Subaru Impreza Wrx STI 2003 test drive - 2005 sedan

Mitsubishi Lancer, Subaru Impreza Wrx car.

A comprehensive comparison. The confrontation of the two fastest cars in Japan: Subaru Impreza WRX STI against Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII
Two cars like weapons in the competition for the fastest title in Japan
Lancer Evolution (Lancer Evolyushn) appeared in September 1992. And two months later in November, as if after him, Impreza WRX (Impreza WRX) debuted. Since then, these two types of weapons have developed jointly, sometimes stimulating each other as worthy opponents, and sometimes fiercely fighting like enemies.
I called them a weapon, but the concept of these two cars is completely clear. Their goal is only one. This is a victory at international rally. That is, these are not sports cars, and not cars with high characteristics. This is a weapon made only to win.
And such an equal struggle is more likely not between two cars, but between the two companies, it is even more flared up. In a short time, evolution has occurred towards superman, about which you can even say: are these really models for sale in the market?. Such intensity and enthusiasm are quite characteristic of Japan. If you move a step and look at such a struggle, then it looks completely like a fight of children, randomly waving her hands. But both of these manufacturers are known in history in that they once made Zero fighters (model 0) and Hayabus (model 1). If you recall this and much more, then this struggle will seem more interesting.
Cars become faster, turn better and stop. The stiffness of the body has also undergone sharp evolution. Along the way, we note that for Mitsubishi and Subaru, such an image of the brand as high characteristics has clearly increased, and accordingly the sales results improved, so some pour oil into the fire (sorry, and I, too), and no one cools the general ardor with the words: let's show composure . So it turns out that cars for sale in the market that do not have precedents in the world and have incredibly high characteristics can only be obtained for 3 million yen (~ $ 26000).
If you glance at these two cars, then their characteristics have increased so much that it is not easy to reach the limit indicators even to a fairly skilled driver, not to mention the beginner. But in my personal opinion, let such terrible cars be. For example, we can say that even in the current situation, when everyone is connected by hand and feet with safety requirements in the clash and control of exhaust gases, these two models are intensely brought into line with these requirements, striving at the same time to reduce weight and increase the running characteristics. And other manufacturers, no matter how much they want this, can no longer say that with increased attention to safety, you have to put up with a deterioration in running qualities.
So, in front of you is Lancer Evolution and Impreza WRX. Let's talk frankly about what these two cars are.
Character does not take care of care
Impreza WRX, which made it debuted in November 1992, was called the GC8 model (according to the body brand), it went through several partial modernizations and was produced for nine long years. Then, in October 2000, Impreza was released in a new body (GDB brand). However, this caused negative reviews, for example, that the body was heavier, round headlights look strange, etc., so the popularity of the model did not increase. On the tests of the magazine, etc. The car was naked by its enemy by the Lancer Evolution VIII model, and Subaru released the modification of the WRX STI Type C (we already wrote about it), lightweight almost on the verge of a foul. She returned the position in speed, but popularity was still inconspicuous. In this regard, manufacturers conducted a large partial modernization and introduced the current model. Among the maniacs, it is called model S.
The development concept is understandable: defeat Lancer Evolution!. During this small modernization, round headlights were replaced, which received bad reviews, and made them oblong. The current model began to be called the eyes in tears, but this is not slander, but rather a friendly nickname, and reviews were mostly good. Not only to the appearance, but also significant efforts were also made to the engine with the chassis, and the running qualities clearly increased. After the appearance of the Impreza model, completely irresponsible statements from Subaru staff were sometimes heard, for example, that round headlights looked good. Nevertheless, the body has become more compared to GC8, and it seems that the general form is good, and the design balance is very good.
In the interior, the front seats with pronounced side support are attractive in the interior. They hold the body well and are so successfully executed that they withstand sports traffic on a closed highway. In addition, when the ignition is turned on, a wonderful view is made: the arrows of the extinguished measuring devices light up in red, and when they reach the right to the end, the entire dashboard begins to glow.
