Test Drive Ferrari Enzo 2002 - 2003 coupe

She crushed - in our hands Ferrari Enzo Ferrari and Pagani Zonda C12S, two models with champion's ambitions!
The meeting of the two prima dong of the world supercar was held in an exciting setting. On Pit Line Ring Val de Vienne, fans with lust expecting the appearance of Enzo Ferrari: where and when it will still be possible to consider this object of cult! Our fantastic convoy causes the surrounding wild delight. The appearance of Zonda with her shocking forms - a car, which I heard someone, but who had ever seen even in the photographs - makes confusion in the minds of the audience.
The contrast between the two creatures of designer thought is really amazing. It would seem that Ferrari went to Wa-Bank and made his flagship enzo so avant-garde, which even captures the spirit. But Zonda with its almost unearthly appearance and flourish headlights also literally fights. It is very curious to observe how in my everone another car completely distracts the attention of the enthusiastic public from the Majesty's Majesty's next to His Majesty! The rapid, but at the same time, the sophisticated Latin grace Zonda contrasts strongly with the desolate brutal outlines enzo in Asian style. Here it is, the visible embodiment of the correspondence duel of the two geniuses of the automotive style - the Ken Okuyama and Choracio Pagani!
This is the more intriguing, since both cars are an unequivocal interpretation of the same topic - Formula 1 chas. The form of the front bumper and the extended nose enzo is the reflection of the appearance of the unbeaten championship shells of Michael Schumacher, and Zonda his pointed fairing resembles the Mercedes silver arrows. Yes, and on the subconscious level, the opposition of the rivalry of these two road supercars is all the same continuation of the Ferrari and McLaren-Mercedes duel on the Formula 1 trails. With Enzo, everything is clear, this is the Plenipotentiary and Monopoly Ambassador of the Championship Scuderia Ferrari on the public roads. But Pagani, albeit with love and helping Mercedes AMG, has nothing to do with the legendary McLaren. But, perhaps, it is the Mid-Road Supercar Zonda with its chic atmospheric V12, decorated with a three-beam star, much more corresponds to the definition of the mass embodiment of the Formula 1 Mercedes car than the front-engine SLR MCLAREN with a supervised V8 ...
So, how long ago they speak car circles, Pagani Zonda is the shadow flagship of silver arrows! In addition, remember that Zonda's godfather, blessing a brand for existence, was the famous Argentine Juan Manuel Funiel - a legend man with whom the success of the Mercedes team in the Motorsport Queen is connected. Enzo - Mikhael Schumacher's sickness. So, the Messenger of the five-time world champion (Zonda) against the representative of the world champion of six-time (enzo) - it can be said that these two cars involuntarily fell out the glory of owners of 11 champion titles F-1! Is something not yet clear to you?
Enzo boasts a record for the serial Fer-Rari by the number of electronics and super-modern technologies. Zonda on this background may seem Cinderella. But this is a false modesty: In fact, Pagani cars are addressed to more subtle connoisseurs-collectors who are quite conservative and do not accept new-fashioned accessories in the spirit of PlayStation 2. Advanced technologies and know-how Zonda are not accepted outwardly, but successfully used in the design.
As true Italian, both divas begin to clarify relationships with checking the possibilities of their voice ligaments. The competition is theoretical character, because executive talents do not have a direct relationship to running and dynamic characteristics. However, the supercar of this level is the creation of almost supernatural, so the way it affects the ears of others, traditionally plays a colossal role! As if no doubt about success, Zonda challenges. And from the very first seconds, her vocal party leads viewers in a frenzy. Grand in their saturation bulk-like rolls, coming from quad exhaust pipes, cause mad delight.
Melody of the delightful V12 Mercedes AMG will not leave anyone indifferent. And the painstaking setting of the silencers themselves Horacio Pagani, a passionate Meloman and an amateur composer, makes this music inimitable. This is a majestic anthem, which is capable of one of the most acoustically gifted internal combustion engines! Guess how customers and acquaintances call Signora Pagani? Of course, Paganini! The magnificent melody performed by the Mercedes AMG orchestra under the guidance of Pagani, the changing tonality, continues to admire almost all modes and transmissions. Only on the highest revs - about 7000 rpm - the sounds of the engine somewhat lose the sublime drama, giving way to a more prosaic, rather technocratic ringing roar characteristic of most Mercedes motors on peak modes.
