Toyota Yaris

Toyota Yaris: characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

Video Test Drives Toyota Yaris

Crash Test Yaris 5 Doors 2006 - 2008

Crash test Yaris 5 doors 2006 - 2008: Details
Driver and passengers

Crash test yaris 5 doors 1999 - 2003

Crash test yaris 5 doors 1999 - 2003: details
Driver and passengers

Prices for Toyota Yaris (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with MCPP
1999 31 241 134 242 513 7 241 438 30
2000 46 269 107 313 514 8 261 485 35
2001 35 270 889 286 591 8 267 584 31
2002 30 290 623 302 402 7 289 188 25
2003 25 313 212 338 187 7 306 280 22
2004 20 350 455 383 467 8 333 478 10
2005 8 355 406 363 561 7 346 140 7
2006 81 453 995 465 873 57 425 551 22
2007 172 468 235 491 172 102 422 778 63
2008 279 492 522 517 120 172 444 669 99
2009 129 508 591 558 516 55 474 595 81
2010 122 487 196 600 061 22 462 783 99
2011 20 534 788 625 780 8 485 760 10
2012 6 776 911 845 591 6 433 572 6
2013 6 885 099 971 676 6 538 745 6

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