Configuration Peugeot 3008.
Data on the basic and optional configurations of Peugeot 3008: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.
Choose Peugeot production period 3008
to display information on the required modifications
Prices for Peugeot 3008, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)
Year of issue | Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) | Average price, rubles |
The average price of S. Automatic transmission, rubles |
Total for sale with automatic transmission | The average price of S. MCPP, rubles |
Total for sale with manual transmission |
2009 | 7 | 787 764 | 762 776 | 6 | 804 425 | 7 |
2010 | 102 | 837 923 | 865 334 | 72 | 797 654 | 46 |
2011 | 129 | 875 595 | 917 920 | 66 | 838 148 | 72 |
2012 | 82 | 1 033 936 | 1 074 826 | 62 | 942 275 | 30 |
2013 | 38 | 1 209 140 | 1 264 022 | 22 | 1 147 676 | 21 |