Hyundai Accent 4 doors since 2006 sedan

In search of a pearl

A budget sedan is fate: prestigious, but must be practical. Anatoly Fomin chose an inexpensive car for everyday needs. Photo: George Sadkov.
Geely Otaka
Since the summer of 2007, a car has been assembled at the Amur factory in Novouralsk.
Engine: gasoline 1.5 l (94 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical.
Configurations: MT-1, MT-2, MT-3.
Price: 291 500 - 323 700 rub.
Lifan Breez
The car appeared on the domestic market in September 2007. Assembled at the Derweis factory in Cherkessk.
Engine: gasoline 1.3; 1.6 l (88, 106 and 116 hp).
Gearboxes: mechanical 5-speed.
Complete: DX, CX, LX, EX.
Price: 273 500 - 342 070 rub.
Lada Priora
The car is a deep modernization of Lada -110.
Engine: 1.6 l (98 hp). Gearboxes: mechanical, 5-speed.
Configuration: norm.
Price: 282 500 - 293 600 rub.
Hyundai Accent
In 2002, Russia - the Taganrog Automobile Plant appeared in a long assembly genealogy machine.
Engine: gasoline 1.5 l (90 and 102 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 4-speed automatic.
Configurations: MT1 (GL), MT2 (GL), MT3 (GLS), AT4 (GL), AT5 (GLS).
Price: 293 700 - 386 700 rub.
Fiat albea
One of the first world cars since December 2006 are assembled in Russia, in Naberezhnye Chelny.
Engine: gasoline 1.4 liters (77 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical.
Complete: Base, Classic, Comfort.
Price: 322 000 - 382 000 rub.
These cars are hardly someone's dream. Rather, a reasonable choice between acceptable appearance, running qualities, price, equipment.
As you call the boat, so it will swim, however, sometimes more important is memorization than goodness. In Ukraine, a similar car assembled at the Kremenchug factory wears the SK index. The car from Novouralsk is practically no different from Kremenchug.
At first glance, Gili-Otak looks advantageous, despite the radically black color. The passion of compatriots does not find a logical explanation for him. The grate and headlights of Gili with a claim to a more solid and well -known car, because the black color does not look like a grotesque. However, after washing, solidity disappears, since the Mercedes headlights fog up tightly and completely depart only after prolonged work in highlight mode. The filling neck of the gas tank categorically does not accept the gas pistol. We decided to refuel - holding a gun in your hand, a neat stream of gasoline in the tank. Do not own this skill, call for help the personnel of the gas station is interesting whose mistake is it: Russian or Chinese?
The driver's place is quite acceptable for a person of medium height. The pillow is adjustable in height and angle of inclination, the range of longitudinal adjustment is sufficient to a thin driver up to 185 cm tall. The tall or complete will complain of a wide console, an overhanging roof and a small doorway. A powerful, expanding downward, the middle stand of the body is pretty difficult to land, but, I want to believe, promotes passive safety.
The rear passengers are much worse - trying to free the space, the pillow was lowered to the floor and was extremely reduced. Formally, an adult man will even fit above, without resting on the ceiling, but sitting on a narrow low bench for more than half an hour - pleasure below average. It is convenient only for a child for 7-8 years old, but he is supposed to the trunk of a children's chair is the most modest in the test, but with a wide opening. In the red - protruding loops and an inseparable back of the rear seat.
I want to expand the river adjustment range up - the steering wheel blocks the devices. The signal of the left turn on the shield does not work, apparently there is no contact or the lamp has burned out.
On the course of Otak, a nimble and rather noisy. A long gear shift lever is with a huge longitudinal stroke, but it works clearly. Despite the stretched transfer numbers, the car accelerates well even from low revolutions. In the technical characteristic, it was possible to find the now forgotten parameter: the speed of the minimum stable movement in the IV gear is 25 km/h. It looks like the truth. The pedal node was not pleased - the driver with the size of the leg is more than 44 or in winter boots is doomed to step on two pedals at once.
