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Comparison of 5 mini-wenes. Seven on the shops

They say that the demographic situation in Russia began to improve. Perhaps this is so. At least, there are more mini-wenes on the streets, and, it seems to us, it is somehow interconnected.

Oleg Kalaushin, a journalist, 43 years old, a driver’s experience 24 years, travels to Renault Logan.

Participants in the test
Opel Zafira Tourer from 799,000 p.
Mazda5 from 985 000 p.
Chevrolet Orlando from 719 000 p.
Citroen C4 Picasso from 755,000 p.
Volkswagen Touran from 845,000 p.

Comparison of 5 mini-wenes

And if so, then why not collect the most striking representatives of this automobile galaxy and go to the traditional mileage in Karelia, where, as you know, not only beautiful, but also very revealing, because almost all types of roads are present in a small area , which can be found in Russia, starting with broken graders and ending with perfect highway. It is there that one can appreciate what this or that family car is suitable for, because who, if not mini-wenes, are imprisoned for long crossings by the whole family.

This time, the list of applicants was not very great (sedan or crossovers incomparably more), but sufficient to choose. Given the relative popularity and novelty of cars, it was decided to take the following cars in the mileage: VW Touran because this is already a classic; Citroen C4 Picasso because he is not like everyone else; the least similar to Mazda 5 mini-ven; Expressive Chevrolet Orlando and, of course, the novelty of Opel Zafira Tourer, literally stuffed with innovation. As a result, on one of the overwhelming autumn days, a column of five mini-wenes advanced in the direction of the city of Sortavala.

Mazda 5
Tikhon Sikuler, art director, 30 years, driver's experience: 12 years, personal car Ford C-Max

This comparison was waiting with interest: my size, I love mini-wen. Especially if, in addition to universal qualities, a small bus can also bring pleasure behind the wheel. Mazda 5 is from these. It’s spacious behind the wheel, but the landing is not low. A sharp and informative steering wheel, coupled with a moderately hard suspension, allows you to step in corners. According to the dynamic characteristics, Mazda justified the number 5 in its name and from our quintet was the slowest. But thanks to the responsive gas pedal, this was practically not felt, although the automatic transmission would like more quickness.

An employee of the car dealership, who gave me the keys to Mazda 5, learning that we were going to Karelia, exclaimed: you will not go there. And there are no spots of the five! Fortunately, both times the manager was mistaken. Despite a small road clearance and a long front overhang with a low bumper skirt, Mazda 5 overcame the broken soil areas. Yes, and the reserve was found: despite the presence of the third row of seats, the designers managed to hide the dock under the trunk floor, placing a niche for trifles on top. Leather seats seemed soft, with poor support. The middle row is rather inconvenient for two on the central part. But the most interesting shift doors in this Mazda. In addition to the electric drive, they are also released by the ability to lower glass, which is rare for this type of doors, children will like it.

The engine power is enough for dynamic driving. Supporting and controllability. Effective brakes.
Spacious, but somewhat old -fashioned. The transformation is original, but not difficult.
Noise insulation could clearly be better.
6 airbags, stabilization system, ABS.
Comparable with the price of competitors.

How sometimes the classification spoils the life of the car! Judge for yourself: Mazda 5 in the terminology of NATO belongs to mini-wenes, but if you do not know about it, then it never occurred to anyone to put this car on a par with those who are consciously bought in most cases when you have behind your shoulders as A minimum of a third of life and seven on the shops. Outwardly, Mazda 5 is too swift and squat to be a joy for the whole family. Rather, it is a dynamic station wagon than a family mini-van. Nevertheless, this is so. In any case, in this you cease to doubt when you find yourself in the car. By the way, unlike other participants in the mileage, only Mazda has access to the second row not through swing, but through sliding doors. They are driven through electricity and can be open remotely from the key fob. As it turned out during the test, this action can still make a wild delight not only in a resident of the distant farm. The advantages of the shift doors over swinging are completely undeniable. Firstly, this is a wide opening, and secondly, the possibility of planting and ease of passengers in constrained conditions.

