Test drive Toyota Rav4 5 doors 2003 - 2006 SUV

The maturity of the dudes

Contrary to the toy appearance, Toyota-Rav4 of the first generation turned out to be a phenomenally reliable and hardy car. The current model, becoming more adult and more solid, did not lose its former reliability. Therefore, if you are looking for a 35-year-old SUV, RAV4 should be paid to RAV4 in the first place.

If the segment with cars is called a golf class named the founding model, then the Parnish tribe should be called a RAV class. After all, it was RAV4 in 1994 that opened the world with a new type of car. Its appearance made no less effect than golf's debut twenty years earlier. Buyers received a car with a bright appearance and makings of an alternate, which in operation cost no more than cars, and traveled better than many of them on asphalt (Rafik was built on the Sports Seliki platform, which performed in the World Rally Championship). No wonder the RAV4 was sold under the name of a funkroizer or, in an approximate translation, a buffer. However, in Russia, the image of a female car was glued to the first Rafik. He looked too frustrated, and he was crowded inside.

The current RAV4 completely retained the advantages of its predecessor, getting rid of its shortcomings. The car is still not afraid of broken roads and is perfectly controlled on the asphalt. Its bright appearance has become more adult and solid. Places in the salon, albeit not in abundance, but complain is already a sin. And the trunk of the 5-door is simply huge and very convenient. So, according to the totality of the qualities of the second -generation RAV4, deserves the right to be considered one of the best SUVs. It remains only to find out how good it is in the second hands.

Americans can be considered
Today, the secondary market is mainly represented by the Rafiki brought from America. In second place are copies sold in Russia with new ones. But there are very few cars from Europe. After increasing customs duties and euro courses, they do not withstand competition in price.

Local registration cars are attractive to the openness of history and frequent then (in Russia, the interval interval for Toyota is only 10,000 km) using synthetic oils. However, after 34 years of driving in salt Moscow, they do not look very fresh.

Americans and Canadians are usually impeccable. But they have one characteristic problem, which are closed with low -grade mineral oil motors. Rinse such an aggressive five -minute engine is not recommended categorically. This is the right way to ruin it. Leaving everything as it is also risky. Even just high -quality oil with a good detergent can raise the deposits, and they will clog the oil highway ... Therefore, if black resin under the valve lid, it is better to immediately refuse the car.

If the engine is in good condition, an American can be considered. In addition to the frequency range of the radio and lighting equipment of another standard, the American specificity will manifest itself only in periodicals on the dashboard of the Check Engine symbol (check the engine). The fact is that the engine management system on Americans is configured for local super -profitable environmental norms. She reacts literally to everything. In order to light up the check bulb, the slightest failure in the ignition or attempt to refuel with a working motor is enough.

In principle, this is not fatal. If there is no real malfunction (and it, as a rule, does not happen), in the Toyota technical center the light bulb is extinguished in five minutes. But the burning check acts on the nerves and makes you contact the service each time. If you live in a large city where there are workshops specializing in Toyota, you can put up with this. After all, Americans are noticeably cheaper (about 10%) of cars from Russia and Europe. And most importantly, among them there is a choice on the market.
Look for a large battery

The RAV4 battery with a capacity of only 40 a/h. In winter, after a week of downtime with the alarm turned on, he cannot crank the starter. Therefore, it is advisable to install the battery of a larger capacity. But the problem is that the battery on RAV4 in size is much smaller than standard ones. Few firms produce 65 a/h battery in such a case.

Body and salon: no problems
From salt and dirt on our roads usually gets both the body and its internal equipment are especially electric. But Rav4 demonstrates phenomenal reliability. It’s too early to talk about corrosion resistance of the body. Five years, the time is not the time to have problems. And the need to adjust after 100,000 km sagging under the weight of the spare wheel of the fifth door does not even deserve a conversation.

But the most amazing thing is that the mechanics cannot name a single (!) Statistical sore in the internal equipment of the body. The interior reinforcement, air conditioning, electrician all this is still working properly even on cars with Moscow registration.

Power is enough, the trouble is clearly not enough
On all-wheel drive RAV4, a single 2-liter, 150-horsepower engine is installed with variable VVTi phases. Usually, a 2-liter engine is enough for medium-sized Parnis, but nothing more. But in the RAV4, it seems that under the hood there is an unit of 2.32.4 liters of strength by 170. The Toyota engine for its volume is unexpectedly tracted and agent.

