Porsche Panamera Turbo 970 test drive since 2009 sedan

Big tourism - is it needed by a hatchback?

What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull. In the justice of this saying, it is easy to believe. It is enough to look at the attempts of automakers to make a five -door prestigious hatchback. Renault Vel Satis? Yeah, among the most unsuccessful decades. Opel Signum? Does anyone remember how he looks? They surrendered even to Citroen, making C6 four -door. It seemed that the idea of \u200b\u200bthrowing a practical car was doomed to failure in the lair of sednes. But when they encroached on the holy in Porsche, releasing the panamer, the world was quiet. And this is only the beginning.

Despite the close dimensions and similar prices, this three is by no means direct competitors. It is amazing that for a fairly short time BMW and Porsche, independently, managed to create two niche products in the premium segment. As it turned out, each of these machines has its own character

Yes, fans of the 911s shouting about the purity of Porsche blood, again declared a heretic to Panamer, as they tried to burn Cayenne at the time. The designers grabbed their heads, the journalists ink invented exposing epithets. But six months later, the long -awaited handsome Aston Martin Rapide arrived. And finally I finished off BMW skeptics with my five GT. Gran Tourism with a body hatchback? To be or not to be? To answer this question, we took GT for the test, not forgetting to grab Panamer and BMW 750 as a referee. In the end, it was she who was always considered a big sedan for the driver.

Formally, Gran Turismo was ranked for the fifth series of BMW, but this is the flesh from the flesh of the seed. Not only pendants are identical here, but even a wheelbase of 3070 mm. True, the long -term 750LI has 3210 mm between the axes. In addition, the GT is higher than the 7th series by 66 mm and is easier than an all-wheel drive 750LI XDRive by 75 kg

For the first time I saw the BMW 5th series with the GT index last year in some of the German airports. They put her there, of course, for advertising purposes, and she was always surrounded by a crowd of onlookers. True, in most cases, their faces were surprise, or even disappointment. It seems that the nostrils-eyes on the spot and with the profile have already used to get used to X6, but mixed feelings do not leave their heads. The main show-stopper feed. Overweight, heavy, with strange optics and therefore inappropriate Schildik GT.

BMW GT looks the most controversial behind. And the absence of a 550i nameplate on a specific machine (traditionally for BMW you can refuse to designate the model) only adds riddles. In every second look you read the question: what is this model?. Two trapezoidal exhaust pipe can serve as a hint.

And these are Europeans who love practical cars. What can we say about the Moscow stream, where they stared at me driving GT, as if I were driving a dog harness. But let's leave the design alone. In the end, for this, BMW today does not kick perhaps Chris Bangle, who was brewing porridge himself. They are used to the rest of his creations, and they will get used to it.

Differences in the BMW 550i GT and BMW 750LI XDRive salons are minimal. Both interiors are finished with magnificent materials and delight the eyes, but the five has other door handles, and the doors themselves are deprived of the framework. Devices are identical. By the way, they change the backlight depending on the level of lighting. In the afternoon it is a contrast white, and in the evening and at night provoking red. Blue section of the scale indicator of charging the battery with a system of energy recovery during braking. This should save fuel, but in fact, 550i GT willingly eats 20-24 liters per hundred kilometers in the city. About the same appetite and BMW 750

Moreover, the interior here is actually the same as in the seven. Beautiful devices, cool materials and a feeling of spaciousness, the roof is much higher here, and even panoramic! Soft comfortable chairs are pacified, in which you sit high, almost like in a crossover. The interior here is not a warmth-free woman.

GT soft chairs are very convenient and covered with pleasant skin, but the electric drive here is not in charge of all adjustments. But there is ventilation

Porsche another song! You open the door and flop literally on the floor. The chairs are hard, the backs with a frankly sports profile, the steering wheel (the same as on the 911th) asks. And what are the details! Buttons, deflectors, handles of all the highest quality. To the right of the driver a tall central tunnel strewn with Vertu style buttons. The phone itself in Porsche is also, but very simple

Porsche salon is a small masterpiece. Plastic here almost will not find only skin, wood and metal. The seats are much tougher than in both BMWs, and they call for a sports landing with an almost vertical back. The headrests are decorated with embossing with the Porsche logo, but are not adjusted. A corporate phone is hiding in the armrest

And Panamera is much more spectacular than in the photographs. A predatory front end with xenon blood lamps, a long hood and, I must admit, a damn attractive profile collects all this. Porsche is especially good on the optional 20-inch wheels, in which huge carbon and ceramic brakes are barely fit.