It’s easy to climb, but sitting is not very

But not only this can surprise the Mazda 5 salon. So, for example, the second row can be both three -seater and double. We don’t need, say, the middle seat, we throw back the right seat and remove it into the resulting niche, and then return the seat to its place. Do we want to get a spacious mesh pocket between the seats? Not a question: we throw forward the left seat and pull out a kind of children's arena under all a trifle from under it. And you can completely leave the passage to the third row. By the way, the rear seats go without problems from both the second row and from the trunk. That's just sitting on them, as, however, in other cars, is not very comfortable. It does not save the fact that for the sake of releasing the space for the legs, albeit slightly, but to move passengers of the second row forward. As for the trunk, then with a seven -seater version there is practically no.

The middle seat may appear in this form

Despite the abundance of various kinds of chips and lotions, the salon of this Japanese still looks rather old -fashioned. The feeling is that the Japanese did not let the Japanese in the interior go nostalgia for zero. The position does not save the position and a sophisticated multimedia complex. However, he, as it turned out later, is not a standard equipment and does not apply to the original elements, and therefore we will not focus on it.

Being a car with a dynamic appearance, the five and in fact turned out to be one. In any case, what she could demonstrate on the road is quite eager to praise. And even the automatic box practically did not prevent the car from realizing what the driver wanted from it. The steering turned out to be intelligible. Sometimes even very intelligible, because the reaction, even to a slight ruler, was almost instantaneous. The car also behaved tolerably on a grader. Contrary to expectations, she did not knock out the soul from the driver. On the highway was completely good. The only thing I had to complain about was insufficient sound insulation. You can still put up with this on the smooth highway, but you should get on the skin, and you can forget about the sincere conversation with the fellow traveler. In increased colors, what kind of intimate conversation is there! However, insufficient sound insulation is characteristic of almost all cars of this brand.

Chevrolet Orlando
Andrey Mashnin, Deputy Chief Editor, 49 years old, driver's experience of 13 years, personal car Mitsubishi Galant

I did not particularly pay attention to this car. In his image, he seemed to be somehow official, official, almost like a minibus. But now a meeting with the eye on the eye took place, and the impression has changed. Once alone with Orlando after receiving the car at the dealer, he went around, sat on all seats, explored the trunk and came to the conclusion that this is an ideal machine for family life, and in different versions of its character. Those who are younger can go out of town as a large company, those who are older can carry, except for children and relatives, a bunch of baggage in long journey. Neither the inveterate summer residents, nor lovers of outdoor recreation, nor hunters-fishing will not leave offended. The arrangement of the driver’s place liked it, everything is clear and convenient, without surprises. It is only a pity that the built -in navigator shines in the sun so that nothing is visible on the screen. Of the vivid features, I note the loud noise of the motor with intensive acceleration. During overtaking on a two -lane highway, this, of course, mobilizes, but the sound is still more like a hysteria. But when moving at a cruising speed of about 110 km/h, complete quiet and grace in the cabin. I personally have no complaints about controllability, I adapted quickly. The suspension is also normal, without extremes. A good review, a sufficient clearance, a spacious interior, miracles of transformation is an excellent car.

The height of the car does not allow you to strain when washing

Despite the rather powerful engine, the dynamics are mediocre. Sometimes a gearbox is stupid.
Spacious and quite cozy. Transformations are small, but thought out.
Quite a comfortable car. The disadvantages include insufficient sound insulation of the motor compartment.
There are 4 pillows and ABS in the database.

Even if you remove the huge cross from the radiator grill, there will be no doubt where this car came from. And even if he has long been a European, every element of the exterior is literally permeated with Americanisms. No less star strip and interior. Everything is deliberately great here. It is immediately evident: a lack of resources in the country that produces such cars does not and cannot be. Correspond to the general style and materials.

