Toyota Camry Solara 2003 test drive - 2008

I went to Shushary on the highway ...

We walk one of the bestsellers of the Russian market Toyota-Kamri to the new attraction of the site of the future Toyota plant in Shushara. This is a little not reaching St. Petersburg. On the way back, they looked at the landfill drove along familiar turns ...
From the editorial office to the Toyota representative office for only ten minutes on foot. By car, the path is much longer and longer than the Moscow authorities with a unilateral movement turned a simple route into a confusing labyrinth, to which it takes almost half an hour during the day. Hello wrestlers for ecology!
However, we are not going to pollute or pollute the air, but we want to take a walk of one of the bestsellers of the Russian Toyota-Kamri market to a new attraction of the site of the future Toyota plant in Shushara. This is a little not reaching St. Petersburg, just opposite Pulkovo Airport. The first stone is recently laid there, and the first person of the state (see the section Economics)! On the way back, look at the landfill along familiar turns, weigh, measure, recall, because more recently (ZR, 2005, No. 4), we compared the ward with Nissan-Maxim.
On one tank
Given: a solid sedan with a three-liter engine and an automatic gearbox, a gas tank for a plot and a distance of 700 km to St. Petersburg. To get without refueling, you must meet 10 l/100 km. Difficult? Not good. If you move smoothly and turn off the air conditioning, the Kamri on -board computer will show the flow below 8 l/100 km. You will adhere to reasonable savings without constraint in comfort, it will come out more on a liter. In general, on one tank to St. Petersburg is not a problem. Although you can burn 12 liters per hundred, but then, most likely, fork out for fines for speeding. Radarov in the traffic police enough
Each car has its own main feature of Kamri, of course, comfort. Even the broken roads seem smooth, as if they had recently put asphalt. The suspensions swallow small and medium irregularities effectively and soundlessly, and their energy intensity allows you to not be afraid of waves or steps at the place of repair of the road. The noise of rolling tires and engine operation is equally thorough. With the climate installation turned on, you can only guess about its idle work, looking at the tachometer.
In motion, the noise appears after 4000 rpm. But aerodynamic sounds are not made under the root after 120 km/h them are published in the middle racks of the body. However, we are in no hurry, on the first day there is only a distillation. It took him exactly eight hours (counting from the Moscow Ring Road). Not bad!
A long trip without stops is the best way to evaluate the convenience of seats. Leather upholstery is not criticized for prestige, let it be. The back with an adjustable underpower is what is needed, but a short, flat and hard pillow was remembered after a couple of hours with an invisible, quiet word. A pair of a large soft ass is required for it, and what to do for those who have not grown this?

What is there in Shushara?
Shushara’s pointer is easy to find, but it’s not easy to find the site of the plant. Remembering the solemn event, they identified the road on a fresh coating. Everything, as in reports, a patch of asphalt among the swampy lowlands. We did not find the hordes of excavators a life on the site personified the Emchees UAZ and two in swamp boots armed with metal detectors. Before you dig, it is necessary to check if the legacy of the Great Patriotic War, rusting in the surrounding reeds. One way or another, the beginning of construction is laid.
The photo session in Shushara is over, you need a more poational nature. White nights are in full swing, the bridges are divorced, walking graduates diverged the time for the front frame. Now the bird will fly out. But the curse from the photographer, economical St. Petersburg energy, turn off the bridge backlight.
A long summer day, too, must be used in full we go to Kronstadt. The road through the dam will surely allow you to make several frames. And really one local acropolis is worth it!
The way home is already without saving we just go as you want, of course, with an eye on other participants in the movement and speed limitations. The result is still lower than 10 l/100 km. At half past seven on the Moscow highway, at two o’clock already in Dmitrov. We'll have to work again!
Corresponds to expectations
The maximum speed on Kamri was a little short, but the rest of the acceleration dynamics corresponds to expectations and statements. The brakes were not too impressed, even despite the optimal effort and moving the pedal. A spoon of tar presented ABS on a flat road her action is rude, although impeccable. On a wavy coating, when the car is swinging, and the wheels are ready to tear themselves away from asphalt, microprocessor logic suffers a fiasco, the braking distance grows by 56 m.
It is difficult to make claims to the steering quite sharp and understandable for mountain serpentine, the steering wheel does not bother at high speed, up to maximum 220 km/h. However, there is a remark for the position of the steering wheel: on most European analogues, it is regulated not only by inclination, but also in the length of the column.

  Kamri’s behavior on the road will be described concisely: calm. Toyota is in no hurry to follow the rapid movement of the steering wheel, leans over and with a noticeable delay accepts the maneuver. Attempts to change the trajectory are too actively leading to gliding with the front wheels. Even with disconnected
the VSC stabilization system is not easy to drive Kamri into the skid, and the car is easily pulled out of it.
Observations of the gearbox, which on the highway seemed very shistro are interesting. At the training ground, its switching is perceived as smooth and timely, but by no means fast.
A rare event corresponds to the declared numbers and the volume of the trunk. It may not be too convenient in shape, but it can not be found equal in capacity. There was enough space and a full -fledged sparelight with a alloy disk.

Conquering America
The main market of Toyota-Kamri is American, there it is multiple of sales record holder. Of course, the production of a bestseller is organized in the United States. True, Kamri is popular as a family car. This status explains the price of the ocean from $ 18 195.
I am convinced that the American path of motorization for Russia would fit much better than European.
Toyota sales statistics are confirmed by these ideas: the American in spirit Kamri (albeit Japanese assembly) in Russia is sold twice as much as European Ansis.
Kamri of the Russian assembly is unlikely to be noticeably cheaper than the current one, although it will probably be the next generation model: by 2007, the time is to update the popular car.
You can guess about her appearance, but it is undoubted that it will be a large and comfortable car with a moderate price. The question is more likely in Russia whether there is enough buyers in Russia for new Camrie
Toyota Camry is impressive not the latest achievements of technology and not ceremonial numbers, but adaptability to Russian realities.
+ Spacious interior, voluminous trunk, comfortable and energy -intensive suspension, rich standard equipment.
- ROOMS on an uneven road, insufficiently clear work of the stabilization system and ABS on an uneven road, a lack of individual sets.
Toyota Camry
The current modification has been produced since 2001. In 2005, restyling was carried out. The assembly of Kamri in Russia has been planned since 2007.
Engines: gasoline 2.4 and 3.0 liters (152 and 186 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical (for 2.4 l), 4-speed automatic.
Configurations: R1, R2. With a 3.0 liter engine, only the maximum R1.
Price: $ 29 80039 800.
Test car: 3.0 liters, 186 hp, $ 39,800.
Anatoly Fomin


A source: The magazine "Driving"

Toyota Camry Solara 2003 - 2008 Video Video