Toyota Camry Solara 2003 test drive - 2008

Two comrades served

Toyota Camry
The first Kamri (aka Pronard and Windows) saw the light in October 1996. The modern model has been produced since 2001.
Engines: gasoline 2.4 and 3.0 liters (152 and 186 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical (for 2.4 l) or 4-speed automatic.
Complete: Four options from R1 to R4.
Price: $ 29 80039 800.
Nissan Maxima
The car was born in Japan in August 1994, and in the fall of that year was shown in Europe. The current generation of Maxima debuted in 2000.
Engines: gasoline 2.0 and 3.0 liters (140 and 200 hp).
Gearboxes: mechanical 5-speed (for 2.0 l) or 4-speed automatic.
Set of configuration: five options.
Price: $ 28 90038 500.
My respect, colleague. If we met for a paired dough, let's get acquainted. My name is Kamri, for friends just Kam.
I am Nissan Maxim. How do you like the weather?
The weather, in my opinion, rubbish. In such snow, it will be difficult for us to show these guys what we are capable of. It is better to try our motors and my suspension on the asphalt.
And for me, a light fluffy snowball is beautiful. He even helps to bring the owner to the destination in a good mood.
Are you kidding
While our wards are discussing their attitude to life, we will look at them so big and, at first glance, equally plush.
Sellers attribute cars to the representative class, buyers often see large cars for a wealthy family or an official car in the broad sense of the word: on weekdays to work, on weekends for household chores.
Kamri is offered today at four, Maxim in five configurations. Nissana's junior motor with a smaller volume, so the minimum price for the car is slightly lower (by the way, maximum too). The flagship engine is both V-shaped 3-liter six. It has a leather salon and, of course, a machine gun. It is such cars in front of us. Hear, they argue about something again.
You know, Max, I think the driver of a good car must constantly feel the supply in everything. That is why my controls are more than yours. The chef will stomp on the right pedal I am looking for whom to overtake, indicate the braking immediately, I will sway the steering wheel try to follow his hands. And you seem to be in no hurry to please the driver?
Hardness, in my opinion, is good for kids. And to us, at almost five meters from the bumper to the bumper, it stood more solid. To accelerate quickly yes, but to tear from the place? My machine gun has a sports regime, so in the usual I try to behave calmer. In my brake system, like yours, there is a help device for emergency braking Why rush, as soon as the foot will touch the pedal? By the way, with your readiness to please the side support of the chairs could be better.

While the wards met each other, the drivers also did not lose time. They found a free suburban highway abounding in waves, and allowed themselves to ride.
Toyota, barely feeling that we were ready for the lesson, began a demonstration of strength. The accelerator responded to confident work with impulsive acceleration, and the potholes swallowed with such ease that sports interest pushed the next. True, a little later the flip side of the energy intensity showed itself. The light character of Kamri led us to that area of \u200b\u200bthe speedometer where the excess suspension stroke turns well tangible body rolls.
Nissan behaved more modestly, did not spur to mischief, but he constantly breathed his colleague in the back. The motor is a little more powerful, with a wider working range, but the feedback of the car to press the accelerator is softened. The car seemed to ask again whether the driver thought well, and after this he begins to briskly gain speed. After some time, you wonder how much intensive acceleration can continue, because the shooter has already exceeded ... In general, Nissan’s acceleration with a 3-liter engine reminded the story of one fisherman about the capture of Timen: it seemed that he had caught an electric train.
The controllability of machines at high speeds is very significant. Toyota reluctantly enters a steep turn, resisting both stabilizers. In order not to feel sitting on a compressed spring, the driver is forced to slow down a little more.
Nissan enters the turn more willingly, even with pleasure, and from solidarity with a colleague also sometimes asks: easier! As a rule, in front of the waves or unsuccessful joints of bridges.
In general, the smaller the speed and more seriously is pardy, the more points it earns Toyota. And the better the coating and higher speed, the more pleasant the behavior of Maxima. Against this background, the steering controls of cars are somewhat more strange in Kamri and calm at Nissan.
In addition to the usual mode, in the automatic box of Maxima there is sports and winter. The first exacerbates the reaction of the car, the second softens the touch from the place on the ice. Toyota in contrast offers a system of electronic stabilization.

Give the same word ...
... Toyota Kamri: For such roads as in Russia, the ability of suspension to swallow pits and bumps is difficult to overestimate. Are there any equal to me in the classroom?
A large family or representative car should be roomy. Look at my own measurements from behind, my salon is slightly higher, and the trunk is more.
The owner can expect that by pressing the gas pedal or swinging the steering wheel, he will feel the response of a powerful motor and accurate control. And if it makes an error, it will always make up electronics. I try to give the maximum, so I am listed in sales leaders in Russia and America. So why talk about my virtues so restrained?
Nissan Maxim: You see, colleague, it’s good to feel the measure in everything. Practicality is great, but for people like us, this is not all. For driving on normal roads and my suspension is enough, and not our business is rushing along the launders. But my xenon light in the basic equipment will appreciate everyone.
For the sake of better handling at high speed, my designers put a multi -link suspension behind. It takes a little more space under the floor than your McExeson, so when equipping a full-fledged reserve, my trunk is less.
Did you say something about the height from behind? First, do not forget that I have an electric hatch in the roof. And secondly ... Why did you, dear, the front stand turned out to be so low above the driver's head?
Stabilization system? Yes, a good thing if it works flawlessly and turns off at the request of the driver. But out of my ear, I heard that the testers had complaints about her.

You still get cheating!
Also me, hot Japanese guys! Of course, they can not take away attention from their eye to a stranger. But we understand: speaking of advantages and disadvantages, they are guided by the norms of the representative class. It is worth it to move smaller into the car for a while and the cons will become pluses.
The system of electronic stabilization of Kamri (I really did not think that I would have to intercede for it!) And I really didn’t really like it on the ice, where its delay became tangible. You need to go quickly on such a coating with your own head, not really trusting electronics. By the way, it is even better not to rush at all!
Comments from the series are a low stand or a smaller trunk in general, you can seriously not consider this the same sorcini. If you find fault, it should be noted that Nissan has an uncomfortable ashtray behind the back (the back from the seat needs to be torn off), and the Toyota Pokyatnaya Brake can dirty the left leg.
However, there are trifles that nevertheless deserve attention: for example, the flat front panel in Kamri seemed less comfortable than the volume of Maxima, but the control of the climate installation of Toyota is more convenient.
The seats liked Nissan a little more, they are softer, with better lateral support. But the driver's chair Kamri has a pneumatic regulation of a lumbar support, not a mechanical one. Something else? Maybe someone wants to say goodbye; Hey Toyota?
Yes, yes, thank you. I ask you to forgive if my behavior seemed immodest to someone. I really wanted your readers to accept my value system. Thanks and colleague. It was very pleasant to meet.
Mutually. Unfortunately, I could not understand your popularity. Our tastes do not coincide ... but for those who will choose, I think this is good. Therefore, I wish everyone, regardless of addictions, I wish you a pleasant choice. Better between us.

Toyota Camry is a large, convenient car with a clockwork character.
+ A very energy -intensive suspension, light controls, roomy trunk.
- insufficiently clear operation of electronic systems, rolls at high speed.
Nissan Maxima QX/›Nissan Maxima QX behind the balanced nature of a comfortable sedan hides pressure and love for high speeds.
+ A magnificent characteristic of the engine, several operating modes of the automatic gearbox, xenon headlights.
- There is no stabilization system, slow steering wheel.





Alexander Budkin
co -author, photo George Sadkov

A source: The magazine "Driving"

Toyota Camry Solara 2003 - 2008 Video Video