Volkswagen Caddy Maxi Minivan test drive since 2007 Minivan


The third generation of cars was represented in 2004, 25 years after the appearance of the first golf with an open body (Rabbit Pickup). They offer cargo and passenger options: a double van or a 57-seater station wagon (combi).
Caddie is equipped with gasoline (1.4 and 1.6 l) or diesel (1.9 and 2.0 l) engines with a capacity of 51 kW/70 liters. C to 77 kW/104 l. With. and a five -speed manual box with gear optimized under its motor.
The car is built on the nodes of the Golf family. It is produced in Poland, the main market of France and the countries of southern Europe.
The price in Russia from $ 17,500. The cost of test modification of Kaddy Combi $ 22,480.
In this section, we usually talked about long trips on tested cars (ZR, 2004, No. 25). And if the car is not quite intended for this, if it is ... no, he is a city truck van? After all, he also wants to show what an employee he is. In general, having received the new Volkswagen Caddy for seven days, they decided to experience it not only at the training ground, but also in business. Fortunately, performed by a combi, he looks like a master of all hands: you can use both a family car for five and as a light truck. You also doubt whether the 1.4-liter gasoline engine in 75 forces will cope with cargo transportation? Now we will check!
The smartest load
The first task is to deliver print products of the publishing house driving to Moscow stores. Down with the trunk shelf, fold the rear seats, catch the luggage grid ... Ay-yai-yai, we have already inherited on a light carpet, carefully spread throughout the cabin! To protect, throw a summer cottage on the floor and get under loading.
A couple of minutes and now on the shelf above the head are invoices, behind two centners of books, in front of the usual traffic jams on the streets of Moscow, which is wet in the rain and somewhere in the long term, the house of the book on Arbat.
In the gap, we entertain ourselves, mastering the buttons and pens. They found a couple of comfortable baubles: you press without fixing the handle of the turning point and in response you hear four clicks to the beat of flashing lamps (usually one). You hand back the rear wiper, if the front works. That's just the windows of the windows are inconvenient, somewhere under the elbow.
How is the car driving? It is still unclear, beyond the second gear they almost did not switch, and in this mode the van is quite briskly accelerated, although loudly. It was also noted that the clutch pedal is moderately informative and light, the left leg does not get tired. Finally arrived! We put a fat plus in a notebook: magnificent maneuverability. Kaddy easily turned around in the passage, which at first glance is almost no longer the car itself! Thanks to the radius of the rotation of 5.7 m, an effective electrical power and excellent mirrors with a wide range of electrical regulations. Having parked (from the first call) to the place of the nine who had driven away, we observe how the Gazelle lane is tormented in the crowd. But in their spacious bodies the same two dozen packs with books.
In the passenger station wagon, the back door is lifting. Of course, swing for a truck preferably you can drive close to the unloading point. But the raised door protects from the rain (and when you unload the books, this is especially important) and soars so high that a two -meter loader freely rises under it. But just slam it on the first attempt it is not always possible to open one of the side doors, or the passengers will get a powerful air wave ...
As a city dweller, Caddy is good, working in the cramped metropolis for him. However, the day is over, Kaddy is time to relax. Tomorrow, on Saturday, he has a particularly important task.
The most valuable load
Dad, is that new Volkswagen? Will we go to ride? The son, dancing with impatience, flattened his nose on the window glass. The advantages of the car were the first to appreciate the husband, not hearing from my husband familiar where I will load all this?.
The second could be glad if I understood, a little daughter. For attaching children's seats, there are as many as two systems: the standard ISOFIX and the cunning KISI device that fixes the seat belt in a given position.
The son almost became the third lucky, but for a small age he was expelled from the front seat back, to nurse his sister, and there he sniffed off his way.