It is noteworthy that the diameter of the steering wheel is somewhat large, and I would like to bring it to at least about 37 cm. However, this is not a hindrance for control. In modification with the weight of the standard body is significantly reduced, and the equipment is also simple. It is not equipped with air conditioning and power steering, not to mention the audio system. She went on sale a modification of C Limited with standard equipment in the form of air conditioning and windows.
As for the control system, the pedals and the steering wheel became somewhat tight and give a conservative shade. Especially tight is the clutch, and frankly, it takes a little hard in traffic jams. The brakes cause a sense of strength, but they cannot be pressed sluggishly - when pressed, power is required, and when braking, it is necessary to constantly put pressure on them with socks.
Features corresponding to the sensations of drivers
A feature of the sensation of driving on Impreza is apparently that it is friendly to the driver. It seems that this contradicts the statement given on the first page that it is impossible for beginners to ride it. But this is not a contradiction at all. The goodwill to the driver is that the car’s work is entirely consistent with the sensations of the driver.
Impreza relatively easily enters the turns. For example, if at the beginning of the rotation the back begins to vibrate and the side pitching occurs, then the movement of the machine changes slightly, and you can make a turn with the so -called zero reverse turn, when a transition to the movement in a straight line is made from the position of a stubborn steering wheel. If you transfer the manual control of the differential in a free position, then everything turns out quickly. If you transfer to automatic position, then the side pitching calms naturally at the beginning of the turn, and you can even get out of it without a significant adjustment of the steering wheel. The steering wheel in the opposite direction is not required, as in cars with the anterior engine, and yet, the feeling of driving somewhat resembles rear -wheel drive cars with such an engine.
The marginal characteristics are prohibitively high, but if you reach such limits, the car gradually begins to enter the turns worse. Speaking a little more precisely, then with a steep turn, the car is very obediently at the beginning of the steering wheel, but the control worsens at the exit from the turn. There is no feeling that the car is not included in the turn, but the front wheels are already on the verge. At the same time, the car no longer turns the way you want, and it can cause irritation, but, on the other hand, when moving in a bend, a feeling of stability and tranquility arises.
The modification C has a central differential management mechanism, named Differential Management of drives, which has an automatic mode. This system weakens the action of the central differential, facilitates its turns, increases its blocking effect and passes into a stable position when the accelerator presses during the rise in the bend. Therefore, you can easily turn if you slow down before turning and quickly turn the steering wheel while the load is moved forward. Then it is better to press the accelerator, in accordance with the clutch of the tires. However, the front of the car seems very heavy, unlike the Lancer Evolution model, so sharp movements are not too much.
The engine develops a power of 280 hp. And the torque is 40.2 kg-m, it is equipped with a double screw turbocharger. The return also increased. Namely, the significant capacity of the turbine is manifested at the level of 3,500 rpm, and after 7500 rpm rises sharply (8000 revolutions). In addition, there is a good return and you can feel powerful acceleration if you remove the leg from the gas pedal for one moment at 4000 or 5000 rpm, and then press it again. In this case, the delay in the turbine reaction is greatly reduced. The acceleration characteristics are magnificent, although slightly different from Evolution VIII.

External and interior decoration creates a bold atmosphere
The Evolution model, which debuted in 1992, developed with the compact body Evolution I, II, III, and in 1995 the Lancer model was completely updated, and the second generation began with Evolution IV. Then there were Evolution V, VI, Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition all these are models of the second generation, which can be called massive. The third generation is Evolution VII, which appeared in 2001 can be called elegant. When the Lancer Cedia model appeared, which became the base for him, it looked too much like an ordinary sedan, and I was worried about how the new Evolution would become. When Evolution VII still appeared, he looked in the style of this!. As for the impressiveness, it is not as powerful as the evoluly VI, but bold and elegant. However, starting with Evolyushn VII, the front -line part appeared (as the front panels of Mitsubishi have recently been called, and the front view has become unprecedented. Then, in 2002, this model was replaced by Evolution VIII, which can be considered an improved version of Evolution VII.
The interior is a somewhat gloomy part of the Lancer. In particular, in the decoration of the central part of the dashboard, the spirit of the Lancer Cedia model is felt. Of course, there is restraint in it, but some impulse is not enough. However, the tickling characteristic of Lancer is nevertheless produced in the fact that the speedometer is designed for 270 km, in inventive lighting of the dashboard, etc. In addition, the steering wheel has a small diameter and is easy to control, and the seats with lateral support used in the GSR modifications are perfectly kept and have outstanding comfort.
