Skoda Octavia Combi test drive since 2008 -
Bomb of the utility

However, if the first part of the name of this Skoda car causes associations with ancient Roman history, then the second Scout is already from our times. Moreover, it is funny that until recently a car with this name could not be sold in our country simply by definition. The definition that I found in research heat in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia: scoutism (from the English scout scout) is one of the most common systems of bourgeois extracurricular education. The purpose of scoutism is the education of the young generation in the spirit of fidelity to the ideals of bourgeois society. Scout organizations have a pronounced political, militaristic and religious orientation; They seek to remove the young generation from participating in the struggle for revolutionary and democratic transformations, isolate it from the influence of materialism and communism.

Accordingly, today the article quoted above is more relevant in the following editorial office: scoutism is one of the most practical, useful and attractive design concepts of the Skoda brand in a good sense. The purpose of scoutism is to relieve and improve the quality of life of people of any generation.

That is, if it is a bomb, then completely peaceful and utilitarian use.
And all this is not an empty play of words. I was convinced of this when, without ado, I decided to abuse the service position and use the test car purely for personal, almost selfish purposes. Just as the popularly beloved heroes of the cult film comedy every year on December 31 go to the bathhouse, I have a long time to habit annually in early March, even before the start of the summer season, to take the necessary trash the necessary trash accumulated in the city apartment from the mountains and unnecessary sofas and TVs Before the property bought in the off -season specifically for the cottage.

Other differences of the differences that give out a scout in this station wagon outside. These are bumpers and thresholds of special design, protective overlays made of matte black plastic on them (foglights cut into such a bumper under the main headlights look especially look

Well, it's time for the time. The fact that in my sedan I would have to carry in two doses, in Octavia Scout, thanks to its very capacious (580 l), the trunk was placed without problems immediately, including very large -sized (cabinet) and long (flooring) objects. And for this it was not even necessary to fold the entire back row of seats (as a result of which the volume

However, at first there was about a 100-kilometer trip along a good high-speed highway. Having traveled Octavia Scout around the city the day before, I was already pleasantly surprised how its very frisky dynamics feels (thanks, of course, to the beautiful donor motor 2.0 FSI!), And very commendable controllability, worthy of well -balanced and imprisoned by the driver of the sedan. The clear operation of the accelerator and the verified shift of the checkpoint, a fairly transparent steering wheel and, although a very soft, but quite informative brake pedal, all this makes the movement of this car in the city very, very comfortable. The same is also promoted by the ability of suspension and wheels to easily digest the irregularities of the coating, including even lying policemen. The course, of course, as expected, is harsh, but in the very measure, this is not annoying. Ergonomics, as in Audi, at a height. The seat at first seemed uncomfortable, but the lumbar adjustment instantly solved this problem, and the back of the seat no longer reminded of

On the highway, the car is also pleasantly obedient: thanks to a successful chassis, a faithfully configured suspension and, of course, it does not throw it to extremes if necessary, if necessary, if necessary. In general, in its driver characteristics (including the tendency to insufficient rotation with excessively optimistic turns of the turns), it resembles, again, Audi. This is understandable, taking into account the fact that the basis of the quite worthy, but still conditional all -wheel drive of Skoda lies a multi -disc sleigh Haldex, which throws part of the thrust on the rear wheels mainly only when they begin to slip the front ones, therefore, respectively, when driving by ordinary dry dry The road of the car habits is mostly front -wheel drive. And with such a serious load that he was subjected to the test and which was mainly on the rear axle, the tendency to insufficient rotation when attacking the turns intensified. However, when driving without extremism, in normal mode, which, most likely, adhere to most of the owners of cars of this class and type, Octavia Scout demonstrates confident neutral handling.

Rushing the reason only aggravated the situation, but only a few minutes of work with two shovels (even without a tractor) in the area behind the front wheels, which rested on a dense layer of wet snow and the car easily drove in reverse on a relatively hard surface. Moreover, the stones hidden under the snow did not damage the bumpers and thresholds, reliably protected by unpainted plastic. In the case of my own car, I would not get away so easily. I had to, reassuring myself with this conclusion, turn for a while into a pack animal and the remaining couple of hundred meters to the house, falling down the knee, or even to the waist in the snow, carry the whole load on myself. But, I repeat, honestly, I did not expect anything else, and an attempt to break through such snow to the cherished goal was nothing more than a scam. Well, no one promised anything else. And in fairness, I still note that even the most purebred SUV, if not in the same place, then after a few meters, where the depth of the snow cover increased to a meter, all the same, the objective limits of the possible would still sit on any technique on the belly.

This is, in fact, the advantage of this model: a beautiful, even a stylish car with a completely urban appearance and decent handling, quite compact, but at the same time amazingly spacious inside and, moreover, is still capable of high -costs for something more than a monotive fellow with a smaller road clearance . Direct sense to think about the acquisition of just such a car. That's just its price
The price of Octavia Scout is its largest drawback. Nevertheless, more than 35 thousand dollars per car of the Skoda budget brand is a little expensive. And such pleasant luxury additions in the standard, such as the Jumbo Box container under the central front armrest, the lamps built into the mirrors when planting in the dark and the automatic switching sensor of the headlights, insufficient base to lift the price in this way. Needless to say, kinship with VW and Audi and direct donor borrowings from the models of these brands affects. But why not sell this car for a million? After all, the VW concern also produces Bentley, and Lamborghini, and Bugatti

The Law of the Scouts (as the same BSE informs) proclaims each member of the organization to a friend with all, friend and brother to any scout, regardless of his belonging to the class or social group of bourgeois society. As for the Octavia Scout, since the division into classes and social groups in ours now like a bourgeois society still takes place, its status is undoubtedly more modest than the more prestigious relatives of VW and Audi. Therefore, the price of it should be less. But the advantages of this car are still not becoming smaller, and the ability to be a friend and brother to the owner is exactly about him.
Boris Muradov
Source: Motor magazine [April 2008]