BMW H5 configuration

Data on basic and optional BMW H5 settings: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for BMW X5, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
2000 30 658 716 655 188 30 708 080 6
2001 77 709 293 707 881 72 734 764 7
2002 97 753 846 753 214 95 792 098 7
2003 99 817 646 815 303 97 801 712 6
2004 129 962 102 963 061 124 915 374 6
2005 126 1 038 295 1 041 310 122 1 012 095 6
2006 48 1 126 338 1 128 331 46 1 171 573 6
2007 102 1 579 111 1 583 587 102 1 395 115 6
2008 126 1 755 347 1 757 287 122 1 797 932 7
2009 87 1 989 318 1 982 786 81 2 077 125 7
2010 101 2 367 219 2 362 784 99 2 558 841 7
2011 72 2 580 654 2 564 178 67 3 155 540 6
2012 46 4 041 270 4 085 017 37 3 515 783 7
2013 72 4 418 107 4 427 462 66 - 6