Test drive Volvo 940 1990 - 1997 sedan

Volvo 940

They say Volvo is very expensive to maintain. They say that is slow and clumsy. LET THEM TALK. But we still love this solid, representative and convenient station wagon Volvo 940.
It was produced from 1990 to 1997. Finally discontinued at the end of 1998. The most common engines are a B230F series with a volume of 2.3 liters. Versions with FD, FX, FB, FK indices are distinguished by injection systems and power. Turbined options wear FT, GT or GK indices and differ in type of turbines, low or high pressure, and power. Nine and forth were also equipped with 2-liter turbocharged engines of the B200 series and 16-valve B204 and B234. However, the most common version of the station wagon in Russia of the early 90s, as a rule, is equipped with atmospheric B230F or its modifications and a mechanical gearbox. We will stop at it.
Let's proceed from the fact that the average annual mileage of the car on which they drive is at least 25-30 thousand km. Simple arithmetic calculations indicate that the seven-year-old, for example, will have about 175-210 thousand km. For many other brands and models, this is already a critical limit. However, practice shows that for nine and frenzy the total resource is estimated about 400 thousand km. That is, buying a car even with two circles on a speedometer, you can safely count on that at least one and a half circle it will give you. And in order to save yourself from immediate and considerable investments in a new acquisition, it is worth paying attention to some main positions.
Falls input. Checking the body of the body is traditional. It is only necessary to remember that the galvanized body restored in garages will not live for a long time. Traces of not the highest quality recovery, editing and welding will be found immediately, but the surfaces filled with anticorus in the subpoor space, in particular the spaces, will almost absolutely one hundred percent of serious repair. Longerones have special destruction zones, so after a strong blow to the front part can only be replaced. Additionally, you should see the location of the upper points of the front shock absorbers. If they are asymmetrically relative to each other, then this will most likely mean that the front is really thoroughly repaired and could not accurately restore geometry, and therefore they rearranged the fasteners of the racks. In short, if there are suspicions of a serious accident - it is better to look for another option.
Central exposition. They turned the ignition key, looked that all the control lights glow. If some does not burn or, conversely, does not go out-an object for proceedings. We launched the motor, opened the hood and listen, look. It works unstable, extraneous sounds are heard, failures are felt when you press the gas or a black club of smoke flies out of the exhaust pipe - a frequent case. The worst is - the worn injector nozzles are allowed or overwhelmed ($ 140 apiece + $ 29 for replacement). Or the aeromassmeter is to blame, it is also a sensor of air flow, which either impoverishes the mixture, then the car simply does not pull and twitches or re -enrich - sharply increased appetite and black smoke. It costs $ 250 for a new aeromassmeter. Used used two times cheaper, but it is quite difficult to choose, since it should correspond to the control unit on a particular motor.
On the working motor, it makes sense to check the condition of the connection between the flange of the final manifold and the receiving pipe. If it seals there, then this is corrected by the replacement of the gasket, you should not believe. On the engines of the B230F series, it often happens that the plane of the flange of the receiving pipe is curved from the temperature. The elimination of the problem may be expensive: either grinding with removal or replacing the receiving pipe. You can invite the seller to throw off dollars 50-60.
While the engine is working, we’ll sit down on the driver’s place and listen: the main gasoline pump hangs under the abdomen, and if you can hear it well, the minus is $ 140-180 with work, since it did not stay long to live. Twist the steering wheel from right to left and vice versa. A little howl in the extreme position is a sign of some wear of the pump, but this is not scary. But if a distinct howl appears simply with a light rotation of the steering wheel, you should take a closer look at the rail and the pump. Traces of the oil between the pump housing and the drive pulley mean that its replacement is coming - the unit node and the oil seal itself cannot be replaced. Open the pouring neck and take the oil sample from the probe. Even if it is pink and fresh, and when viewed under the bright light, just as in the paint of metallic, particles of metal sparkle in it, turn on the calculator: the new pump with the installation will cost about $ 400, used-$ 100-120. In order to finally spoil our mood, first we look at the high pressure of the GUR, which passes in front below, in the radiator area. Drops and flow will increase the negative balance by about $ 150. The latter is the Reika itself. If the anthers of steering rods have traces of oil and also similar are noticed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper oil sector - add another $ 200 dollars to a full bulkhead. If it turns out that the main shaft of the Reiki is traveled by corrosion, it is very bad - the replacement of the steering mechanism will facilitate the budget of dollars by 500.
PRIVATE COLLECTION. Having drowned out the motor, it makes sense to return to the first hall, that is, under the hood. There is still something interesting. Firstly, the condition of the liquid in the expansion tank. The muddy means that the cooling system is either dirty and overheated, or sealing additives float in it. Let us pay attention to the sealing ring between the pump body and the head of the block - the flow or their traces of their traces means that it proceeds and it will have to be changed. The part is penny, $ 2-3, but the work on the service is a canvas service, will cost $ 40. It makes sense to check whether it flows from the drainage opening at the bottom of the pump body, for which you need to contrive and, removing the lid from the pump from the bottom, everything there should be rampant. The presence of leaks means that the coolant penetrates the bearing and replacing the pump is not around the corner - at least $ 50.
Now we put your hand in the place where the ignition distributor is installed. The presence of oil traces involves options. The most painless is the replacement of external sealing rings ($ 17). But if the oil is also found inside the trambler, it is simply murderous, because the oil seal cannot be replaced, and the new tenter assembly is $ 450. It can only be reduced by disassembly-about $ 100-120. It is worth checking the belt for the presence of traces of oil. His sudden cliff on a 2.3-liter motor is fraught only with a loss of time to replace, but the penny, like the camshaft and crankshaft, will be pulled by a loss of about $ 100, if you change in the company center.
And before closing the hood, we pay attention to the silent block of the upper support of the shock absorber. This is a pain point. Cracks and peeling of rubber from a metal clip are unacceptable. Otherwise, on the first good pothole, the shock absorber stem will stick out in the hood. It will be cheaper to replace the entire support, even on a company service - $ 140
The results of the excursion. Here, in essence, is all the main and money-consuming positions in the nine and forties of the early 90s. The rest is a suspension, brakes, box - as usual, are checked in the same way as on all others. And, in general, repair and parts are no more expensive. The choice of spare parts is very large, and the difference in price can reach up to 100 percent. The main thing is not to be lazy and look for the most acceptable option. And do not clap your ears when buying a used car.

Text Andrey Timofeev, photo Alexey Ilyin, drawing Vladimir Belov


Source: "Autopilot"