Test drive by Renault Clio 5 doors 2001 - 2006 hatchback

Marriage of convenience

The Union with Clio Symbol is built on a solid economic foundation
Renault Clio Symbol is one of the most popular foreign cars in Russia: last year he took fifth place in terms of sales. Kui cars, while they are hot, probably the French paraphrased the Russian proverb and offered the public an updated version of the car three years after the start of the release of Clio Symbol
Oh, how difficult it is to choose between practicality and beauty! The most noticeable aesthetic flaw of this machine is an exorbitantly swollen sorcerer at the same time is one of its main advantages. The volume of the CLIO Symbol luggage is giant 510 liters (for comparison: the useful volume of the trunk of the VAZ station wagon 2104 375 l).
Designers Renault chose practicality and did not touch the old Symbol stern. Changes in the appearance affected only the front of the car. Symbol Anfas began to resemble the futuristic Vel Satis new flagship Renault. The hood has a rib in the central part, the wings are more embossed. The radiator grill is divided by the company's emblem and inserted into a frame in the form of an ellipse. The front and rear bumpers now do not protrude from under the wings and are painted in the color of the body. The headlights have changed in the most radical way: now they fully meet the corporate identity of Renault, whose birth date can be considered 2001.
Curious observation: after all these changes, Symbol's face became like the front of Toyota Yaris. This is another confirmation that the French are legislators of fashion and style, and not only in clothes. After all, the European design center Toyota is located in France, on the azure bank
Of course, few will argue that Clio with a body of hatchback (it is produced in France) looks one hundred times brighter than the Symbol Turkish assembly sedan. No wonder Renault positions hatchback as a car for young people who prefer an active lifestyle. But the French present Symbol as an inexpensive and practical family model (two adults and a child will be placed on the back sofa). However, judging by Symbol sales statistics, the vast majority of Russians are ready to forgive him for some aesthetic shortcomings when choosing a car and marry by calculation. Having wrapped a couple of hundred kilometers on Clio on Czech roads, I established myself in the idea that such a union would most likely be strong.
Without discounts for excess weight
The French laid a very successful route for test races. It took place both along the autobahn and on deserted winding roads (however, with a very good asphalt coating), crossed small towns, even found a section of mountain serpentine. So I managed to experience Symbol in various conditions. The impressions in a nutshell are as follows: the car goes much rapidly and is controlled noticeably more acutely than it seems in its appearance. Despite the bloated forms, Symbol in sled characteristics is not much inferior to his more fried brother hatchback.
Cars with two engine options will be supplied to Russia, as before: an 8-valve 1.4-liter capacity of 75 l.C. and a 16-valve engine of the same volume, issuing 98 l.C. Both cars were presented to the court of journalists.
First, I took the 8-valve version. The engine power was quite enough to actively start from the traffic light and confidently pour into the main stream on the autobahn. The motor traction was enough for the assault on the handle covered with a gravel 4 5 meters long and a slope of 30 degrees, and to conquer a wet field (where he would not bring in search of a successful angle for photography). Successfully selected gearboards allowed to feel confidently. The box here is short: in the first gear in a relatively comfortable mode, you can accelerate to 30 km/h, on the second to 70 km/h. The third gear seemed to be the most suitable for a dynamic driving around the city: you can nimble on it without clutching the gearbox lever once again. However, the motor and box allow you to move at a measured pace: the car confidently accelerates in the fourth gear at a speed of 40 km/h. The algorithm for the operation of the power unit and transmission is so logical that you do not regret the absence of a tachometer on the panel (cars with an 8-valve engine are equipped with a simplified version).
By the way, about the interior. The language will not turn to call it graceful, but in comparison with the last model it has become noticeably warmer and now no longer annoys its frank dullness. The instrument panel has become two -color: the upper part is lighter, the lower of the darker plastic. The central console is crowned by the display, which, depending on the level of the equipment, is displayed the indications of the outer thermometer, the frequency of the radio station, the clock (if the display is not provided for the setting option, then the driver is at the disposal of a convenient shelf for different small things).
The steering wheel has also changed. Symbol's steering wheel also now meets the corporate style of Renault. The steering wheel, although she is sheathed with inexpensive plastic, is quite pleasant to the touch and comfortably lays down in his hands.
Perevo into a car with a 16-valve engine, I first of all drew attention to the changes in the cabin. The panel of the devices on which a tachometer and a coolant temperature indicator appeared became more interesting. A remote control panel of the radio is carried out on the steering column. On the front passenger door, a lock (turnkey ignition) is installed, which turns off the airbag. This is done in case a children's seat is installed in the front passenger place. The windows buttons are located on the doors with the bases for them are the dynamics body. The back seat leans back. The same option is available for a car with an 8-valve engine in the Expression version.
The characteristics of the engines were distinguished only by the nuances. In urban mode, during sharp starts from traffic lights or during measured driving in a dense flow, I, no matter how hard I tried, did not notice the significant advantages of a 16-valve engine. But on the motorway, an additional 23 l.C. They were by no means superfluous. And the point is not that the improved motor allows you to develop a higher maximum speed (186 km/h against 170 km/h). Just restructuring and maneuvers become more predicted and fast, and a power supply always remains under the gas pedal.
In the control of Clio Symbol, he remained a predictable and balanced car. The operation of the steering hydraulic power steering, the effort of brake pedals and the brake efficiency, the response of the motor to press the accelerator pedal, the adjustment of the shock absorbers all this suited me both in the city and on the winding Czech lanes. Perhaps the drivers with Schumacher genes Symbol may seem too soft, but most of the family owners of this car, I am sure, will evaluate the smoothness of the Renault.
Talking after the test of the test behind the circle of good Czech beer with Mr. Gi Bar, the head of Autoframos, representing Renault in Russia, I asked the company's price policy regarding a new car. Indeed, for most customers when choosing a machine of this category, the price is a determining factor.
The new Symbol will rise in price by about 4 6%, Gi Bar answered. (In Moscow car dealerships, the car now costs from $ 8500. Note) by the way, soon a version of Symbol will appear with an automatic gearbox, which, I hope, will help us raise sales, taking into account the popularity of this machine for women.
Answering my question regarding the possibility of Symbol production in Moscow, Gi Bar said: a project for assembling Renault cars on the squares that previously belonged to AZLK, even slowly but progressing. We do not intend to force events until we are firmly sure that our investments will not disappear in vnuine. But I assure you that with Moscow and federal officials we have no fundamental disagreement. By the way, one of the options for expanding Renault in Russia is not an assembly
Igor Komarov

Source: Wheel (company)

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Video Crash tests Renault Clio 5 doors 2001 - 2006

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Renault Clio Crash Test 5 Doors 2001 - 2006

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

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Renault Clio 5 doors: Detailed information
Clio 5 doors 2001 - 2006
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability