Test Drive Volvo S80 since 2011 Sedan

Nordic character, smooth

The word Volvo has recently and then fits in the news. Yes, and then say - as a company that has turned out, for such a short time to fully update the model range, could have been in hibernation so long, reprehensively releasing - yes, reliable, but distinguished sluggish and uncomplicated product design? Of course, the development of new suspensions, engines, electronics ... But what did the consumer seen? And he saw the coal sinking, massive roof racks and the complete lack of temperament.

At first glance, the S80 model, standing in the exhibition hall of the plant's press center in Torslanda, it became clear that the author's team under the leadership of the Frastera arc achieved his own. Function in the new style - this is what designers fought. The elongated, rendered nose, two-level hood and trunk, located at a significant angle to the longitudinal axis front block headlights - undoubted innovations, but the proportions and silhouette of the car remained traditional. You can not recognize the Swedish flagship from behind - very unusual form of lanterns invented by designers. But again, seeing them once, the car is already not confused with anything. In this form, we immediately nave the piano, the creators make a special accent - all presentation attributes are decorated with a non-traditional blue-white Mars, but a red color by the image of the rear lamp S80.

Before the body of the car goes into the painting chamber, it is necessary to completely remove dust - this operation largely determines the final quality of the paint coating.

The task is not easy, and solve it in different ways. For example, in the painting shop of Volvo plant in Torslanda - where the model S80 is made - new equipment has recently installed. It seems that the usual - dust from the body is removed by rotating brushes, like on a mechanical car wash. Used here and static electricity. Unusual brushes material - ostrich feathers!

The company is concerned about destroyed by destitute - only feathers who fell naturally are used, as well as those that carefully plunder from birds divorced on special ostrich farms.

Of course, to brush the dust from the collection of a thin porcelain, there is nothing better than the baking feathers from the ostrich feathers. But see it on an industrial scale! It is a pity that the pitcle is not included in the standard equipment S80.

Interestingly reacted by local residents. We stayed many times in the cities and villages, in the parking lots near restaurants and yacht clubs, and at first no one paid attention to the car - it is not more familiar to Sweden in Sweden. But it was worth someone to see the emblem on the radiator or a signboard on the trunk, as follows: is it volvo?! - And the car instantly surrounded the numerous spectators, who, as we understood, for the most part adhere to very conservative views on Avtodesign and are adherents of forms, former until recently for Volvo traditional. To any kind of innovations, they are wary and were strongly concerned - how did the change in the safety and reliability of the machine affect the safety and reliability of the car? It seems that if there are no increasing competition and not the risk of turning out of the market more rebursive companies, Volvo would have produced their angular irons ...

The S80 model should be replaced by the procedure outdated Volvo 940/960 and is mainly intended for America. However, employees of the company's marketing department did not pay attention and other regions - this is evidenced by the scope and care of the test preparation for journalists preceding the world premiere, which will be held on MIMS in Moscow. From the editorial office of the motor for this event, your humble servant and test pilot Alexey Vasilyev went to this event ...

During the introductory course of all, of course, they got acquainted with the technical characteristics and features of the design of the new car, but we will not stop on them here - the relevant information can be found from the July Motor number. Now - test drive.

In the morning we were given the legend and keys, they asked not to break the rules of movement, as well as not to be late for the change of cars, scheduled 150 km from the city. We got the most powerful version - S80T6, with automatic transmission, complemented by the geartronic mode.

The engine is almost not heard, and with closed windows in the cabin - generally complete silence. With the adjustment of the passenger seat, I managed quickly, its two mechanical adjustments allow you to change only the distance to the torpedo and the tilt of the back. But Mr. Vasilyev had to be angry - the driver's seat has so many settings that you need to know exactly in advance what you want from him. However, it is possible to correct the landing in motion - electric drives allow. The driver's console of adjustments has a memory - for three positions.

Twisted a little on the site - and on the road. Vasilyev - Behind the Branca, and I still look at the dashboard. On it - two displays. The left shows the instant or total fuel consumption and its stock, and also gives recommendations to help move the most economical. Also in the left window, the number is displayed from the built-in phone.