After such a concert, the Ferrari supercar is unceremonably returns the audience into the reality of the modern world, full compromises and contradictions. A deaf colorless carriage of the V12 under the transparent cap of the hood enzo no one would not even hear if the Zonda motor did not stop his song. Not wanting to complicate the process of mutigation of the car, Ferrari equipped his flagship with silencers-cerper, thanks to which only light drainage, reminding sounds published by the moped, are heard up to 5,000 rpm. Fortunately, the gathered soon got the opportunity to listen to Enzo during its races on the ring: in high revs V12 breaks away from the captivity of silencers and can demonstrate its true voice. But he surprises the experts: in the range of 5500-7500 rpm Engine sound ENZO is not like the classic voyage song of the Ferrari motor! And only on the top of the top, about 8000 rpm, up to the operation of the limiter per 8,200 rpm, enzo makes the desired groaning sound, resembling the Formula 1 cars.
And on such an engineering track, like Val de Vienne, where many slow violants, the melody enzo seems very strange. Approaching the straight to turn (6000-7000 rpm), the supercar only picks up the power of its voice, then the entrance to the turn begins, and the motor sound like melts: long ring bends, when turnover is below 5000 rpm, enzo passes almost silently, Only tire rustling is heard. Then, the formidable risks will again be shorted again, and again - silence ... strange, but there are such unpleasant second dips in the soundtrack between the shifts of the gear, when the roeva is not at all heard while the motor does not overcome this magic line at 5000 rpm. Only on a direct start-finish, where there is an opportunity to unscrew IV and V transmission to the limit, you can enjoy the formal sounds of V12. According to the general opinion, the sound of the Enzo motor is the most incomprehensible and inexpressive among all Ferrari. So, if a match with Zonda was limited only by vocals, Ferrari could not go on stage. But there are other program numbers ahead, and the struggle continues.
Before starting races on the ring, universal attention attracted machine salons. After some confusion in such an important for fans of the ENZO song contest, it is in a hurry to rehabilitate: the process of opening its winged doors produces an indelible impression! Only this adds the owner of the solidity machine in the eyes of ZEVAK! Little Functional Doors Zonda Open the most common way and, of course, compete with Ferrari wings cannot. The planting process in the cockpit confirms the image of Zonda as an authentic copy of Mercedes racing sport prodotypes for Le Mana.
High and wide lateral pontoon, glittering polished carbon, requires when landing straight a acrobatic skill. Against this background, Enzo presents a surprise: according to the standards of supercars, he has very low thresholds, therefore, in relation to landing / disembarkation, it is almost no different from ordinary machines. Very comfortably. True, unforgettable McLaren F1 (see No. 1, 2003), which enzo fully borrowed this solution (like the door design as a whole), due to the lack of massive side pontoon, provided a very unimportant protection in the side impact ... but when posting In the cockpit, the difference in the philosophy of two supercars becomes obvious.
The interior of Zonda is a comfortable cocoon for the spoiled owner who thought out to the smallest detail. It impresses the finest study of the original parts - from the smallest togglers to the seats and the front panel here everything is unique and inimitable. Taste, style, fantasy is just amazing! Spacious, luxury, comfort, refinement, and all this in combination with the status of an uncompromising supercar. And most importantly, the care of the Pagani salon at the highest level. Aluminum, skin and, of course, carbon! Cage is a favorite material of Horacio Pagani, on which he made his name and state. Ask any composite specialists, from what car with carbon body the highest quality and most beautiful carbon panels of the finish, and, without even hearing the question to the end, he will answer: at Zonda! The scrupulous choracio turned the processing process of carbon parts for its supercar right to the cult, and they become real masterpieces! The unhurried technological cycle it allows: baking carbon panels for each Zonda, their grinding and polishing occupy at the factory in San Cesario-Sul-Panaro ... for about four months!