Oddly enough, the doors of Porsche Panamera are ordinary, with frames. And deprived of closers. True, for all the time the test in their help, the need was not felt with the door locks here is a complete order. The sliding anti -wing is automatically advanced when 90 km/h reaches. However, you can attract the attention of the onlookers with an interesting design and without moving from the place just just press the button

It is not surprising that on the streets around the panameri hype. In traffic jams, all attention was focused on her, on the highway and the Moscow Ring Road, some even managed to stroke from all sides, rebuilt from a row in a row. In general, Panamera is now a curiosity. Until they started selling used cars from America

In front, belonging to the Porsche brand is determined instantly, no icons do not even need. And for recognition in the dark, there are LED sections in the front bumper

After the five Gran Turismo and, especially, after Porsche, no revelations behind the BMW 750LI. The streets are zero emotions, silent calm and respect. We are used to the huge black sedans. But, like Porsche, BMW 750LI in real life looks much more solid and harmonious than in photographs.

The current BMW 7th series is more elegant and easier than a heavy predecessor. Return to the roots?

Inside, both BMWs are very similar, so for clarity it turned out to be very helpful the fact that the salons are designed in completely different colors. At the same time, you can determine which more light or dark likes. And you sit in the seven lower than in GT. This, as it turned out, is only the first bell

The spirit of classic BMW returns to the interiors of Bavarian cars. The central console, albeit just a little bit, but deployed towards the driver. Very non -trivial is the instrument shield. Its upper part is ordinary, analog. And from below the color display. A very pretty and informative solution!

The peaceful situation on board the BMW Gran Turismo reigns until you get into the cork. Click on the brake. The car pecks with your nose. Acceleration squats to the stern. Hm. The first suspicions crept into the head. And they are finally confirmed, it is worth getting to the first running turn. Yes, she does not turn! The rolls, buildup and, most importantly, no information on the steering wheel, reactions are smeared, there is no clearness. And this is BMW?

The BMW 550i GT strains with unpleasant chips of the body only in a dense city stream. It is worth getting out for operational scope and in favor of the machine plays both the smoothness of the move, and the absolutely invisible operation of the machine gun. The main thing is not to get involved in the attack by the turn. However, nokian hakkapeliitta 7 studded tires will quickly repel the hunting to light on asphalt

We begin to understand. Yeah, we were traveling in Comfort mode. Now with a large button to the left of the cool joystick of the machine, we will choose the other extreme Sport+. It worked! The fallen gearbox cheered up, adrenaline was injected into the engine, the steering wheel was filled with the desired weight (though still artificial). At the same time, the stabilization system weakens its bullying grip, allowing the rear wheels to break into the dance.

By the way, despite the overall technical base, an automatic machine at the BMW 5 GT eight -band, while the BMW 750i is content with six steps. The exception of the top 12-cylinder BMW 760i, the checkpoint on it is the same as that of GT. The panoramic roof is also inaccessible when ordering the 7th series

It becomes more fun. The rolls are smaller, the gas reactions are faster, and the V8 with two turbines begins to serve a peppy voice. But again, the steering wheel is lacking in the feedback as if dead. It seems that there is an effort, but all this is like in a computer simulator. This especially interferes with slippery frozen asphalt. You have to constantly grope, and whether this two -ton carcass rests on the road.

At the wheel of the BMW 550i GT does not leave the feeling that you are managing a heavy and high crossover. This, of course, is not far from the truth, but you subconsciously wait for more from the car with the Schildik GT

I am transplanted to seven. Blimey! It turns out that even the elongated 750LI gives the driver much more positive emotions than GT. She should be much more precisely behind the wheel and does not try to drive the vestibular apparatus crazy in corners. The steering here is ordinary, not integral, like 550i GT, so the sensations are more natural. Unless you have to twist the steering wheel much more from the stop to the stop is already more than three revolutions.

