Test drive Audi A8 D3 2003 - 2005 Sedan

Stars and rings

Winter 2001. In the early morning, I rush on the test Audi A8 on Kutuzovsky, carefully wrapped in wet snow. Left row, 100 km/h, absolute control over the machine and road. In the extreme right, they carefully reach for the owners on the ruble of S-classes. Black, tinted, armored, thinned by the most exhaust. However, even the presence of vigilant electronics does not allow well -trained gelding drivers to withstand the pace of all -wheel drive Avdotya. In a country where white flies and raw bad weather rule the ball for almost six months, it is almost impossible to come up with an alternative to a car in full drive.
For a long time, when Audi, like a Cinderella to the treasured shoe, broke through with its eight in the premium class, the main competitors from Munich and Stuttgart calmly reacted to the ambitious plans of Ingolstadt: with the offensive of midnight, your all-wheel drive carriage will still turn into pumpkin in this market. Other laws, and you put at least three more spare torsen in the A8 trunk, the picture of sales in the classroom will not change from this! However, pretty soon, when the descendants of the ferret returned to the origins and again began to perform in the top of the world in full, it was time to change even Mercedes.
Ironically, materials about the new A8 and all-wheel drive S-class appeared in the journal cars under one cover (N10/2002). After a trip to the company, our editor -in -chief regretfully noted that ... working together with an electronic exchange stability system, functionally replacing three blocking differentials, all -wheel drive, of course, makes the driver’s life in difficult road conditions easier ... however, compare and understand In the conditions of the test on the autobahn, what advantages the driver gives 4Matic and how much it is needed, unfortunately, there was no possibility ... And the expert group of cars after the appearance of these cars in the post -day Moscow, fortunately, not only had the opportunity to understand and understand, But also meticulously compare ergonomics and running qualities of an all-wheel drive S-class with the new Audi A8. We draw up documents with insurance, fill both tanks under the neck and full forward!
I will habitually provide an opportunity to give the exterior to Professor Rozanov. However, I personally liked both cars. S-class for the amazing lightness and elegance of lines, for a rapid profile and a solid FAS with a complete absence of even a hint of aggression. Enough that one hundred forty was perceived only as a bully. Thank God, now among the main consumers of the best German product in fashion other values. And dogs of other, less bloodthirsty breeds. Audi, on the contrary, captivates with barely covered with aluminum panels. A full -wheel drive armored train. Such a car inspires additional confidence in the owner and, of course, makes us respect for its appearance on the road all the other inhabitants of the paved jungle.
Getting inside these machines, you feel an even greater difference between the approach to the construction of a large limousine in Stuttgart and Ingolstadt. The Mercedes well familiar to us has been very organic, but it is quite obvious that this machine is not focused on the driver, but on the inhabitants of passenger places, which just do not need the steering wheel to perceive this deeply official chariot as Driver's Car. The less the driver provokes the driver, the more pleasant it is to evaluate the spacious interior and smoothness to the owner who paid for the use of both the machine and the driver. And there is already something to raise up your thumb! The seats magnificent from the point of view of ergonomics, which provide for the entire set of possible adjustments both in front and behind. Very convenient armrests: no matter how you sit down, the car does not even give a hint of discomfort. The rear passengers are even better than the front: you can push the right under the panel, you can use the refrigerator disguised as the armrest, you can stretch out the legs strained on the office corridors and take a little nap on the road a little. I note separately that we got the personal car of the head of the Daimlerchrysler Rus Herhardt Hilgert Long -Ball Full -wheel drive S430 with a full set of options. Further only tuning, booking or quite chocolate Maybach.
From the point of view of the driver, everything is just as thoughtful, but without a soul. I understand that the passenger is above all, but I do not want to be driving the S-class at all. You feel like a waiter: give the steering wheel to the right, serve the steering wheel, tomorrow be kind to be in a white shirt and a black tie near the front entrance by eight in the morning! Constantly pulls to give someone a helm and move back to the captain's bridge. In any case, others perceive you at the wheel of the S-class as a driver, whom the chef let out dinner or sent to the city with instructions. Conclusion: Do you want to proudly drive a big Mercedes stealing for CL!
Audi is the exact opposite situation. Modern, stylish and most small things thought out from the point of view of ergonomics salon. Moreover, which of the places you are, it seems that this seat is invented specifically for you. Expensive, simple, convenient and, as they say, with care for a simple person. Plus, an impeccable, from my point of view, the algorithm for working with MMI Multi Media Interface. Artificial intelligence. Audi conceptual answer to I-Drive from BMW. I risk bringing the anger of Mercedes fans, but I still note that the ergonomics of the A8 salon is simply impeccable as the driver is sure that he controls the selfish compartment, and the nobleman is nap in the bowels of a comfortable limousine. By the way, an ordinary short eight came to our test. Long -drawn versions will appear in Russia a little later. Those who prefer to drive the car on their own, the request not to worry all 127 millimeters of the additional length will go to the needs of the inhabitants of the rear sofas, and on the middle rack, everything in this car will remain absolutely unchanged.
An interesting detail in the Audi trunk can fit more luggage than in the household AlloD. He is just huge! But the S-class not only can not boast of an outstanding volume of the cargo compartment, and, and, getting a refrigerator, completely lost its place for baggage. Raise the lid and find under it the same thing that you can see by pushing the home refrigerator from the wall at home. Incomplete ... but stop standing still! After all, we have all eight wheels leading, so welcome to the slippery paths of a special landfill! It is time to figure out how it all works and moves in space, and at the same time determine the leader from the point of view of controllability and smoothness of the course of two main sled criteria, according to which potential customers evaluate such cars.
I will say right away from the point of view of the smoothness and comfort for the rear passengers Tsar Mountain, Mercedes is still unconditionally. The ability of S-Class suspension to extinguish fluctuations and protect their riders from marine illness should be listed in the Book of Records of Automobile Guinness! Just a Nautilus who retains serene calm, despite any excitement on the surface of the ocean! Audi, even in the operating mode of the adjustable Comfort suspension, is not to the level, but still inferior to the opponent. In principle, this is easily explainable. For several years now, cars from Ingolstadt have been defeating the most worthy competitors in various European and overseas tests in terms of controllability and charging for active drive. Naturally, the price of this loss of passenger comfort for the sake of proper fast driving. 18-inch winter wheels only exacerbate this picture. No, this does not mean that in the bowels of the eight you feel discomfort! But if you tried yourself as a Mercedes passenger, you are unlikely to want to change this rear sofa for some other.
The difference in consumer philosophy, of course, significantly affects the ride. By the way, speaking of philosophy, one cannot fail to note that, in my opinion, it is quite obvious: the main market for A8 will be a new light that has already tasted the charms of European pendants, but did not cool down to large, comfortable, fast and heavy limousines. Therefore, the A8 with a differential of increased Torsen friction in the center and free inter -celebrity differs, where instead of locks, the editing system Edl, tied to electronics and ABS, will certainly go there with a bang there!. As in any other part of the world, where people understand a lot about proper ride. From the point of view of controllability on any type of coating (provided that there, in principle, a car of this class can move there), the new A8 can be safely placed in the ward of measures and weights. Reference. Moreover, if the ESP course stabilization system is activated, you are insured from road troubles with all -wheel drive, which a reliable electronic bridle is thrown into. But it is worth dare to ESP OFF, how you get a perfectly balanced all -wheel drive shell, with which a skilled driver can do everything you want on the road. It is better, however, at the training ground, and under the supervision of experienced instructors. But take the word A8 can do everything on the highway.
S-class 4MATIC completely different. Very calm, obedient and not provoking an active ride a car. It is no secret that fine hooliganism on all -wheel drive, when all the turns you can drive sideways, suggests a rather large amount of work by the steering wheel. In the S-class, the bagel is clearly not welcomed not conveniently! In addition, we already had experience, as a result of which we were convinced: in the modes from the stop to the stop of Mercedes will quickly force you to fork out the new steering mechanism in return for the unusable. Well, you must admit: driving in sliding on a 2-ton car with a star on the hood even from the side looks idiocy, and in principle, Mercedes sliding in its pure form does not allow! Unless the light angles in relation to the ideal trajectory in the turn, after which ESP and the Trekshn control immediately come into business, sharply pulling the car and peremptorously putting it in place. Note that even pressing the button on the dashboard does not turn off the electronic stabilization system, but simply leads it to the waiting mode: it is worth the car to deviate from the trajectory to a slightly larger angle than the one that Mercedes considers safe and you immediately hear the light rattle of ABS and TC , as the mechanisms of inter -normal locks that take control of the situation. By the way, as the Center, Mercedes uses an asymmetric differential on the S-class, which is strictly dividing the torque between the front and the rear axles in a ratio of 40 to 60. The rear-wheel drive adherents, we ask not to worry about your favorite car still retained the traditional person.
And here is the time to summarize and notice that, probably, the most correct one would not to reduce the A8 and S-class in one test. It hurts different cars in all respects, and without a BMW seven, a big deuce looks somewhat lonely. It would be more correct to compare the large all -wheel drive Mercedes with its classic rear -wheel drive original. And here it would be obvious to everyone that with such an option as a firist, in our latitudes, the purchase of any other Mercedes-Benz class S looks short-sighted and impractical waste. The advantages that the owner of the 4x4 transmission offers is impossible not to notice or evaluate. Aerobatics! An order of magnitude safer and more confident than the rear -wheel drive. And in overclocking on any road porridge, and in a turn. Despite the fact that the electronics copes well with the S600, the Russian owner of the S500 4MATIC will be in a much more preferred position, which means that it will live longer in life and business, at least due to saving nerve cells. Well, if you plan to at least from time to time to drive in your car and are not going to spend the same amount on the tuning Cl, your choice of Audi A8 on your S-class. Without any alternative. Maybe in my 34 years I am just not so adult and tired of life to think about a personal driver?
Text Alexey Mochanov, 2 hp
Photo Alexander Nozdrin

How do they look?
Nikita Rozanov
It would seem that in this test there is no place for traditional rivalry. Just on one side of the barrier are fans of the Mercedes brand, and everyone else is on the other. Thank you, you can disperse. However, it turned out that with a more careful consideration, everything is not so simple. A short word sport, found in almost every phrase of proprietary information about the new Audi A8, confused the map and helped to find an unexpected criterion for comparing the design of these two cars. Both flagships, and in this regard, are obliged to carry in their appearance a gene of breed for the entire model line. With this, everything is in order, and indeed, both Audi and Mercedes demonstrate the unobtrusive similarity of their design with the design of each of their relatives. But they do it differently. The Audi drawing is more functional and verbally dry. Almost along the lineup, the relief of the aerodynamic body kit was made along the bottom of the body, and the connectors of the joint of the wing and the bumper are simply peremptorously technological. Techno is not techno, but there is something cold-mechanistic in shaping. The Mercedes lines, on the contrary, look more alive and not so technically predetermined. This is noticeable in the plastic of the main body shape and in details. For example, take a look at how dynamic wedge an overlap on the side of the body accelerates, and how spectacular it leaves right through. Very sporty, although Mercedes people do not insist on this feature of their car. Mercedes's gaze is also more emotional, and it is simply impossible to confuse his flagship section of the eyes from someone's youngest. A8 in front is easy to take for A6, but, however, only from afar.
Audi A8 Quattro is traditionally high -quality for the design of this company, but a little cold and without much emotion. The sports orientation of a large representative sedan is more like a declaration than expresses the established style.
Mercedes S430 4MATIC is traditionally high -quality and emotionally for the design of recent years. Very living lines and relief ratio. Plastic breathes and radiates life and mood, which very accurately corresponds to the purpose of the car.
As often happens, inside cars make a slightly different impression. At least this applies to Audi, which in many solutions and interior details more decisively declares its sports orientation. The appearance of Mercedes is amazingly targeted and, standing next to the car, you feel almost the same as being inside (but, of course, not driving!). The instrument panel is architecturally monumentally like, two-tone and moderately decorated with wooden veneer. The Audi panel is the exact opposite, and the horizontal is dominated by a horizontal, emphasized by a thorough wooden lining, comparable to the eurovarian. The central console is made in the style of the classics of the Gran Tourism and serves only to accommodate the audio system and controller MMI. The control and measuring instrument block is also solved in a sports style: two large and two small rounds in thin silver frames, plus an attribute of the 21st century, a clear and clear information display. All this is classically trimmed into a board finished with veneer. After that, the Mercedes devices and information unit does not particularly peer, and why? At the wheel, the driver, and the owner from the back, on the uncompromising chair in terms of convenience. The steering wheels only strengthen each of their own theme: silver-large swiftness of Audi and solid-coat of prosperity Mercedes-Benz.
Audi A8 Quattro correctly selected tonality of a comfortable and elite sports style is somewhat interferes with the fractionality of details, color and textures, which is the only minus of the solution.
Mercedes S430 4MATIC high -quality, solid and in full accordance with everything that is the essence of this car.

Source: Cars