The only claim to him is noisy. But she is really the only one. Because in operation the motor is almost flawless. Among the possible (but not mandatory) malfunctions, mechanics note only the failures of the ignition coils and oxygen sensor in the exhaust pipe individual for each cylinder. But, you see, these are trifles.

So in matters of labor intensity, and, accordingly, the cost of servicing the RAV4 Motor is a great economy. The timing in it is not given a belt that must be changed, but by a chain. Theoretically, it is also not eternal, but on cars with 200 thousand mileage is still quite efficient. Creaming gaps are adjusted by the selection of pusher-Stacanchiki of various thicknesses. But at least up to 200,000 km, adjustment is not required. But, unlike hydrotherapists, ordinary cups will never stand up and will not require replacement.
Engines in operation

In addition to planning, then you will most often have to change the spark plugs. On our gasoline, they serve an average of 10,00020,000 km. The belt of the auxiliary unit drive changes as a state, and the timing is given by a chain. Injectors are recommended to be washed for preventive purposes at least 100,000 km.

If Check Engine caught fire on the dashboard, and the engine began to stall after warming up, one of the four ignition coils probably failed. The same burning check plus an inadequate reaction to moving the gas pedal may indicate that ... you did not bother yourself with an air filter replacement. So, you will have to at least wash, but most likely replace the air flow meter. If the check burns without symptoms, it is possible to fail the oxygen sensor in the exhaust system. More precisely, not the sensor itself, but the electrical chain of it warm up, which is why the environmental indicators of cold starts worsen. Even if you don't care about the environment, the sensor will have to be replaced, because the check will not go out.
How much does a replacement cost, $

Spark plugs (set) 18+35
Ignition coil (1 pc.) 148+10*
Air flow meter 148+10*
Oxygen sensor 210+25*

* Excluding the cost of diagnostics

Parking agent is not a jeep
Before buying RAV4, it is necessary to understand exactly that this is just an all -weather passenger car with increased road clearance. He can defeat an even snow virgin land with a depth of 1520 cm, drive along a wet, but again relatively flat primer. However, you cannot meddle on a more serious off -road on Rav4. He has a gentle passenger suspension and unprotected units under the bottom. But most importantly, the Rafi has a passing transmission without a reducing transmission for a real jeep. Therefore, when the RAV4 with a torn transmission is brought on the evacuator, the mechanics know in advance that the person was guided by the principle: if not, but really want to ... because with normal operation, it is very difficult to break the transmission of the Rafik.

By the way, its design is very perfect. The car has a constant drive on all wheels with the distribution of the moment between the front and the rear axles in a ratio of 50:50. The central differential, if necessary, is automatically blocked by Wyskoft. At some cars there is a differential of increased friction of the torsen on some machines. Such a scheme provides good patency and, most importantly, very reliable and adequate controllability.
Front -wheel drive RAV4 - discarded money

RAV4 was supplied to us exclusively in all -wheel drive. But from Europe and America, front-wheel drive versions with a 125-horsepower 1.8 liter engine are sometimes brought. Since they are originally less and are molestered by category up to 1800 cm, the output is offered 1012% cheaper than full -fledged counterparts. But let the price not seduces you. In our conditions, buying a front -wheel drive RAV4 is pointless. Outside the asphalt, it is incompetent (especially with four riders and a load in the trunk). Yes, and then it will be difficult to sell it.

Mechanics or machine gun?
The lion's share of machines presented on the market is equipped with a 4-speed automatic. It has a very soft hydrrotransformer, which is why it seems that the box at the acceleration shows the speed of revolutions is constantly ahead of the dynamics of overclocking. And on loose soil, especially when trying to move back, the motor often cannot scroll the wheels of the hydrotransformer firing oil. Similar symptoms can show the machine burned on the off -road (for other reasons the boxes have not yet died). Therefore, the diagnosis of automatic transmission before buying should be entrusted to the knowledgeable features of RAV4 mechanics.

It is rare, but it happens that the machine starts to switch unpredictably, too hard or goes into emergency mode, freezing on the 3rd gear. In such cases, experts usually say the box itself, although it is most likely working. This happens when the electronic control unit begins to fail for the engine and KP. He must be replaced.

