious.
The Grand salon, abundantly stuffed with electronics and servo drives, has been presenting much less surprises than you could expect. It happens that the heating elements are burned out in the pillows of the front seats. If the machine is equipped with climate control, the heater speed controller may fly. But these are trifles in comparison with the electrical problems of the predecessor.
With serious money, when the immobilizer unit or engine controls can be burned only if you unskilledly set the alarm or twist a speedometer before selling. But here, as they say, the greed of Fraer ruined. Today there are good specialists in both alarms and speedometers.
What is the price
Replacing the shock absorber of the door (1 pc.) $ 85
Replacing the heating element of the seat $ 135-170
Replacing the heater control regulator $ 380

Like any American car, Grand Counts are woven from contradictions. What is worth at least a supporting body on a dependent suspension. However, a rare alternate of this class has such a bright and attractive character. Many Grand just really like it. Like to fanaticism. And this is the main point.
Of course, by reliability, the jeep cannot be compared with Toyota or Mitsubishi. Take at least transmission sores. Japanese all-around at the age of 34 do not even know about such problems. But to include the admirer of the Grand in the direction of Prado or Pajero is the same as campaign for the collective farm. Such people have their own cockroaches in their heads. And if the new Grand Cherki has become much more reliable than the predecessor (and this is a fact), they will take it. Not only used, and new too.
But the used Grand has a very serious motivation price. If the new V8 limited costs $ 57,00059,000, then a similar three -year -old from America or Canada is $ 27,00029,000. A laredo with a in -line six $ 24,000,26,000. Try to find equivalent prado or Pajjero from Europe for the same money.
In addition, the assets of the Grand Counts are traditionally American availability of original spare parts. The numbers that you see do not look frightening at all. But these are spare parts and services from the branded Kraisler Technical Center.
Alexander Konov, photo Alexander Sadovnikov
Source: Magazine "Limousine" [06/03]