Having shown acceptable dynamic qualities, Otaka disappointed with handling. Energy -intensive and hard suspension swallows well -baking pawks well, but it does not know itself in corners. The rolls and delay are great, do not correspond to the first impression of a light car. Ottaki's fades are contributing to the notorious behavior of the hydraulic wrap. In addition to the sensation of an empty steering wheel on a straight line, it acts differently when turning left and right and frighteningly bites with quick maneuvers. To top it off, the steering wheel is incorrectly installed during assembly - when moving directly, it is turned to 30 degrees. Unpleasant viscous brake pedal with great effort and unexpected operation ABS completed the assessment of running qualities: for a modern car, it is unacceptable.
Initial ventilation added negative impressions: at first, it was just cold in the car. When the stove crane under the hood turned to the right position, the salon began to warm up at the very least. But the fan was noisy for a long time, trying to restore the transparency of the windshield in a machine with freshly washed rugs.
Don’t get off with such data .. Even two airbags and ABS are not able to change the attitude to the machine.
Of course, this is not a fantastic elephant, but a very curious car is a lifan -breeze. Somewhat gang, it is still perceived quite adequately, and in black (!) The color seems much less than it is. The middle stand shifted forward shares the interior almost in half, hinting at the fullness of the rear seats. The trunk is completely exemplary. Even instead of the declared 630 liters, we measured only 444, but such a hold in this class comes across at all often. Moreover, the shape of the hide does not imply a roomy trunk. Its volume is the merit of primarily a torsion rear suspension, which allowed to lower the floor and clean the opening between the wheeled niches.
But from the point of view of controllability, the suspension is difficult to appreciate positively. Inconsistency is very noticeable. The front hand is trying to follow the movement of the steering wheel, and the ass, like a bad dancer, is late on the Power. The result of such dances on a soft and weakly picked rear suspension is unpredictability in a bend. At speed, the car is confidently screwed into the turn, then suddenly throws the rear axle into the skid. Especially unpleasant on a wavy road.
The driver's seat was not pleased: a wide and flat pillow, a short and also flat back, a low headrest without fixation, flying away when trying to raise it higher. This is not a nit -picking, but justified security requirements. A small longitudinal course of the seat limits the convenience of planting tall drivers. The position of the steering wheel is also not optimal, and not only for high -part, I wanted to push the steering wheel 30-40 mm. But the breeze traveling from behind offers almost limousine, if not comfort, then space.
The lively temperament of the motor is emphasized in short transmissions, but they are able to only disguise the weakness of the bottom. It was not possible to hide the noise: at 4000 rpm and 120 km/h, the ride is small. City riding makes you switch more often than you want. There are no special complaints to the pedal node - even the owner of the 47th -sized boots with it will be taken, although the effort and reactive effect of pedals leave much to be desired.
Another source of noise is the ensemble of the buzzing fan and cheerfully whisting deflectors. Even at the second speed of the six fan, its sound dominates in the cabin. True, it blows strongly, hotly and where it is necessary, which, combined with the fastest heating of the motor, makes the lifan winter -hardy.
In the arsenal of safety tools - a driver's pillow and non -working adjustment of the front belts in height. I hope that in the modernized machine these shortcomings are eliminated, ABS and EBD are also promised.
What are the priorities?
The appearance of Priora is noticeably different from dozens, but with all due respect to its creators, this is only a deep restyling model from the mid-1990s. The main ergonomic solutions are from the same era. An undoubted plus - the body looks much careful, although not avant -garde.
In numbers, many qualities are impressive. Maxi -boy, acceleration, elasticity - everything is at an excellent level. It is even more pleased that by the economy of Priora, almost better than a weak fiat. And what a smooth course with an impressive energy intensity of the suspension! And is it possible not to praise the electric power amplifier - more economical than hydraulic? And the Nashensky road clearance? So why only the third place?