If on the assembly line enzo in Maranello (this is just 20 km from Pagani shop) so ceremony with the construction of each copy of their flagship, for the release of 399 cars would take decades. Therefore, the interior of Enzo is the kingdom of functionality, where the content dominates over the form, everything is extremely strictly, in Spartan. The same abundance of polished carbon, aluminum and skin, but more and more modest, everyday. A completely black interior does not add charm, as well as the almost complete absence of stylish decorative elements. A visual assessment of the quality of materials and assembly is slightly above average even according to the standards of mass sports cars. It is a cockpit of a combat vehicle, so the design emphasis on High-tec, in particular, on a multifunctional steering wheel with a whole garland buttons and LEDs in the style of Formula 1 and beautiful carbon lesters of a sequential transmission. After Zonda, Enzo Salon seems very close, and the carbon buckets of the seats are very tough.
However, the main difference is that in the enzo you feel squeezed in a dark cockpit of the racing sport prodotype. Small side windows flow at least light, and at the same time create problems with visibility. And in Zonda, you bathe in the sunny rays - 90% of the upper sphere of the passenger cabin (including the roof!) Is glazed. Salon Pagani Zonda is a spacious aquarium, Enzo - a dusk capsule.
The air conditioner has both machines, but if it is effective in Zonda at a 40-degree heat, then in Ferrari only saves partly. Enzo Unlike Zonda is equipped with two frontal airbags, but the brake of Maestro Paganini, as expected, fascinating the bulk and quality of the Becker Hi-End stereo system with eight Clarion Pro speakers, including two monumental subwoofers. Ferrari flagship is absolutely indifferent to music, and here it is impossible to independently install a simple radio tape recorder. Finally, a comparison of these two machines unexpectedly allows us to evaluate such a miracle as Zonda electric windows! For a long time to twist uncomfortable handles enzo every time you need to pay in parking or highway, - real flour ...
Despite the harsh weight fighting, Enzo turned out to be much harder than the Zonda rich in the luxury accessories. The ones declared by Ferrari (1365 kg) causes doubts even at the chef testes of the firm Dario Benuni. Several inspections of independent engineering companies show that the weight of Ferrari is approaching one and a half tons. Zonda, on the contrary, became famous for its slim: according to the most pessimistic estimates, it weighs no more than 1250 kg. Of course, on a racing ring, this difference in a quarter tons affects immediately. Zonda immediately manifests an extraordinary liveliness, licking the devices with unrestrained enthusiasm and ensuring the ease and clarity of the pilotage at the instinctive level.
The front axle so fanatically overtakes in turn, which seems as if it is tightened there with a powerful pump. Enzo also demonstrates some heavily, maneuvering with Lenza and showing significant insufficient turning. The key role, of course, play stabilization systems. Zonda ESP acts straightforwardly: as soon as the electronics feels that there will be a breakdown of leading wheels, it shrouds lightningly. In general, you can attack, without worrying about stability, and the excellent chassis of Pagani thanks to its living character will still allow pilot to gain great pleasure, but to put the circle records with the ESP enabled, of course, it is unrealistic.
If you turn off the supervisioner and leave the driver one on one with a powerful and demanding supercaster, Zonda turns into a real fury. Machine reactions on accelerator pedals and brakes become sharp and dangerous. The minimum overdose of gas at the outlet of the viragee, and Zonda immediately breaks into a terrifying rotation. This machine without an ESP is a serious racing car, requiring a high professionalism of the pilot, a neat appeal and a thorough knowledge of the car hawves. If all these conditions are observed, then the attack behind the wheel Zonda is most similar to the pilot of the classic combat sportsprototype of the group C. If not, then the check-out of the disabled ESP will turn into a solid train of flights from the route and reversal. But the ASR on the Enzo is a thinner thing: on the ring with it, it is possible to allow a student walk, but not a pilot machine.
Insufficient turning, artificially caused by electronics, does not allow the pilot attempts. But in the OFF position and when the RACE mode is enabled, the stabilization system continues to work, already seeking to support racing ride style and smoothing the flaws of the chassis. Now the ENZO electronics is trying by all means attempts to find that kindest compromise between the maximum power utilization efficiency and optimal resistance on the trajectory. And although for an experienced pilot, the tireless intervention of the systems will be rather unpleasant, the result is not bad: enzo can be most reasonable to apply huge power on the ring, not suffering from its excess (as Zonda with an ESP disabled) or excessive infringement.
Ferrari allows you to drive faster also a semi-automatic sequential gearbox - on the ring it is more efficient than the traditional (with conventional clutch and clutch pedal) of the CIMA supercar Pagani brand. Of course, after a few tens of circles, enzo starts to appreciate the speed of this formula transmission, but the pilot process itself with such an automated control is not so fascinated as riding with classic switches on Zonda! The perfect lever movement, small moves, the highest inclusion accuracy, the first-class informativeness of the clutch pedal - no, this gentlemanic set cannot be called outdated! Let the change of gear and take place for a fraction of a longer longer, but the pleasure of these actions deliver much more: direct communication with the car and the driver enjoys natural reactions of the machine to their manipulations. This is truly male! Old good mechanical box Much fully transfers the sensation from the supercar control!
Zonda's steering with a powerful amplifier on the ring is simply great: jewelry accuracy and informativeness allow to calculate the trajectory to a centimeter. What you can not say about the steering of Enzo. The Pezhonian Formula Brancle itself is, of course, very convenient for grip, but due to the absolute emptiness of the steering wheel and its sharpness, the Ferrari management process requires great accuracy. It seems that the steering wheel rotates in itself, his informativeness is incredible, and both on the ring and on the road to feel the behavior of the front wheels is very difficult. So steering is, no doubt, the most unsuccessful node enzo!
In general, on this pretty slow ring with 15 devices, both cars are far from perfect weapons. Zonda is too violent and retirement, for the full implementation of the relica, it needs multi-kilometer straight and gentle turns, and Enzo is too inert, he also cool slow turns not to taste. However, it was on this highway Ferrari gains an advantage due to its phenomenal composite brakes. Zonda, too, slowly slows down canceled, but after a few laps in extreme brake mode begin to get tired. And the brake mechanisms enzo are just out of competition - they do not lose their effectiveness even after dozen circles of driving at the limit, and the deceleration intensity is simply stunned. On Ferrari, you can slow down 10-12 m in front of each turn than on Pagani, and this compensates for the annoying insufficient turning. In a word, a gearbox and brakes allow Enzo a little faster to pass this slow track, although, of course, the fiery temperament Zonda will give her pilot incomparably more emotions!
The same can be said about accelerating from the place. Mercedes AMG motor is inferior at Ferrari's power 105 hp, but thanks to the greater working volume, the wins in the torque is 100 nm, and still do not forget that Zonda is easier. So, according to official data, the dynamic indicators of the rivals are almost identical. But the phenomenal trap of the German unit on low revs simply shakes. At each of the first four gears, the recessed gas pedal causes a monstrous acceleration literally from 1500 rpm and passengers are subjected to ruthless press to the highest revolutions. This is the devilish catapult, a projectile for training for longitudinal overload! And all this is under intoxicating a stunning accompaniment of musical V12. Enzo starts overclocking sluggishly and only after 5000 rpm, as if sprinkling, sings and rushes in chase per seconds. Radiant spiter at high speeds, of course, is impressive, but it's not worth comparing it with unrestrained accelerations Zonda.
In everyday use on public roads, the ideal adaptation of Zonda to the role of the supercar for every day does not leave Ferrari flagship no chance. Pagani provides magnificent even for business class models. Comfort levels are not typical for the supercar. Several thousand kilometers behind the wheel of Zonda will not be tedious. And after a similar mileage on Enzo, it will take a very long stay - vibration and noises in the cabin are very intrusive.
Another source of inconvenience and concerns and in the city, and on the track - a sequential box Ferrari. With a moderate ride and small speed, it is distinguished by inconsistency and shifting switching, and maneuvering forward-back (reverse turns on the button and only through neutral, which is achieved by simultaneously holding both levers) - a special test. Mechanical Transmission Zonda is a real delicacy.
