Test drive Audi A8 D3 2003 - 2005 Sedan

Audi A8 /3 months

For three months we were engaged in self -education. Autumn is coming soon, which means it’s time to school.
Management of such complex equipment as, for example, Audi A8, still requires certain knowledge and skills, which sometimes no 13-year driver’s experience can give, nor $ 130 thousand, which are the mentioned car.
We were able to make sure of all this by visiting Audi Cvatro driver’s driver’s skill on the Audi A8 test. The owners of the new eights often appear here. Moreover, it is the owners, and not their personal drivers. Two main reasons are two. Firstly, and this was also confirmed to us in Audi Quatro, a new car, without a doubt, is a more driver than its predecessor. Secondly, many car owners rightly prefer to possess a large amount of knowledge and skills, in order to then independently indicate to their staff to his mistakes.
+/- Such, at first glance, a simple thing as adjusting the seat. The peculiarity of landing in the new eight is a lot of seats. For example, popliteal pillows that can go far enough, and therefore even the legs of a basketball player will not get tired here. Only this freedom can sometimes come out sideways, because a comfortable landing is far from always the safest and most optimal for management. Say, the elevator of the seat pillow in the new A8 is such that you can easily rest your crown on the ceiling. Meanwhile, the lower we sit, the closer we are to the center of the weight of the car, which means that we understand it better. Therefore, the perfect height is when the chin is at the visor level above the dashboard. The back should not be thrown back, as during sweet sleep in an airplane, but standing more vertically so that the driver feels all the moments of tearing the rear axle and has the opportunity to extinguish the skid in the bud.
+ Back at the Driving School School, Audi Quatro will undertake you to put your hands. The steering wheel in A8 is recommended to be kept in position for 9 and 3 hours. The central knitting needles are precisely for this. Firstly, it is more convenient to work with steering wheel switches, and secondly, the habit of such a placement of the palms will clearly return the steering wheel from the stop to its original position. In general, the knowledge of what position you have a steering wheel and, accordingly, the wheels, is a guarantee of a safe ride, but in the new eight this is not so simple with this. In the car from the stop to the stop - two and a half turning of the steering wheel, but the step of the steering rack is alternating, in the center of its tooth is smaller, large along the edges. This means that when turning the steering wheel is less than ninety degrees, the front wheels are not so sensitive that it is convenient in parking or for simple maneuvers in the traffic flow. With a larger degree of rotation of the steering wheel to a larger angle, the wheels will also turn. You can’t remember this, you can only feel.
+ Another instructor will definitely draw your attention to the sequental box petals behind the steering wheel. It is believed that this method of manual switching is more progressive than the buttons that can be observed in A6 or A4.
The petals are active not only in manual or in sports mode. Therefore, if it is necessary to lower the transmission in the bend, when the kik-down is not appropriate, you can switch with your left hand. To return the car to the automatic mode, it is enough to push the checkpoint selector right and right.
-/+ for the fact that our Audi A8 even slows down the engine too much, we drew attention to the city of everyday drive. If you just release the gas, then the car may not get to the traffic light. On the BMW 745LI, also located in our temporary possession, a slowdown for discharge of gas occurs somehow more correctly. It is characteristic that the mentioned cars have almost the same mass, engine power and even the same ZF boxes, placed, however, in different cases. The difference we have noticed - the result of the difference in the settings of the logical systems Tiptronic Audi and Steptronic BMW. Plus, of course, all -wheel drive - if the car accelerates faster, then it slows down faster. This feature of the Audi A8 at the Driving School School is considered an advantage. In addition, under the pedal, you should always leave traction.
+ The use of the parking brake to change the trajectory of the car at the driver’s skill school is called the destiny of non -professionals. Moreover, the handbrake in the new Audi A8 is included in the key. Up to 30 km/h operates electric drive on the rear wheels. At greater speed, the brake force transfers hydraulics, and to all four wheels. Therefore, if in a turn you try to do something with a handbrake, this will lead to the demolition of both axes out of turn. In the movement, the parking brake is needed exclusively to stop the car when the pedal is refused or with sudden paralysis of the lower extremities-you will be given the opportunity to make sure that even at a speed of 100 km/h, slowing down will occur comfortably, without any displacements with the initial trajectory. As for the policeman turning around 180 degrees, it is achieved exclusively by swinging the car with a steering wheel.
+ The above exercise is done with the disconnected system of dynamic stabilization. By the way, in contrast to Mercedes-Benz or BMW, where ESP is triggered with delay, as if giving the driver the opportunity to try to cope with the drift, it intervenes almost instantly on the Audi A8. From the point of view of common sense, this is correct. After all, if you want to fight your own and with the road yourself, just turn off the ESP button on the central panel. True, the manufacturer recommends doing this exclusively when driving on loose ground or deep snow, as well as when trying to leave the enormous.
+/- But ABS- for the eating of driver pleasure- you cannot turn off here. If you remove the corresponding fuse from the block, then the car with automatic transmission simply will not start. This is on Audi AG called a protection from a fool.
+/- True, you can’t protect yourself from all fools. Even at the training ground, we had the opportunity to experience all the remarkable properties of the Audi A8 adjustable suspension - how it falls up with a sharp turning in Comfort and how impeccably whistles the same trajectory in Dynamic. It is only a pity that at the parking car, the car does not automatically lift into the Lift mode-tea is not Range Rover: and landing would be more convenient and somehow easier with borders. In the instructions on this score there is a ornate phrase: the height of the road clearance of a car left in the parking lot can change independently ... In a word, moving from the sidewalk exactly in front of the office of the driver’s skill school, we jumped off the left wheel from a high curb and signsly clasped the threshold. It was just scary to look at the destruction-from behind the wheel a split biably plastic, broken pillow sticking out. Imagine our surprise when the official service was requested from us ... $ 10 per pillow. The product will arrive in three weeks. The installation sentence is about $ 40. So now we can safely say that the new Audi A8 is in its own way a budget car that allows saving funds. At least for classes at the Audi Quatro school.
Text Grigory Mitin, photo Sergey Sherestnikov
Costs (June 24-- 20 July)
Mileage city/highway - 1700 km
AI-95 gasoline (318 l) $ 123
Moika $ 15
Fluid in the washer tank $ 8
Bracket platform $ 10
Total $ 15

Source: "Autopilot"