The driver’s place is quite convenient, but some interior details look somehow very specific, while others even present surprises. For example, the instrument panel is very similar to a scuffing mask. Or take, for example, the central console. The upper part occupies an impressive active display. In addition to displaying the functions of the audio complex, the same monitor displays the information of the navigation system. By the way, as a navigation program, the manufacturer preferred Navitelu. The latter is quite justified, since it is perfectly adapted to travel; In any case, the roads along which the mileage passed, Navitel knows well. Below are the controls of the audio system, and even below the climate control, and everything seems to be as usual, but ... In addition to the main functions for the audio compartment control unit, another function is entrusted: it is also a secret glove compartment cover. Throwing it back, you will find a rather roomy box that can compete with the size of the glove box in other cars. In the same glove compartment lies a bunch of tails for connecting audio devices.

Cache behind the control unit of the audio system

Being a mini-van, Orlando is proposed in a 7-seater version, but, like any other mini-van of such dimensions, he cannot offer a full-fledged third row of seats. It’s not easy to fit there even one person, not to mention two. Nevertheless, if you need to go close to a large company, it will be possible to do this. Moreover, the transformation of the salon from a five -seater to a three -seater here is surprisingly simple. You do not need to make any extra movements: we press the key on the upper end of the back of the second row, and now not only the seat moved slightly forward, but also leaned back. The seat goes forward just as easily, turning the car elephant into a roomy van. Here is just one bad thing: on this the whole transformation ends. There are no fischets in the form of appeared armrests or something else interesting. And the gender of the trunk is quite high. But on the other hand, it will be even in such a car and it will be possible to spend the night with comfort, since the place in length allows, and large -sized glass, for example, will not break.

The instrument shield is original, but not very convenient in operation

The 1.8 -linen engine that is put on this car is not bad. In any case, it is not deprived of power and torque. But the automatic box is clearly not from this car. And if when driving in a calm mode with her work it is quite possible to put up, then it is worth spurring how disappointment comes. The programs are reluctant to switch. The engine begins to reach the peak of revolutions, but besides noise, it does not give anything. The manual regime does not help much in this case. It is possible to make a handle, of course, but if you take a car with an automatic machine, then you trust mainly on it, but here ... In general, if you think about dynamics, it is better to take the car on the handle.

There are not many transformation options, but it is very simple and convenient

But the steering, unfortunately, cannot be chosen. And as I wanted, oh how I wanted the steering wheel to be a little heavier. But no: put his left hand on nine, relaxed and the car went to the oncoming lane. This is especially noticeable at high speed, when even a slight deviation from zero is enough for the car to move a couple of meters from the straightforward trajectory in a second.

But Orlando can ride quickly, and even on the poor roads the energy intensity of the suspension is enough. In any case, there were no problems on the grader.

Volkswagen Touran
Igor Kuznetsov, photo editor, 50 years, driver’s experience: 30 years, personal car Skoda Yeti

Touran from the tribe of the Volkswagenes, and this has already been said. And the quintessence of the model can be expressed by a popular chocolate slogan: quadratish. Practice. Gut. At the same time, the Wolfsburg mini-wen is not alien to aesthetics. Moreover, I believe that a conservative person to Touran will seem not only pretty, but also stylish. CAK and any other car, Touran for an amateur. For example, I like it. And in the complex. Because I like not only the exterior, but also the interior filling. And, running ahead, sled habits too. TUran salon is a sample of a balanced approach to design. It is convenient for them to use in any circumstances: for passenger transportation and for transporting goods. It is not surprising, because the transformations of the Turanovsky salon can envy the transformer. To contemplate and feel the living zone is also nice. The ergonomics of the laconic governing bodies and the nobility of finishing materials at the proper level. The car is going very fervently even with a 1.2 -frail motor. Microscopic gasoline engine is stimulated by boost. As a result, sitting behind the wheel, you are an equal member of the auto unit. The chassis is also worked out for fame. Touran is clearly and understandable. The suspension is elastic. The brakes are spacing. There is nothing to complain about. Only biting price confuses. However, undoubtedly, it is worth paying for Volkswagen quality.

