Test drive Volkswagen Polo GTI 2005 - 2008 hatchback

Charged dwarfs

It is absolutely not important what to consider: Renault Clio Sport or a turbo shack led by Mini Cooper S, Opel Corsa OPC and VW Polo GTI. Everyone is united by the same motto a small case, but a powerful core, coupled with maximum pleasure from driving
Candidates are impressive with a torque of 7,000 revolutions and to Redlin. But not everyone copes with such power competently. Who is the best?
Only at high speeds Renault begins to wake up
Namely, only after 5,000 revolutions. Not a very successful option for urban conditions, because only outside the city Renault shows its real opportunities. If in the city the car behaves simply quickly and even sometimes reactively, then in nature it turns into real euphoria. After the reached 5.500 revolutions and 215 Nm, Renault reaches a hormonal explosion! But that is not all. We were very pleased with the management in turning, which is usually not the best for representatives of Renault. There is little good to say about the gearbox handle, which resembles more a crookedly attached brick Lego.
Mini turbodemon
The true winner is hiding under the hood of the Mini car. The aggregate receives the title of engine of the year. The motors of the rest of the candidates also behave with dignity, but mini is just a fairy tale. Let us throw the insides and return to the cabin: a chic leather finish made in the retro style, what else does a person need for complete happiness? And, of course, an unforgettable sensation that can only be able to do behind the wheel of a miniature Englishman in all British traditions.
A little about the rest
The rest impressed less, but also worthy of respect. It is only worth saying that the plus of Opel is a sophisticated package of devices, which is included in the basic configuration. With its jump into the future Opel is the exact opposite of the concept of Mini. Well, the VW Polo GTI Cup Edition once again recalled what real German quality is, and most importantly the ratio of price and quality. Only 23.275 euros stands in Europe this German athlete. In general, all tested candidates are good, but the choice, as always, is already for the buyer.
Some technical data:
Mini (BMW) Renault
Engine/gasoline slope/1.598 gasoline/1.998
Power 175 hp 197 hp
Rotating moment when revolutions/min 240 215
From 0 to 100 km/h 7.0 7.4
Maximum speed 225 215
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) 11.45 9.29
CO2 release into atmosphere 149 199
Braking distance from 100 to 0 km/h 36.5 35.9
Price in Europe, euros of 22.100 from 24.650

Source: Autolet.ru