VAZ 2114.

VAZ 2114: characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on set and prices.

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Prices for VAZ 2114 (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with MCPP
2002 8 126 802 - 6 126 802 8

Buy VAZ 2114.

VAZ-2114 "LADA SAMARA"- five-doorhatchback Volzhsky Automobile Plant. Restantling versionVAZ-2109 , Continuation of the family under the conditional name "Samara-2". The model was distinguished from the predecessors with the original design of the front of the body with new headlights, the hood, the lining of the radiator,bumpers and availabilitymoldings .

Submitted to the public in 2001, serial release - from April 2003 to December 2013.

In the salon VAZ-2114 installed a new panel of instruments (so-called "Europantel"), an adjustable steering column, the steering wheel from the "tenth" family, a heater of a new design, front windows. An eight-flaped engine with a volume of 1.5 liters (VAZ-2111) with a distributed fuel injection was installed on the car. ( about repair VAZ 2114)

The first instance of the VAZ-2114 was assembled at the factory conveyor in October 2001.

Since 2007, a new eight-flaped engine with a volume of 1.6 liters (VAZ-11183) of the ecological class to EURO-4 is inclusive, the model receives the VAZ-21144 index. "Electrodelized" and "Electronic Gas Pedal" (E-Gaz) were installed. Produced in the equipment: Standard and Suite. Distinctive features from the old engine - the catalyst is not under the bottom, but near the engine, the plastic decorative lid is found on the engine, instead of the aluminum receiver, plastic is installed. In addition to the new engine, the car receives a new front panel (there is no compass in the upper part, a more hard material is used, which increases strength, but also increases the likelihood of outsiders), a new instrument panel with a side computer function (shows the temperature overboard, the voltage in the onboard network, current time and other parameters). about repair VAZ 2114

In 2007, small changes occurred: instead of wide moldings on the door began to put narrow. In 2009, the subsidiary of OJSC AvtoVAZ CJSC Super-Avto modernized VAZ-2114, namely, it put a 16-valve engine with a volume of 1.6 liters on the car; The capacity of the car has become 89 horsepower. With a 16-valve engine car model gets an index 211440-24. The dynamic characteristics of the car have increased. In addition to the motor, the suspension, gearbox, clutch and brakes changed. This model is completed with 14-inch wheels on stamped disks.

In 2010, Super-Auto CJSC prepared a car with an engine 21126 16V with a volume of 1.6 liters from [VAZ 2170] with a capacity of 98 liters. with. This model received an index 211440-26.

AvtoVAZ completed the release of the Lada Samara family on December 24, 2013 - the last five-door hatchback (VAZ-2114) was descended from the conveyor.