Toyota Avensis test drive 2006 - 2008 sedan

The main thing, guys, do not grow old with your heart!

We have already tested a new six in the case and we can confidently declare: the elegant appearance and enlarged dimensions of its dignity are not exhausted. But somehow Mazda will show himself against the backdrop of the permanent leader of sales in the middle class of the last two years? For comparison, we chose sedans with the most popular combination of a 2-liter motor and a box-automatic box.

It means better?
The paradox at that time as if, as if woven from narrow streets, Europe is literally suffocating from parking problems, new cars continue to increase in size. The guess, however, lies on the surface, most buyers see their next car more than the previous one.
And automobile companies willingly meet, because in this case, it is easier to explain easily why the new machine has risen significantly. So it turns out that the word of the client, if not a law, is a guide to action. Moreover, not only supermini and golf models are growing, and the middle class increases noticeably in size. For example, the new Mondeo in dimensions was equal to the Kamri business sedan. The second-generation Mazda-6 is a little inferior to him in length. Avensis against her background looks more modest. However, the matter is not only and not so much in size. The style is what really shares Toyota and Mazda. Standing side by side, they look like children of two different eras of automobile design.
If the ANENSIS A convinced apologist of the classical idea of \u200b\u200bthe sedan with a pronounced three -bob silhouette, clearly defined trunk and large overhangs, then six of a completely different opera. It is not only longer, it is also wider, more disguised and, accordingly, more aggressive than Avensis. Its lines have much more interesting solutions than too predictable Toyota. The emphasized bulges of the front wings are very good, and the roof line, smoothly passing into the lid of the trunk, as if trying to hide the three -bob essence of the car.
Japanese Volga
The difference in the age of two models is felt even stronger inside. Mazda welcomes you with a spacious, filled with an interior, whose air mood is set quite low, but a deep torpedo and a highly tilted windshield. The dug, dynamics is emphasized by downward lines of door upholstery and the front panel smoothly flowing into the central console. The contrasting light top looks spectacular, the dark lower color solution of the interior.
Spacious, wide, filled with light and just convenient Mazda interior deserves only warm words

The good chair of the six is \u200b\u200bnot enough only a slightly larger range of adjustment of the angle of inclination of the pillow

Square sensors of the unsteady seat belts are on the ceiling console and do not irritate the driver once again
Not the most successful proximity of the ESP shutdown button and rotary headlights to the left of the steering wheel
A small glove box complements the box between the seats
The lumbar adjustment of the driver’s chair is included in the basic version of the Mazda

The heating of the seats has two levels of intensity

The brilliantly convenient joystick is abstrusely called a network of intersecting functions
A thin strip of display is well read in any light
Combined upholstery seats are included in the configuration of sports. The engine starting system without a key in Mazda also requires surcharge

But the charm of the six is \u200b\u200bnot only in the actual design. All sorts of praise deserves the quality of the assembly, and the materials of the finish, although they are not distinguished by the premium-Losky, are selected impeccably. It is good and ergonomics, especially the ingenious mini -jist on the steering spell, with which you can easily command all the secondary functions of the car. In general, there is nothing special to criticize in the cabin. I did not like only closely located ESP shutdown buttons. If you do not look closely, you can not de -energize what was originally planned.
We did not have any serious complaints to the ergonomics of Ansis, but the design of this interior is clearly outdated
The skin in a democratic middle class sedan looks alien, but Ansis's chair is a model of convenience
The backlighting of mirrors in anti -loner visors turns on, you just need to open the lids

Toyota's glove box is a little more spacious

Cruise control in Russia can only be useful theoretically
Boxing in the upper part of the torpedo will quite fit for a pack of cigarettes or mobile phones

Standed heating adjustment is almost gorgeous

For some reason, the AKP winter button is far from the cululus under the steering wheel
Electric drive of the driver's sector of the top version of the luxury

There is nothing to blame for the Avensis of objectively. Everything here is without a bitch and a bitch. Ergonomics on a solid five, not to mention the hardness of assembly and the quality of the finish. But only transplanting here after the Mazda, as if you are in the past. By golly, at the sight of such a screaming, tall and rounded torpedo, the Volga involuntarily remembered! Yes, yes, in their design there is actually something in common. The musical system that does not understand the MP3 format, and the flight comprehensive compartment with a monochrome display, and the ignition key without folding sting look under the now obsolete. For five years that have past from the day of the debut of Ansis, the optimal dashboard and it lost its raid of originality now now and are found even on a golf class models. As a result, although there is nothing to objectively blame the Toyota salon, Mazda looks much more fresh and interesting.
It is considered a little here
A noticeable increase in dimensions, if it affected the sofa of the sofa of six, is only a little. Yes, in width its salon surpasses the ANENSIS, there is a larger range of vertical adjustment of the driver's seat. But the margin of the legs and heads of those sitting from behind in two sedans coincides to a centimeter, but no more, there are classmates and more spacious. The advantage of the Mazda becomes noticeable only when three adults are seated on the sofa. In the six it will be more or less convenient for them, in Toyota is no longer very. The point is not only in the relatively modest width of the cabin and the sofa, but also in the massive central tunnel, as well as the lighting plafon, well -placed right above the crown of the average passenger.
Mazda sofa is a little wider, and compact head restraints almost do not worsen visibility

