Toyota Camry.

Toyota Camry: Characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

Reviews Toyota Camry from specialists

Feedback Camry detail
Camry 2001 - 2004
Management and suspension system
Brake system
Heated air and air conditioning
Start and Charging System
Electrical components and other
Body stability to corrosion

Camry Crash 1997 - 2001

Crash Test Camry 1997 - 2001: Details
Driver and passengers

Prices for Toyota Camry (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with MCPP
1983 6 64 138 64 138 6 - 6
1984 6 74 837 73 759 6 76 955 6
1985 6 160 333 160 333 6 - 6
1986 6 60 613 80 168 6 41 050 6
1987 6 62 208 70 556 6 60 542 6
1988 6 85 517 102 618 6 51 319 6
1989 7 83 371 106 895 6 62 004 6
1990 8 126 720 130 834 7 118 979 7
1991 10 150 264 147 514 9 167 781 6
1992 25 158 669 153 958 21 174 256 8
1993 22 162 565 160 631 20 170 164 8
1994 20 206 669 208 068 10 198 974 7
1995 10 222 211 230 041 9 164 323 6
1996 20 239 268 244 210 10 230 255 7
1997 16 299 827 295 101 10 316 832 7
1998 10 312 637 320 920 9 317 474 6
1999 8 343 727 343 727 8 - 6
2000 9 377 629 390 921 8 325 385 6
2001 9 463 655 473 388 8 413 036 6
2002 35 515 081 515 935 31 510 067 7
2003 46 562 195 562 688 37 553 588 8
2004 48 603 735 614 554 35 566 075 10
2005 48 643 489 652 344 37 602 088 10
2006 89 786 975 789 143 80 753 247 10
2007 152 840 325 846 610 134 781 360 20
2008 152 897 184 905 964 131 832 869 21
2009 77 942 795 948 163 66 887 654 8
2010 82 1 030 851 1 043 953 72 963 834 16
2011 77 1 132 078 1 136 625 72 1 026 789 7
2012 97 1 362 933 1 363 821 95 1 303 274 6
2013 82 1 384 952 1 395 010 80 1 228 971 8

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