Toyota Auris Test drive 5 doors 2013 - NV hatchback

I have a desire ...

and certain financial capabilities. Which five -door hatchback to choose? With his standards, Maxim Sachkov approached the popular cars in the market. Photo: Alexander Kulnev.
The task is not easy. Indeed, in disputes about cars of this class, the most copies are broken. At the same time, everyone has different requests. Someone looks after the medicine for the soul, the other is looking for a family car, others want to have a reliable and convenient means of transportation. There can be no universal council, but the group of experts will definitely put up objective assessments.
The main participant in the test of the Mitsubishi-Lenser Sportbek, having received new rooms, immediately went to the training ground. At the same time, the updated Citroen-C4 arrived. Two other Nissan-Tiada and Toyota-Auris cars were already patiently waiting for newcomers.
I want beautiful
There are cars whose appearance sinks into the soul: every time, passing by, you involuntarily turn around. Sometimes it is possible to look inside, but to meet you closer, alas ... pure curiosity: just see, feel, smell it. So it was with me and Auris.
Undoubtedly, in the design of Toyota, a sweeping step forward took. Faceless gray neck turned, if not in beautiful swans, then at least in stately drakes. And it was not only about appearance that the exterior pulled up the interior decoration. Take at least a curved overhanging central console or an original Auris instrument shield, glancing at a driver from under a curved visor with a pair of orange pupils. Add many departments for small things, pockets in all doors, a couple of duffel boxes resembling a cosmetic bag or a small ladies' handbag, a mirror with a visor in a visor. There is no doubt, Auris will conquer the hearts of many women, all the more red.
I am disappointed. Having settled in an embraced armchair, I try to find a joystick to adjust the mirrors. And he fell into the ranks of the uninhabited, as well as the buttons of the central lock and heating the seats. A thorough search of secluded corners in the pitch darkness was crowned with success. True, Auris did not find other miscalculations in ergonomics. In addition, the landing is high, in the driver's place there is plenty of free space, and this rehabilitates the Japanese.
But not for long. I remember the impressions of the predecessor of Auris Editorial Corolla, on which I traveled a couple of weeks. Quiet and dynamic acceleration as if you are flying, not going. The current hatchback is also not vocal (except for the noise from winter tires), and almost one and a half dozen horses under the hood. But where is that lightness? Instead, constant jerks and nods, in which a robotic box is to blame. With a calm ride, the robot is slightly bordering, but it is worth going more actively, the pauses begin to irritate when switching. The feeling that you drag someone on a cable that sags or stretches sharply again. However, it becomes a little better if you transfer the selector into manual mode, taking control of the transmission under control. But to move the lever quickly boring, and the only consolation remains: he won another victory over artificial intelligence.
Despite the nimble engine, Auris does not like dynamic driving. And not only because of the robot. The rolls and inaccurate steering are by no means pushing to the rapid passage of turns. Although it is worth the steep snakes to stay in the rear -view mirror, Toyota makes it possible to relax without requiring excess attention.
Praise for technological progress, which has come down to small and relatively inexpensive cars! No need to make unnecessary movements, including wiper brushes or changing the temperature in the cabin. But it is necessary to change the direction and speed of flows, otherwise the glass instantly draws in a white veil. Separate climate control is good. It's a shame that it has to be tamed.
I want spectacular
A bright appearance, a sports body kit, the snow -white color is already enough to earn a prize of spectator sympathies. And Lancer actively uses external data, and the Sportback prefix only fuels interest. Who can resist here?
Inside Mitsubishi looks more restrained. If it were not for the playfully curved eyebrows over the devices, it is just right to think that you are inside the European representative sedan. And Japanese minimalism and thoughtfulness of small details are visible, for example, in the layout of the controls of the button, levers, toggle switches functionally grouped, and not dispersed along the panel. Take a look at three pens of climate control compactly, simply, conveniently.
Want to find fault with the seats, look for another car. I think that not only is it comfortable for me here. The only thing I will raise a little pillow. Ouch, it hurts! The back side of the hand, with every movement, the lever rubs on a rough, like rough sandpaper, door plastic. And why do manufacturers love step backs of backs so much because of this legs and hands constantly have to look for a compromise. It seems to be found, it remains to adjust the steering column. Ah, is regulated only in height? Not expected!
Out of habit, I cling to the edge of the familiar road to turn into one sitting. Amazing: where the other three cars hardly fit into the corridor, Lancer leaves another half -meter in stock. But it significantly exceeds rivals in length and base.
... I make a discount on the noisy winter tires, but the matter is clearly not only about them: from the place of the driver by sound, you determine the size of the pebbles beating on the wheeled niches, probably it was not worth saving so much in sound insulation. But you quickly forget about this by pressing the accelerator pedal. From the test four, Lancer has the most powerful motor in it for 200 cubes and several dozen horses more than that of the opponents, and therefore the leadership in acceleration is undeniable. But the applause is not a motor deserves, but by its partner variator. If you want to go calmly, transfer the selector into the drive and immediately forget about the box. The car moves smoothly, in a trolley nimble and evenly gaining move. It is necessary to accelerate after the minimum delay of the tachometer shooter rushes to the red zone, and the speedometer also grow after the speedometer.
The best, of course, ahead of the manual mode. Now the box jumps on the steps built by electronics, and your desires are fulfilled instantly: the selector did not have time to return to a neutral position, and the transmission has already turned on. I'm starting to start, the benefit of Lancer obeys the steering wheel well. But I pull myself in time and carefully entering the turn of the studded tires gratefully responds with a ringing cord on the asphalt.
I want practical
Lancer and Tiida earned the same number of points in the test, but I think the majority, looking at the photograph, will prefer Mitsubishi. It is logical, because they meet on clothes. Although do not rush to spend always time.
The tiid cannot really boast of a bright appearance. However, the hatchback is still more harmonious than the namesake with the sedan body. Inside, everything looks no better than outside: colorless materials, faceless panels and upholstery, which without metal rims completely turned into a homogeneous gray mass. But after some time, having a hand over the soft plastic, having felt leather inserts on the armrests, noting a solid assembly, he has already lost a critical mood. I did not find serious jambs and in ergonomics it is convenient to use the controls and devices. However, I can drink the seat that seemed at first by the hospitable: on a long trip I did not like quite flat shap and pillows. By the way, like Lancer, the steering wheel in the tiid is regulated only in one plane. But, despite the high, almost bus landing, a person of any height will be sought out of the place above the head.
It seems like I will give it to gas, and the machine does not want to switch to an increased gear. The selector slipped through the drive in the next mode, and the box hung on the second. I would lever fixation is notorious. Moreover, the indication of the selected program is duplicated on the instrument shield. But more reproaches to the box and engine were not born. A perfectly sung duo worked impeccably the machine gun mildly and quickly changed the gears, and the weakest among the test four the motor did not allow the driver of the tiid's reason to blush in front of colleagues. Well, if he dropped the speed, then only before the steep turns, in which the car drove extremely reluctantly had to fight with weighty rolls and blurry steering control. But Nissan softer than others passed irregularities and did not bother with a noise on a long road.
I want solid
Models that have undergone restyling is more difficult to distinguish from predecessors. The French car is a bright confirmation of this. However, whatever one may say, formally C4 has been updated, which means that interest in it should grow. But is he only ready to attract attention?
Here is an example, when design and good quality manufacturing in one bottle. The main elements of the interior C4 from soft, pleasant to the touch plastic. Should I crucify for a long time about extravagance? It is enough to look at the main instrument shield crowning the panel, or a motionless steering wheel hub. By the way, both of these original designs do not cause discomfort. With a comfortable assault, you get used to it right away, quickly get used to tracking speed, a little later you start to read the rest of the information fluently.
Modern designers, carried away by the process, sometimes forget that the subject should be not only attractive and original, but also functional. Take the same motionless steering wheel hub with small buttons along the edges. Okay, you will miss a couple of times past the volume adjustment will be to repeat the attempt. But I tried to give a sound signal three times for a trip, and I couldn’t get a button curved with an arc! Not the most pleasant moments.
Another joke from the gold collection of French humor. During the seat, experts wanted to put C4 ratings higher than competitors, but in the end they reduced to a score due to uncomfortable adjustments. The setting of the back was especially impressed: not only should I put your hand between the chair and the counter, but the lever should be pushed from yourself. Maybe the developers hoped that those sitting on the second row would help the driver?
The engine about 120 forces copes with the tasks quietly behaves at cruising speeds, does not force to be nervous during overtaking. The impression that in the dynamics of C4 is not much inferior to a more powerful (true, and more severe) Lancer. The motor does not interfere with the four -speed automatic with a calm movement smoothly crosses the steps, and when pressed on the pedal to the floor, it jumps with a hearty one, or even two down. Perhaps this car is ready to please anyone! If you are in no hurry, well -tuned pendants, the exact steering, understandable and tenacious brakes inspire confidence and calm. You want to push the excitement in Citroen immediately wakes up. It was as if he is hanging around sitting at the wheel to go through the next turn a little faster. The main thing here is soberly evaluating the capabilities, your own and the car.
Which one did you choose? For example, I have not decided until the end. I am driven by a natural desire for a normal person to get to the maximum: to take a very good car from all these machines and mixing. But in order to become its owner, one desire will not be enough, one must have other opportunities.

Behind the fifth door
Many buy 5-door hatchbacks because of their practicality and versatility: you can not only go for groceries to the store, but also a washing machine or a small chest of drawers. Let's take a closer look at the trunk and their transformations.
The whole four have the rear seats fold in parts (40:60). Moreover, it is most convenient in Lancer: it is enough to pull the handle and the spring -loaded back itself will drop off the trunk of the trunk. By the way, Auris and C4 are the same relief, only the tiid between the trunk and the salon grows a step. But Nissan boasts with shifting rear seats: he pulled the handle (in the cabin or in the cargo compartment) and the trunk increased up to 200 mm long. Another way to grow a useful volume to reduce the tilt of the back of the rear seat. Tiids have five fixed positions for this purpose. Auris is also trained in such a focus, only here there are only two such provisions.
Measurements of ZR showed: Auris has the smallest trunk. The fault of this is massive wheel arches and a high floor. True, under it is a full -fledged spare wheel and plastic trays for a trifle.
The most elongated in length, Lancer will take away, however, not so much luggage. The doorway is convenient in shape and large in size, but throwing heavy things is not easy because of a solid loading height.
In the nomination, the deep trunk defeated the tiid. In addition, its cargo compartment is quite convenient. The picture is spoiled by the awkward opening of the fifth door and a protruding lever for shifting the rear seat.
The most capacious trunk according to the measurements of C4. By the way, only the backs and pillows of the rear seats are laid out of Citroen's test four.






A source: The magazine "Driving"

Toyota auris 5 doors 2013 - NV video

Toyota auris tests 5 doors 2013 - NV