Baskets, packages, strips modestly occupied the trunk corner. Where we go? First, to visit Uncle Tole, then to the beloved dad’s pond, to explore how the crucian carp, then to the river, fry sausages on the stake, strung on a stick, then just to a picturesque place in the result of more than four hundred kilometers were added on the odometer. And many impressions. Firstly, Kaddy is much more comfortable than many relatives-Furgitters. Secondly, he confidently holds the road and steer well, except that on the ruts sold by trucks in the asphalt begins to swim. Thirdly, very comfortable, large, moderately hard seats allow you to forget about fatigue. Fourth, the salon is spacious and there are so many drawers and shelves in it where you can put the right thing, forget about it and then look for a long time. And now about sad. If, with a calm uniform movement, Volkswagen is certainly good, then attempts to nimble on it was disappointed with a motor begins to complain about a difficult life too loudly, but it still does not work to go.
On Sunday, Kaddy raided the shopping center. There, a kind half of the monthly budget of the family migrated first to a huge cart, and then into the trunk. Caddy literally absorbed a pile of purchases, all these cults and bags barely covered the floor of the trunk. The household female nature cannot calmly endure such emptiness. The man has his own reason among yogurts, sausages, vegetables and diapers home came the treasured package of good beer.
Yes, to use Kaddy's freight capabilities not for every family. There is simply nothing to fill his huge trunk. Unless to get a hefty dog \u200b\u200bwill be a kennel on wheels. You can, of course, dial a bunch of all equipment and go on a journey, but the modest capabilities of the motor do not have far raids. Although it is easy to come to terms with this if the car not only carries a family, but also earns for this family. In the end, there is a more powerful motor
The fastest load
Well, the weather has improved, and we take Caddy to an auto polygon. The car loaded with ballast was not so crouched, rather drowned. Hmm, with 560 kilograms on board he already makes it clear that it will be difficult, but the instruction allows you to take even more ...
Road clearance of 140 mm under load is normal, and smaller and smaller. But the aluminum subframe, this greetings from the golf daddy, forces to worry: after all, the brothel will inevitably move the brothels, making his way to the place of unloading. Well, how will you hit?
The loaded Caddy briskly takes from the place, a soft blow is heard from the back to one of the 30-kilogram bags of sand. And you say malacholny! The main pair with a ratio of 5.067 (!) Promotes a good start.
Up to 60 km/h accelerated, and then ... miracles do not happen. Hanging himself as a noise of the motor, Kaddy still brings himself an empty 5 seconds in acceleration to a hundred. The 10 percent rise is submitted only in the third gear, on 8 percent manages to go to the fourth with sin in half.
What is imperceptibly on the banned streets of the city is clearly visible here: Kaddy with such a motor is better to load in moderation. Horses are harnessed as well as possible, they work together, but still there are few of them. So the 75-horsepower van should not be written to the truckers.
But do not think that the car causes only pity. Suspensions work great: by vange standards, the car is quite comfortable, even empty. And how fervently Caddy burst into a turn, without the expected large rolls and swings, clearly listening to the steering wheel! True, it tries to disrupt the rear axle into a skid, especially without cargo, but it does it very delicately and in modes that are not at all characteristic of a rebellious van. The system was pleased with the operation of the anti -block. The system interferes in the inhibition process not too early so as not to increase the braking distance, but not too late, as if tracking the line beyond which the wheels locks. By the way, for the entire test, fuel consumption was 9.3 l/100 km very not bad, given the modes of movement.
Caddy, even performed by combi, outwardly, may not make the impressions of the truck, but it is essentially. This can be seen in the decoration of the cabin, it is heard by the noise of the motor, noticeable in running qualities. Its price is very high: but at the heart of the truck Golf itself! Who needs him for that kind of money? So, after all, work is not cheap trucks. The name is given not without intent: Caddy trays of clubs in golf
Kaddy in golf half of the player’s victory. Volkswagen Caddy is precisely of these, however, his services of the road. After all, golf (like golf) is an activity for the rich.
+ A large volume of the body, moderate fuel consumption, worthy of controllability, performs Euro IV.
- A very high price, weak dynamic indicators, a noisy engine.
Igor Solidov


Source: The magazine "Driving"

Video Test Drive Volkswagen Caddy Maxi Minivan since 2007

Volkswagen Caddy Maxi Minivan test drives since 2007