Test drive Volkswagen Passat B5 2000 - 2005 sedan

The car will move ...

Russia is a country of sedanov. But you firmly decided to buy a station wagon? Well, we are glad to help.
In Europe, middle -class universals are often in great demand than basic models with a sedan body. But in Russia, common sense is not without difficulty joining with prestige and social status. However, little by little and we have those who consciously prefer the car as a more convenient and, of course, more universal means of movement. So far, there are not many more than 10% of the total number of buyers who have gazed to the class D model. Nevertheless, this is already something. So, we begin to select the most multi -purpose and not burdened by excessively a prestigious brand, and therefore the excessive price of the station wagon. And at the same time, let's try to find out what is extremely important for such cars and what to taste.
Strongness is always in fashion
The Passat, even at the sunset, remains the owner of the very butter in the classroom. The most expensive, one can say the most meticulous. Well, they can’t, or maybe do not want to select Volkswagen competitors for the interior of their models of the same expensive plastic. And in their thoughts they do not keep that they need to be like that, almost with love to achieve impeccable in the appearance of the connection of all elements of the interior. They do not understand exactly how to flatter the client’s sensations, so that he believes that he was sitting in the car of a car above. In a word, dealing with the Passat, no matter the sedan or station wagon, with fabric seats of configuration of the basis or with Haylain Alcantara, you can not doubt the best interior in class D D cannot be found.
I agree that the tirade is quite long, but necessary to understand why the option leaves the audience with the five. Finishing materials and excellent assembly two pebbles, outweighing a bowl of scales towards Volkswagen. Because with ergonomics, all three in general have no problems. The level of competition in class D has reached a boiling point, therefore it is seriously pierced by death. That is why Citroen, and Opel, and Volkswagen have an approximately equal set of advantages in arranging the driver's workplace. Everyone is show off in their own way. Passat, as you already know, with a gloss of the finish. Opel with front seats, the development of which was spent as many as 75 million euros! They spent not in vain. Their convenience in terms of comfort and from the point of view of an orthopedist is not in doubt. And only lazy landing will not find a convenient landing.
A cozy, even pretty interior of Citroen is by no means sinless. Take at least a closely located joystick of the audio system and the ignition key, and not the most ideal for understanding the algorithm for the operation of the hydropneumatic suspension.
The main thing at the wheel of Citroen is not to confuse the ignition key with the joystick of the audio system. Otherwise, the organization of the workplace is on top

Alcantara, chrome finish, leather steering wheel with wooden inserts in the Passat has to remind yourself that you are in the station wagon
Complex control of climate control of the only puncture of the vectors in terms of ergonomics. But for the beautiful chairs, this Opel can also be forgiven and large sins
The original tidy C5 (photo on the left) suffers from an excess of dials the pressure of the oil here is out of place. But the dashboard of the passato (in the center) and Opel spoils the small tariff


All the way
Vectra-Karavan is the only universal of class D with an elongated wheelbase compared to the basic sedan. Moreover, 13 cm, the increase is not children. And Opelian engineers used a bonus appendage with a wise caravan more noticeably more spacious than the vectra of the sedan. Even with a completely moved back on the couch, a thunder will easily sit down under a ninety meter. And still, an air gap will remain between the knees and the back. In width, however, nothing outstanding. A familiar molding for two human laders, a dystrophic central headrest and medium size, the central tunnel is probably possible to sing here only a duet.
However, even on the sitroen couch, three will still be crowded. Although C5 has a lower tunnel, and there is no discrimination on the headrests. In terms of the reserve of the legs for the legs sitting behind, the French Brack is not inferior to Vectra and is somewhat superior to the passat. However, this does not mean that there is no life sitting behind in Volkswagen. The Passat was not a record holder for a long time for spaciousness for a long time, but four will go easily here. Just a tall central tunnel leaves no chance even to a teenager. And the missing third headrest indicates that the Passat does not claim the role of a 5-seater car.
Sitroen spacious and cozy salon spoils only the frankly cheap plastic of the lower part of the torpedo
Passat sample of the quality of the interior. There are no doubt, such a salon would be to the face and station wagon based on Audi
Vectra is the best Opel in terms of the interior. High -quality materials, original design, spacious rear row

Who is bigger?
If you look at one eye, then the Volkswagen is the shortest and narrowest in our test you can do not take good for a full -fledged station wagon, but rather for a car for those who do not want, like everyone else, to ride three -bobbed ditches. And in the end, in terms of the carrying capacity, it was the Passat who took the third line. But the German lost with dignity. The luggage department from 495 to 1600 liters is very good for the car, the production of which began already in 1997. Moreover, the diagonal size of the luggage opening means the widest means that large -sized cargoes will be easier to go into gut. Nevertheless, the age of the option makes itself felt. For example, the absence of a hatch for long -termers in the back of the sofa for today's times is Moveton. I did not like asymmetric tints of the wheel arches. Trifle? Don't tell me. The real useful volume will no longer become from this, but the trunk rug cannot be turned inside out, it simply will not fit.
But on the Citroen mat, there is even a corresponding Reversible inscription, and therefore there will be less often cleanlies to the sink. If anything, the rug can be easily turned over. Or here's another glass of the fifth door at Brack, it opens separately in case you need to throw only bags of food or outerwear in the trunk. It is difficult to overestimate the unique feature of C5 squatting during loading.
The trunk has a button that lowers the road clearance by 6 cm invaluable thing when transporting a bank safe. Check!
Even three years after his debut C5, the owner of the most unusual exterior in the class

But even if Citroen did not had these useful lotions, he would still remain a cool universal. The gut of the trunk of Brack resembles a compact helicopter hangar. Incidentally, the minimum volume of 565 liters is one of the best in the class.
Nevertheless, Opel turned out to be the most universal. All in the caravan with a capital letter. The trunk in shape is a parallelepiped. So, in it, unlike the Passat, there will be no unused corners, the entire volume will go into business. Or pay attention to neat holes around the perimeter of the side walls. The networks of the net can be fixed as you like, dividing the trunk into several compartments.
Vectra-Karavan successfully proves that the enlarged wheelbase is not a hindrance to congenital elegance

Someone may alert that the vetera has only the back. Whereas in the Passat and C5 the sofa is removed close to the front chairs, forming a longer loading platform. But do not rush with the conclusions everything is provided. In the length of the Opel, due to the increased base, there are still more rivals. For $ 130, you can order a front passenger chair with a folding back. But in this, we will reveal a little secret, there is no need. We managed to fold the usual awkward chair. And now, a long -length caravan will fit 290 cm! It is impossible to argue with such an argument by five points, despite even the largest loading height.

Truck races
Of course, the speed for a car designed to transport goods is important only to a certain extent. It is more important that the engine tells the machine a decent dynamics at full load and is burdened in the lower revolutions. That is why a motor is needed, which coexists well with an automatic box. And if so, then the base 1.8-liter 122-horsepower vetera engine, which, in principle, is enough for the sedan, the station wagon is hardly enough. A new 2.2-liter engine with direct injection is much better here. The very painful 230 N.M is already available in the middle range of revolutions, and a sufficiently powerful 155 liter. With. With a 5-speed automatic transmission, he lives the soul into the soul. It is not necessary to only demand excessive agility from this couple at the top, and otherwise you will be satisfied with smooth and logical switching, sufficient dexterity when activating the Cyc-Daun Plus system, finally, the daily routine of manual switching.
For the Passat, in turn, it will not be optimal at the Volkswagen atmospheric, it is no, and not excellent in its characteristics, a 5-cylinder 2.3-liter engine unreasonably roads. An undoubted priority in the 150-horsepower one and eight with a low-pressure turbine. With an automatic machine, this combines perfectly and below excellently burdens, and at the top is very alive.
But Citroen clearly lacks mutual understanding between the engine and the transmission. C5-BREC is supplied to Russia exclusively with a 2-liter gasoline engine. In principle, it is 138 hp It is quite enough for a large station wagon, but only under the condition of a mechanical transmission. The 4-speed transventive automatic transmission, on the contrary, interferes with the driver. Her character, like the Siamese cat. If you are tired of stroking it on the wool, read: smoothly add gas, do not abuse sharp, on the floor, presses, then you may be able to get along. But it is only worth it to go to orders from exhortations, for example, activate Kick Dawn, especially after a long driving with the same speed and the cat will show claws. Believe me, when overtaking, a thoughtful box can cost premature gray hair.
In this case, it is better to immediately throw the leash on the cat to activate the sporting mode or switch to pseudo -rowing. Both successfully removes long -playing pauses.
But the brakes of three cars are at a decent level: progressive work, confident slowdown, timely operation of the anti -lock system.

