Configuration Opel Vectra Hatchback

Data on the basic and optional settings of Opel Vectra Hatchback: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Opel Vectra Hatchback, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1988 6 80 168 - 6 80 168 6
1989 8 83 068 89 786 6 82 741 8
1990 21 102 965 83 371 6 102 760 20
1991 20 99 089 83 371 6 100 363 16
1992 10 96 574 174 452 6 89 272 9
1993 9 101 754 125 069 6 103 465 8
1994 7 145 506 166 327 6 139 818 7
1995 7 160 233 180 874 6 145 506 7
1996 10 185 050 162 112 7 189 295 9
1997 20 198 434 205 639 7 196 727 10
1998 20 224 857 231 890 7 223 355 10
1999 9 259 074 258 603 6 261 100 8
2000 9 273 486 312 998 6 265 578 8
2001 7 299 244 314 274 6 287 970 7
2002 7 319 945 264 573 6 360 634 7
2003 9 414 931 428 262 7 416 405 7
2004 7 421 685 401 895 6 439 701 7
2005 6 516 946 508 295 6 - 6
2006 8 558 094 535 631 7 576 807 7
2007 16 547 177 548 692 7 549 682 9
2008 10 587 346 581 777 7 591 538 9