The configuration of Nissan Mikra

Data on basic and optional configurations Nissan Mikra: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Nissan Micra 5 doors, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1989 6 73 759 89 786 6 57 728 6
1990 6 52 914 - 6 52 914 6
1991 8 72 308 102 618 6 68 734 8
1992 7 80 632 - 6 80 632 7
1993 8 95 043 160 333 6 88 510 8
1994 8 145 519 109 032 6 155 938 7
1995 8 133 665 147 514 7 112 881 7
1996 8 146 796 161 394 7 129 298 7
1997 20 144 401 150 971 7 142 608 16
1998 21 174 094 178 461 7 172 676 16
1999 22 171 226 179 942 7 169 758 21
2000 35 187 757 220 095 8 181 287 30
2001 38 207 504 233 028 10 198 756 31
2002 22 227 529 243 375 8 220 836 20
2003 101 300 801 322 039 38 288 380 72
2004 178 330 221 344 699 101 309 843 81
2005 180 364 112 375 907 132 331 499 55
2006 206 389 569 401 538 138 357 116 63
2007 273 418 713 426 480 213 384 875 57
2008 281 452 216 466 611 208 406 047 77
2009 102 473 388 492 187 80 425 336 33
2010 77 513 343 523 903 63 468 190 20
2011 10 479 813 471 278 10 497 056 7
2012 6 763 233 - 6 590 069 6
2013 7 677 622 708 737 7 625 767 6