The engine cannot be called powerful, but the dynamics of the car does not suffer from this. Management is magnificent on any coating.
Spacious and convenient, although it looks pretty simple. The removable second row of seats significantly increases the carrying capacity.
There are no complaints about this part.
In the database 6 pillows, ABS, ESP.
The basic configuration is not very expensive, but at the maximum wipes

Classic, they say, is always in price. Well, a well -founded statement, and it is the best suited to Touran. Looking at him from the side, you do not feel any doubt that before you is a mini-van. A small hood, a high roof, almost vertical rear racks all these are classes of class belonging. However, this does not mean at all that VW looks archaic. On the contrary, it is as if outside of time, and the current trends that have taken possession of the minds of designers today appear here, like a successfully chosen Haitec cufflink to a classic costume. What are the rear lights alone: \u200b\u200bdiscreet during the day, but how spectacular they look at dusk and night!

Climate control unit is extremely simple and therefore well understandable

The car looks no less classically from the inside. You can say even too classically. However, here, as they say, you are checkers or go. And to go, when everything is simple and clear, where it is more calmer and safer than when you have to get used to everything. In VW, you don’t need to get used to anything. The set of designer delights is minimal, but the ergonomics is verified to the smallest detail, in connection with which it is only worth driving behind the wheel, as you understand that you are at ease. Here, even the gas pedal has a long and pleasant trip, because it is flooring. And what a convenient central armrest is wide, it is regulated in height and in the longitudinal direction! In general, it is a pleasure to go on a long journey in such an atmosphere. The engineers also took care of passengers. Firstly, in the second row, each of the three has a full-fledged separate seat, and secondly, any of them can adjust the back tilt and move in the longitudinal direction. And thirdly, if necessary, the second row can be easily dismantled. Moreover, you can take out the seats in any sequence. Unfortunately, we did not have a third row of seats, and we cannot say with certainty the third row of seats, and we cannot. But, given that the trunk volume here is about the same as that of opponents, we can assume that here you can only dream of full -fledged places. However, as it seems to us, the dreams and regret of the owner will end.

Each of these seats can be pulled separately

By and large, he will not even have to regret him that he at one time fought somewhat and did not take the car with the engine more than 1.2 liters. This baby surprisingly cracked a rather heavy car and is not at all gluttonous. In any case, without lagging behind, and sometimes setting the pace of the whole column, Touran consumed almost a quarter less than his gasoline rivals. Pretty pleasant impressions remained from the suspension: even on a broken grader in the car it was quite comfortable. It was worth going to a good asphalt, the trip literally crossed the phase of flight. Street reviews deserved the steering. Especially its qualities were manifested on serpentines. The force on the steering wheel is optimal, equally optimal and gear ratio. Even in the coolest turns, the steering wheel did not have to intercept the steering wheel. The brakes were also intelligible. Nevertheless, one spoon of tar was a lack of parking sensors. It is even somewhat strange that a car that has even fog, if they are not turned on, perform the turning of the turning, but there is no parking sensors. In our opinion, it should be a priori on such machines, given the dimensions and contingent of drivers.
Citroen C4 Picasso
Alexey Smirnov, designer, 40 years old, driver's experience of 10 years, personal cars - Volvo 940, Renault Logan

At first, having settled in the womb of this car, I felt like a fish. Not an ordinary trifle on a zooryka, but a collection with some kind of maxillofacial look in a piece aquarium. And this despite the fact that Picasso did not have a hatch. The sliding sunscreen visors that increase the area of \u200b\u200bglazing glass to indecent, huge light openings at the front racks, deliberately rounded body shapes, thin air lines of the salon elements gave all this a feeling of airiness, lightness. Having contacted very friendly governing bodies, I decided that it was more logical to introduce myself to the researcher of a deep -sea bathyscaphe.

There is such a control unit for the front passenger

Places where you can put all sorts of little things, even too much easily forget that I stuffed where. Not to all control keys located on a fixed hub of the steering wheel, it is easy to reach right away, especially in corners. A bright, well -readable display is quite informative, though it is somewhat rustic. I expected that there would be rolls due to a high center of gravity, but with high-speed maneuvers the car is stable, the suspension is moderately hard. At first, a thoughtful robot annoyed, but, making friends with the steering wheel petal of a compulsory lowering, I found that the car had become much frozen. In general, a pleasant device. You just need to get used to some things and be able to benefit from them as much as possible.

