Test Drive Honda Civic Sedan since 2012 Sedan

Chevrolet Cruze, Honda Civic, Ford Focus: In Space and On Earth

The hatchbacks are increasing more approved in our lives, rearing the place from the sedans under the sun. With three of them, including a couple of new products, we met.
Alas, the reference hatchback focus with a 2-liter 150-strong motor could not be obtained. But the novelties were an almost perfect pair: the Chevrolet-Cruz worker (1.8 liters, 141 hp) is opposed to the design and price of Honda Sivik hatchback (1.8 l, 142 hp). Well, our focus, editorial: 1.6-liter, 125-strong, with mechanics than again differs from automated rivals. Many from the very beginning it seemed that Ford was doomed to losing. It turned out not quite so
From the side of practicality
Emotions overwhelm, distract from work, make it again and again take the door handles, feel the eyes of the hubbird of the rear lights. Ground on an impractical front svel and admire the quality and architecture of the interior. I do not like the beaten comparison, but I admit: the current Sivique is still cosmic. This is a special world, a special relationship with the car, to which, regardless of it, I do not like, is difficult to stay indifferent. Some challenge stereotypes, spent schemes and solutions. In general, Cruise and Focus are still in the shade.
Someone compares Honda with a discharged Christmas tree. Those who managed to ride on this holiday of life are not delighted with blurred and unnaturally slow acceleration dynamics. When communicating with Sivik, two people are constantly fighting in you. One is delighted with high-quality and original surroundings, cozy, soft plastics (circle, for example, similar and not dreamed), numerous settings of everything and all, bright devices and a two-zone climate, as well as a large green button designed to make you a tary fan of economy. It is in Honda!
The other turns out to be an equally tary skeptic. He absolutely not like a two-level instrumental combination, which is clearly inconvenient. Not to mention the banal illumination of digital scales on the bright sun. Performance chairs are perfectly ordinary, albeit with adjustable support and lateral support. And their back is short. In short, the space is pale, it is worth remembering the criteria of practicality. Although debating with themselves, you notice a big and comfortable trunk, approve of the filigree work of the rear seat transformation mechanism.
Cruise looks smoothly so easier how different is its price. Its range ends approximately where the price list of Sivik begins. And therefore, Chevrolet is hardly worth waiting for revolutions. The interior is mostly gray shades. The same gray seat upholstery option, the usual contours of the rigid front panel. Here, designer creativity was immediately sent in the direction of rationalism, so it looks very restrained, especially against the background of a stylish and richly equipped Japanese. Nevertheless, Cruise turns out to be quite comfortable. The driver's seat has a good distribution load, a huge range of longitudinal adjustment. Pleasant look of turquoise scales, Russified Menu of the Main Display, Conventional Climate. Yes, and spaces above your head is noticeable.
Focus in special performances does not need, it has already been said about him. According to habit, criticizing the closet of the cabin, but I immediately pay attention to that in a well-planned seat, sitting quickly, without long jacks and fitting. The back is high enough, and side support is fit. The focus at all immediately puts everything in places, being somewhat ordinary, and somewhere bright, modern and convenient. Independent devices, logical displays of additional information, high-quality plastic, two-zone climate, verified controls. From time to time, sitting on the right complains that in Cruz, and in Honda felt rampant, but immediately agrees that Ford is quite convenient, he simply dictates some kind of rigor of landing. So we will not be too picky: with reservations, but there is enough space and in front, and behind.
About too peaceful, not at all the gasoline character of the Fords engine, we have already spoken earlier. Motor dislikes sharp pressure on gas and instantly cool the dust driver of the reaction with the driver. Here you have to harm smoothly, it was earlier to switch, using how on a diesel engine, mostly medium revolutions. That's, the focus will appear assertively and dragovito, but only at the most tops (and this is more than 5,000 rpm) will allow themselves to be finally full return.
But the car is comfortable even on the most mediocre covers and very quiet. Pendants alien sharp, tough shocking. In this case, Sedoki enjoy excellent insulation. The latter emphasizes specifically, because the rivals are a little different in this way. Add good brakes to Ford portrait and interesting handling, thanks to which the hatchback passes the most complex and high-speed turns on rarity easily and easily. As a result, with the exception of the motor, the focus is a driver's credit.
Cruise against the background of Ford seems rough. Of course, he can sharply start from the scene. Yes, what is the sense, if all the fuse immediately end, going to the unavailable and unhurried set of revolutions? Here is the problem in large differences between the transmissions and the shavy character of the machine gun itself. The city does not manage to find a common language with him. Cruise does not go, the sluggish reacting to the accelerator, on the contrary, the jerk rushes forward.
The difference with Ford in the level of sound insulation is so obvious that it can be appreciated without instruments. But we still turn to the measurements: when accelerating from 0 to 100 km / h in the Cruise salon, there is such a roar that the device fixes the testimony over the focus of 6 (!) DB. It's a lot. Well, when it is possible to find an acceptable compromise: you are extremely smoothly working as an accelerator, and the engine does not irritate the engine.
Chevrolet and interesting handling should not boast. But the dense suspensions are canceled with most irregularities.
Well, what is Sivik? Against expectations, he is not at all athlete. The chassis settings at first conquer the high smoothness of the course that does not characterize the previous generation. On a smooth road, Honda demonstrates not only the remnable comfort, but also the chain of the brakes and the collected, directly perfect behavior.
But something interferes with the delight to the fullest. Maybe far from perfect sound insulation? Of course, Sivik is not Cruise, his engine sounds where nobleness, but the device is inexorable, fixing the difference with a focus of almost 5 dB when overclocked from place to hundreds.
The engine of the engine of the new Sivik is not at all Hondovsky, tangible acne appears only after 4500 rpm. Probably, this can be explained by a burden for efficiency. But even in the Sport Hatchback mode with 142 horses under the hood starts, as if in the frames of a slow filtle film. The right, on his background, the slow focus is not so bad. Obviously, Sivik will still detect temperament and start response to the accelerator immediately, but this will happen only if you do not use the green button, sharpened to achieve maximum efficiency
And the car is noticeably transformed, it is worth it to be on a broken road. Comfortable pendants suddenly scatter, making hatchback jumping and completely not protected from Colds. Disappears and verified handling. Honda loses the collaboration and accuracy of reactions, begins to scour. It's a shame, but you have to admit: this car is not ready for surprises of provincial asphalt. The monitoring roads laid it on both blades, forcing the priority primarily with the crois and then focus.
To the court asphalt
I foresee how the Honda fans at all and the new Sivik, in particular, will reproach me in the eaps of Ford. As well as cruise admirers, probably considering hatchback along with a sedan very successful, practical acquisition. I do not argue, every car has a lot of advantages. Nevertheless, it was the Ford Focus that has become not only a peculiar point of reference for beginners, but also a clear leader in many categories.
Honda-Sivik berry from another field, growing marketers and engineers, it seems to be fully agreed. Some were responsible for brightness and innovation, others for driving and practicality. Well, we stayed in bewilderment: for whom this hatchback was created worth more than a million rubles, absolutely not adapted to most of the roads of Russia?
Chevrolet Cruz does not cause special emotions, but deservedly earned a number of estimates well. After all, it is best prepared for non-ideal coatings and is well equipped. But before the test leader still a little short. So, there is where to strive.
We will go to the little things
Computer technologies at the focus now in honor, but why is the usual flash drive stuck so uncomfortable?
Seese to the driver's seat, without touched by the knee of the shear head of headlight, is almost impossible.
It would seem that nonsense wheel control head. However, in Chevrolet, it works so unfortunately that it is necessary to constantly check with the symbol in the instrument combination.
The glare in the sun is still Polbie. How to cover the road, speedometer and other devices separated in Honda at different levels, a difficult mystery.
At the minimum level of noise, Ford Recordsman, and not only in its class. Good and average fuel consumption: in a rustic 300-kilometer mileage of 6.4 l / 100 km.
Due to the low floor (the exhaust system is laid on the right threshold) with the rear seat of Sivika, you can create unimaginable things. We almost did not use the green economy button (the car is not going!), Nevertheless, the average fuel consumption (with a machine gun) is 7.3 l / 100 km. By the way, the Honda onto board can be believed.
Alarm, Automatic Parking and Outline Ford Parktronic is not inferior to Honda, except for the missing rear view camera.
The luggage compartment of the cruise perfectly approached our measuring cubes: they simply easily perfectly. At the same time, under the raised floor, a full-fledged outlet. But at the fuel consumption, it is not the leader: 9.1 l / 100 km.
Sergey Voskresensky:
Pissible to emission a rare case in runs. Do not be surprised, but it happened again with Honda and to some extent characterizes the energy intensity of its suspensions. Instead of the right front wheel, it was necessary to establish the dock, pumped up, by the way, in all the rules. After some time, the symbol of incorrect pressure in the tire was lit in Honda, and another 70100 km, the driver began to complain about the rumble, resembling the sound of the resulting bearing. Inspection did not give anything, but the wheel hub Yes, and the drive disk was breathing with heat. Electronic lock? A stabilization system that has worked on the difference in diameters? The instructions in the car did not turn out, but the dock still rearranged and this time we got safely to the house. Verdict: Take care of the wrong sink, Motorianitsa modern electronics (and Sivik, in particular) does not like. At least in front.

The architecture of the front panel of the cruise in its own way recognizable and interesting. Spoils the overall impression only hard plastic.

Honda toolkit at height: comfortable, adjustable steering wheel, fashionable perforated pedals, stealing petals, digital speedometer.

In focus, alas, sit is crowded. But comfortable! Especially liked the front chairs.

Cruise devices are well read, pleasant and their turquoise backlight.

If not the notorious two-levelness, Honda devices would be the best.

Only the arrogant is annoying, persuading go to the next gear. Everything else suits.

The trunk at the cruise is not the biggest, but is planned perfectly.

Sivique has the luggage compartment deepest and spacious.

In crowded but not mad? Focus trunk, alas, too modest.


A source: For Rupem.