Test drive Volkswagen Phaeton 2002 - 2009 sedan

Path Phaeton

Volkswagen brought to the market a long-drawn version of its top model
It's nice when a car awaits you at the airport. And it is doubly nice if it is a luxurious vw Phaeton Long limousine. True, I failed to taste the whole charm of the rear seat and those same additional 120 mm on that first Berlin evening. But I immediately appreciated the magnificent organization of the driver’s place (I had the first time to drive at the wheel of Phaeton), and the car itself from the point of view of the driver. In addition, I had three days ahead, I will say right away - a well -organized test drive, with a visit to the glass manufactory in Dresden and Avtograd in Wolfsburg, so the opportunity to fall apart behind and dream, or lazily recall the myth of the phaeton, introduced myself.
Myths and reality
How was the ancient Greeks there? The beautiful -haired Oceanid Climen gave birth to a dazzling Helios seven Heliad daughters and the son of Phaeton - the only mortal order to violate the order established by the gods. Volkswagen created Phaeton, thereby allowing himself to violate Status Quo in the segment of the highest class cars. It is right at the same time believing that a good product should be in demand, especially if you take into account that the annual sale of such machines is an average of 230 thousand units, and the demand for them is growing steadily. And when the people are rich, the people's brand cannot be away from this process and miss the benefits. But there is Audi, ”the reader will say. - Why organize competition within one concern? And I asked such a question to Yorhu Valtz, a public relations jacket manager, where Phaeton is produced.
“Take a look at the numbers of sales in Germany,” he suggested, “and you will see that the Audi A8 and VW Phaeton together occupy a larger market segment than Mercedes or BMW of a similar class (separately, approx. Auth.). This means that in general, the concern’s strategy in the upper class is justified. Meanwhile, A8 and Phaeton - cars are very different, and they have different customers. The buyer A8 is more sports, he chooses between Audi and BMW. The potential owner of Phaeton is rather conservative, he is not attracted by avant-garde design, he wishes a classic car and chooses between Phaeton and Mercedes S-class. In favor of the fidelity of our strategy, the fact that from the beginning of production, in two years, we sold only about eleven thousand cars, then only last year - about seven and a half thousand. I do not remember that someone else has achieved such a quick success when entering the sector of elite cars.
All this, however, did not yet know when I crossed the track that separates the airport building from the parking lot, on which cars prepared for the test stood out against the background of other cars in the rays of sunset, like the fire chariot of the sun god against stars and planets. The earth was still embraced by darkness when Helios headed for the stable, where his hot horses snored and beat and beat and beat. With the usual movements, he drove a chariot and harnessed the horses into it. I did not need to make a single unnecessary movement, even extracting the key from my pocket - there is a Keyless -CCESS system, and Phaeton recognized the owner in a few meters, helpfully forced the door. My colleague and I could only approach the trunk, press on the lower part of the emblem and, when the lid opened, throw things into a 500-liter compartment. Later, having bought souvenirs and other trifles in different cities, we placed a dozen packages in the trunk, but did not master all its space.
Helios, according to the ideas of the ancients, the rules of his chariot standing. I settled down in a convenient seat and, having tied it for myself, was puzzled only by that-did I use a 12-coordinate system or 18-coordinate? Realizing that everything is decisively regulated - from the tilt of the headrest, to the length of the lower pillow, I stopped thinking about it and pressed the engine start button. Confident Rokot immediately reminded me that under the hood - 335 horses.
With the engines, it should be said that such a story came out. At first, VW offered Polish engines-240-horsepower V6 (it was in particular demand) and a mighty 420-horsepower W12. Later, a version with a well -known diesel v10 (313 hp) appeared, and more recently they began to install V8 on the flagship (with five valves on the cylinder, we note), which we went to the test. The long -drawn version is equipped with all these engines with the exception of V6 - about such a modification in the company is being reflected. All Phaeton Long - all -wheel drive cars
And Helios said to his beloved son: you do not know the road. It is worth deviating from it, as the order in the world is violated. Alas, the phaeton of the navigation system was not at the disposal. It was not difficult for me to lay a 200-kilometer route to Dresden in a matter of seconds. Managing a multifunctional 7 -inch color display is a pleasure, everything is easy and understandable. At the same time, I reduced the clearance to the minimum level in advance, although electronics could cope with this task when reaching high speed, and chose the toughest of four shock absorbers - it was almost completely dark, and the colleague insisted on the speedy arrival at the hotel and dinner. Well, go ahead!
Should I sit in my chariot if none of the gods begin to manage it? - Helios was exhorted. - My winged horses rush like a whirlwind, overcoming such a distance in one day, which the fastest ship will not pass in a year. VW Phaeton is good because it is absolutely obedient and ready to observe the speed limit. But here we are in an autobahn, where, finally, a sign appeared about the abolition of all restrictions. The car reacted to the sharp pressing of the accelerator pedal with almost instant and explosive acceleration. But there was still some pause, and I converted the automatic transmission into a sports mode, deciding to use the steering wheel petals - the switches of the ranges. And I liked it great! Phaeton allowed, if necessary, to accelerate even more freaks, and when necessary, when moving to lower gear, he willingly braked the engine. Later I found out that among the many electronic systems there is a MSR - a control system of a controlled engine. Probably, I controlled it correctly, since it turned out, although I did not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow exactly this should be done.
Phaeton is also good because many things do not need to think at all, and even more so there is no need to study the instructions. Despite all his technological complexity and the abundance of cunning electronics, he belongs to the category of those cars, which, as they say, got into the wheel of which, and drove away. At the same time, from the very first minutes he gives a feeling of royal comfort and, no less important, security.
The horses rushed silently, and a huge speed could only be judged by the way they flew towards and hid behind the horizon of the star, but this was not enough for the Phaeton. Forgetting everything, he drove them with a scourge. Suddenly, the chariot was tilted, the phaeton was frightened, realizing that the wheels had jumped out of a rut in an open section of the VW Phaeton Long highway with the ease of the car had 230 kilometers per hour. I knew that electronics would increase the speed by another 20 km/h, and the air suspension (it really deserves an excellent assessment) is designed for movement and at a speed of 300 km/h. But I did not have a desire to spur the engine. At some point, I suddenly felt that the car was not too confidently holding the way. The fault of this, of course, was a strongly strong side wind, and, perhaps, too hard road surface. But to take risks when a concrete chipper on the left, and on the right there was no point, you must, agree, no sense.
For three days, I have gained high speed more than once, but the same line of 230 km/h, honestly, overcame only occasionally. Therefore, I think, it can be considered the cruising speed of the Phaeton V8. And this is not enough for you? ..
Behind the glass
The next day, during a trip to a glass manufactory, and then to Wolfsburg, I finally tasted all the charms of siberia in the rear chair. Moreover, at our disposal was an exclusive version with two separate rear seats, between which a wide -tributor -trifling table was located - with cup holders and a display. Four -sided - as the manufacturer calls it - the Climatronic system provides each of the passengers with an individual microclimate. The chair is also regulated by a 10-coordinate system, leaving 10 mm ago when landing and landing. Foot places - more than enough. I could only complain about the absence of a retractable leg stand, but still I need to know the measure - this is not airliner so that, throwing my foot on my foot, I looked through the window, reliable from the noise of the outside world, like on TV. By the way, no one interferes with ordering TV screens in the headrests of the front seats. I was quite a great sounding audio system and pictures of spring Germany around. And when I was nodded, and I was really bored, I moved closer to my colleague, to the front seat.
Car news has already been told about the glass manufactory (AI No. 10 (13) 2002), so I will dwell on what was not mentioned, and what attracted attention. They struck as they were at the right at the entrance, accessories and all sorts of trinkets behind glass. And a cigar box is a humidor, and an ashtray, and a lighter with a Phaeton label look stylish, and are fabulously expensive. Hmm, one must be a true fan of the brand to afford such toys. However, everything is correct - every self -respecting luxury car manufacturer must offer customers such things.
Everything is done at this unusual factory so that the potential buyer feels not only a welcome guest, but also the main person, the master of the situation, from whom there can be decisively no secrets. First of all, they are waiting for him in the client zone, where there is everything, including a children's game room with toys, if the future owner of Phaeton arrived with his family. Here he can feel and choose the right skin for interior decoration, the desired complete set and color (all on a huge screen, so that it is better to be visible), and in general, express any wishes that, be sure, try to fulfill.
No one interferes with the client, if he has time and desire to trace after almost the entire assembly process of his car - a strip conveyor, laid with Canadian parquet, grated to a shine (!), Open for everyone. Of course, the buyer has something to marvel at. There are smart platforms on magnetic moves that can independently load, unload, and in addition to stop in front of unexpected obstacles, which often do not make curious journalists to the extent. And almost silent robots (there are few of them, cars are collected almost manually), and sterile cleanliness is generally impressive. But the main thing is that you immediately understand that you are extremely technological production in which negligence or marriage is simply unthinkable.
Of course, the manufactory is made exclusively at the manufactory. All components are received by ready -made blocks from other VW enterprises. And they also act not quite in the usual way - on special trams called Cargotram. Only the body made in the core is delivered on trucks. Now for a day 230 people, when working in two shifts, collect 30 cars here. And they can - much more, there would be orders. Although for a car of this class and the current pace is considered quite normal.
Make orders, gentlemen!
The main market for VW Phaeton LONG is considered to be American, where other versions are not delivered. Further, in priority, Western Europe and Japan follow. Now Russian dealers also accept orders. By the way, no one forbids a wealthy Russian to go to Dresden or Wolfsburg, where there is also a large client center and where at the same time you can get acquainted with the only Autograd (AI No. 6 (9) 2002). Prices for the long -drawn version of Phaeton in the Russian market are in the range of 92,500 - 134,000 dollars, depending on the engine and configuration.
The solar chariot covered by the flame rushed across the sky, then soaring up, then falling down ... For a long time I was looking for a nymph of my son, until I found him on the shore of a fabulous river. She returned to her bottom, and her daughters - heliads remained on the shore, for their grief was inconsolable. The woeful crying was eventually tired of Zeus, and he turned the sisters of Phaeton into weeping willow and poplar. Life entered its rut. Only on a huge green body of gay earths appeared yellow baldnesses of deserts, and in the sky there remained a smoky Milky Way, a trace of Helios's frivolity and the recklessness of his unfortunate son. And Amber also appeared - frozen tears of heliads. A sad but beautiful myth. Now you can add to it that one of the best cars to date is named after Phaeton.
Oleg Osipov
Brief technical characteristics of Volkswagen Phaeton Long V8
Engine volume, cubic meter. See: 4172
Number of valves per cylinder: 5
Power, l. With. at about./min.: 335/6500
Max. Torque, Nm/at about. min.: 430/3500
Acceleration to 100 km/h, p.: 6.9
Maximum speed, km/h: 250*
Average fuel consumption l./100 km.: 13,1
Fuel tank volume, l.: 90
Dimensions, mm.: 5175x1903x1450
* Speed \u200b\u200bis limited by electronics

Source: Newspaper "Automobile Izvestia" [No. 7 (53), 2004]

Volkswagen Phaeton 2002 test drives - 2009