Тест-драйв Renault Clio 5 дверей с 2012 года Хэтчбек

Культурист в прошлом, горожанин до сих пор

Когда вслед за дебютом в мае 1990 года в Европе началась рекламная кампания Renault Clio, по телевидению часто крутили ролик, в котором мощный робот-трансформер в три приема становился мускулистым автомобилем Clio. Вся рекламная кампания была призвана подчеркнуть, что новинка Renault хотя и маленькая, но очень добротная, крепкая и прыткая машина с агрессивной внешностью.

Прошло несколько лет, и фирме пришлось отказаться от этого имиджа Clio и сгладить нарочитую угловатость ее облика, так как вся остальная гамма автомобилей Renault была решена уже в иной, более мягкой стилистике. После рестайлинга у дизайнеров Renault получилась улыбчивая небольшая машина, которая теперь почти не выделялась из остального ряда. Но усиленная работа стилистов над передними фарами, капотом и крыльями нарушила целостность облика очень аккуратного и красивого автомобиля и придала его внешности эклектичные черты.

Угловатость и мускулистость шли Clio больше.

На тест мы взяли Renault Clio RL. Какого она цвета, судите сами. Не потому, что в редакции журнала Мотор работают дальтоники, просто в арсенале Renault есть краски таких цветов и оттенков, что подобрать им название затруднительно. В любом случае это не просто красивый цвет, он еще и очень подходит машине.

Несмотря на несколько нарушенную целостность облика, в оформлении Renault Clio есть все же два элемента, которые изначально были выделены. Крышка бензобака явно была персональным заданием молодому дизайнеру.

Справился он с блеском. Крышка, она же пробка, бензобака с замком выкрашена под цвет кузова.

Ее форма очередной шедевр дизайн-студии Renault. Красиво и функционально.

К тому же оригинально.

Не менее оригинальна и форма заднего дворника. Для Renault мелочей нет.

Знакомство с машиной обычно начинается с дверей: подошел, открыл, сел. Похоже, что во всем мире (наша страна не в счет) производители давно решили проблему с углом открывания. У Renault Clio он просто огромный, причем задние двери распахиваются шире, чем передние. Когда понадобится погрузить на заднее сиденье габаритный груз, с этим не будет проблем.

Convenient, besides moderately hard seats have an original relief. Large folds form the zones of lateral and lumbar support. Although the car is small, there is plenty of places inside. For example, 18v20 cm remains from the driver’s shoulder to the rack. Not to mention enough space above the head of a high driver and all passengers. A large steering wheel is convenient and pleasant to hold in your hands. In the center seems to be a sound signal button. On a French car? Can't be. Indeed, it is on the left steering wheel lever, from the end, and on the steering wheel is just a decorative insert. The steering wheel is four -spokes, at any corner of rotation, he does not block the devices. Although who would come to the mind in a bend to look at the devices? Their combination is one of the most original design ideas in Renault Clio. The speedometer graduated to 200 km/h occupied the entire left part of the dashboard. On the right, the level of fuel level is almost the same size. On it you can track each spent liter of gasoline. Two blocks of control lamps are responsible for all other data.

And around the shelves and shelves. The largest collection of road junk can be placed on the most extensive, walking along the torpedo. Apparently, the designers of the VAZ-2108 wanted to do something similar, but the Renault Clio regiment turned out not only to functional, but also beautiful. The glove compartment is also large and convenient. Under the left hand, the driver has another small shelf. In 1990, she was probably done for trifles: call on the phone, pay for a paid road. But since then, in France, telephones have been transferred to magnetic cards, and the fare has become such that bills and cards are again used. By the way, for them there is a holder on an anti -loner visor next to a mirror in a case. The same mirror is on the right visor. By the way, Clio has one pocket in the front doors.

Above the left knee of the driver, where the hood handle is quite often located, there is a leather lever. The car is carburetor.

And the hood opens with a huge key located under the wheel. The driver sitting in a normal working position is not visible.

On the console, three heater control handles and turning hours lined up in a row. For the fact that the designers Renault did not go about the fashion and left the switch, thanks.

Below (a la Peugeot) a niche covered with a hatch for a radio. The radio in this configuration is not provided, but there is a fixed antenna on the roof. The floor itself has a large ashtray and a large cigarette lighter. Italy will be appreciated.

There are no complaints about pedals and lever 5-speed checkpoints. The optimal move of the lever, the reverse turn turns on, like many Germans: the ring on the gearbox lever up, the lever to the left. To turn on the farthest, fifth gear, you will not have to stretch and break away from the back. The pedals have a short move, and women, especially in heeled shoes, will like it.

Very convenient mirror adjustment. Spherical external are manually adjusted with comfortable levers, the salon with an optimally tight hinge is put in the right position once and for all, but in terms of the size of the zone, it is critical. With its help, you can only determine the actual distance to the object behind, but you should not park it, as they love in Europe.

The upper handrails in this configuration Renault engineers deprived of the rear passengers. The only one remained at the disposal of the front. But their places are allocated no less than sitting in front. The knees do not touch the backs of the seats, the reverse side of which is not made of hard plastic, but from the softest material, outwardly on this plastic similar. The rear seat is folding.

There is enough space in the trunk. The design of the rear suspension is such that only wheel arches protrude inside. On the left was the cylinder key, aka the jack of the jack. The instrument set includes a strange -looking ring with a hook. It serves to remove the wheel cap. All. There are no other tools.

The spare wheel is located not in the trunk, but according to French custom is attached under the floor.

One of the leaders of the company once stated that the Renault concept is that cars without special adaptation are suitable for any market. But you do not ignore Russian specifics. The machine has a high profile Continental Contact 155/80 R13 and a very thick layer of anti -corrosion coating. Moreover, it is applied not only to the wheeled arches and the bottom, the thick layer is laid out even in the trunk. The welded seam of the door hinges is also generously covered with mastic. The engineers put the most efforts to protect the nodes and assemblies from below. The entire motor compartment has a steel pallet, steel shields on the bottom of the car also protect stamping under the feet of the driver and passengers, as well as the brake hoses and the fuel highway. A different SUV will envy such an extensive kit.

The hood of Renault Clio opens forward. On the right shock absorber cup, the VIN number, knocked out in the so-called needle-to-need way, at one time at one time was at AZLK-2141. The sedimentary space is interestingly interesting. A huge upper engine support and two air filters are striking in the eyes. The oil filter and spark plugs are also in sight, high -voltage wires are laid in a special bus, and not just thrown over the cylinder block, and the filter of fine fuel cleaning is located within visibility. It is interesting to look for a washer tank ... This is perhaps the only object under the hood, about the good health of which any Western European driver will take care of a car service. The tank of Renault Clio, although under the hood, is taken outside the engine compartment. It is hidden on the left, under a decorative grate in a special niche next to the wiper electric motor and a block of beautiful multi -colored fuses. In the same symmetrically located niche on the right, a small jack lurked.

The front suspension of Renault Clio is independent, Macpherson with a reptile stability stabilizer.

The rear suspension is traditional for small Renault machines. It is torsion, and the torsions are hidden inside the beam. Shock absorbers are installed at a large angle to help the torsiones. There are no familiar springs.

Renault Clio RL has an engine with a typical city car with a small volume of 1200 cm cubic meters. In all advertising avenues, it is emphasized that the Clio engine is very quiet. This is true. The car purred the starter, and everything, silence. The engine is not heard at idle, it is not heard under load. Only at the top does he begin to vote, but riding the city rarely forces the driver to handle the car so as to hear this displeased voice.

Renault Clio quickly accelerated with the driver and three passengers, we were happy to go in a car with a quietly working engine, focusing on overcoming the irregularities of asphalt. The suspension turned out to be tangible than that of Clio for the French market. Thanks to a clearly enlarged clearance, high -profile tires and small overhangs, several deep Klio potholes were very confident. But still tough. Although even in a 5-door car four strong men are infrequent. I really liked the brakes. They work clearly. The steering in this version is devoid of an amplifier, but there are no complaints about it. The power on the steering wheel is minimal, information content at the level. So, in general, the impressions of this is far from the new car are the most favorable. You somehow do not think about what and how to do the Renault Clio.

Just sat down and went. A sort of convenient machine for everyday traveling around the city, ready to serve the owner.

In conclusion, a few words for those who still doubt that a small car may be the first, and not the second-third in the family.

One of the visits to Paris, we settled in a small hotel, which stood the door of the door with a private house. Almost every morning we went outside at the same time as his master, politely bowed and exchanged wishes for good morning. A respectable appearance, the owner sat in a slightly untidy Renault Clio and left on business. We were in the rented Peugeot 405 and went on our own.

On Saturday, we collided again. As always, we got into our Peugeot, and the neighbor, wishing a good morning, left his garage in the sparkling Jaguar XJ 12, saying that he would probably go to admire the La Channel.
Sergey Aslanyan, Alexander Pikulenko

Source: Motor magazine [No. 09/96]

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