The fact that the pillow of the driver's seat feels like a kul with semolina porridge is not yet trouble. As well as the lack of longitudinal steering wheel adjustment. The clarity of the gear shift mechanism leaves much to be desired. But the main claim to the driver’s place is the leg of even a modest 43rd size in winter shoes now and then stuck between the brake pedal and the console cladding. This trap has been remembered since the time of a high panel.
Knowing firsthand knowing the grooming of Russian roads, the VAZ experts added plastic limiters on the sides of the windshield, which prevented the mud from it on the side of it. They seem to cope with the task, but aerodynamic noises dominate after 80 km/h, which was not on the top ten. Another modernization affected heating and ventilation. Priora has a regular control unit instead of climate control. It became it is more reliable and better, but the recirculation regime was donated. It is hardly necessary to explain why a resident of a big city needs him. The explanation that the regime was removed due to fogging glasses with illiterate use, does not withstand criticism. I do not conceal that the heating of this prior has become effective only after a serious refinement of the system and the compaction of all pipelines in the technical center of the ZR. There are no luxury versions with air conditioning yet.
In the width of the salon of Priora, it is worthy of its class. But an attempt to make a higher landing in a low car led to the fact that even medium height, the driver rests on the ceiling. However, thanks to the pillow, which literally spreads under his weight. About the same at the back.
We have already written a lot about the running qualities of Lada Priora. They are acceptable, but not outstanding. Unfortunately, the transfer number of the steering is still sharpened under the mechanism without an amplifier. But he finally began to work tolerably. Honestly, it is not clear why it is necessary to twist the steering wheel so much.
I create comfort for myself
An old acquaintance, an emphasis from Taganrog, remains popular. A neat appearance, a low glazing line, visibility on the head exceeds more modern analogues. Yes, a low landing is not in fashion now, it seems to be inconvenient to climb into the emphasis, but this is in the end it is a matter of habit. A modest driver's seat in size is convenient for both thin and complete. The height adjustable in height solved the problem of visibility of devices for tall. Maybe the rear seat devoid of head restraints is also a way to improve visibility?
The car is understandable in management, quite dynamic, has pleasant liveliness. But to expect sports success from him is unreasonable, as well as records on stopping or when braking with 100 km/h. The emphasis is rather convenient home slippers, but not high -tech sneakers or fashion shoes. Considering it from these positions, you see many shortcomings as a continuation of advantages.
The low energy intensity of the suspension, combined with a small road clearance, makes it be extremely neat on ground or broken roads and slow down in front of the waves on the asphalt. But the suspension is comfortable, the noise and concussion on minor coating defects. The rounded features of the interior are not irritated or remembered - it is simply convenient here. A 102-horsepower engine sounds with a light dissonance of comfort. He sings too loudly for his 1.5 liters, and at high speeds and at all the vocalist is not in moderation. A four -speed automatic machine with a soft hydrotransformer reduces the engine ambition to a modest, but quite energetic sprint. So run to the kitchen for running borsch. By the way, the mechanical emphasis is also not too fast - the stomach is smoothed out of the stretched gears. Plus - fuel savings.
The hydraulic steering wheel amplifier is even in the cheapest configuration. The GUR copes with his duties, except that the reactive effect is sluggish. However, you quickly get used to it. Note that in general, the car does not require addiction.
Let's try our pearls?
Fiat albea is far from a new car. The Russian premiere took place last year, but the real birthday was celebrated 12 years ago: then the car was called Palio. The platform and units have not changed since then.
A peculiar tall silhouette distinguishes the Italian in the stream: it is difficult to recognize as a relative of high-speed alpha romeo. A tall roof, a tall kurguza back, a slightly reduced waist line - not a hint of swiftness. But in a car with a base of 2439 mm, four above average height can be accommodated. Is this result not worthy of praise? Especially taking into account a convenient and very spacious trunk, who only lost a little to the vast hold of Breeze. Without doping in the form of a compact torsion suspension and complex folding loops.
With a driver’s place, not everything is so good. A good seat did not fall into the desired range of adjustments, so even a high driver has to raise it to ensure a convenient landing. Fortunately, a high salon allows.
The sign of the budget of Albea - soft plastic was not used in the interior decoration. But the lack of extraneous noise in a car that has run over 30 thousand km convinces of the practicality of such a decision. In conditions of moderate winter, the efficiency of heating and ventilation is sufficient, however, a long heating of the engine is unlikely to delight the townspeople who are familiar with short trips. In the summer, it is no wonder to catch a cold: the central deflectors of the panel are too low.
On the go, the main claims are to a rigid suspension and a weak motor. Unfortunately, good energy intensity has been achieved too much cost - the level of comfort leaves much to be desired. Fiat showed good handling on different types of roads. Of course, he will not be at the mountain serpentine, but still pleased with the sensitivity of the steering, not straining, however, on a long trip.
The modest motor of miracles does not show, except that it confidently disperses the car in the first and second gears. But thanks to long gears and a small working volume of the engine, the suburban consumption can be lowered below 6 l/100 km. A two -band onboard computer makes it possible to analyze your control style, helping to become an environmentally responsible driver.
The same fiat with a slightly different appearance and a more powerful 1.7-liter engine was produced in China under the name of the pearl. Practically - the pearl. There he suffered a complete fiasco (sales of less than 300 cars per month). It is a pity that such a sedan was not offered in time the Russian market - the chances of success would have increased significantly. However, while the fate of the Russian peral is already successful.
National question
All cars according to the passport - Russian origin. And therefore, the buyer has the right to make his complaints to those who minted VIN, and not to those who stamped body parts or collected engines. Manufacturers are responsible for the final product - even those that are more accurate to call distributors. We hope their competition will benefit the consumer.
Anatoly Fomin:
All cars are imperfect to varying degrees. From frankly raw Otati through relatively acceptable breeze and prior to a rather decent accent and Albea leads a long road of design and technological experience. None of the five does not go to the modern level ... Why, for production in our country, they choose not the most successful models -do not give different ways?
Geely Otaka - Close, does not shine with the quality of the assembly. Decently accelerates, but extremely unreliable behaves on the road. It looks better than traveling.
General assessment 6.7
+ Rich equipment, good acceleration dynamics, a painful motor.
- A tight salon, an uncomfortable rear seat, a mediocre heating system, sluggish brakes, urgent ABS work, fuzzy steering wheel, disgusting operation of the hydraulic power steering.
Lifan Breez is still damp and uncertainly on the road, but with careful refinement there is a chance to get a decent car.
General assessment 7.1
+ Spacious salon, huge trunk, rich equipment, good acceleration dynamics.
- Unknown front seats, contradictory settings of the front and rear suspensions, a noisy motor with weak traction at low speeds.
Lada Priora - it seems to be new, but, in essence, a rather elderly car. Good for long trips on Russian roads.
General assessment 7.4
+ A powerful engine, comfortable and energy -intensive suspension, good acceleration dynamics, small fuel consumption, large
ground clearance.
- The cramped, especially behind, salon, mediocre seats, aerodynamic noises, primitive heating system, slow steering wheel.
Hyundai Accent - the old horse will not spoil. But there is no need to expect new talents from him. Solid design, good performance.
General assessment 7.6
+ The painful motor, low noise, an excellent build quality, a comfortable driver’s place, excellent visibility.
- Small energy intensity of the suspension and road clearance, a small volume of the trunk.
Fiat albea is the construction of an elderly, but at one time it is made with a good margin. The units would be more tender
General assessment 7.7
+ Spacious salon, large trunk, high road clearance, low noise, good economy.
- A weak engine, stretched gear rates, mediocre dynamics, hard suspension.




Source: The magazine "Driving"