Toyota Avensis test drive 2003 - 2006 sedan

Emotions as an accurate science

The French musketeer and the Japanese samurai are both armed to the teeth and are extremely safe. Which of them to give their hand and credit card?

Task with one unknown
The question of what an ideal car should be is doomed to stupid-estimated status of rhetorical by definition. You cannot find a solution to the equation, all parts of which are unknown. Or will we try?

It is necessary to dance from a specific buyer, his sympathy, needs and capabilities. The attitude of the owner of a dozen oil wells is perfect for Bentley's compartment, the burdened watga of children to the father-hero will be a good assistant in difficult everyday life, a diesel minivan, a classic middle class sedan, a worthy choice of a business person who monitors his own image. And if this conditional young man is also pretty pretentious (and, let's add, creditable) to demand from his car not only a comfortable body of the body, but also a bright controllability, a powerful engine and just emotionality of character? At the same time, dreams of a sports coupe mercilessly break on the firmament of family values: wife, children, mother -in -law, cottage, labrador. Where to run?

The way out, fortunately, is. Powerful modifications of middle-class family sedans are increasingly crossing the state border of Russia and decorate the showroom windows. With two young and ambitious representatives of the Sport Sedan market, we decided to get to know each other better. So, Peugeot-407-2.2 and Toyota Aventsis-2.4 are called to the carpet.

New values
Toyota as a sports sedan? Where the world is rolling, after all, more recently, it was impossible to think about this. But the world has changed. And this is true not only in relation to Ansis. Look at least at the 407th. Evaluate this huge mouth borrowed from Ferrari. Boldly? And how! Aggressively? Of course! Beautifully? This is already for an amateur. One thing is obvious: as a catchy design, Peugeot seeks to at least visually justify his longtime nickname of the French Mercedes. Or maybe now more fashionable to be called the Paris Lexus?

The classic type of dashboard easily fit into the futuristic interior of the 407th. The main thing is that readability is on top
It is gorgeous, and somewhere even luxurious, a peugeot leather interior looks like. The French really managed to improve the quality of finishing materials. There would also be a slightly more spacious sofa

One way or another, the 407th has changed greatly not only from the outside, but also inside. For the better? Depends on the point of view again. On the one hand, the quality of the finishing materials of the scourge of many former Peugeot will now not force the French to blush. How elegant and pleasant to the touch soft plastic torpedo! How convincing inexpensive plastics are in the role of natural wood that requires great skill! How the dashboard dials are in classically elegant. From the rustic interior of the 406th, perhaps the rumble to the touch are steering wheel switches and the joystick of music management and cruise control.

But all this splendor looks, perhaps, too cold. Uncomfortable, somehow not at home. Most of all, the interior of the 407th personally reminded me of the French variation on the theme of Nissan-Primer. In the Japanese car, the coffee table and the central panel of the devices are surprised, in the 407th it shocks the size of a torpedo helicopter platform, which, by the way, is not carrying any practical load. Huge deposits of plastic, and, say, a mobile phone and nowhere to throw.

Who would have thought that Avensis against this background would look more animated. It is really comfortable here. In this case, the materials of the finish are convinced to a lesser extent. You see a synthetic insan in the Japanese tree by a mile away, and slippery skin is not a fountain at all. But I am sure that almost everyone will like the classic design of Toyota’s inner world, while the futurism of Peugeot will certainly alert someone.

But even in design, as in love, all means are good. This is surprising. By ease of use, Ansis is no better than the 407th! If not a little worse. It would seem that all controls are logically located and are at hand. But the trouble is the appointment of many is by no means obvious. So, for example, in order to deal with a road computer, you will have to recall the school lessons of English. The inscriptions on the buttons generously scattered along the central console are made in Shakespeare's language. For Anglofobes of difficulty. Or here is a scum. The climate control keys are in dangerous proximity to the driver’s right foot will have time to freeze (or warmly warm up) before you understand what happened.

Traditionally for Toyota, the dashboard is made using optitron technology spectacularly and clearly
It is pleasant that with each new model, Japanese cars are also more comfortable from the point of view of the convenience of the driver. Ansis of this visual confirmation

In the 407th, the contents of the central console are elegantly fenced with plastic borders. Anyway, if it were not for the excessive number of buttons on the beard and an intended algorithm for the operation of the on -board computer, the French sedan could well receive five for ergonomics. And so only four with a plus.

