Test Drive Ford Excursion 2000 - 2005 SUV

Gulliver in Liliput countries

SUVs are small, medium and large. And it happens Ford Exsursion. Compare this passenger model of American pickaxation is simply nothing with. Giantomania is accomplished by absolutely everything from a 6.8-liter V10 motor, hidden under lying at the level of the shoulders of the tall pedestrian, to the luggage platform at the end of the car, melting, already two additional rows of seats.
Missed it seems that EXSURSION is just an inflated Expedition with a changed face. But having parked them near, you realize that in all respects, even the largest expedition is lost on the background of a monumental excursion, it is like comparing model classes machines on a scale of 1:24 and 1:18 Even unfavorable will see a huge difference between them! The frightened species of the grille and the bumper, torn by chrome almost in the meter from the ground, will even affect the strongest nerves and instantly make it come to the right even the most daily heights on large and steep (as they think about themselves) machines with flashes and tricolor numbers.
To get to the EXCURSION salon through the enormous doorways, you have to use the steps. Door handles, explicitly borrowed from the truck, are unusually open in the vertical plane. We will be supplied with a European version that has, among other things, two separate armchairs in front, unlike a spacious three-seater sofa intended for the US market. The front armors are spacious, but made without a hint on any support side or poplite. The landing is typically American, the steering wheel is adjusted only on the angle of inclination, and under it from the column sticks to the Kocher 3-speed ACP with the OverDrive mode button in the end. By the way, this mode is used, it is turned on or off, it is impossible for some reason that there is no corresponding test lamp.
Overview Back through the inner mirror is minimal. But huge side lops are noticeably expanding the horizons. In their reflectors, red LEDs dubler turn signals were attached. The bright arrows they flash along the outer edge of the mirrors, and the light is directed directly back, and not into the driver's eyes. The reason for such an illumination lies in the oversized length of the extension of this tour bus (however, for the entire test for this no one never dare) can, and without understanding the true length of the excursion, it is already able to minimize the stern signal and only in the mirror A huge jeep will restrain. Passengers this Ford will rather delight in the second row in the second row, and if you wish, there will be comfortable and comfortable there. Pendant on the third row (judging by the number of safety belts Triple) is easy. There are fourth (!) Row longitudinal rigid shop. We will fit on it, at best, a couple of slender children of small growth, and an adult will inevitably warm the top ceiling. Yes, and it is possible to get there only through a three-stranded fifth door, bouncing on a meter altitude. If you throw out this shop, and the rear armchairs tip over the luggage container is simply unmerced. And when you dismantle the third and fold the second rows of the cabin, you can ride a bike or teach a child the basics of the game in the fashionable golf.
Well, how on the main passenger site in front of the right? Sit is spacious and comfortable, but the legs greatly interferes with a tumor over the checkpoint, the floor is uneven, and find a comfortable position is not easy. The handles above the door are less than the palm of the adult man, and the door opens a non-serious for the jeep a plastic plate that does not fall under the fingers. Involuntarily thinking: really the largest and expensive Ford SUV worked in detail worse than his younger brothers Explorer and Expedition? It seems that raw deserutic samples came to us, on which they work out all the comments in the process of initial operation. And, probably, in the near future, most unfinished will be eliminated and stop annoying potential buyers.
No less questions arose with us and on the go. The dynamics of the machine weighing 3.2 tons are close to very rapid passenger samples, with amendment to explain slowness when starting from the place. The maximum speed of the passport corresponds to the speedometer digitization of 160 km / h. It is achieved easily and quickly, but the car, with a completely pressed pedal, is unpleasant to twitch. It is easy to let go of the gas and slow down the speed of kilometers to five electronics stops its attempts to strangle the motor, and the unpleasant effect disappears. Turns on Excursion passing on pure intuition to stay at a good move on the correct trajectory without proper skill very difficult. Orthodiy make themselves felt already on small speeds and the most unreasonable bodies. The car shakes with all the body, even on small Ughab, and on the major starts to grow threateningly. Curious observation than you go faster, the less jumps and races! Frequisopolum and choseli does not have time to break the heavy body, and after hundreds even the villagers are perceived as the Moscow asphalt of medium pair. And no breakdowns! After a short time, a sense of permissiveness appears easily for gas, it is possible, without disassembled the roads, to fly directly, the main thing, do not forget the ahead of you to put the steering wheel in turn.
Alas, from time to time you have to use the brakes. And here you will be waiting for unpleasant surprises. Several intense braking and pedal becomes a stake! The first thought: refused brakes! And then, when you give before the Avs triggering, the car is in no hurry to stop and reluctantly, but moves forward. The feeling that the brake path is more planned two times. And this feeling visited us with every slowdown. Probably a lot can be written off to the supernatural mass of EXSURSION. But, it seems, in such behavior there is a share of design flaws.
In addition, you, as a driver, lies another danger that carries in the Gallotor dimensions of the machine. When performing any maneuvers, you have to show high attentiveness and vigilance. After all, if there is nothing to move to OKU (not a river, but the famous Russian small car), it can be easily taken for a lying policeman. And if seriously the review is good here only by top, and most of the Liliput carcakes do not get this Gullivera even to the belt and are simply not visible on the right side! True, it's not difficult to drive around the city on this colossus, because, by envying it, the other participants in the movement, including the Militia Zhiguli with the included flashers, try to be careful and take care of the way to take right and give way to the road. So if you overtake and rebuild, without looking into the mirrors, most likely, Liliputs will scatter faster than Mahina swam in their direction. But this is fraught with the fact that if you're up of a member of the kettle, then according to the full program and, most likely, according to your own fault.
Moderate off-road is not a big problem for excursion. The colossal torque, wheels 265/75 R 16, not bad indicators of geometric patency allow no special risk to climb into civilized beeraks. It is very willing to go in the sand, almost not burned, if it is not sharply gasped. But on a viscous, clay soil, you can sit down quickly and overnight: under the three with extensive tons, the soft soil is pushing, and here it is worth turning on the reverse and carefully go back in its own rut. If you started the bounce, it is better to turn off the car right away, go out and think who is able to help you get out of the trap, if you boil around the bottom, an ordinary Excursion truck will not pull out. Or the cable will bloom, or next to himself. I wonder who in our country will buy Gullyer? We do not know how Ford Motor SO sees it., But the client seems to us first of all corporate. Having a most diverse Ford car park, why not fork on such a typical exotic area for American directions? So much space and places as Excursion can provide, as a rule, not only a family with children and a dog, but also the suspension of army friends with all its luggage.
By the way, interested consumers need to consider that this giant is not placed in a regular garage and on an automatic washing, and eats well for thirty-liters of the 92nd on a hundred. However, we, spoiled riding on a variety of jeep and pickles, Ford Excursion seemed worthy of attention not with consumer, but from a purely Russian point of view. Now it will be about what to talk to Cognac with the shortest owners of Chevrolet Suburban.
Vladimir Smirnov
Photo A. Nosdrin

Source: Cars

Test Drives Ford Excursion 2000 - 2005