Hyundai Verkakruz.

Höndai Verkakruz: Characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

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Buy Höndai Verkakruz

Hyundai Veracruz.

Large car Hyundai Veracruz. Excellence of its predecessors not only in size (the height of the road lumen is 200 mm, and 7 passengers can comfortably accommodate in the spacious cabin), but also in terms of equipment, the quality of interior decoration and cost. Of course, in conditions of close urban streets, such a large car is not always appropriate, but on the track he can show himself in all its glory. For example, there is a modification with a powerful (240 hp) diesel engine with a volume of 3 liters. Additional options, such as the trunk or the ability to start the car using the SMART KEY device, greatly facilitate the operation of the car.