The loss of two steps in the automatic transmission is unrealistic to notice a six -band machine operator for BMW without complaints. And the main thing is to devour kilometers behind the wheel of BMW 750LI. The car confidently stands at high speeds, and all-wheel drive (finally received it and the seed!) Allows you not to ceremony too much with the gas pedal even in the snow and ice

What is the reason for this contrast? Firstly, oddly enough, the 750th is a little tougher. Like 550i GT, she excellently straightens with all the small irregularities, but shakes it more strongly on large ones. And most importantly, tires! If the seven stood unsatted tires 245/45 R19 Pirelli Sottozero Serie II, ideal for winter asphalt, then GT was shod at Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7, and even 18-inch, with a more fat profile. And with all the vaunted snow-ice qualities, Nokian turns the car into a dull sweep, you just have to be on the asphalt.

Just as in the BMW 550i GT, the DSC system in Comfort, Normal and Sport quickly puts in the place of lover, with displeasure blinking with a yellow triangle on the dashboard. And only the Sport+ algorithm allows you to breathe freerly, without depriving itself of the help of the electronics, the track control does not resist the slip, and the stabilization system slightly pushes the threshold of the operation

Unfortunately, we were not able to use all the advantages of Hakkapeliitta 7 on ice. A powerful rear-wheel drive 550th easily breaks into the skid and is well controlled in it, but it is almost impossible to accelerate after a spectacular turn. It turned out that there were no spikes left on the back tires. Apparently, one of the colleagues well raped the tires in the warm December so that we are in no hurry to recognize the defeat of GT. Most likely, in the summer on good rubber, the newly -made hatchback is rehabilitated.

And for real DSC hooliganism, you can completely disable it. But to force the long-drawn 750-spectacular revenge tail is not a task of lungs. Too much she needs a place for such maneuvers. The most important thing is to ensure that the front axle remains on the holder. Otherwise, the seed will simply slip out the turn

But the BMW 750LI on ice is not alien even on Nevsipovka. Four-wheel drive! Yes, yes, that's why we took the second BMW to help GT until Gran Turismo gets four leading, winter will end for a long time. For the same reason, comparing the dynamics of 550i GT and 750LI XDRIVE looks like an occupation that makes sense. Under the juicy velvety rumble of a 407-horsepower V8 with two turbines, the seed confidently leaves forward.

Do not add mutual understanding and belated reactions of the machine to actions by the accelerator. But most of all, the lack of clear feedback on the steering wheel is confused. He is treacherously empty, it is only worth making the car slide. Although, how many BMW 750 will ride this mode? Apparently, the settings deliberately went for this in favor of comfort at high autobasteal speeds

But what about Porsche? I turn the handle to the left of the steering wheel (no Start/Stop!) And two double exhaust pipe explodes from behind. Black! The PDK pre -sequential robot lever and a huge temptation to immediately press the Sport+ button (the panamer has these modes, like the BMW, the operation of the suspension, gearboxes and the engine) will be operated). Click!

But what Porsche does! How much easier it is to control it in such modes. The discharge of gas, the light movement of the steering wheel, again gas and Panamera Turbo immediately throws the rear axle, allowing you to bring to a minimum of action by a steering wheel. And the tough connection between the engine and wheels, the rear inter -halong differential controlled by electronics and the rich steering wheel turn any sliding into pleasure

Gas to the floor! And this is fantastic. The first is twisted instantly, hard switching (in Sport+ PDK mode, it switches to the fastest algorithm and becomes six -speed), the second, third. The engine produces 770 nm (Overboost function) instead of the usual 700. And on the slippery asphalt, this avalanche of torque breaks off the rear axle in the ski even when accelerating at a straight line, even at speeds of more than 100 km/h, even despite all -wheel drive.

As in the case of BMW, the PSM stabilization system is completely turned off, allowing you to stay alone with a herd of 500 goals. But be prepared that a 100-liter tank in such modes ends treacherously quickly, although on average Porsche consumed about 26 liters per hundred kilometers

But what a pleasure it is! After all, the steering wheel is so transparent that you feel when this fattened alligator will hit the tail again. A small movement of the steering wheel, and Porsche obediently goes straight. However, this is not all that Panamera Turbo can give a sophisticated driver.

Porsche, like both BMW, can configure the rigidity of the suspension regardless of engine and transmission operating modes. It seems to be pampering, but in fact the opportunity is quite useful. For example, if you want to squeeze shock absorbers on a winding road a little, but not turn the gas pedal into a stretched string when the slightest touch throws the car forward

The main thing is not to be too lazy and find an empty winding path. It does not matter what under the wheels: asphalt, snow or ice. Porsche with such ease, rage and tenacity dives into any turn that in the declared two tons of masses is simply not believed! Where the BMW 750LI (on the same rubber!) Helorously slides out the front, and 550i GT would already be out of the game, Panamera Turbo easily puts the nose on the apex and is carried forward. And it doesn’t matter if you are going strictly along the trajectory or falling in a drift, raising snow clubs, in any Porsche mode is extremely obedient. Shiny settings!