And these are not all the boxes that can be found in the car

The engine is not bad, but everything spoils the work of a robotic box in automatic mode.
Overloaded visually. However, this does not prevent him from being comfortable and spacious.
If not for the suspension, the car could be recognized as completely comfortable.
In the database 7 pillows, ABS, ESP.
Reasonable price for a well -equipped car.

It would be more correct, of course, it would be possible to take Grand Picasso into the run, but there was no will at the time of the start of the free car in the dealer center, and therefore we had to be content with what was. As a result, the place in the column was taken not by a 7-, but a 5-seater car. Which, however, was not so critical, because in addition to a slightly different shape of the back of the body and the absence of the third row of seats, a five -seater from the seven -month, in principle, is no different.

You don’t get used to such a selector of choosing the work of the RKP

And since it came to the appearance, then let's say: those who like it, and those who do not like it, are actually divided equally. No less disputes about design and functionality caused the interior. The abundance of buttons, displays, handles, which are scattered almost throughout the cabin, can focus and a person sophisticated in cars. The same one who is in the cabin for the first time just takes a dumb. And if you still open all the boxes that equip only the front panel, you will have to take a pen and write down where you put something, otherwise you will forget. Fortunately, at least the second row of seats is more or less intuitive. He pulled the appropriate ribbon, and then the seat falls on the floor, and on top of it and the back lies. All three seats are separate here and can take shape both together and separately. The floor of the trunk, with completely folded seats, becomes even and rather low. The fifth door is equipped with an opening glass, which simplifies the process of loading small things in constrained conditions.

A table in the back of the seat is a trifle, but it's nice

Frankly, from Citroen we expected the most comfortable driving, but from the first meters our expectations were not allowed to come true. Firstly, everyone who lands behind the wheel of this car was very strained the robotic box selection lever. It was very unconventional he had an algorithm of switching compared to a regular automatic. As they say, and God would be with Him, so the algorithm of the work of the robot was not on top. Almost all switches were accompanied by strong nods, which, as you know, did not add comfort. Plus, the robot did not always smash the transmission correctly, which was especially noticeable on serpentines: you need a craving, but it is not, the car wins and only then, as if in thought of thinking, it crosses the step below and, having roared the engine, begins to pull in the hill. In general, after some time everyone decided to drive this machine exclusively in manual mode and a miracle happened: the car was replaced and running well, and pulls the mountain perfectly, and the dynamics is very wow. The main thing is to pull in time either for the left or for the right steering petal. And what a review! A huge windshield passing into the roof, exactly what you need when you travel in Karelia. With ordinary glazing, you will not see half of what opens up at the wheel of Citroen. You just need to get used to two additional racks in front. From them on the serpentine, you have to literally peek in order to correctly evaluate the road environment. Being a car with a legendary suspension, Citroen on the asphalt did not present any surprises, the car was really very comfortable. But as soon as the grader went to the grader, something unimaginable began. The blow was literally shook the body, and it was not about breakdown. Just too hard shock absorbers did not allow the springs to adequately respond to irregularities. As a result, so as not to ditch the car, the pace of movement had to be reduced. However, this was on the way there, and the return trip passed along the corrected grader, and the speed of the column from Citroen no longer depended on C4 Picasso flew along the primer along with everyone.

Opel Zafira Tourer
Maxim Fedorov, journalist, 34 years old, driver's experience of 8 years, personal car Ford Focus

