Test drive by Renault Clio 5 doors 2001 - 2006 hatchback

Little Sneak with a large trunk

I won’t be cunning: the upcoming meeting with Renault Clio Symbol tuned me not in an exciting one, but for a working manner. It so happened that I had a chance to skate during the drive tests almost all Renault models supplied to our republic, and therefore the character of these cars managed to feel more than once or twice. In this regard, there were no special surprises. Nevertheless, it was not completely without emotion. There was a white spot in a test schedule - a Clio II model. Think about it: this car stably registered in the upper lines of the European sales rating, its classmates little by little piercing the road to our market, and I only had a chance to see the living Clio II. So the Renault Clio Symbol test should have been compensated to some extent and the never-held meeting with Madmoisel Clio.
The model is targeted for our market, so you can’t get anywhere from boring pragmatic reasoning. First of all, we will decide on competitors. And there are practically no them! The only model supplied to the RB market through official channels, with which Symbol correctly compare is Volkswagen Polo Classic. But the German, similar in size and characteristics, acts in a completely different price category, so I would not dare to call him a competitor. It turns out that Clio Symbol is a kind of monopolist in the market of compact sedans.
Why cars with this type of body are not popular in Europe simply explain: there, compact machines are valued primarily for small sizes, and any increase is not welcome, all the more than the transformation of the trunk hatchbacks look preferable to sedanov. We have small models mainly for a relatively low cost. By the way, we are not alone here: citizens in relatively poor countries reason in the same way.
Since price reduction plays a dominant role in creating such machines, manufacturers try to save on everything where it is possible. So it’s better to immediately decide what you are ready to sacrifice and what you want to get for your money.
In my opinion, the primary argument in favor of Clio Symbol is its modern design. Whatever you say, and various kinds of reincarnations in the automotive world are made mainly in the East, and this approach is unlikely to make an honor to the European brand. Therefore, do not forget that no delights in terms of equipment are able to compensate for flaws or outdated solutions in the chassis. However, it is better to leave the reasoning and take a closer look at the car.
The design of Renault Clio Symbol caused a lot of disputes in the press. One likes the car, others find fault with the disproportionality of forms, others argue about the littered rear of the roof. In my opinion, the main advantage of the exterior is recognition. And again - modernity. The little car will not look outdated for a very long time. Yes, another interesting detail. It seemed to me that there is no inappropriate color for this machine: any kner is equally good for Symbol. If it is not clear what is about, try to mentally imagine a bright red S-class.
Quite wide doorways allow you to get into the salon without problems. The driver’s landing is typically urban: this does not cause any inconvenience, and yet adjusting the chair in height would not be superfluous. Problems with visibility do not arise, but the only thing you can complain about is invisible front and rear edges, which makes it difficult to park in constrained conditions. The driver's seat has only two adjustments, but you can get a job no worse than in other sophisticated models: a thoughtful ergonomics affects. It is noteworthy that the landing part of the front seats is sheathed with a fabric with good frictional properties, but the back side is covered with leatherette is more practical.
Having settled behind the wheel (by the way, the steering wheel itself is quite sensible), you begin to look closely at the details. So, mirrors are adjusted manually. This is not scary, because the settings are stable, and only those who operate the machine collectively and are forced to re -adjust the mirrors for themselves before each trip. It is more difficult to get used to manual windows, in any case, ahead. Immediately I recalled hand glass at Toyota Land Cruiser StD, since most of the machines we test still have an electric drive, and exceptions are remembered for a long time.
The pedal node is compressed tightly, but if you do not wear boots, then you will most likely not complain about crowding. You can’t call the moves of the gearbox lever, but you can’t show the clarity of shifts. To turn on the reverse, you need to raise a special locking ring under the checkpoint handle. This decision was previously found on Renault cars, and its practical value is undoubtedly high. The steering wheel switches are thoroughly loaded. In addition to the wipers and switches of the turns, they are entrusted with light control and even turning on the sound signal (French joke: the signal is turned on by a button located at the end of the left switch).
The control of the microclimate was pleased and surprised at the same time. Of course, it’s nice that such an inexpensive and compact car is equipped with air conditioning, but will all buyers welcome such a decision? A considerable part of the drivers, instead of confectionery, would prefer to see an elementary electric package and/or something else on the machine. A pleasant coolness served from deflectors, alas, does not replace the central castle and remote opening of the trunk. You can turn a little more about the low ceiling in the rear seats, which is quite natural if you remember the sloping roof. In fairness, I will note that I personally had no complaints, but if I were five centimeters higher - I would not voluntarily climb the back seat.
The trunk is a separate conversation. Looking at this immense, no, not a compartment, but some kind of grotto, you forget about the controversial escorter at once. Yes, such a volume justifies any victims in terms of design. For those who are not enough in life, I recommend that you inspect the place for storing spare tires. If you throw it out, the trunk volume will increase more liters by forty. Of course, there could be more upholstery inside, but its absence can be eliminated independently if there is such a necessity. In a word, the Renault Clio Symbol trigger deserves a solid five, and if you still fit a distance opening mechanism, then this assessment can easily be drawn a fat plus.