There was no three three stops to the brakes of claims at all. But Porsche ceramics are beyond praise. It's not even about slowing down, which in winter is highly dependent on the coating and tires, but about the excellent information content of the drive

The BMW 550i GT brought out the killed tires from the struggle, which, combined with the rear -wheel drive, finally put the cross on the winter confrontation. And the seven is interfered not only by stubborn behavior at the entrance to the turn, but also by the notorious steering. Yes, things are much better than in GT, but it is worth it to tear the 750th in a skid, when you immediately lose all the information on the steering wheel. What is happening under the wheels? Pirelli alone is known

Add to this rather smooth settings of the machine and a slightly sifted accelerator and it will turn out that on slippery coatings the BMW 750LI XDRIVE is much less responsive than Porsche. So if the BMW all -wheel drive is needed more for confidence in the snow and ice, then in Porsche Panamera Turbo this is a great tool for lovers to tickle the nerves with controlled drifts. Such all -witness cannot but rejoice

And what is nice even on 20 disks Porsche does not turn into a stool. It is worth getting out of the crazy Sport+mode, as from a professional athlete, he turns into a school exercise.

Naturally, both BMW are much more smooth on the go and not in such detail repeat the profile of the road. But to say that Panamera is unreasonably tough, the tongue will not turn.

If the BMW 550i GT on a slippery road cannot please with a vigorous jerk from the place due to the rear-wheel drive, and the BMW 750LI XDRive accelerates very quickly, but smoothly, then the acceleration of Porsche Panamera Turbo can be called stunning even in winter! What will happen in the summer? Passport data promises exactly 4 seconds to hundreds (subject to the activation of the Launch-Control system)

Of course, Porsche had an advantage from the very beginning. By the time the test, Panamera 4s was not available in all the tests, so we took the top 500-horsepower version of Turbo. But 4s would deprive us of only a crazy turbo scrap, and it will steer hardly worse. However, the Moscow flea and annealing on winding paths is not a true element of the Gran of Tourism. And if so, then we go on the highway.

But where the BMW 550i GT wins the opponents unconditionally in the rear places. Perforated skin, very comfortable armchairs with electroregies, the sky above the head, as well as an entertainment center, heating and ventilation of the seats make a tidbit for passengers from GT. True, first you need to fork out all these pleasant options

That's where it was necessary to go immediately to the BMW 550i GT! It is on the highway to the high and the steering wheel, which does not strain the driver with unnecessary information about the road (especially with the speed of speed, he becomes significantly denser), and the lullary suspension, and excellent soundproofing. Softly, softly and very quickly, when accelerations from medium speeds, 600 Newton are very helpful, and rubber no longer plays a decisive role.

We never understood why BMW GT is a double back door following the example of Skoda Superb. The small section opens up such a narrow opening that even small things are completely inconvenient to load there. But if you open the gate, and even fold the rear sofa (using an electric drive), then the trunk volume will increase from 440 to 1700 liters. In the underground is emptiness. Stands in BMW long ago are not found instead of that Bavarians put tires like Run-Flat

But it is more pleasant to go from behind in GT. Spin on a convenient sofa with adjustments, turn on the TV or just look into the sky through the panoramic roof. On the back sofa, GT is very comfortable thanks to the falling roof and small windows. In general, there will be no end to those who want to compose a company on a trip to the BMW 550i GT. Fortunately, a convenient and large trunk will not be particularly ceremony with the number of things.

An elongated seed is released primarily a gigantic margin of legs. However, our equipment was deprived of ventilation and massage. But the rear passengers have personal folding visors with mirrors and backlight

In the seven, especially elongated, it is also wonderful inside and there is hardly a person who will be crowded there. But in comfort, the 750th is slightly inferior to the five GT sitting here below, which makes it difficult to land, and the suspension will probably begin to complain outside the Moscow region.