Even passengers in a ninety meter in the knees will be quite enough. But they with their heads, quite possibly, will already rest against the ceiling

But Avensis, perhaps, has a more convenient driver's seat. Here is a pleasantly-like lateral support, as well as the optimally selected angle of inclination of the pillow.
The dimensions are given in centimeters. * The distance from the seat pillow to the ceiling. The space for the legs of the seated rear is indicated provided that the driver’s growth is 185 cm

Two large for each!
Exactly the same as if measured with a micrometer, the advantage of Mazda and in terms of carrying capacity. A centimeter is smaller, although it is still quite significant loading height, the trunk of the trunk is wider and a slightly more comfortable gut. We also note that the separate back of the sofa of the six can be folded directly from the trunk, just pull the loop. Okay invented. Bad different. The place of a full -fledged spare, as in Toyota, under the floor of the trunk, Mazda took a dock. Alas, this is not an attempt to find an additional place for luggage, but the old and low -understanding quirk of the company from Hiroshima.
Mazda, unlike Toyota, has no luggage loops. But the loading height of both is big
The opening in the Toyota salon is limited by the hard arch behind the sofa back. But the length of the trunk is slightly larger
Both sedans do not have a hatch for long -termers, and the backs of the seats, folding, do not form a flat cargo platform
The real cargo capabilities of cars are approximately equal to both easily take away in the womb of a pair of large road suitcases. At the same time, the place will remain on the sides for any small things.

Approximate automation
The coincidence is clearly not a random 2-liter gasoline motors of mazda and Toyota develop 147 liters. With. In addition, both sedans are equipped with 5-speed assault rifles. Who will win the equal duel? That's right, the one who is easier. And a strict weight diet, thanks to which the debutant received an advantage of 15 kg, helps the six to at least in theory to get ahead of the opponent. However, for three tenths of a second, when overclocking to a hundred, this is only by the standards of Formula 1. Moreover, we could not subjectively identify the low start champion. Both machines are very effectively accelerated, in vain without chasing the oil in the hydrotransformer. Moreover, a confident set of speed continues at 140 km/h, and even behind a mark of 160, obviously running closer to the 200th.
Successful configuration of both automatic transmissions should be noted separately. In the city, both Mazda and Toyota are delighted with smooth, completely inconspicuous switching, while the machines without hesitation and thoughts are accelerating, facilitating risky overtaking. Just great.
Unfortunately, studded rubber did not allow you to fully evaluate the efficiency of the brake system. However, in full -time, cars slow down predictably, confidently and with a margin. And about the endurance of the brakes, we will talk in the summer.

Is the passage prohibited on spikes?
Alas, the controllability of the machines could not be compared to the end objectively. It was here and here it was in rubber. The six who visited the test was shod in the studded Nokian-Khakkapelitta-4 tires, while on Avensis there were tires of the fifth, more perfect generation of this famous winter model. Toyota toothy, even on the asphalt, showed itself quite adequate and reliable: obedient to the steering wheel, reliable on a high -speed straight line and during rebuilding, finally quite predictable in corners. A barely noticeable skid in turn does not count.
But the Mazda, shown in the fourth Hakkapelitt, did not please. If on ice and tamped snow tracks there are segments impeccably obediently, then on the bare asphalt, which this winter in Moscow and its environs there were much more than snow, the car becomes different. Firstly, she nervously reacts to maneuvers at speeds over 100 km/h. The usual restructuring and then strains with inconsistency it seems that first only the front of the car goes after the wheel and only then, as if reluctantly, the rear wheels follow it. But the main thing, even in the most frivolous turn, Mazda is a tendency to early skidding of the rear axle. In addition, ESP comes into business, as they say, in the fact of sliding, and this does not add confidence.
Of course, to say that with the onset of the era of mass installation of stabilization systems, automobile firms began to be less jealous of the driving settings of the suspension, perhaps, prematurely. Indeed, on the asphalt of Hungary and the ice of Nefteyugansk, where we have already managed to travel on Mazda, the six has established itself as an obedient and reliable car. Nevertheless, the final verdict for the controllability of the sedan from Hiroshima we will have to postpone until spring and dry roads. In the meantime, when calculating the average score, we decided not to take into account estimates for sled habits.