Almost like sedans
Perhaps it will not be a big mistake to say that handling for the station wagons is not primary. However, suburban trips on cars of this type are not uncommon, therefore, no discounts. It is logical that the habits of controllability all three cars inherited from the basic sedans. Our preferences have changed quite a bit.
In this trinity, the most title of drivership is worthy of the Passat. The most informative steering wheel, dense, although not too hard suspension, excellent stability in the straight line. Perhaps the Volkswagen does not reach the best in the Mondeo class, Mazda-6, chord. But it looks preferable to rivals in the test. Still, both Citroen and the Opel of the car are by no means the most delicious in terms of controllability. An undoubted plus C5 Hydropneumatic suspension, in the bud, kills wave swing at high speeds. But the empty steering wheel and heavy food do not allow the Frenchman to call the turning house a fan of turns. About the same thing is true to the caravan: the confident high -speed line yes, there is no agility in the turns.
Long and soft
Unlike a verte-sedan, the suspension of which seems to be moderately comfortable, and some rather rigid, a caravan, thanks to an enlarged base, lullifiably soft. Like a large beast on soft paws, he makes his way through any asphalt wormholes, grazing only in areas openly abandoned by the road workers. Well, excellent sound insulation migrated to the station wagon without changes. It is unlikely that anyone can blame the 2.2-liter engine, the noble baritone of which is simply pleasant to listen, as well as to complain to boring road noises, even a characteristic rumble of studded rubber at speeds for 100 km/h remains overboard. Excellent!
Almost the same can be said about the Passat. Perhaps the suspension of Volkswagen lacks Opelian softness shakes here more hard, and the energy intensity is not enough on a broken highway. But the sound insulation is again magnificent.
But Citroen against the background of a German couple disappointed a little. Firstly, a 2-liter engine is noisy, too obviously listening in the entire working range. It is impossible to call an outstanding and sound insulation of arches along ordinary puddles of Brack, like a boat along the waves. In addition, the last generation of hydropneumatics to a much greater extent than predecessors is focused on stability on the trajectory than comfort. Therefore, the C5 is shocking noticeably, and, more offensive, in openly broken areas, the suspension happens, it passes through the body. Here it is, a fee for permanent road gap, regardless of the load.
For yourself and for your brother
The station wagons in the Krash-tests of Euroncap have not yet been broken. Ordinary basic sedans were blocked for them. However, this data is enough to arrange rivals on the rank of passive safety. The first place, albeit not with the largest margin, occupies Citroen. Firstly, 31 points are not even four stars, but four with a plus add the French to the French, reminiscent of the unsteady seat belts, and pay for a second crash test, and be C5 an excellent student. And then in the Russian configuration, Citroen Pychikhan with means of protection in a circle. There are mandatory six airbags, ABS, a breakup. You can pay extra for ESP.
Vectra in crash tests scored Grandmaster 30 points and four stars. And the configuration in terms of security is Sitroen. And even better. Indeed, in the kit with ABS and six Air Bags, you are guaranteed to receive an anti-boom system.
And only Volkswagen continues to save on safety. There are only two front pillows and ABS in the database. For everything else, you will have to pay extra from your own pocket what temptation to save! It is a pity, because in itself passive security at a very decent level of 28 points and hard four stars. But since in Europe the side pillows of the Passat in the standard, it would be incorrect to automatically transfer a good rating to the Russian configuration machine.