There are no complaints about the manual box at all, and the clutch with normal handling is about 150,000 km. True, to replace it, you have to remove the engine, which pours out in 8 normally. Therefore, even in the conditions of an unauthorized Toyota workshop, get ready to give about $ 200 for only one job.

The crosses of the cardan shaft and the gearboxes of bridges do not yet deserve complaints. After 100,000 km, the seal of the left front -wheel drive can flow. But its replacement is a penny. Oil in all transmission units is recommended to be changed after 40,000 km. At the same time, the front and central differentials are combined by lubrication with a gearbox. Accordingly, if this is an automatic machine, Toyota-Type IV oil is poured into the box and differentials (and no other!). If the mechanics are 75W90 GL-4. For the handout (the oil in it changes separately) and the rear gearbox is used by the SAE-90 GL-5 transmission. If the Differential Thorsen is installed behind, special oil is not required for him.
How much does a replacement cost, $

AKP and engine control unit 1309+25*
Clutch 386+400
Drive oil seal 17+75

* Excluding the cost of diagnostics

Unable chassis
If you look under the bottom of the RAV4, you will see low hanging giblets of the exhaust system and delicate levers of the rear independent suspension. At first glance, it is not impressive. But even if the car is firmly planted on the belly, only the exhaust and rear transverse levers will suffer, which look thin with diagonal stretch marks.

If you just drive along the broken roads on which the suspension of many cars scatters, Rav4 will pretend that it does not notice all this. For example, on average, in Moscow and the region, the main details of the suspension and steering are more than 150,000 km. Such a wording means that according to the natural wear, they have never changed them and according to the experience of replacement mechanics will begin closer to 200,000 km.

It turns out that the main expenses for the repair of the chassis fall on the share of the third owner of RAV4. In the period of 90,000120,000, you will have to change only stabilizer racks, brake discs and shock absorbers (the rear can start sweating earlier, but this is not a reason to replace). But, as you know, these are consumables on which you will not go broke.

Surprisingly, even the steering rack and brake calipers, provided they regularly cleaned and lubrication do not fall into a risk group up to 150,000 km. Therefore, in the count of possible unscheduled expenses we will include only ABS wheel sensors, the wires of which can be damaged on the off -road. But this is a rarity.

Average service life and the cost of replacing chassis parts, $
Front suspension and steering
Rear suspension

50,000 - 70,000 km
50,000 - 70,000 km
stabilizer bushings 23+35
Stabilizer bushings 17+35
90 000 - 120,000 km
100,000 - 120,000 km
brake discs 276+80
Shock absorbers 88+40
stabilizer racks 178+50
Stabilizer racks 54+50
shock absorbers 292+150
120 000 - 150,000 km
more than 150,000 km
brake pads 57+60
hub bearing 102+120
more than 150,000 km
ball supports138+100
Lower/top. Cross. levers 300+150/284+150
lower levers assembly 426+120
longitudinal levers 362+275
tip of steering thrust 63+60
Possible unscheduled expenses
steering thrust 102+110
ABS 224+35 wheel sensor

The cost of original spare parts in the authorized technical center Toyota is indicated

So, Rav4 as a product does not need recommendations. If you need a SUV, the other is equally charismatic, equally reliable and unreleal in operation of the machine in the secondary market. But if we consider the Rafik as a product for which you need to give your bloody, optimism is reduced. Prices for the earliest copies of 2000 start at $ 19,000. And for 3 years they ask for $ 22,00026,000 at all. And if freshly adopted Americans can still be considered for $ 22,00023,000 (although it is still expensive), then cars from Europe are just unrealistic money . But since buyers allow the distillers to speculate on high RAV4 reputation, prices remain overstated. Therefore, it makes sense to wait for the rapid appearance of the new RAV4, when the prices for the current model will go down.

New, with a guarantee, for the same money

At the price of the most expensive three-year-old RAV4, you can buy only two new Hondu-H-V and Hyunde-Tussan Parnis. Soon, the twin brother of Tussan Kia-Sportj of the second generation will be added to them. The last two are distinguished by a modern design, and direct classmates of the Rafheti in size and engine. True, they are Korean. Honda-Nr-V Porodypical Japanese model. But it is lower and equipped with only a 1.6-liter engine.
Alexander Konov

A source: Magazine buy a car [08/2005]

Toyota Rav4 test drives 5 doors 2003 - 2006