Still the best
Drive comfort is a long and undeniable plus of most Toyota models. Ansis was no exception. A soft and all -free suspension captivates from the very first meters. If you are not a big hunter to go around all sewer hatches and just pits, which are replete with native highways, then Ansis simply cannot but like it. Great suspension! But the driver of the ointment of asphalt slalom cannot be avoided. This is not to say that there are serious claims to the smoothness of the course of the six. Just in comparison with the Toyota ideal, its suspension is more rigid and slightly less short -handed. It is logical that it is shaking on irregularities.
A little quieter seemed to us and the Toyota motor. If both engines are absolutely not heard at idle, then with intense acceleration, the mazda will be a vertebral. Not so much that it irritates, but still.
But the studded tires again did not allow the level of sound insulation of the bottom. In a monotonous hum of spikes at highways, as in a pool, all other sounds are drowning.
Know problems
Six pillows and ABS already in the basic configuration have long been a norm in the middle class, not only in Europe, but also in Russia. Almost the same standard for models of this category was a 5-star rating from Euroncap. Ansis, by the way, received the highest assessment of one of the first, but 34 points still look more than worthy. Among the advantages of Toyota are not only excellent protection against frontal and lateral strikes, but also a rarely encountered knee airbag, which protects the driver's legs from contact with the steering column. By the way, the seventh-bag seventh, like ESP, is included in the basic performance.
The Mazda is not a knee pillow, but otherwise she has nothing to be ashamed of. Sexstetes of pillows, ABS, a dynamic stabilization system, active head restraints for all this, the buyer does not need to pay extra. That's just the euroncap crash tests have not yet passed. The results will certainly be, but closer to spring, when sales of the model will begin in Europe. In a great assessment, there is no reason. After all, let's say, the hood of the car is developed taking into account modern requirements for the protection of pedestrians. And then, even the Mazda-2 baby recently received a five, hardly the older sister will lag behind. However, a priori to put the six an excellent assessment, we still have no right to.

Our leader is dear
The starting price tags of Avensis and six with 1.8 liter engines are very close, respectively, 647 500 and 653,000 rubles. Moreover, the basic versions are similar in equipment. But then the differences begin. Let's say a 2-liter ANENSIS with automatic transmission is already more expensive. 829 thousand are asked for the Salt version, while Mazda performed by touring is 31 thousand cheaper. At the same time, cars almost do not differ in equipment. Both, in addition to a complete set of safety and electric packages, also have a CD magnet, 2-zone climate control, and light alloy wheels. Toyota, however, is also included in this amount, but the Mazda has cast discs by a size of more than 17-inch.
A similar picture and when comparing top versions. Ansis-Lux for 876 500 rub. He receives a leather salon and an electric drive of chairs. While Mazda-Sport (865,000 rubles) with combined tissue upholstery appears bixenon and an improved Bowz musical system.
Like it or not, the six is \u200b\u200bmore profitable. In addition, it should be borne in mind that, unlike Toyota, Mazda is one and a half times longer, 15,000th interval between that. It is also impossible not to note the modest fuel consumption. According to the flight comprehensive compliance, Mazda allowed to save a liter-half a hundred. With a mileage of 70,000 km, it is 1522 thousand saved rubles. Not such a trifle.
We decided:
Staging this comparative test, we put Ansis in a difficult position. Still, the car, which has been sold since the spring of 2003, should be given to last year’s debutant by definition. But what can you do, special demand from leaders. And although in the end a miracle did not happen, we must admit that Toyota was well held. Moreover, speaking in truth, if the Avensis (average rating is 4.4) and is outdated, then exclusively externally. The simplet contours of the body and the conservative interior fade against the background of modern design solutions of Mazda. But in terms of its consumer qualities, Toyota remains a magnificent car. This particularly conquers the level of comfort, this applies to both the smoothness of the course and sound insulation. The only thing I want to pay attention to, the price losing relevance. Being 30 thousand more than his younger competitor in optimal configuration, Toyota at a quarry sunset risk missing leadership in the middle class.
Because the new six (average rating is 4.5) today, perhaps, the most balanced middle class sedan, which is also very good and costs reasonable, against the background of competitors, money. All that Mazde is missing for complete happiness is the results of the Euroncap crash tests, but there will not be a matter of this.
The six is \u200b\u200bso good that it seems that we already know what the new Avensis will be, whose debut is scheduled at the end of the year. Most of all, it will be similar to Mazda-6 of the new leader of the middle class.
Mikhail Medvedev, photo of Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine buy a car [02/2008]