Test drive Audi A8 D3 2003 - 2005 Sedan

Without going into the intricacies of linguistics and confused German grammar, I would venture to express my preliminary opinion about the A8, formed in four months of close communication: eight is a male machine.
Here is an example. Using my official position for personal purposes, I took the car for the weekend home. Moreover, he gave the A8 to his wife, who was in need of movement around the city, and he himself went to the service to change oil, pads and so on on a family car. On Saturday evening, the spouse told about her impressions, which briefly boiled down to the following. Great: speed, comfort, music, climate. It is terrible: to be behind this car for a woman.
I did not believe. I asked me to ride in the back seat. I spent the two not the best in my life in my life as a passenger on Sunday Moscow streets.
Of course, not everything is so terrible. Although there is a share of truth. The fact is that in some gentlemen, especially those sitting behind the wheel of German production of second youth, literally blows the tower at the sight of a girl driving a new eight of Audi. First, they fall into a light stupor and do not understand what is the matter. Then, as a rule, they master themselves, make a concentrated-sustained face and move in the stream closer to the eight. At the first red traffic light, one such rider looks forward to forward and imperceptibly, but violently sticks the first gear. Pause .. Yellow! He is already two bodies in front: green! He almost hooked the dolytysh on the right. For a hundred meters, the second traffic light is already visible, which is about to blink green, and the rapid and brave car of the racer will definitely slip and make us, Chilean suckers, shamefully wait for his turn. But then a very banal, although a natural thing happens.

I sit behind, resting my hands on the back of the front seat and putting my left leg on the next rug. It is actually not supposed to sit - for security reasons, and the carpet tunnel will now have to be vacuumed. Yes, and hell with him, because exactly at the moment when I thought about it, the physical strength rudely and significantly pressed me to the leather collapse of the seat, for the laid for six seconds displaced the eight to a hundred, and the traffic light was far behind. The same racer stood on it. Of course, we drove almost to yellow, but my conscience did not allow me to scold my wife:
+/- To be a passenger A8 - easy and pleasant. It is necessary to say a hand on the heart, it cannot be argued that the rear passenger does not care who is driving and who sits in front. If, for example, a driver or passenger in front of more than 1.90 m, then it is better to spend the trip, contemplating the landscapes outside the window and quietly folding his hands to his knees. In this case, you can move them, lean forward and far away, etc. If the place ahead is empty (or the driver could not be tall), then you can afford to put your foot on your foot, stretch out almost in full growth and slowly smoke, for example, a cigar.
+ You begin to understand the advantages of climate control for the rear passengers only when you yourself find yourself in their place. I admit, first of all, I mastered children's locks - so that my two -year -old child does not press any buttons and keys, turned on the locks in just in a row. This played a cruel joke: at the height of the heat, the rear air conditioner stubbornly did not want to turn on. It turned out that it is blocked: along with the windows of the windows. It is sometimes useful to look into the manual
- I inserted the SIM card into the phone right away. Calling numbers from memory by pressing the button on the steering wheel is easier. The quality of the communication is wonderful: the interlocutors do not immediately understand that you are talking to them without hands from the car on a speakerphone. However, attempts to dial a new number turn into a serious test of the driver’s attentiveness, because it is necessary to simultaneously monitor the road, take the tube from somewhere under the armrest or in eight stages with confirmation to dial the display number using the MMI wheel wheel.
+ During the reporting period, two minor troubles occurred. The first - for some reason, the pressure fell in the front right wheel. I myself would hardly have learned about it. But thanks to the electronics, the car made me go to the tire fitting. First, on the dashboard, the inscription was displayed to check the pressure of the tires!, And the picture of the lowered wheel appeared. From the section, the tire pressure in the corresponding paragraph of the menu followed that the pressure in the front right by as much as 0.3 atm differs from the norm! It was marked with an alarming yellow color. With the same, notice, the right -wing temperature of all the wheels was clearly lowered. The reason, to my relief, was discovered quickly: right in the tread groove, an impressive self -tapping screw stuck out. How much to pump up? - the tire employee coped after inserting the fungus into the hole. Superior-kahai,-without leaving the cabin and looking at the display with tire pressure numbers, I replied proudly. - I'll tell you when enough ...
The second story is more indicative: sometimes you need to read the instruction manual. It says in red in white: check the oil level! I forgot: I again reminded of this, again, the on-board computer, which asked to add oil to the engine. This warning appeared when I drove along the Moscow Ring Road past the audi of the center of Rublevka, and the newly made dealers - thank you very much - at half past six in the evening a liter of oil was flooded for free.
Text Alexander Fedorov, photo Sergey Sherestnikov
Costs (July 20 - August 14)
Mileage city/highway - 1900 km
AI-95 gasoline (355 l) $ 132
Moika $ 12
Wheel repair $ 2
Oil Mobil 5W-40, 1 l. $ 0
Total $ 146
Source: "Autopilot"