Volkswagen EOS test drive since 2011.


The marketers of the Greek goddess EOS are the potential buyers of the car with the poetic name of the Volkswagen concern, mainly among people aged 35 to 45 years, focused on demonstrating a certain social status and an important part - preferably not married. The Volkswagen market marketer, the editor -in -chief of the autopilot Nikolai Fomenko, however, makes, however, a little clarification that these buyers should not be registered in Russian registry offices, have Russian citizenship and cross the Russian border.
And the impossible is possible. In connection with the topic of our test drive, one important question arises. In my opinion, he is legitimate. Let the reader judge himself. The question is: if I live in the space of the former union and I want to buy a convertible, then who am I? The answer to such a question is most likely as follows: I am a person who wants to demonstrate to the world that I never knew about the existence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the CPSU, the BAM, you don’t want an army principle - we will force, the tax on childless and quilted jacket, not I heard the surnames of Gorbachev and Kola Beldy, he is not interested in Putin’s thoughts about global warming and the good that it will bring to this country. In short, the position of this person can be reduced to a simple statement - he put on everything with the device. It’s true, it is not clear what the VW EOS is the gobblers this device. And not Cadillac Eldorado, Ferrari 430 or at worst some open Mercedes. It would be more significant, rude and visibly. Led so put.
The second option is a institute who filled her girlfriends in a box called the 206th Pigik, who was bought on a secondary for a couple of candy wrappers, which was given by the papik for being an obedient girl when necessary. The position of this owner of the convertible, although what is the position of the fool from the lane? Ha-ach. And that's it. In the house-2 about such a peak chatted. It is clear here that there is no money for EOS. Too d-o-a-a-ha.
By the way, I saw the other day how this option acts in real life. Moscow. Bridge over the channel. Heat. Cork. Box. The box, which, instead of going forward, begins to suddenly fold. Her roof crawled into the trunk, it seems to me, much longer than this is written in booklets. But in this case it was a plus of the car. The roof crawled and opened the sewers sitting inside for twenty and from the size of the fourth busts. The reaction of the public was amazing. Nobody ran out with shouts ah you are a libertine, I will show you a striptease! On the contrary, the majority thought: yes to hell with her, with this traffic jam, and with this work
We recommend a brief certificate for ancient Greek mythology by the owners of the Volkswagen EOS car. The goddess of the dawn, the goddess with pink fingers, a beautiful -curl, gold -bore, etc. EOS in most adult myths appears as a temperamental, insatiable woman (read - nympho), sloping to the abduction of objects of her love. Such an Eos, who shared a bed with the god of war Ares, was made by Aphrodite. It was Aphrodite in revenge for this connection that the EOS was inspired by the eternal illegible passion for young mortals. EOS is called the culprit of the morning erection in men. Keep it up, dear motorists of the VW EOS model!
I omit other possible options. I move immediately to the impossible. The option is: I am a normal and solvent citizen, the son of my wonderful country. And I buy VW EOS to drive this wonderful country in which the sun burns the top of the head for nine months a year. I buy a small, expensive and unpretentious car in principle, in order to go to a wide prospectus of the capital or a millionaire city and be immediately billed - however, just like the owner of the open Ferrari 430. Wheeled by what is called by our the reality in which the bird litter is the most harmless thing that can only be imagined. And driving in an open car and not to be billed on our roads can only under strictly specified conditions. It should be Sunday, say, July 15. Time - from 9 to 11 in the morning. Route - from the river station to the Pushkin restaurant. In fellow travelers - better a mulatto or a black woman. Because the blonde will still become gray, even under such ideal travel conditions.
Smoke of the Fatherland. On other days of the week and another time, if you open, for example, in your expensive VAZ-2112 car, at least a hatch, then not only passengers who are conveniently appropriate for a five-fifth in the back seat, but the driver will be covered with gray that we cannot get out of the composition combustible products of the Ryazan and Moscow refineries.
In addition to sulfur, they will also be covered with all that is lucky to the capital and from the capital of the hums and freight transport, namely, with granite crumb, coal resin, galvanized nails, hard -to -be dung, crushed glass, flowering flowering glass. Add to this salivious saliva, spita tea and selected mat. With an open hatch, the interior of the car is also subjected to monstrous loads. All soot and dirt, which falls from the sky, necessarily settled and eat with time a leather braid on the steering wheel, a gondoner of lamb skins on the gearbox, rubber seals, insulation of contacts on devices that begin to go crazy.
In a VW EOS car, which is akin to a motorcycle and which has a hatch and a roof opens, this disaster acquires a disaster. In this disaster, there is simply no time to regret the interior. I would have time to regret the driver. If, sitting in this car, you find yourself next to KamAZ, a constructive feature of the exhaust system of which is the presence of a pipe, aimed directly at the temporal hollow of a car enthusiast on a neighboring car, then know: you play a Russian roulette.
The Volkswagen EOS CSC metal roof - the joint development of VW and Webasto engineers - is characterized by the originality and complexity of its design. The total number of parts used here is 470. The roof consists of five sections, 6 hinges, 8 hydraulic cylinders, 12 sensors, has a built-in lifting-sliding glass hatch. The weight of the roof is 22 kg (12 kg falls on the glass hatch). The anterior glass of the roof is opened separately as a panoramic hatch or rises to be inclined to a height of 35 mm. For opening or closing the roof, 25 seconds are required. With an open roof, the luggage compartment has a volume of 205 liters, and with a closed - 380. The locking cargo hatch built in the back of the rear seat allows you to transport a long -sized cargo - for example, skis.
The muzzle is ready to shoot at the moment when Vasily Dudko, the second -class driver, seeing from the height of his Kamazov cabin 485 meters out of 485 meters, the outbuilding of the green light of the traffic light will gently react and, pumping the accelerator pedal for fidelity, pressing it already from the heart, freeing the basement of the machine From the gaziks and soot accumulated there. As a result of this cleansing procedure, KamAZ Dudko will advance by one meter, because in front of it there are another 300 cars that are also touching very softly, thinking about whether it makes sense to twitch at all.
And all these 485 meters, the EOS driver with an open roof, in front of which is also a few hundred cars, will sit and receive a deadly charge in his head. On the charge by a meter.
You can get an EOS that would be even better using options (such as the Dynaudio audio system with a capacity of 600 watts with a 10-channel amplifier and 10 speakers, bixenon headlights with a dynamic system of adaptive lighting and static lighting) or according to the Volkswagen Individual program. Although there is also its own basic package with 18-inch light-luminous disks Veracruz, sports suspension and seats with two-tone Nappa leather, a chrome radiator grate and other distinctive elements. Microsoft, which installed 650 MHz with a 7-inch sensory display and a tough disc capacity of 20 GB, also made its contribution to the individualization of EOS, which installed EOS seats on a processor with a frequency of 20 GB in the seats. Computers can be used in conjunction with the car navigation system, as well as to play video and music or for video games and work with e -mail.
And in the morning they woke up. As an EOS car, this is an absolutely cool project. This is Volkswagen in its best manifestation. This is a serial machine from a conveyor that does not fail. With an incomparable TFSI engine, with which you can always add, even if the tachometer shooter already seems to be beating to the maximum. With the box to match, where everything is exactly, as in a pharmacy. EOS is a very stable and controlled car, with a neat, in the right portions of existing electronics. Salon is beyond praise. Chairs - for sports, comfortable, with excellent lateral support and lumbar emphasis, and even with memory for the convenience of planting and landing. Finishing is a high standard. Car - iPod -Rady. The audio system is at the level. Add options to taste, and you will generally receive a nominee for the best car of the decade. I like everything in it.
In this car in the West, crowds of rich students not burdened with families and worries, managers are slightly taller than middle level and other shalopai. This car even in Finland will be appropriate: it is colder there than ours, but cleaner. Here I do not see this car of mass use. Of course, there will always be crazy people who inflame love for this car and, perhaps, will even unite the club. Why not? We have clubs of fans Saab, UAZ Patriot and Don combines. But even crazy managers will not get into this car. This car has nowhere to drive in our cities, because you will always be dirty. And outside the city we have no roads for convertibles. Only rocks for carrying shells and transporting the wounded. In short, verdict: want to ride EOS, go to Greece or Spain and ride. But do not cross the border of the Russian Federation.
So in EOS, after all, they will tell me, you can (when the snowstorm and minus 30 outside the window) to ride and with a lowered top. Really. But buying with an omitted top of EOS is stupid, it is better to buy BMW. The convertible is not here. Even if it is called a beautiful Greek name, the name of the goddess, who, they say, is responsible for dawn, morning erection and sunset manually. I do not understand why EOS in our country. This is like a wool woman. Baba Kuznets? You can, but why?
We thank for help in organizing the shooting of Volkswagen Group Rus,, and the Russian automobile federation.
5 Wheel: Our test drive was under the motto: we can give you any VW EOS, provided that it will be two-liter. We were offered EOS with three options for a power unit with a volume of 2.0 liters: gasoline FSI and TFSI with a capacity of 150 and 200 hp. and a 140-horsepower turbodiesel. All three two -liter units equipped with a cool mechanical transmission, if desired, allow you to light it. Naturally, in the work of each motor there were its own nuances. So 2.0 TFSI did not pull on the bottom, but at the top was revealed in complete glory. The atmospheric version of this motor seemed more balanced: it pulls well from the bottom and does not exhale at the top. As for 2.0 TDI, then, except for the low fuel consumption, this motor was not impressed with anything special - just a good turbodiesel.
Author: the goddess of the morning dawn (it was her in Greek mythology and called EOS) is quite photogenic: big expressive eyes, a sweet smile, a slender, fit figure. But EOS looks especially seductive from behind, with a lowered roof. As if in a short dress, and even with defiantly open shoulders. And the raised roof not only does not destroy the image, but also trains the imagination, intrigues: how will this lady look if, instead of a business suit, she puts on something frivolous? However, the interior makes it clear that the goddess is not at all frivolous. A solid front panel from Golf, the same steering wheel, magnificent front seats with a strict profile - everything is serious, and you can’t approach such a crooked goat.
Test drive: In any era were people who wanted to stand out from society to their own kind. Nowadays, with a moderate Ukrainian climate, car individualists are noticed by the type of body of their iron friend. Which one is the most beautiful and at the same time - the most impractical? Of course, the compartment ... What could be even less practical than the compartment? Excavator? No - a convertible. To all the advantages and disadvantages listed in the previous paragraph, you can add convenience in the summer and grandiose inconvenience in winter ... A car with a 2.0-liter gasoline engine FSI and a 6-speed mechanical gearbox was provided for a test drive. The passages of the gearbox selector are small and clear, it is difficult to miss the desired transmission, the gear number of numbers are successfully selected. The only thing that failed us (and maybe helped to reveal all the cards of the car) is the weather. Summer tires are incompatible with deep rolled snow on uninhabited streets, so the eSP stabilization has been disconnected temporarily.
At the wheel: in an open car you need to drive light and better a fun company, and only a picnic basket with you. Moreover, for the four Volkswagen EOS provides enough space, you just need to get the same as to shift the front seats. More precisely, to return them to their place in two tricks - first push the seat, then, holding the handle, reject the back. It did not work out to return the chair in one movement, although I honestly practiced two days. However, for such bricks there is a seat with electroregulations and the Easy-Entry device with a single key.
Automobile newspaper Klakson: Greece is a hot country. The summer temperature here often rolls over 40 degrees Celsius. In such conditions, ordinary asphalt melts - it becomes soft and loses its qualities. It is unsafe to ride it, and the canvas wears out quickly. So that the road surface remains firm even in the most fierce, the Greeks thought of adding cement to the asphalt mixture. The goal has been achieved? Not really. The fact is that such a road is slippery. I felt this in my own skin, rising on my two to the Acropolis - the Museum of the History of Ancient Greece, which is located in the highest part of Athens. My shoes were slipping every now and then. And when I was driving, I kept this moment all the time in my head. Ski on such roads is more expensive. My thoughts were confirmed after I saw a Mercedes sedan at one of the intersections, which the wagon did not have time to slow down into a hatchback. However, after several trial braking on the floor, I could already rely entirely on the VW EOS. Twenty-five seconds, for which the roof of the car is folded, the roof of the car is folded, for those who observe the process fly quietly. Three roof panels and two arcs perform something similar to a card focus taken by Rapid over the seats. At this from below, at the sides of the body, a separate movement is noticeable - plastic elements are turned over, under which arcs and glass are hidden. Although when tapping the plastic seems quite durable, the casing closer to the trunk with a slight pressure goes inside-it is better not to rely on them, all the more, when trying to pound in a pivonis, not opening the doors without opening the doors.
Gasoline engine, 4-cylinder
Working volume (cubic meter) 1984
Power (L.S. at rpm) 200 at 5100
Moment (nm at rpm) 280 at 1800
Front drive
Gearbox 6-st. Manual transmission
Length/width/height (mm) 4410/1790/1440
Equipped mass (kg) 1535
Maximum speed (km/h) 232
Acceleration to 100 km/h (c) 7.8
Fuel consumption (medium, l/100 km) 8.2
Price in Moscow from $ 39 620
Text Nikolay Fomenko
Photo Andrey Danilov


Source: "Autopilot"