The king makes a retinue, and the car is a motor. Taking a candle with almost idle revolutions with a lomic torque of a two-liter turbodiesel of a Safira turns a family mini-van into a real missile! But, unlike the dynamics, the price of such a version is not happy: in standard configuration it will cost 1,135,000 rubles. Due to a bunch of additional options, the test machine was even more expensive, despite the fact that many dopes are clearly superfluous here. For example, a navigator with a low screen resolution and weak knowledge of roads of the Leningrad region and Karelia, or a system for tracking road markings. But the radar cruise control came in handy: it is very comfortable to go along the highway. The salon of the background of competitors looks the most stylish and modern, but it is far from the most convenient. The branded FLEX7 transformation system turned out to be too confused. To fold the seats of the middle row, you need to apply strength and ingenuity, although there are no such problems in the CHEVROLAROLET ORLANDO contrast. The third row in the back of the checkmark: the pillows of the seats are so low that even the child is uncomfortable to sit here. Among other miscalculations of the designers, the central console and a large zone overloaded with buttons on the right side of the windshield, to which the wiper brushes do not reach. Nevertheless, despite the shortcomings, among the tested mini-wenes, I liked the most.

The car is well balanced. It steer perfectly, perfectly slows down, and diesel is completely beyond praise.
Interesting not only visually, but also from the point of view of transformation.
Comfortable on roads with any coating. Good and sound insulation.
The basic configuration is 4 pillows, ABS, ESP.
It is understandable and reasonable.

We do not know how you are, and our design of this car is associated exclusively with a speed train. Agree, there is something from the locomotive in Zafira. And how much dynamics give its image a head optics combined in the shape of a boomerang! Or take a huge windshield passing into the roof. And the color in which Zafira appeared before us on a mileage, ordinary black metallic, it is very suitable for it. The machine looks spectacular in the back, especially if instead of ordinary rear lights there are modernized LEDs, as in our version. The fact is that we went to the test in the maximum configuration, that is, with all the delights that this mini-van can be stuffed, starting with a huge glass roof and ending with the radar of active cruise control. And at the same time inactive display. The latter is very inconvenient, especially given the fact that navigation is provided in the car. And to manage Navitel, as you know, is easier with an active screen. In fact, there are also enough buttons and keys on the central panel and beard here, but there is no such stupor as in Citroen. It is more or less intuitively clear, and many can even deal with many in motion, that is, practically not distracting from the road. But the interior transformation system requires a thoughtful approach. Unlike the Orlando nozzle, where everything is simple, just two, here the mind will still have to melt. What can I say, if only the front armrest has three levels and can be transformed into any form convenient for the driver. In general, Zafira can be both 7 -seater and 1 -seater. That is, if necessary, you can add the front seat, thereby getting the opportunity for transporting long -termers. The transformation of the second row is no less interesting. It can be both three- or double. In this case, the average optional seat turns into two separate chic armrests, and the side seats move to the center of the car. At the same time, the seats can move in the longitudinal direction, releasing the place for the legs. But the third row passengers are unlikely to be happy even despite the fact that Zafira Tourer was the largest car of those who took part in the mileage.

This ledge can be sensitive to

This car also had one more difference from the rest. Opel was the only one who, instead of high -octane gasoline, consumed diesel fuel. Which, however, did not prevent him from being along with everyone both in dynamics and in comfort. The noise from a two -liter diesel was not much more than from gasoline cars, and 130 forces and 300 nm of torque was enough to not only not be disappointed, but rather admire the dynamics. Well, of course, it was impossible not to appreciate the efficiency of this car. Under a 58 -liner tank, he has a much larger stroke reserve than say, the same Orlando. Involuntarily comparing Zafira with a nozzle, we also noted that these cars steer completely differently. The German holds the trajectory more clearly, and he somehow has less slanting in the suspension, while you can’t call it hard, and even on the killed road he holds well as well as well. In addition, the suspension can be configured, just press the corresponding button on the central console. By the way, in the sport mode, the instrument shield is immediately painted red. Of the active assistants, it is also worth noting the warning system about the objects located in the blind zone and active cruise control. The latter is very convenient, especially when you go in a column.

The middle seat of the second row can turn into such a huge armrest

A multi -level armrest is not only interesting, but also convenient

Our verdict
As in past times, a large test allowed us to fully evaluate each of the cars presented in this material. There were finds, there were frank disappointments, but in one we are sure: mini-wen, as before, are one of the most universal cars, and if you need a car for all occasions, then you should look at this particular class of cars. Moreover, more than all manufacturers are in the production program.

A source: Magazine 5 wheel [November 2012]