Both machines demonstrate a good smoothness for supercars. Finally, riding at maximum speeds: both cars can squeeze 360 \u200b\u200bkm / h along the speedometer. Moreover, enzo due to the greater power and the best bodice of the body develops the maximum speed faster. However, the difference in behavior on peak modes is huge. Old-fashioned Zonda aerodynamics - with a large fixed anti-cycle - guarantees significant clamping force: at 350 km / h, the car stands on the road as the iron on the ironing board. Believe me, even the driver with medium training will not be difficult to rush on Zonda at such a speed.
We often had to ride at a speed of 320-340 km / h and in the rain, and even on the rise! Avant-garde aerodynamic solutions of the maximum relishable enzo - advanced mini-spoiler and two tiny deflector at the headlight level are not able to compensate for the lack of the clamping force of the body itself. The car begins to reveal on the road after 250 km / h. And if you remember the fluff steering wheel, it becomes clear that riding the wheel enzo at maximum speed - lesson for brave pilots!
Of course, Ferrari, taking into account its inaccessible position, can afford to establish the transient price for a car in which saving on the details feels. The factory price (Tax-Free) enzo is not a small 600 thousand euros, and Zonda is 414 thousand euros! Although with almost a flow production of 399 copies of the model, the cost of each machine for the company from Maranello is incomparably lower than the cost of producing each Zonda at a piece, almost manual assembly. But here, you can say everything is honest. Ferrari on its flagship supercars deliberately earns super-profits, compensating for the gigantic costs for the content of its own brains of formula 1. Indeed, in general, due to its triumphs, road monsters with a stallion on the hood are bought in such quantities at any price, and despite the disadvantages. Image is more important!
The outcome of the star duel is just as discouraging, how unequivocally. The creation of Horacio Pagani unconditionally exceeds the flagship from Maranello in most key aspects. Zonda is harmonious and, if you wish, more soul, it mostly meets the specific requirements that the owners of elite supercars are presented to their chosen. The operation of the Pagani machine in the emotional plan is tangible richer than communication with Enzo. Design, quality of manufacture, practicality, comfort, dynamics, melody, handling - for all these parameters Zonda is simply the phenomenon of the entire global automotive culture. And the fact that the existing number of Zonda instances is 10 times less than enzo, also perceived by true collectors and connoisseurs as exceptional superiority. Paradox, but it was at this top level of the automotive industry a small specialized company can exceed - and mentally, and technically - the best model of a recognized leader, the giant of the supercar business. Our test showed that in the highest light of the automotive society there are prep-a-port products (Ferrari) and from-Kutur (Zonda)!
However, a summary of the type If you are going to spend a whole condition for a supercar, choose Zonda, and not enzo, it would be at least naive. In this narrow circle of automotive snobs, only units manage to overcome the adolescence in front of the magical power of the machines with a stallion on the hood. But in order to escape from the Ferrari captivity, each collector must first go through the long stage of the devotional service Marannello, choosing, as if zombies, products of only this company.
Communication with dozens of such clients of Ferrari every time convinces us that these are real brand prisoners blinded by the image of Scuderia Ferrari and who do not want to hear any other brands. Surprisingly, for Ferrari supercar clients, this is not the final step of enthusiasm, but, on the contrary, the very first step. Only after such an individual once simulates and realizes the obvious truth that he does not live for Ferrari, and Ferrari exists for it, then the rainbow perspectives released from the shackles. For example, in the form of the same Pagani Zonda.
Therefore, is it to be surprised that all four dozen of the owners of this is really the best supercar at the current moment have in their garage Ferrari F50, and more than half have paid for now and enzo? Only people who worslet before the top models of Ferrari and evaluating cars soberly and unbiased can postpone almost half a million euros for the supercar, on endless questions about the origin and brand of which they will have to answer all their lives - Pagani Zonda. But after all, Zonda is objectively better, why should I deny myself in possession of the best? - Here is a typical reaction of the owners of the machine. But why then also enzo in addition? GM ... To be able to compare and no longer give in to hypnosis of the stallion! That's why, beating the names of these two supercars - Enzo and Zonda, the owners of the latter invented the word-hybrid rendered to the title - Enzonda. In it, an exhaustive answer: only truly learning Enzo, you can consciously come to the selection of Zonda!
Ivan Vesnin
A source: Magazine "Autopanoram"