Until the last cent
As you already know, the C5-BREC is supplied to our market only with a 2-liter 138-horsepower engine and in the only accessible SX configuration. The option with a mechanical box costs 23,500 euros, with an automatic 24,900. In any case, the station wagon is more expensive than a hatchback for 1600 euros. On the one hand, a lot. But overpaying for Brack, you get not only a talented station wagon. The fact is that for all wagons, the velor moara package plus the decoration of the cabin under the tree is a free option, while its usual price is 450 euros. And you will order velor in any way the basic upholstery of the seats in C5 so-so. In addition, religions, a vertical mesh of the world and a rug in the trunk are required for Brack. That is, at least 400 euros. Well, everything else and climate control, and the full electric package, and the central lock with the remote control and much, much more, including the rain sensor at Citroen already in the database. So you need to pay extra for the parking bag of 400 euros, which, in addition to the rear parkingum itself, includes folding external mirrors. As a result, more than well-equipped C5-Brack will cost you 25,300 euros, which in the April rate is approximately $ 31,120.
The most painlessly financially one can be driving the station wagon from Opel. $ 24,330 is asked so much for the caravan in the configuration of the essences. The version itself is not bad here and a complete minced meat in terms of security, and air conditioning, and music, and the central castle with the remote control. But a completely different matter is that the essences implies a 1.8-liter 122-horsepower engine, clearly insufficient for the station wagon. The 2.2-liter vector performed by comfort is noticeably more than $ 27 820 with mechanics and $ 29 320 with an automatic machine. But if you want the vector to be inferior to Citroen in terms of equipment, you will have to pay extra for a lot. And in the end it will turn out $ 31,705.
It is clear that Volkswagen, which has long been considered the most prestigious of the democratic cars, eventually turned out to be the most expensive. However, $ 35,860 for comfortline, subjected to the configuration of Citroen and Opel, is still wherever it went. If we calculated the cost before the New Year, when all Volkswagen in Russia were sold in the euro, this amount was closer to the mark of forty pieces.
Finally, we recall that the factory warranty for German cars is two years. While C5 buyers receive a year of guarantee from Citroen plus two from the dealer.


Fasteners of the dividing grid are equipped with individual covers

Spacious glove can be used as a mini-chronicle
The magic button in the trunk, which allows you to adjust the loading height

The basic equipment C5 is one of the most generous in the classroom

Practical solution of a bilateral baggage bar.
Using this button on the central console, you can adjust the height of the road clearance

Rear parking sensors to massive brac

If there is less than 50 km in the tank of gasoline, a warning inscription will not disappear from the screen of the side compounder

In the tenacious arms of this grid, the fire extinguisher will not roll along the trunk
A set of fasteners of flexor-organizer is a rare case when both the Germans are good and the Russian is not bad

In a spacious trunk at the first -aid kit and a sign of emergency stop own apartments

By decomposing a chair in this way, you save $ 130 euros and get a platform for an almost three -meter long


A long -standing Germans' concept is a shelf for instructions under the steering column

A couple of 12-volt outlets in the trunk, as they say, just in case
Lynu for long -meters is not included in the basic configuration

Even with a folded sofa for headrests, regular places are provided

Separate heating of the rear sofa option from the luxury category


We decided:
The passato is in third place. Average rating 4. Is it good or bad? You can’t say definitely. The charm of prestige and the aroma of luxury still surround the folk car. Its dynamics, the level of comfort and security are still on the level. And the losses at the front of spaciousness and carrying capacity could be more serious, given the age of the model. And yet, in the little things, young cars are better: faster, higher, stronger. So, the old sores of the veteran, namely the overestimated price and hunchild in matters of standard equipment, are doubly noticeable.
Thinking out a magnificent station wagon, the French almost brought him to life. Brack is endowed with talents, which a dozen years ago would be enough for several cars. A spacious salon, a whole bouquet of passive safety products, finally, delightful data of the station wagon itself: spaciousness, thoughtfulness, prudence. But the Nevazhnetsk noise insulation, and most importantly, completely inadequate in today's standards, the automatic box did their black job. A fifth could fight for the victory, and in the end he barely caught on a silver line of 4.1 points.
The victory was celebrated by Opel Average score 4.4. Someone may say that the vector-caused is too conservative, built around the trunk. But what's wrong about that? Perhaps there is no dexterity of sports and representativeness of the image-vagon in it. In the end, there is a signs for this. The caravan has a different, no less worthy task to embody all the best qualities of a modern car. It sounds, perhaps, too loud, but run once again according to Vectra estimates. Repacible, comfortable, quite dynamic, safe and finally record in terms of carrying capacity. Is this not enough to be considered the best universal of the middle class?
Mikhail Medvedev, photo of Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine "Limousine" [05/04]

VOLKSWAGEN Passat B5 2000 - 2005 - 2005

Volkswagen Passat B5 2000 test drives - 2005

Krash Test Volkswagen Passat B5 2000 - 2005

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Malfunctions Volkswagen Passat B5 2000 - 2005

Volkswagen Passat malfunctions: Detailed information
Passat B5 2000 - 2005
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability