Volkswagen CrossStouran test drive since 2011 Minivan

Parking a nomad

Volkswagen updated his CD, taught him to ride quickly and economically, to park on his own.
The updated Turan is an amazing combination of conservatism and innovation. Conservativeness, because outwardly the machine has almost not changed. The designer's timid hand walked along the radiator grill, adding chromium, and with it the literal sense of the word. The shape of the rear lights and bumper was slightly corrected, a block of front lights from the EOS convertible was borrowed. And all.
There are also few changes in the interior. New tissue upholsters, a little shine trimmed under stainless steel or polished aluminum (depending on versions) the central part of the instrument panel.
As one European top manager explained to me, with restyling, the appearance cannot be greatly changed so as not to cause unnecessary envy among owners of the first years of production. Turan confirms this thought.
But in terms of innovative technical solutions, engineers took their souls.
Small but very strong
One of the wonderful innovations was the line of TSI gasoline engines with a capacity of 140 and 170 hp. with a working volume of only 1.4 liters. The one that is more powerful is already installed on the golf GT. On a compact van, new units will replace a 2-liter 150-horsepower engine, not inferior to it in anything.
The TSI boost technology (about it is slightly lower) made it possible to reduce the size of the engine, reduce fuel consumption, reduce the toxicity of the exhaust gases with increasing power and torque. TSI engineers develop the maximum torque from 1,500 rpm. The Volkswagen proudly states that today no car of this class can provide such even traction, which does not decrease with the increase in the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft.
If he had not known, he had never believed that I was driving in a car with a 1.4 engine. The motor gives the car sports features, and the driver adds confidence that at any moment his Turan will begin to accelerate confidently. And already with an automatic DSG box, which the magazine has repeatedly written and which, even at the time of its appearance, made an indelible impression on the author, life behind the wheel of an updated The compact wan is just chocolate.
For example, the engine is 140 hp. In the range of 17504000 rpm develops the maximum torque 220 N.M. It accelerates Turan to 100 km/h in 9.8 seconds and provides a maximum speed of 200 km/h. The engine is economical, the average fuel consumption is 7.4 liters per hundred kilometers. The indicators of the 170-horsepower engine are even more impressive: with it, Turan develops 218 km/h, with acceleration to 100 km/h is controlled for 8.5 s, and consumes 7.6 liters per hundred. High characteristics, which the compressor helped (with relatively small revolutions) and a turbocharger (above), correspond to no less than a 2.5-liter atmospheric engine! And there is no need to talk about the winnings in compactness and mass.

With hands and without
But the true revolution was made with the steering control. The bagel wiser so much that it tells the driver in which direction to rotate it in emergency situations. The principle of operation of the steering corrector is simple: a short -term impetus on the steering wheel reported by an electric power, provokes the driver intuitively perform the correct action adjusting the steering wheel in the opposite direction. Commands the ESP parade. According to Volkswagen experts, the corrector will be especially effective on road surfaces with different clutch coefficients (snow-asphalt or mud-Axfalt).
I confess, to test the corrector in the case did not have the opportunity. But he touched another miracle. How else can you call a parking lot without hands?
The most important thing is turning on the parking player button located in front of the automatic lever, not to move away from lined up cars and not rush. The signal on the dashboard will announce the possibility of standing at the sidewalk. Further, everything is simple: turn on the reverse, press on the gas and remove your hands from the steering wheel. Even looking in the rear view mirror is not necessary. If an obstacle is an obstacle, the car will give out a sound warning. By twisting the steering wheel, the parking worker brings Turan close to the car standing behind. This is where his work ends. And then do not be too lazy to press the brake and turn on the front move. Nevertheless, you have to complete the maneuver manually, arguing the steering wheel and pressing the CD to the sidewalk.
Of course, the device will provide an invaluable service to beginners, but, I'm afraid, weaning drivers independently make decisions and make maneuvers. Having parked a couple of times without hands, I tried to correct the trajectory. But the parking worker showed the burrows and was intolerant of outside interference. As soon as I got behind the wheel, he was offended and turned off, they say, park himself.
Turan so in Persia called all nomads. The current Turan from Volkswagen seems to belong to their number. It is perfectly adapted for nomadic life. It has enough space for a large family and a home belongings. It is economical, unpretentious interval interval is 30,000 km. But as a true nomad, he thinks about the parking lot. After all, it is there that real life begins.
Updated Turan in terms of technical capabilities is one of the most advanced CDs today.
Ulrich Wuttke, project manager Parking.
Our device allows you to find a place for parking along the sidewalk with both right and left side and call on it in reverse. The main conditions: speed is not higher than 30 km/h and removal from a number of parked cars by no more than 1.5 meters. Ringing when moving in reversing takes on an electric power steering according to the program we calculated. The driver can only watch the maneuver.
Vladimir Solovyov

All test drives of this model on the website

Source: The magazine "Driving"