Hardware Suzuki Grand Vitara

Data on basic and optional szuzuki grad vitara: Specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Suzuki Grand Vitara (Escudo) 5 doors, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1991 10 226 169 209 789 8 239 942 8
1992 22 219 349 216 592 20 230 544 7
1993 22 277 607 278 464 22 287 004 6
1994 20 288 495 289 512 20 266 812 6
1998 33 419 965 429 113 25 399 138 8
1999 30 424 204 453 176 20 374 110 10
2000 46 431 391 433 583 35 401 016 8
2001 35 483 556 486 609 25 471 320 9
2002 31 514 647 513 788 25 509 546 8
2003 37 541 344 566 230 22 491 659 16
2004 38 608 313 608 857 30 602 231 10
2005 77 670 889 713 530 46 599 228 30
2006 111 746 984 796 017 66 682 991 57
2007 188 795 440 841 440 102 735 347 87
2008 247 855 992 901 862 138 796 904 102
2009 72 898 980 944 479 38 842 789 33
2010 115 986 600 1 030 262 80 913 906 48
2011 77 1 070 953 1 098 841 48 1 014 577 25
2012 21 1 227 308 1 256 816 20 1 122 174 7
2013 38 1 299 571 1 396 418 22 1 201 988 22