Deceptive volume
A huge, stretching to the horizon, the hood of Peugeot visually brings the car of class D to business departments. Accordingly, you expect such generosity inside. And ... you are cruelly deceived. This is not to say that the 407th is not in any case. You just expect more from him. But these are emotions. What will her Majesty Roulette say? She only confirms guesses. Ansisis has a margin on the couch is preferable. This is partly due to a slightly large range of longitudinal adjustment of the front chair of Peugeot, partly the really large size of the Ansis salon. So, in the 407th, the same passenger will calmly sit down at the height driver of 185 cm. But throw both centimeters to both, and problems will begin. In Avensis, by the way, too. Only if the inhabitant of the French sofa will think where to put his legs, then in Toyota he will have to rack his head. Almost in the literal sense. The air supply over the crown is small.

And finally, the problem of placing the third passenger. The sofas of both cars are shaped in two persons. But the third will not be superfluous in Peugeot. There is almost no tunnel here, the sofa itself is wider and you do not need to bow your head.

In Avensis, a lighting ceiling is also added to the high tunnel, located immediately above the head of the average passenger. I wonder what will be stronger on the bump?

Does the numbers solve everything?
If you are sure of this one hundred percent, you can consider the advantage of ANENSIS in the overwhelmingants overwhelming. Indeed, the trunk of 520 liters looks more solid than a colleague who accommodates only 407 liters. Right? Yes and no. After all, not only the limiting numbers are important, but also the convenience of use. And here Toyota is not perfect. Firstly, the form of the trunk. In Avensis, it is dotted with swelling, useless corners and an arch that limits the diagonal size. Finally, the rear seats form a step when folding, and the trunk hinges threaten to mate the luggage.

The trunk of Peugeot is equipped with a very well -correct form, a convenient folding mechanism. Only a relatively modest volume disappeared. By current standards, 407 liters are not enough

Ansis, on the contrary, amazes with volume. 520 liters are more than that of the Mercedes S-Class. But by the convenience of using the Japanese there is something to adopt from a French colleague

In Peugeot, everything is much more civilized. Let the trunk opening and significant loading height are not among the virtues of the Frenchman, as well as the Japanese, but the 407th has a parallelogram mechanism of the lid of the trunk, and most importantly, a geometrically impeccable rectangular gut. There is a suspicion that such 407 liters in certain situations may be more useful than Toyota 520.

The pocket does not pull
The middle class is not in vain called two -liter. Indeed, 130140 horses of the power of 2-liter engines by such sedans, by and large, is enough for the eyes. But there is no horsepower too much, right? Especially when an automatic gearbox is a prerequisite for you. So in our case, ANENSIS is equipped with a 2.4-liter four with a capacity of 163 liters. with. A 158-horsepower 2.2 liter motor is hidden under the hood of Peugeot.

Immediately say the capabilities of these engines are enough to easily and naturally work in tandem with the automatic transmission. Moreover, the difference in the dynamics between the Japanese and the Frenchman is determined not by five horsepower, but by the number of automatic speeds. After all, the automatic transmission is 5-speed, while the 407th has to go to the transmission of less. And the absence of an extra step is certainly felt.

Firstly, the Avensis switches more smoothly so that sometimes it seems that it is equipped with a unavailable variator. Secondly, the brought gear rates give the driver an advantage with traffic lights. The advantage is not overwhelming, but generally noticeable.

However, not constrained in funds, can choose a 3-liter 407th, because the V-shaped six has no Toyota in principle. Peugeot is a little rehabilitated in the brake duel. Due to the less shy ABS, the dynamics of slowdown of the 407th seemed preferable.

Feel comfortable
Peugeot, regardless of class belonging, has long been famous for exquisite handling. The 407th, despite the grown dimensions and the increased mass, is just as tasty to drive a car as the predecessor of the 406th. Most pleased two positions by the magnificent holding of a high -speed straight and well -tuned steering wheel. In ordinary road situations, it seems even too frivolous. But in quick turns, the steering wheel literally conquers the veneration of the commands and absolutely transparent feedback. To dive into turns, rebuild in a tight stream and just go in a straight line in this car is a pleasure. The pleasure, which until recently remained the exceptional privilege of European models.

That's exactly until recently. Everything is wrong today. Japanese companies, flattering European admiration for the fetish of sports controllability, now create a model no less tasty in terms of riding talents. And the 2.4-liter Avensis is rightfully deserves the title of car for the driver. He is alive and vague on a snake, does not scare the driver with the rolls in corners, and only a slightly less sharp steering wheel lubricates the overall impression. In any case, it should be noted that a 2.4-liter Avensis with a stiffer suspension behaves much more ambitious and more capable of its less powerful twin brothers both in turns and at autobahous speeds.

They wanted the best
Sports cars are not compatible with the concept of comfort. This is an axiom. Sports of a sports that occur with a completely comfortable suspension. But this is an exception that has nothing to do with our case. First of all, thanks to the supineismoprofilic rubber, in which elegant 17-inch discs are shod, and Peugeot and a little to a lesser extent Toyota are not too worried about the convenience of the driver and passengers. A constant boom-boom at the joints of the roadway, of course, is not too happy. Yes, and a frisky spurt along the tram tracks I want to finish as quickly as possible. But nothing can be done. We wanted sports, because reckoning for the noble, with a shade of elitism, controllability in this case was the unimportant smoothness.

It is good that the noise of the engines is strangled and killed in the bud. And even then to say, even at revolutions close to maximum, well -set baritones of powerful fours sound very musically. Alas, despite the presence of both French and Japanese engines of balancer shafts, it was not possible to finally cope with the vibrations of idle. A light trembling is now and then felt by the gut during traffic lights. But this is a trifle. It is more offensive that on Avensis a common sound background from tires and running air appeared too vocal. The soundproofing of arches on the 407th seems to be more refined.

Round excellent students
Everything is easy and simple here. Both Avensis and the 407th were awarded the honorable five stars in the Euroncap ranking. You can add to this only one basic configurations of both cars include everything you need for safe movement in space: from ABS to a pillow for safety for knees. The only thing that Toyota has the last in the base, and in Peugeot, knee protection will be set for an additional $ 265. But in the 407th, you can order the rear lateral eire-beags. In Toyota, you will have to rely only on inflatable curtains. So in any way a great draw.

We count labor pennies
In a monetary plan, the trouble has a 2.4-liter avsis one fixed set R2. However, is this trouble when for $ 34,900 in the car there is absolutely everything that the darling pleases, with the exception of an electric lover? Plus the optimal three years of the factory guarantee. Yes, the price, of course, is serious, but the sports sedans are never known as affordable goods. And then, do you believe that Peugeot will cost cheaper?

Only if you do not spend money on complementary equipment. The minimum price for the 2.2-liter 407th with the automatic transmission begins at $ 31,950 as much as they ask for the version of the sport. The execution that has visited our test starts at $ 33,000. There is almost everything you need, including 6 pillows, a full electric package, music, two-zone climate control and much more. But if you want to set Peugeot to Toyotovsky R2, then even an execution will have to add seats ($ 240), a leather interior ($ 2200), knee-bag ($ 265) and metallic color ($ 400). As a result, $ 36 105. Previously, they asked for so much for the 3-liter 406th. And they asked and did not receive too expensive ...

And finally, we recall that, unlike Europe, Peugeot in Russia is still limited to the year of factory guarantee. Dealers, of course, will add a couple more for solidity. But the factory and dealer guarantee is two big differences.



The key on the central console of the 407th as a piano to understand them almost science. But the information display is well read even under direct sunlight

The offensive heritage of the past is a careless gap between the torpedo and the upholstery of the door
The inclusion of the heating of the seats is in the visible driver of the zone

The glove box in size is by no means a record but, unlike ANENSIS, cooled

The air ducts for sitting from the back have only Peugeot

Climate control of the ANENSIS Climate Control more simple and visual
The third on the sofa of ANENSIS is still superfluous, and two with such a promising cup holder will not be boring

You can’t imagine the music control buttons on the steering wheel

Strong stand for weak drinks
Try without knowing English, guess about the appointment of the upper row of buttons

Standed adjustment of heating the islets of exquisite luxury

We decided:

This happens infrequently, but it still happens: the car that has just appeared on the market is a little in the balance of consumer qualities, but is inferior to its competitor, which has been sold for a whole year. Yes, Peugeot 407 with an average score of 4.3 () occupies only the second line in our test. However, by and large, this losing is due to a bar of prices, which the French have already lifted up too much. Otherwise, the 407th is not inferior to the opponent in dynamics through the fault of a 4-speed assault rifle Piegot returned a little more gambling and reliable in maximum control modes. So the second place of the 407th is not so much defeat of the French as the success of the Japanese.

Five years ago, it was impossible to imagine that the Japanese sedan would be able to offer customers not only high assembly quality and favorable warranty conditions, but also a very refined salon, excellent dynamic data, gambling and passive safety of the highest level. Congratulations to the ANENSIS A average score 4.4 () with a well -deserved victory. However, there is a small reservation in it.

No matter how good the sport sedan is from Toyota, but they are forced to recognize the freshness of the design. Its boring appearance is more suitable for a service car. The emotional component of the thing is too individual to arrange grades for it. However, for me personally, the aggressive and bright appearance of the 407th definitely costs one tenth loss in points and extra thousand in dollars.
Mikhail Medvedev, photo of Maxim Goncharov

A source: Magazine buy a car [16/2004]

Toyota Avensis Crash Test Video 2003 - 2006

Toyota Avensis 2003 test drives - 2006

Toyota Avensis Crash Test 2003 - 2006

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