Test Drive Porsche Cayenne S since 2010 SUV

Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid

At Porsche Cayenne Hybrid, it is best to move in a ribbon mode. Otherwise, you will constantly be able between shark and truck ... time was in a clip, so I read the detailed technical characteristics of the hybrid Cayenne S only on the second day of the test. And it was just killed by numbers.

It turns out that I traveled by car, which develops 580 Newton meters already with 1000 revolutions. To the one who is not in the topic will explain. It approximately means that you can slow down a small planet, such as Mars at idle turns. Such force is able to reconcile Palestinians and Israelis, make a more intellectual Russian pop pop, to force the minibuses to drive according to the rules and return the election of the governors.

The speaker of the hybrid Cayenne S with V6 is comparable to the characteristics of Cayenne with V8

I did not feel anything like that. Because many engineers have worked on the ecology, over fuel savings and over the protection of transmission from such a fool, as I, which suddenly decides to use all the possibilities of a car extended by the manufacturer. But if they are impossible to feel, then why are they? Maybe you have not understood, but this is a fashion trend. A kind of good tone. Something like I-Pad in certain circles. Recently, I was in the company of good sociable people, each of which was I-Phone 4. I could not insert a single word in conversation and left home sad. Surely on the same principle somewhere in the basements of the rubles gather people and discuss the features of the hybrid, and if you want to communicate with them, then it is obliged to acquire it. After all, it is precisely this and makes sense to our sufficient existence. Yes! That is why everyone thinks only about power. Together, both Porsche Cayenne aggregate gasoline V6 and the electric motor develop the maximum total power in 380 liters. with. As a result, the dynamic characteristics of the hybrid are at the Cayenne S level with the V8 engine. This is what heats the owners of benzoelectric Porsche. They do not just save, they also humiliate the owners of ordinary V8. Imagine what you want to hear in your address that you are weak and dirty? You are just unsexomy. You are now no more depleted bang.

Ergonomics of the front panel is far from perfection. Buttons in Chaos

Not a glass and two
So, we found out that they buy a hybrid Porsche Cayenne not in order to carry the houses on the wheels, but solely for the sake of saving fuel, it seems so. Recently, Porsche has no other questions at all. Just listen to how much they had to do to achieve a decrease in fuel consumption to 23 percent compared with the previous generation of Cayenne. The second generation of Porsche Cayenne is a new eight-speed automatic box with AUTO Start Stop function. Plus a large gear ratio interval. Innovative thermal control system of the cooling circuit of the engine and gearbox. Energy recovery for the onboard network. Adjustable cessation of fuel supply in forced idling mode. Lightweight body design. Using active and easy full drive.

To find the Sport button on the go, you will have to get distracted from the road.

All this works great if you do not intend to ride constantly in Sport mode. But that's what you do and you will. I could not have been different. The usual solo installation algorithm is too lazy. And why do you need Porsche to drag on trolleybus? Therefore, on the declared fuel consumption of 8.2 liters per 100 kilometers can be forgotten. Really it turns out 1114 liters without annealing. And not a glass of CO2 per kilometer way, as promised, and at least one and a half or two.

Fuel consumption of approximately 1114 liters per hundred in different modes

Shark and truck
Get ready for unusual sensations in traffic. As a rule, in such conditions, the electric motor works, then the gasoline engine alternately. The unexpected inclusion of V6 is accompanied by such an impetus in the body, as if you are sitting in the boat and underwent medium-sized shark attack. A six-cylinder unit is turned off, too, feeling a feeling as if you were on the side of the road, but a wagon swept past. The game in shark and truck continues all the time while you crawl on dense traffic. Because the battery is constantly discharged. To charge it well and for a long time, you need a vigorous trip on the empty highway. In the city in the traffic jam charge at best ranges from 025%.

Motor V6 gives 330 horsepower and 47 more electric kills are added to them.

With a moderate driving style, short plots for example, in residential areas can be overcome on one electric traction almost silently, with the maximum speed may even reach 60 km / h. But it is again with the proper battery charge. And how to save it, if for sports acceleration from the place, the manufacturer has provided a special function of Boost, which gives an additional traction at the start? Will people who who will not use it, just touching the shoe toe right pedal?

The best ride mode for a hybrid torn. High-speed sections of trails, intermitted with city traffic jams. Then savings, silence and ecology flourish in all its glory. If we talk about Cayenne as a Porsche, then it is still a set of rigid sidewes (with unusual, the jagged muscles are treated), an uncomfortable front panel (despite its cockpit configuration, deprived of a tolerable ergonomics) and a slaughter image.

Caution, technical details
The principle of functioning of the Porsche hybrid system is very similar to the hybrid Toyota system: a parallel-serial type is used. That is, an electric motor rotates at a speed comparable with the speed of a gasoline engine, with the exception of those moments when an automatic relay turns on and turns off the internal combustion engine. If there is enough electricity in the battery, the machine will only move on the electrical car, but as soon as the charge decreases to a critical limit, the gasoline motor is reinstated, chargeing batteries. For maximum acceleration, gasoline and electric motors can work in unison.

Pay attention to the traction characteristics of the electric motor at ridiculous power, it gives up a total of 300 nm, and they define the dynamics. As with all complete hybrids, during the braking process, the electric motor acts as a generator, charging the battery. This effect of regenerative braking is well developed quite well in Cayenne, so when driving around the city is unlikely to reach the use of disc brakes. Smart electronics distributes the braking force between the discs and the recovery process, and all that you need to do just press the brake pedal.

Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photos of Alexander Insurance Baranova


A source: 4x4 magazine [August / 2011]

Test drives Porsche Cayenne S since 2010