On the right display, the odometer and digit data indicating which transmission is turned on, both with automatic and the manual mode of operation of the CAT. It clearly demonstrates the elasticity and power of the motor - the first switching occurs at 60 km / h, the second - at 100, after that it is better not to look at the device, but on the road.

By passing when overtaking the third gear and forgetting after that about the box, we calmly move around the city - with rebuildings, accelerations and almost complete stops. The straggings on the bottoms are confident, but the engine is truly the engine only after turning on the turbocharger, i.e. After 3000 rpm. For a smoother increase in the power and smoothing of the so-called turboyama, two small parallel turbines are installed on the motor. Each is powered by exhaust gases from three cylinders, and thanks to the selected ignition procedure (1-5-3-6-2-4), the turbine is spinning as it were in turn.

With a sharp pressing, the car does not pedal the car makes a very energetic throw forward, which on low gears is accompanied by slip wheels - at low speed APS does not work. The stabilization and control systems of thrust, which are included in the standard equipment of the Volvo S80T6, will help fans of acute driving on slippery road, and in other versions are set to order.

The GCTEBORG - the city is small, but the movement is quite intense here, and the game started at the beginning of the way in Geartronic is quickly tired - in urban mode, a regular automatic machine is more convenient and with its duties perfectly copes without any assistance. We leave for the motorway - here you can fully estimate the smoothness of the stroke and the dynamics of S80.

Ride in the car, which leads the champion of Russia, it turned out to be nice. Just watching Vasilyev on racing tracks, I did not expect that it would turn into such a relaxing and neat driver on the road. Fast, but smooth accelerations, correct overtaking, soft braking ... plus to this comfortability of the car - I fully enjoyed the movement ...

As noted, it is very quiet in the cabin. The engine is listened only at high revs. The characteristic voltage of the turbine is not heard at all. Occasionally, when driving on cracks in asphalt or exit to the road, light sleepers of tires are heard. The body at such moments absolutely does not react to irregularities - a multi-dimensional suspension on the subframes perfectly extinguishes vibration. More serious obstacles to the type of railway crossings or lying police S80 overcomes very peculiar, according to Mr. Vasilyev - as a truck with a trailer. The truck here is the front axle, and the trailer is the rear wheels. The front of the car reacts to irregularity normally, lifting at the time of the departure and rolling down, and the rear axle simply swallows the obstacle, allowing the body to keep the horizontal position. Whether this is the result of adjusting the suspension and its interaction with stabilization and control systems, whether the machine was installed on the machine to automatically align the Nivomat body - we did not figure it out. But the effect is very unusual.

The work of numerous electronic systems is felt with rectilinear movement at high speed. Periodically, the feeling that the wheels begin to live some kind of their own, a separate life - the car squats or barely noticeably twisted. Apparently, the computer believes that there is a risk of demolition, and slows down the wheels ...

In the middle of the way, I have changed in places with Alexei. By this time, I had already imagined what the car was capable of. But one thing is to go by a passenger, another thing is to twist the ram. The steering was sensitive, with a good jet moment. The brake and gas pedals are quite elastic and informative. In the bunch of multidirectional steep turns, S80 is perfectly held on the trajectory, demonstrating absolutely neutral turning. It is not only here in the suspension and electronics, but also in the excellent weighing of the car, which is to couple with a successful database / track ratio (1.77) - makes a car with little exposed transverse rolls. Well, and powerful stabilizers in front and rear are successfully fighting with longitudinal.

In the left side of the steering wheel, the cruise control keys were discovered. Our path at this time ran through a hilly area with numerous descent and lifts. Developing the desired speed, I pressed the power button and removed the foot from the gas pedal. Along the horizontal surface, the car rolls evenly, at the beginning of the lift slows down a bit, then the tachometer arrow shows a quick set of revolutions, and the speed is aligned. But on the descent, the car does not inhibit itself, it is necessary to intervene and hold the dispelled car extruded. And this is with such an amount of electronic systems!

