Test Drive Suzuki SWIFT since 2010 Hatchback
Only for the sake of sports "interest." SUZUKI SWIFT SPORT car overview

As you can guess along the title, we will spell in this report about the sports version of the Suzuki SWIFT car, which has recently undergone partial upgrades. Naturally the question arises: Well, how did it affect it?. This question is trying to find an answer to our expert who subjected the car with a small test.
In 70 cases of 100 cars equipped with manual transmissions
There is such an opinion among the Japanese, according to which if the car is not on the machine, it means that the car is solid discomfort. At least, not quite suitable for household needs. The logic in this statement is available, there is no dispute. At the same time, if you carefully trace which machines and with what types of transmission are sold in the domestic market in Japan, one interesting part can be detected. It is difficult to believe in it, but among the machines manufactured and sold in the Japanese market there is one, which in 70 out of 100 cases goes precisely with a manual box! And this is a Suzuki SWIFT Sport car.
But another interesting fact: the average monthly norm of the Numerous Susuki SWIFT Machines currently, as statistics shows approximately 4,000 cars. So, among the whole varieties of these very swipes, you know how much is the SWIFT Sport car? As many as 20 percent. That is, monthly in Japan is sold from 700 to 800 units of such sports equipment, thus ensuring quite good results of the implementation of the SWIFT family as a whole. So it is unlikely that there will be an exaggeration to call the car SWIFT Sport model, the level of popularity of which is not yet realized to the end. So to speak, the car, the demand for which is twisted and grows in a hidden form.

Another important circumstance: at the disposal of the SUZUKI SWIFT family there are various engines in the cube, a volume of 1.2 liters, then 1.3 liters, and finally, the motor whose working volume is 1.5 liters. But all this is exclusively for cars, so to speak, normal orientation. As for cars, oriented, mainly on the sport, they are ordered to be powerful in the family, at least it was stated. But to make them a variety of somehow did not think, as a result of which all the cars are equipped with the same engine with 4 cylinders of 1.6 liters, which, it is also additionally retrofitted by the system of smooth change in the phase distribution and opening values Vvt intake valves. He has two camshafts of the top location and a 16-valve inlet / release. What as a result? As a result, it can develop power up to 125 horsepower at a rotational speed of 6,800 rpm, and to act with force of 15.1 kg-M (the peak of the torque occurs at a speed of 4,800 rpm.). At the same time, which is important, the motor is fully made of aluminum alloy.
In the interior the prevailing color is black
On May 24 of this (2007) year, the SWIFT Sport model range has undergone a partial update. Immediately I want to note that it began to be sold more on average by 60 thousand yen. In particular, an option with a 5-speed mechanical transmission costs 1 million 627.5 thousand, and its 4-step automatic fellow 1 million 680 thousand yen.

If you believe the engineers, the range of the transfer numbers of the SWIFT Sport car's new sample is borrowed from the already produced machine of European version with a 1.6 liter engine, so that, figuratively expressing, between Europe and Japan there is no difference in this regard. But the equality is not here, just prepared for the release of the European version of the car, the transmission developers had significantly more time (about six months), so they had the possibilities to bring the box to mind they had, even deba. This consecued option was decided to use in the Japanese car, since in the first, and in the second case the engine is the same.
Well, the range of gear ratios changed. But how did this affect the economy of the move of a new car? We look: In the control mode 10-15, the vehicle fuel consumption with a manual transmission is one liter for every 14.6 km of mileage. Machine with automatic transmission, this figure is somewhat worse than 13.6 km / liter. As for the data, usually indicated in the catalog, then everything remains unchanged.

As for the interior of the cabin, then when finishing the armrests, the chairs were decided to abandon the red inserts, so that in the current version inside the black color of various tones prevails. The control panel of the audio system is combined with the central console, which is made very simple in design, which, in general, and well, given the sports orientation of the SWIFT Sport machine.
In addition, an additionally developed a variant of black and gray finishing of the rear seats. Previously, it should be noted, the seat seemed to be divided with a red stripe, which then passed onto the back. Now the surface declined in red is significantly reduced: only half of the back of the seating and three four of its backs. Well, well, well, modestly and tasteful, and in the eyes it is not ripple.

The car that I took for the sample was not quite standard, because a number of manufacturer options carried out: the Recaro brand seats, a set of pneumatic airbags (from the side shock + from the head level at the head). In addition, the headlights included a discharge type, as well as an auxiliary handle on a steering wheel, which, if you do not use, you can hide in the steering wheel so as not to interfere. All this, taken together, somewhat lifted the cost of the car: if I had to buy it, he would have cost me
1 million 785 thousand yen.
In Recaro seats, there are traditionally rigid calipers that are tightly fitting the case and hold it in the desired position. They did not exception and chairs standing in the SWIFT Sport salon of the new sample. Although, it should be noted, sitting in such an armchair, you absolutely do not feel cramped. Sitting is quite sufficient elasticity, pretty tough and flat. But call him a seating of a pure sports salon, where, as you know, not to comfort, too, it is also impossible. It is impossible, though, and smoothly adjust the position of the back. Instead of a smooth adjustment handle, a simple lever adjustment. Well, this also has its own charm.
As soon as the car under my control moved from the spot and started overclocking, I immediately understood: 4 cylinders under the hood are not in vain, torque they give out such that you stop! Although it is so, the figure of speech, in fact, no rolls, the car with a total weight of 1,060 kg immediately moved easily smoothly. She pulled well, probably, due to the very change in the range of gearboxes of the gearbox, which I have already mentioned.

Once among the mountains, where the road began to loop and shook, I at first could not get used to the steering control, to immediately and accurately put the steering wheel in the right position. It is probably due to the fact that the car has become a little easier than before. True, it was worth only to go through three more virats, and this feeling of lung dissonance quickly disappeared. What else I turned my attention is to work the ESP system, which, as I have already noted, is now put on the car unconditionally. Maybe the machine is a demonstration, and it turned out to be some kind of flaw, but only by pressing the ON / OFF button, which is located on the middle console, I did not notice any change in the behavior. True, after a few moments, anti-lock brake system began to operate (ABS), I felt.

This time I could not travel on a new car in the city, so I almost can not say anything as to how Swift Sport will prove itself in everyday life. Although it is unlikely that it is so important: once it is written on the Sport car, it means that his strong side lies precisely in the ability to behave in a sporting person, and it is necessary to appreciate it precisely for it, and everything else is the tenth, or am I wrong? At least, if at the beginning of your notes I called this car model, the demand for which exists in a hidden form, then after the test trip, I seem to be understood what exactly due to this demand. In fact, cars with manual transmissary recently produced little, and not everyone likes this position. These are the most dissatisfied, apparently, and form the demand for cars of the SWIFT Sport model range.
A source: WebCG.net.