For decency, look at the hood, simultaneously noting the beautiful shape of the air filter body of the new engine of the K. This engine has a cast -iron cylinder block and an aluminum block of the block. Equipped with electronic fuel injection and a pair of valves for each cylinder, an engine with a working volume
1.4 l develops 75 hp. It is noteworthy that this motor is completely new, although its power coincides with the same volume for another engine, which is installed on many Renault models. As an alternative, a sixteen -valve power unit with a capacity of 95 hp is proposed.
At idle, the motor does not annoy excessive noise or vibrations. Since the valves are eight, then the engine should be well pulled from the bottom. And there is. If you can more or less carefully handle the clutch (the pedal force is very small), then you can calmly move out without even touching the gas pedal. We slip the second gear by the motor without activating the throttle, and Symbol slowly but surely rides forward at idle. Excellent! And if it’s cut? Problems - zero. Of course, there is no need to expect a seventy -fifty motor of a frantic spurt, but having a little throwing momentum, you can even get into a little slip of the slip.
Further, the set of revolutions is expected to be confident, and short transfers allow accelerating quite quickly. The first is spinning somewhere up to 45 km/h, the second-to a little further than 80, the acceleration on the third revolutionary limiter interrupts when the speedometer arrow is selected to the mark of 120 km/h. At the same time, Symbol confidently accelerates in the fourth gear already with 40 km/h, and if you try to accelerate from 60 km/h first in the fourth, and then in the fifth gear, then you will not feel much difference. To complete overtaking, it is not at all necessary to go down. On the speedometer - 100, the fifth gear is turned on, the gas is on the floor, and the machine rushes briskly forward, leaving the driver time to return to his lane.
The steering is difficult to reproach in excessive acuity: from the stop to the stop of the barracks makes 3.3 turnover. But what are the clear responses to the steering wheel turns and a clear reactive action! At the same time, road irregularities are not transmitted to the steering wheel, and the help of the hydraulic power steering is simply exemplary. The reactions of the car to the driver’s actions are also simple and understandable. I went too far with gas in a bend - Symbol, under the accompaniment of the voice of the Goodyear tires, begins to smoothly shift out of turn. You do not expect any surprises from the car - it does not present them. Not enough road width? We release the gas, bring the steering wheel, and Renault obediently switches to the arc of a smaller radius. If you simulate the rearrangement, then here Clio Symbol will demonstrate a reliable, and most importantly - predicted behavior. This car will not show the record speed of this maneuver, but the beginner will not scare, and will not let the experienced driver be bored. True, there were suspicions that with a fully loaded trunk, the reaction of the car can change a little, but only extremists from automotiveism love to pass on such a machine at the limit. Good luck on the roads.
Traditional for small models Renault, the rear torsion suspension on Symbol gave way to a spring with a barrel -shaped shape of the navigation and a rod of alternating section. Such springs are more compact than traditional cylindrical ones, and, in addition, with this scheme, the buffers of the end of the end of the end of the end. How later? Don't know. Clio Symbol has impressive, if not stunning smoothness. Perhaps this indicator is comparable to the size of the trunk. In the sense that the machine can compete on equal terms with larger models, or even surpass them. Therefore, finding potholes on our roads that will break through Symbol suspension is not so simple. This is where the target development affects! There are no surprises in the front suspension - old McPherson. And with such modest forces, Renault engineers managed to create a car well -adapted to our roads. Bravo!
Slow management must be adopted. Firstly, Symbol has a very sensitive brake pedal, so at first it is difficult to calculate the effort on it. Secondly, there is no ABS, so you need to feel when the wheel lock begins, and, accordingly, dose pressing on the brake pedal. Of course, an inexpensive car is because there are few that there are no different bells and whistles, but I remain with my own: in many cases, ABS is simply irreplaceable (especially on slippery roads). I would even prefer the anti -locking system to the airbag. Having shot, Sym-Bol can be upset without problems, and the clutch properties of the tires are at a high level.
As for the combustion of noise and vibrations, Renault Clio Symbol demonstrates indicators that are quite adequate for its class. You can only find fault with the outer mirrors that begin to sing after 80-90 km/h. It is difficult to highlight any other sounds, because there are no obvious soloists against the general background.
It's time to summarize. The main conclusion: Renault Clio Symbol is a modern European car that is well adapted to our operating conditions. The main drawback (or dignity?) Is a modest equipment. What can I say? Some additional equipment do not need at all, and if you want to get a machine, you can do this without problems at once (by ordering a richer package) or gradually, independently installing options, since now there is no shortage of firms providing such services. As for sledges, the car pleasantly surprised the excellent smoothness of the move, pleased with handling and demonstrated a good dynamics for its class. Whatever they say about the benefits of various kinds of adaptations, but the car initially designed for difficult conditions in the vast majority of cases is better adapted. I won’t be surprised if, after a few years, Renault will be able to make some microminiven based on Clio III. He will still be a single -crew.
Alexey Belousov photo of the author

Source: Auto -Gazeta / N 40 (299) dated 11.11.00

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Video Crash tests Renault Clio 5 doors 2001 - 2006

Test drives Renault Clio 5 doors 2001 - 2006

Renault Clio Crash Test 5 Doors 2001 - 2006

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Malfunctions Renault Clio 5 doors 2001 - 2006

Renault Clio 5 doors: Detailed information
Clio 5 doors 2001 - 2006
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability