Porsche Cayman S 981 test drive since 2012

There is no place for accidents

How few drivers who know how to drive! How few women look feminine! How few cars with a capital letter A! This time everything came together: Sokolov, Repkina, Porsche Cayman S.
According to the horoscope, I am Sagittarius, the essence of the hunter. I can sit in the bushes and wait, watch and wait. Watch and wait until knowledge becomes my weapon. By the way, the victim perceives patience and cold -blooded calm as indifference it comes very close, and it may not be anything special. If the time does not fit, I'll wait yet. In many ways, the meaning of hunting is just in anticipation. Apparently, time has not yet come. I can go quickly on all kinds of corses, but I can’t on the Kaiman. Someone will say: what a nonsense, every fool can go quickly on the kayman! And in principle, it will fall into the point. The static point directly along the course quickly turns into a lamppost, and a very dynamic 500 meter ends very static. I have another plans. Here, Dima Sokolov, my answer to your call to try to press gas.
I watched. And the days spent by the Porsche Cayman S car are lined with a mosaic of some small stories, tiny short-lived, tiny moments. Here in the narrow alley, my blue Cayman S Op the side meets the red 911 Turbo, I smile at the driver, and something similar happens to my face with mine, when the gazeles falls into horning migrant workers. (Is there really the same abyss between these two models?)
Here, with frightening rattles of scrap metal, the Lada is trying to torpedo me, the trolleybus simply does not notice, the driver of the family diesel universal curls with a fly, calling on an uncompromising duel. Here is the Verzila Lexus LX, and only now you can catch your breath, perceiving it as an escort machine, are in no hurry to express themselves. My random bodyguard turns, and now I am again in the thick of disapproval and aggression. Only Maybach gallantly gives way to me. And only a janitor, a young red guy, enthusiastically said: you have the most beautiful car in the world, and you are also very beautiful! We wished each other a good day, and my day was really very good.

The dress poured by the door caused a huge resonance in the public. Everything around became miraculously cute and sympathetic

Since this is a medium -engineer machine, it has two trunk people similar to a large box in front and a wide gentle behind. Very practical!

Before going out, it is worth training the exit from the supercar somewhere at the black entrance. The risk of comically standing with a low chair is high

Rare light colors only enhance the density of black. Undoubtedly, that uncle in Nexia or that aunt on Gets has nothing to love someone else's Porsche for $ 100,000. But the motives to hate, for example, the BMW 7-series or Mercedes CL, which cost at least not less, they do not have, oddly enough. Probably the whole point is that Porsche Cayman S is so good that the eye blinds. When the impeccability and ideality of the car was violated with the mud of Moscow streets and a deliberately pinched dress with a dress, fluttering in the wind, the attitude of others to this machine changed dramatically. The girl was seriously redesigned, they thought, and this malicious thought made them kinder. Each of the dense stream considered his duty to draw my attention to the fate of my dress. It was sincere participation of the sincere participation of people who saw a split durech and felt against her background at an almost unattainable height.
Having spent too much time on some mouse fuss named that it was not at all offended, by sociological research, I did not manage to change my long-established opinion in the right-sided movement of a woman in any car of the Porsche brand on the right. This is a place where you want to be much stronger than anywhere else. And by the way, much more than even driving. For a real man buys Porsche not so much then to rush headlong on him, but then, then, so that at that moment a woman sits next to him.
Men, women, engines of the Union is not new. He is much more than years than selfless strollers, he is older than the saddle. And it’s easier than the horseshoes: we jump, they look. It was always like that. Probably, by the way we do this, we understand something about each other. Men, women, motors hardly between us will find a place for accidents.
Yes, living in races is not such a heroic path as be a true teacher or a real doctor: to have enough strength to love to smile to the sun and carry his light to where even cockroaches drink bitter. But you know, decent people also come across among riders. And also held in their business. Initially, it was so complex and dangerous that it was naturally rejected by ordinary and accidentally incurring men. And in the same natural order there was nothing to do to fake women. Naturally, the engines dug up by primitive motorsport absorbed the energy of real personalities and genuine feelings. When every start is the question of being or not to be, people do not spend on trifles.
Men, women, motors book by Alfred Neubauer. He obeyed everyone, waving his hands on the captain's bridge of the Mercedes team of those very times when life pulsed in motorsport with the hot force of the naked artery. He ended up in the profession thanks to Ferdinand Porsche while still the director of Austro-Daimler. And Porsche himself became the main driving force in the Auto Union team. Her carriers were driven in the arena of such characters in motorsport mythology as Tazio Nuvolari, Bernd Rosmier, Hans, Hans ... His son Hans Joachim in the nineties defended the honor of the Porsche team, and now he is the face of sports Volkswagen. Are you still allowing chance?

The company retained not only the independence and name of its founder, but also his passion for engineering. There were only a few seeds in the world from which the trees of automobile civilization grew. All of them branched, turning into a hedge over time, and only one of them, despite the huge crown, retained its trunk. And he continues to give shoots perhaps, you have already read about the magnificent Ford Focus RS. I mentioned that Yost Kapito and John Willer were not created from scratch. So, both of them worked in motorsport precisely on Porsche. And you still allow accidents?

Cayman carbon decoration is not for me: a purebred sports car to nothing slippery imitation of racing inconvenience

PDK transmission is the best in the world. Nothing works faster and smoothly today. Automatic algorithms are impeccable.
I know these cars for a long time and close to everyone. Every stitch is used to me here, and yet, each time being driving, I invariably wonder how good they are. And Cayman Porsche is special. The main thing for the majority is, of course, the iconic 911th. But such a long associative mark is dragging behind him: the 911th is so unconditionally cool that few are able to see the true greatness of the car behind this radiance. Once I asked the world's world champion and one of the main factory pilots Porsche Walter Rerle: it does not seem to you that if Kaiman receives an engine from the 911st, it will be faster on the track? After all, it is easier to control it than the rear-oriented 911th. He smiled:
Yes, in the hands of a good pilot, Kaiman will be faster ... Walter took a pause, and a demon who sits behind the bosom of any racer even when he was not a jumpsuit, but a business three, looked out from his shoulder. Rerle added:
Cayman is my porsche. With the fact that I managed to hit in motorsport, we are on equal terms. And he did not turn in the eyes of others into simply a declaration of income. In Kaiman, it is good that the 911th is still ahead: this is only after it there will no longer be left.
Porsche is better than others suitable for the role of a real car of a real man of a real woman, because there is hardly a place for accidents. He will not make people better, but he is the best. By the way, women were not to read historical details: they themselves somehow know how to accurately determine the breed of not only men, but also engines. Maybe by the way we jump?



A source: Cars

Video test drives Porsche Cayman S 981 since 2012