GSR modification was created for operation on city streets and has luxurious equipment. The rear seats are also well made, etc. However, a titanium turbine having a high return is installed in the form of an option. On the contrary, the SR modification is intended for competitions, so comfortable equipment is reduced, you can choose a titanium turbine, 5 or 6 speeds, and in addition, measures are taken to reduce weight, which cannot be redone, for example, a body of thin sheets.
Overcoming turns with all -encompassing electronic control
Lancer controllability can be briefly described as a clot of electronic control. Impreza is designed so that in no case do not deceive the driver's feelings, while the Evolution VIII seeks to switch to a comprehensive electronic control and is based on the desire for impressive rotary characteristics and traction effort.
A classic example is a differential with an active center (ACD) and a differential of active movement control (AYS). ACD monitors the angle of steering, the lateral gravity and the difference in rotation of the front and rear wheels with the help of sensors, and then enhances or weakens the action of the central differential of high friction. Ays is, so to speak, an active differential of increased friction, which changes its action depending on the lateral gravity or the level of the roar (forces in the direction of rotation, where the turn should be carried out). Along the way, ACD and AYS are under joint control and are installed in the direction of the greatest turn.
If, after feeling the obedient Impreza turns, sit in the Evolution VIII, then the impression of the sharpness of the turns is created. And vice versa, if you first get used to the Evolution VIII, and then go to Impreza, then it feels how difficult the nose moves. So easily and sharply turns in front of Lancer. The fact is that even with minimal adhesion to the road and AYS, they are active, trying to turn the car. For the skillful use of such a system, it is important to know the features of mechanisms and management in accordance with them. And the first step towards skillful driving on Lancer is to master them.
The main thing is that the half -skinned driving technique is not needed, and if you want to turn the car, it is better to wrap the steering wheel. If possible, wrap not sharply, but smoothly. At the same time, it is better not to think about such complex things as the emergence of centripetal power or the level of screening. In this case, the car will turn right away. If you want to turn even more, wrap the steering wheel further. And the car again turns from the moment when you think that you wrapped the steering wheel too much. If you continue this further, then the back begins to glide gradually. Much depends on AYS. As a result of the transformation of the Evolution VII into Evolution VIII, the AYC mechanism has changed, and it became possible to use a more significant difference in twisting moments. Like the rowing with the right and left oar, on the opposite to the turn the wheel, that is, on the rear wheel turned inside, a large torque is applied on the drive shaft and pulls the car in the direction of turn. Compared to Evolution VII, the value of such a torque increased 2 times. Naturally, if you turn the steering wheel and press the gas, then the back begins to slide. It is interesting that when turning the back is controlled in this way in the direction of sliding, but with a decrease in the lateral gravity and corner of the steering, gliding begins to restrain himself and a powerful traction arises. The rise is noteworthy when turning at 360 ° (as at 180 °), clearly visible during car races. When managing Impreza, the impression arises that the rear part goes to the skid, and the drive is smoothly transmitted to the front part, and acceleration occurs. And in the case of Evolution VIII, the torque suddenly arises sharply on the leading shaft and forcibly accelerates, fully using the adhesion of four tires.
As for the suspension setup, it seems that the springs are somewhat tough in relation to the softening power of the damper. A particularly quick movement occurs when leaving the turn. Because of this, the car suddenly shifts at the moment when, after the rear introduction, the adhesion with the road again occurs, and this movement causes some nervousness. With normal driving, the difference between engines with a titanium and a conventional turbine is almost not felt. But such a difference is clearly manifested with an increase in boost. In particular, a titanium turbine can respond due to its characteristics to a boost pressure of 1.5 kg. I had to ride Lancer with increased boost, and I can say that the turbine reaction improved, and the receipt became much more completed. Thus, we can say that in normal conditions there is almost no difference in characteristics, but when creating the machine, the hidden opportunities manifested in competitions were provided.
As for the Impreza, the permissible limits of boost increase are not so high, but the deterrence of a boost of boost is much more effective (a phenomenon in which boost pressure decreases) that occurs at high speeds. I drove in such a car, and it really happened quickly. Evolution VIII has a power of 280 hp. And the torque is 40.0 kgm, and although Impreza is in the first place in quantitative indicators, slightly superior in torque, but still Lancer has a supply of rotary characteristics that allow making magnificent turns.

Comprehensive assessment
So, the features of each machine are set out separately, however, as indicated at the end of the Lancer section, the difference between them is two small. They are easily mutually replaced depending on skill. Even at the Super N1 competition for endurance, where alterations are made in minimal sizes, they fought on equal terms. The question of which one to choose is associated with which of the cars seems closer to you. Below I tried to make my own table on a ten -point scale, and I think that it will be useful to you.

Sensation from acceleration 10 10
Both cars are really equal. It would be inaccurate to call them the same, but in Lancer the torque appears at low speeds, and rotation is carried out smoothly. However, Impreza has a powerful acceleration at high speeds, and there are opportunities to increase. The difference in torque is only 0.2 kg-m, but the indicator can be faster or slower, depending on the difference between individual machines. According to the reviews of drivers participating in the Super N1 competitions for endurance, Impreza was a little faster on the direct highway Fuji Speedway.
Steering 9 8
If we talk about the speed of turn, then I think that Lancer is faster. But it is easier for me to ride Impreza, which produces predictable movement in maximum indicators. For Lancer, you need to some extent understand the work of mechanisms (AYC and ACD) and control in accordance with it. This is also interesting, but if we talk about traffic along a regular road, it will be better to Impreza, which does not cause antipathy.
High speed stability 9 8
In both machines, attention is drawn to the characteristics of movement on turns, so there is no feeling of unshakable calm. Nevertheless, Impreza inspires calm, since its all -wheel drive gives stability when moving in a straight line. However, in contact with the irregularities of the road, solid chassis and tires with good clutch are easily exposed. On the other hand, in Lancer, good rotary characteristics of the front are also manifested at high speeds, and it is prone to somewhat snoops. The stability when moving in a straight line is not at all bad, however, when turning the steering wheel, a quick reaction occurs, so stability seems insufficient.
Engine 10 10
If we talk about why I personally like Impreza more, the fact is that in the process of increasing the speed of her engine there is its own charm. The noise decreased or became almost inaudible, but it is pleasant to feel a slightly rude sound at high speeds and an increase in power when the speed rises. In turn, the Lancer motor is smooth and powerful. In particular, there is attractiveness in the sharp acceleration of a titanium turbine, in an excess of boost, etc.
Interior quality 7.5 7
Cars worth only (I think so) 3 million yen have such characteristics, so there are no reasons for complaints. However, devices work as in ordinary machines, and a little sorry that there are no incentives as, for example, their inclusion when lowering into the seat. In itself, the sensation of the quality of the interior does not seem to be high -class, but it is made neatly and does not cause disappointment.
Appearance quality 8 7
Preferences can be different, but Impreza is closer to me personally, if you do not take into account various pros and cons. Lancer can be accepted by the Evolution VII model, but the eight have too much sophistication, and it may not like it. If you get used to it, then it may look good. However, Lancer has such functional advantages as fully inserted tires of the 245th size and protruding reinforcement elements from the bottom, and this cannot be lost.
General assessment 8.9 8.3
This is a simple number of points, obtained by adding and dividing the above assessments, and the appearance and interior, it seems, could not be evaluated. Personally, I am more attracted to Impreza, so she received such points. But I must say that these two cars have chosen different approaches in order to rise to that high mountain called speed. I think that this is the difference in the features of Mitsubishi and Subaru, and this is interesting. It seems that Lancer has not yet fully mastered the electronic control equipment in the aspect of the feeling of a whole with the driver. On the other hand, for Subaru, there are still opportunities to adjust the revolutions of traction. In this sense, it cannot be said that both cars are at the top of the mountain, but if you proceed from the final point, they go on equal terms. I think that around the world there are no cars with such high characteristics and such a low price, and in this sense, probably both of them can get the highest estimate of 10 points.
