Test Drive Skoda Fabia Hatchback since 2010 Hatchback


Cosmopolitanism and globalism do not cancel snobism. It is worth a successful lady from the regions to relax and say something not on the Ma-Skovsky manner, as will have to justify that McDonald's McDonalds and Mobile Communications also have. So Skoda is forever forced to prove something to someone, to divert from the offensive nickname Volkswagen for the poor and convince that she is no worse than others. Although this provincialist of any metropolitan forget will give. But who cares?
Provincial, who arrived in the big city, passes several stages. She comes to the capital at high heels and in bright make-up. Nothing is wrong: Elegance is the main distinguishing feature of the province. Here even garbage go out to throw away at full parade. Then she turns into a strong middling: functional jeans, comfortable sneakers and minimal makeup simply do not have time to bring full marafet. Especially persistent over the years acquire chic and gloss in the capital. Lucky adopt manners who appreciate around the world and, in fact, rule them. Fabia from the category number two: Nothing in it makes it grinning from nonsense, but when looking at her head you will not lose. All in it moderately and pretty.
If in the design of Fabia, it was possible to get rid of frank provinciality, then the salon still gives it to his head. This is a gray ladder: very practical and neurochko, but how boring! Steering wheel, dashboard, seat upholstery. It seems even that on the speedometer gray letters on a gray background. Yes, and the speedometer externally is almost indistinguishable from the tachometer. I even looked closely and calmed down, only when I saw km / h.
Disappointment came later. Before a responsible meeting, I decided to adjust the makeup, and the mirror did not turn out on the driver's visor! And this is in the age of unisex, when the mirror for the driver and on the jeep is found?! Well, the cigarette lighter. With a fashion on a healthy lifestyle, it is used only for one purpose to charge a mobile or navigator. So stretching along the handbrake and the gear lever the wire is completely nothing.
And there is a strange thing at all, this is a thing in itself, a vykutny key on the manner of a perico knife. I do not even know how to treat it. On the one hand, functionally: in the folded position, it does not scratch what lies in the bag. On the other hand, such a way to open the key, rather, to the face of Bandenez with the Golden Fix, and not a girl in Fabia.
Women rarely, almost never use the hood. Well, except that, lonely and at the end desperate on an outdoor hood, catching men on a lively hood. But the trunk is mastered in full. And literally too. Therefore, an important moment is the ease and elegance of opening and closing ongoing. Here and the last one came out. Despite the loop-handrail, to preserve the grace and ease of movements when slamming the trunk failed. As well as save dignity at refueling. At first I pressed the button near my chair, then I tried the car and tried to open the tank. Bobble! It was not possible to pick up the lid, she slammed, and I again rushed to the cherished button. Not solid somehow came out.
There are little things, which, it seems, do not affect particular driving and still make it less or more enjoyable. Personally, one completely insignificant detail of the rug always displays me in the car. If he is not in size, everything, consider, mood is spoiled. It would seem that it is easier to pick up in size. But no, it does not care, it's preventing, it's going on and shakes. Special concentration the irregularities have for some reason in place next to the gas pedal. Always waiting for this catch, I and Fabia sat down with a unkind feeling. And about the miracle! Finally, I got a car with a rug. The second pleasant trifle and led me in delight. It is worth drowning the engine, as a light bulb lights up in the cabin. And when you leave the car and click on the immobilizer goes out. It seems, a very simple solution, but what convenient. After all, leaving the car, you must not forget to sink the mobile phone, glasses, lip gloss and business cards, scattered across the salon at the moment when I was looking for a vibrating phone in a bottomless handbag. And in the evening, in the dark it is how it is inconvenient to do.
Nevertheless, it is good that the appearance is not the main criterion in building relationships. Brad Pitt, of course, Dushka, and Jennifer Aniston is very and very sweet, and they are bred. Yes, and small disadvantages easily depart into the background in the light of serious advantages. The main thing is that the person is good. For a few days of communication with Fabia, I completely forgot about inexpressive appearance, and about the boring salon, and about a heavy trunk and sincerely to her was attached. The sensations from the ride are extremely pleasant. Her movements smooth and convex at the same time. Such a car to me in the first month after receiving rights. In this difficult period for each female period, I dragged for smelly trucks and vigorous buses, fearing them to overtake. My inexperience, multiplied by the dongy and hystericality of the Oka, excluded all the possibility of maneuvering. Fabi's movements are so natural that the mistress mistakes is fully collapsed. However, according to me, this conquerness should be equalized to sharper brakes.
Ugaba, pits and all the other natural properties of Russian roads Fabi has grown as much as possible. Even on the tramways, she was shaking somehow gently. On the Skoda, not only pleasant to ride, it is just to drive it on the kaif. I would generally installed such steering and gear levers to all female cars. It's nice when the volume is felt in your hand. Although, unlike most small cars, Fabia is definitely not called female. The man does not look like a foreign object in it. Fabia, maybe Asexual, but extremely decent. For these, they do not precipitate cities, but they live with such a long and happy life.
Text Olga Islamkina
Photo Sergey V. Minaev

A source: Cars