Test drive vaz Kalina 1118 sedan since 2004 sedan

Kalina: First Episode

VAZ created a competitive car car in
By and large, in Sochi, immediately after the presentation at the Geneva Motor Show, the first road premiere of Lada Kalina took place. And if there are no words of the world prime minister in the heading, then only because only Russian journalists took part in the test drive. Although the novelty is primarily aimed at the domestic market. In any case, we must pay tribute to the Togliatti residents - the event was organized as possible on time.
AI has repeatedly talked about Kalina itself, and about the features of its production, and twice published express tests of pre-production machines. But now it’s another matter, I am driving a car that has come down from the assembly line. Therefore, I force myself to forget about everything that I read before, and to evaluate it as if again. Without any discounts on origin - as I evaluate any other car of any manufacturer.
Honest test drive
It began on the pier, where everyone was invited to demonstrate figure driving skills - with a sharp start, snakes, rearrangements and other things. Moreover, for a while. I want to admit, I lost this competition safely. And the main reason, as I decided for myself, was that I had not driven on domestic cars for a long time. Starting with smoke from under the wheels is not a problem, but in the first turn, the steering wheel plunged me into amazement - four turns from the stop to the stop! Yes, what can I say, I was wearing so actively working - and the snake was not able to deliver me ordinary joy. And who will be pleased with the active driving with a steering rack from dozens? In addition, at low speeds, as, however, it is supposed, the electric power steering makes the steering wheel almost empty. Vazovtsy seemed to specially invited reporters to find out about the main sore and ask them the appropriate question. I asked, having received in response: yes, we know about the problem, and therefore, in the near future we will replace the rail. In general: Kalina, the first episode. To be continued.
But here is an amazing thing - during a further trip around the city, and then on a rather difficult mountain serpentine, I did not feel any special problems with steering. With the growth of the speed of the steering wheel, it really is heavy. To determine where the wheels are looking and how much it is necessary to turn the steering wheel in order to fit into the turn from one movement, it seemed to me a simple matter.
The pendants showed very well. On uneven, with potholes of asphalt, they provide a very decent level of comfort in the cabin. On the serpentine, they do not scare excessive rolls. In general, a compromise option that is in no way inferior, I am not afraid to say, European standards. In any case, in the mountains I felt quite confident. And, it should be noted, the road was wet, it was raining, when we climbed higher, snow. And the rubber was not the best, frankly. However, the car behaved quite predictably. Kalina famously drew in corners, kept the road well, and, most importantly, it was easy to predict at what point the demolition of the stern would begin, and when the car wanted to go sideways. That is, she behaved like an ordinary front -wheel drive car.
The clutch pedal is quite malleable and short-handed, but you don’t think about the capture moment. The brakes are fully consistent with the potential and mass of the machine, perhaps, with a margin. The 5 -speed mechanical gearbox is clearly configured for the city operating mode: the first and second gears are short, so that you can relatively quickly gain speed or make a maneuver, the third is stretched. But in the fourth and fifth gear, you can also achieve acceleration, which was checked on an even highway.
What would I personally like? Probably a more powerful engine, but not in return, but along with the one that was installed on test cars. This is an old acquaintance of an eight -clad, however, seriously modernized and meetings of Euro -3. And he easily takes Kalina to the leaders in dynamics among domestic machines, but we do not compare with them. By the way, with the technical characteristics in general - trouble. In the presselis, born to journalists, I did not find them. So, out of habit, I used the Automobil Revue catalog, recently received in Geneva. From which with a pleasant surprise he learned that, for example, the power of the motor was brought to 90 hp, although it was ten lesser for pre -production samples. Acceleration data to 100 km/h, according to the sensations, are quite objective. But to check the reality of the maximum speed of 180 km/h there was no way. And is it so important in this case? So, the VAZ promises to supply Kalina with 16-valve engines.
Not a rattle
It seems to be pointless to talk about the appearance of Kalina, so we will focus on the cabin. I would not call the landing low, but comfortable - without a doubt. It seems that there should be no complaints about the ergonomics of the driver’s place of the driver’s place: all the local controls are laconic and well -readable instrument panel before the eyes. I liked the steering wheel, although it could be a little smaller in diameter, given the presence of an amplifier. The column is regulated in height, albeit in small limits. I am not a small person, but I picked up the landing easily and, most importantly, I felt enough space around, of course, given that I was in a car in a car.
The look is not what they are especially pleasing, but the rounded shapes of the front panel and a rather expressive central console with oval airplane deflectors do not strain, under which the control and ventilation control handles are located. Below - a niche for the radio and the emergency alarm button. Two -color plastic in the cabin is expensive, of course, does not look and it is not very textured, but you must also take into account the cost of the machine. The coloring of the fabric upholstery is cheerful, the fabric itself, in my opinion, is very good quality. But for me, who once owned a nine, it was more important than something else: Kalina - not a rattle. Throughout the test, I did not hear creaking, crackling or other annoying sounds. If this is a standard for all serial products - very good. And there will be no particular complaints about external noises.
Sitting at some point behind, I was sincerely surprised at the space in the knee area. And if you sit here together, and not the three, as it happened, it will be quite free and you can go on a long journey. The trunk is quite roomy - 280 liters, and if you fold the rear sofa, you get a convenient cargo platform and 380 liters of useful volume.
Prices and competitors
Here is a funny episode that happened to us during one of the stops for shooting. A new dozen parked next to the screech of the brakes, from which an excited citizen, who wanted to immediately find out and learn about Kalina, came out. He was so direct that my colleague and I could not refuse him and honestly shared his impressions. Then approximately such a dialogue came out:
- And why did I buy a dozen!?
- So this is a car of a different class, it is more
- Yes, what classes are there, and what difference! ... I had to wait until the summer
In general, I don’t know how, from a marketing point of view, and from life, Kalina can select part of potential customers from other Togliatti products. Although, of course, it was created to compete in the Russian market with foreign cars of the same class. Will be able? I think that yes: the VAZ made, in my opinion, a competitive car, given the price-quality ratio.
Well, with the price, as it happens with us, so far not everything is simple. The plant cannot dictate the conditions for dealers. Having talked with several sellers, I deduced a certain average retail price - about $ 9,000. But with one reservation - as Kalin becomes more, prices will inevitably begin to fall.
As for the configurations, as far as you know, there will be two of them. The norm is with a central locking lock with remote control, an immobilizer, a steering wheel electric power, adjustable in height with a steering column and seat belts on the rear seats. Since July 2005, it will also include pillows of the safety of the driver and the front passenger, belts with pretense and restriction of effort. Lux will add fog lights and improved seats upholstery to the listed. In addition, the machine can be additionally equipped with air conditioning, ABS, electric windows of all doors, front seats heating and automatic transmission.
Text: Oleg Osipov

Source: Newspaper "Automobile Izvestia" [No. 6 (74), 2005]

Video Test Drive VAZ Kalina 1118 Sedan since 2004