Characteristics Mercedes Benz TYP 290

Specifications Mercedes Benz TYP 290: Power, fuel consumption 100 km, weight (weight), road clearance (clearance), radius of turn, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires.

Characteristics of TYP 290 Convertible C W18 1936 - 1937

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (mass), kg
290 (68 hp) 50(68)/3200 17 1840

Characteristics of TYP 290 ROADSTER W18 1936

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (mass), kg
290 50(68)/3200 17 -

Characteristics of TYP 290 Convertible D W18 1934 - 1937

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (mass), kg
290 (60 LS) 44(60)/3200 17 1840
290 (68 hp) 50(68)/3200 17 1840

Characteristics of TYP 290 Convertible A W18 1934 - 1937

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (mass), kg
290 (60 LS) 44(60)/3200 17 1840
290 (68 hp) 50(68)/3200 17 1840

Characteristics of TYP 290 Convertible B W18 1934 - 1937

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (mass), kg
290 (60 LS) 44(60)/3200 17 1840
290 (68 hp) 50(68)/3200 17 1840

Characteristics TYP 290 W18 1933 - 1937

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (mass), kg
290 (60 LS) 44(60)/3200 17 1725
290 (68 hp) 50(68)/3200 17 1725