At the intermediate point changed the car. This time we got a version with an atmospheric 2.9 l engine and a 5-speed mechanical gearbox. The car is quieter than T6, but slightly, although the difference in engine power and reaches 70 hp According to passport data, when overclocking up to hundreds S80 2.9 loses the turbocharged version of Already for a whole second, but it is imperceptible - first of all thanks to the mechanical box. The transmissions are approximately equal, the engine is elastic, and acceleration occurs evenly and confidently. Slightly spoils the impression a soft and uninformative clutch pedal.

For the quality of finishing and comfort, cars do not differ from each other. The only inconvenience is a bright smooth coating of the torpedo of the second challenge, reflecting from the windshield. In T6 with a dark interior, we did not notice anything like this. And after all, we drew attention to the intra-alone rear-view mirror, providing it with an electrochromatic filter that protects the driver from blinding. And the panel is what?

The first day passed without adventure. They began on the next, but the car is not to blame for this. In the car's cabin, we did not find cards with a new route. Or rather, first the card was, but someone from the group before the start took it to see. And forgot to give. And we left the hotel parking, we are the last ...

The general direction was known, and at first we tried to catch up with someone from colleagues to sit on the tail. Where there! It seems that the signs of speed limit are visible here everyone except ours. Realizing the futility of his attempts, we calmed down and went to look for a place to take pictures.

Travel is good, but to travel well (by car Volvo, for example) - even better. Well, if this is also happening in such a well-groomed and pleasant eye of a country like Sweden, then it is better not! We steered in turn, in a free shift occupying the place in front, then behind. They folded where it fell, they stopped, glared on the beauty, went into the cafe ... The day flew quietly, the pleasure got a lot, and in the evening they met on the road of familiar televisers. After pulling out of their series of operators with the camera and conveniently placing the latter in the trunk, we were able to appreciate its volume.

Returned to the city together, but on the way they were lost again. I had to do on your own. Autoban with a signpost of the GCTEBORG quickly, but in the city, as a result, drove with it is not clear what side and found themselves in an absolutely unfamiliar area. The map and tips obtained on the benzocolone helped rustlely. The GCTEBORG is located on several islands connected by bridges and tunnels, here such complex three-, four- and five-story junctions, which to get to the desired road, without knowing how to read the signs, is impossible.

I searched for your hotel by consecutive approximations - about 10 km per hour. And found - meters in two hundredth right at the rate, but ... on the other bank of the river. It remained to find a ferry crossing. The prolonged walk went to us for use: having left at night to walk into the city, we moved so confident that they probably could give odds to some local taxi drivers ...

Two days, practically fully spent in the car, left a very pleasant impression. The car is really luxury, provides equally high level of comfort and driver, and all passengers. Excellent climatic installation allowed us to not be afraid of neither traffic jams on the sun, nor the evening ware seaside zone. Silence in the cabin is an important point: less tired, which is especially important on a long trip. To experience in the work of the security system, we, fortunately, did not happen, but large dimensions, the solid behavior of the car in motion and the reputation of Volvo, of course, inspire calmness, and confidence.

The final barcode of the S80 portrait is a built-in GSM phone. Oh, how many calls began with the words: you know, I'm here in Sweden somewhere, I say from the car ...

Text: Evgeny Romance, Alexey Vasilyev

Photo: Authors.


Alexey Vasiliev, Miller Pilot Racer

Workplace driver

It is much more convenient than on previous models. The slope of the central console is significantly increased, but it has become massive, which narrowed the foot space in the pedal zone. However, the side surface of the console is made well - the knee in any ribs and corners do not rest. A large number of keys to control the auxiliary equipment, it is difficult to immediately figure out what. The mirror adjustment buttons are not very successfully located - in order to get to them, you have to either shift back the elbow, resting them into the back of the seat, or bend the wrist.


It happens easily: unlike most machines of this class, the S80 has a low threshold. However, as already mentioned, the driver's legs are placed in a narrow and long tunnel. It is convenient and familiar to the rider, but may not please some owners, especially those who have overweight. A large door opening angle is convenient when entering-out, but the doors themselves are long, and there are far from the handles. For some reason, there are no retracting elements of locks, it is necessary to vigorously clap the door, overcoming the elasticity of the opening seals.


Comfortable, the location scheme of the elements is successful - the central soft inserts on the back and the pillow, failing under the weight of the body, and more elastic side, fixing the back and hips. The head restraint is not regulated, but its form allows a person to rely on it with a population of any growth, so that the head restraint will be useful not only in an emergency, but also for unloading the cervical vertebrae. A large number of setting options - the final adjustment will probably be implemented only after 5-6 days of permanent operation of the machine. I want to omit just below all the entire chair - even with a small height, the landing seemed highly high. The upholstery material is very good: the skin in combination with the coupling has excellent friction properties - it is quite possible to do without such a developed side support.


The front and side for Volvo are simply beautiful: the front racks are quite narrow, although they contain part of the inflatable curtain. The massive panel is located at one level with the lower cut of the windshield. Hiding under the hood wipers are convenient. In the mirror of the rear view, passing transport is clearly visible, but the dimensions of the car are not felt, since the body in the central part is much wider than in the rear. In the dark help to navigate the rear lights on board. It is not easy to maneuver a honey. With the downward head restraints, the review does not improve, especially since the rear can be passengers.

Steering wheel

More convenient than on previous series. Keep it in your hands does not interfere with even steep wooden inserts that are available on some versions. The point of the steering column fracture is far from the ram, which in combination with the adjustment in length allows you to choose the optimal position. Steal switches are unsuccessful - when working with them, too large efforts are required, and there is no pulling effect.


The clutch pedal on S80 2.9 is unnecessarily soft and low-informative due to the powerful hydraulic line, the trigger area is small. The brake on both versions of the machine has a small move and works very effectively. The gas pedal is not connected to the engine mechanically, so the effort on it is always uniform, it allows you to accurately dispen the power and degree of pressing. On versions and with mechanics, and with the automatic machine pedal and brakes are located strictly under the right leg. Very good stand under the left - high, comfortable and exactly in its place.

Lever KPP

By car with automatic transmission uncomfortable headband with an edge in front. Whether it is a clean automatic machine - nothing terrible, but when you switch manually on your palm can appear corn. A version with mechanics - without complaints: the lever is convenient, it is possible to work, without taking your hands from the armrest, only a brush. It is especially good that the effort attached to move the lever to the right and left, the same.

The overall impression of the cabin

A very pleasant and thoughtful interior, ergonomics are equally well calculated for both the driver and passengers. There are some shortcomings as manufacturing plastic elements. The built-in phone is great, but the number of the number keys are located to the right of the steering column, and the display on the left, so you have to transfer it, pulling it off from the road.


Sourmed soft and long-pass, transverse stability stabilizers and in front, and rear interfere with large rolls. The rear trolley moves as if separate from the car. If even a small difference occurs in the rotational speed of the wheels - for example, when driving on a small obstacle, the electronic system slows down one of them, and the car seems to be scattered and slipped. In fact, term stability - at height.

Engine and box

From T6 I expected the best speaker. Probably, a mechanical checkpoint could be achieved more impressive results, but the 6-cylinder version with turbocharging is equipped with a machine gun. But S80 2.9 - with a less powerful engine and handle - a very successful car in this sense.


Very good. Heavy, long-base car obedient and predict. The hydraulicer with variable characteristic allows you to very purely perform any maneuver - within reasonable.


Not that excellent, rather good - the class of the car and its mass corresponds.


Provide reliable and confident slowdown. Electronic assistants and successful wealth prevent the boulders of the body during braking, the redistribution of masses on the axes does not occur, which allows control systems to attach more effort to the rear wheels. The ABS never worked, this suggests that the brake efforts are agreed with the mass of the car and the type of rubber.


A good car is not for me, of course, but for my father, for example. The machine defining the face of its owner is respectableness, confidence. For me, it is suddenly unexpected that Volvo managed to make such a car, so pleasure from it is double. For a complete buzz, I would like a more temperamental version.

A source: Magazine Motor [№9 / 1998]