Compared to the subsoil of 550i GT, the trunk of the 7th series seems funny. Mala width between the walls, and the back of the rear sofa does not fold. Status. It is not supposed to carry boards and washing machines in the seven

And do you imagine a person who stuffs a tent and skiing into the trunk of BMW 750LI? Hardly. They simply will not fit there. In addition, Bukovka L in the name unequivocally hints that the hired driver must steer. He will definitely like it. If you want to ride yourself, then the BMW fan has always had an alternative in the form of a short seven, and now BMW GT has also added to it. The main thing is to decide on a non -standard appearance.

Porsche Panamera cannot boast of anything special. There are fewer places there than in BMW, there are no TVs, the sofa does not move. But you can move the front right chair on the armrest there is a control panel on which the climate installation buttons are located. The volume of the trunk (445 l) is easy to increase by folding the sofa. True, it does not reach the BMW 550i GT only 1235 liters. Too low Porsche, and the roof is rolling. In the underground, attention is attracted by the Burmester top music amplifier

Porsche Panamera Turbo is a revolution! It seems that Porsche engineers and testers drink some kind of elixir, whose recipe is carefully stored secret. This is not only a prestigious large car on which it is not a shame to come to negotiations. It is convenient in the city, great for long trips. And, most importantly, she wants to manage! And the best way to deprive yourself of the pleasure of possessing a panamer to ride it from behind. Moreover, there is more closely and not as convenient as in both BMW.

As for the notorious fifth door and who will remember this, looking at the BMW 550i GT and Porsche Panamera Turbo? Audi A7 is already in a hurry to this company, and in the junior grade the rings have completely been ahead of everyone with their A5 Sportback. And the reasons for the failure of previous attempts lie not only in the image of those who tried before. It was just that it was not necessary to make the sheds boring to everyone. Make a five -door compartment! Marketers, deftly juggling concepts, won. Now large tourism is not related to inconvenient access to the gallery and playing a tank near the trunk. I wonder if anyone will fold the rear sofa on the panamer?

Vadim Gagarin
Photo: Vitaly Kabyshev

How much luxury?

BMW 550i GT is literally stuffed with various electronics. Here is a system for projecting devices for windshield, and a navigation system with a hard drive and a cool 10.2-inch display. The new generation IDRive system is a huge step forward in comparison with the previous interface, it is much more understandable and easier to control (this applies to the 7th series). In addition, there are as many as four cameras here! One is responsible for the review back, two for a review on the sides. And the fourth is an infrared camera of night vision, which can recognize pedestrians

The prices for our trio are appropriate. Even the basic BMW 550i GT costs 3.3 million rubles, but this is a naked car with an ordinary chassis, devoid of even heating seats and xenon headlights. And the test instance, to failure, refused with options (integral steering of Integral Active Steering, Active Adaptive Drive chassis with smart stabilizers Dynamic Drive, panoramic roof, screens for the rear passengers, a night vision system, rear -view cameras and side views of all four Chairs, door closers and other equipment) is estimated at 5.6 million! The surcharge for all-wheel drive will most likely be 200 thousand rubles (like the BMW 7th series).

The test BMW 750LI XDRive is almost devoid of all kinds of electronic toys. Front chairs multi -circuit, with a breakdown back and adjustable lateral support

BMW 750LI XDRive cheaper than 4.85 million will not be able to buy. The test machine was equipped with a significantly simpler 550i GT. Clean skin, electroregulation and heating of all seats, LCDs for rear passengers, door closers, navigation system, four-zone climate and other little things increased the cost of the machine to almost 6 million.

Porsche primarily attracts a very stylish interior. Let the screen here are smaller, but the touch! Navigation is not so detailed, but he knows how to derive his testimony in one of five dials in front of the driver. The PCM module control interface is quite wise, and the gearboxes on the steering wheel cause confusion. But being behind the wheel of panamers, you don’t even think about the steering levers from Skoda Octavia, this car takes others

But the most expensive, of course, Porsche Panamera Turbo. You can become the owner of a 500-horsepower all-wheel drive engineering miracle for at least 7.8 million rubles. Our Porsche is already falling out for the mark of 9 million. But it is equipped in the highest category of carbon-ceramic brakes, an active PDCC chassis with an electronically controlled rear differential, crazy Burmester music with a 16-channel amplifier and 16 speakers with a total capacity of 1000 watts. Is it worth mentioning a two -tone salon with the front panel in the color of the body and the navigation system with a touch screen? However, Panamera Turbo of another field of berry. Closer to the BMW rival Panamera 4s, the prices for which begin with 5.666 million rubles.


Source: Auto.mail.ru