Test drive Porsche Cayenne 957 2007 - 2009 SUV

Light power

The new Porsche Cayenne ... The external similarity of its top modification with a device called a car can be misleading.
P changes in the appearance of the new Cayenne at first glance are not amazing. I foresee that in most articles only a couple of lines will be allotted to this aspect: they say, the shape of the front and rear optics, a radiator grill, hood and wheeled arches have changed a little, but in general this is still the same Cayenne. In my opinion, it is important to see the main thing here: the changes are impressive not by scale and radicalism, but with quality the image of Cayenne from the controversial turned into an indisputable one. And this car gave rise to a lot of disputes.
Born in disputes
In recent years, there was probably no car, the appearance of which would be accompanied by more hot discussions. When the news came from the headquarters of Porsche AG to Tsuffenhausen from the headquarters of Porsche AG that the SUV would be produced under the famous brand, there was no limit to the amazement of the carriers of automobile customs. They believed that this decision was eroded by the foundations themselves, on which the reputation of the manufacturer of legendary sports cars is based. You want to turn the chicken that carries golden eggs into the elephant, the Purists were indignant. Critics transferred their skepticism to the appearance of a car, the assembly of which began at the latest plant near Leipzig in 2002. It looks spectacular and is recognized as Porsche, but from a aesthetic point of view it is a kich! Unkinders packed through their teeth.
The best answer to this was a grand success. Instead of the planned 20 thousand per year, the plant near Leipzig produced 40 thousand cars. In total, 150 thousand SUVs were produced instead of the expected 80. Cayenne was in demand in regions with a variety of cultural traditions: in Western Europe, in the USA, in the Middle East, China, in Russia. As for the image of the brand, in many markets where people, due to historical, economic and climatic conditions, the 911st model could only admire the glossy magazines, it was Cayenne that became the basis of Porsche's reputation. The company, in fact, has grown itself a new, much more durable ridge. Sayenne accounted for more than half of sales and the lion's share of profit. It was a fabulous success! And only aesthetes continued to shrug.
The end of the discussions
The essence of at first glance changes in the appearance of the second -generation Cayenne is that in aesthetically the car has been updated efficiently. He became impeccable. Not a single esthete will no longer dare to throw a stone at him. And it is simply amazing how small the means of such a grandiose effect will be achieved.
The dimensions almost did not change, except that in the shoulders the car was heard on a noticeable 10 cm, but the combination of more elongated and acutely defined headlights, a significantly increased radiator grill and a more flat shape of the hood made the car visually more squat and swift. Its compositional center of gravity moved back and forth, it began to look more like sportswoman, traditionally associated with the Porsche brand. Not just to resemble them with individual elements of the exterior, but to walk your article. He became slim. The severity inherent in the appearance of the first -generation SUV is left. But most importantly, Cayenne gained harmony. The elements seemed to remain the same, but their mutual proportions, the combination and mutual arrangement have shifted slightly, forming the appearance of holistic, stable and consistent.
A wider landing and a different section of the headlights closed with transparent glass made a look cleaner and, as it were, more meaningful. Irony is clearly read in it! The sophistication was not enough for the old Cayenne, who watched as if he were going to crush competitors. The new Cay-Enne just laughs at them.
The chin sank even lower to the asphalt and incorporated the airfoils of the brake cooling. The wheel arches became a little more expressive, making the sides more iridescent. Hence the 21-inch wheels, first proposed as an option. Obviously a more sports figure looks from the back. Rubrafiled rear lights, lengthening the roof, a black varnished windowsill under the glass of the rear door, a steel threshold of the cargo floor, exhaust pipes that are cut into the rear bumper, and not sticking out from under it, trifles, but how much more interesting it became in general!
True beauty
However, there is enough subjective assessments. The purity of lines and the perfection of proportions have a numerical expression. For a vehicle moving within the earth's atmosphere, this measure is the wind resistance coefficient. It decreased from 0.39 in the previous Cayenne to 0.35 in the new.
No matter what they say about appearance, everyone knows that the true beauty of any Porsche in his engineering perfection. Perfection this affects such important factors as reliability. According to the research of the famous company J.D. Power, in 2006, Porsche became the most reliable brand in the world: 91 problems for 100 cars at an average level of 124 -machine refusal.
The new generation is, of course, not only design, but primarily new engines. They increased slightly in the volume of cylinders and became more powerful. V6 for a simple Cayenne grew from 3.2 to 3.6 liters and added relics by 40 hp, reaching 290 hp. The volume of V8 for Cayenne S increased from 4.5 to 4.8 liters, and its power increased to 385 hp, by 45 hp. More than before. Finally, a turbocharged V8 for Cayenne Turbo due to an increase of 50 hp. reached a psychologically important mark of 500 hp. But (attention!) In this case, the fuel consumption in three heroes decreased by an average of 15% in real operating conditions (measurements according to the Porsche cycle). The secret of this miracle is the direct injection of fuel used on the new generation of Cayenne engines (see insert).
There are other interesting innovations aimed at reducing fuel consumption. For example, an oil pump with performance adjustable in needs. He shakes exactly as much oil as the engine is at the moment, which allowed 60% to reduce power losses on its drive.
More powerful Cayenne and Cayenne S engines are equipped with a new mechanical 6-speed gearbox with reinforced gears. The TURBO option is offered only with the Tiptronic S machine, which is available as the option by junior versions.
There are many other improvements: enlarged brake discs, for the first time introduced a tipping sensor, a hydraulic drive of the lug compartment cover, side glasses with a water -repellent coating, adaptive headlights looking around the turn, plus an additional lamp for illuminating the side on steep turns.
Two younger Cayenne modifications in the basic version are equipped with a suspension with steel springs, reconfigured to greater comfort (but without prejudice sports due to the increased engine capabilities) and with large off -road moves. Turbo is offered only with air suspension (for Cayenne and Cayenne S this is an option) and a well -known system for adjusting the rigidity of PASM shock absorbers. The switch at the central console offers three stiffness levels: Sport, Normal and Comfort. The latter makes the car swing on irregularities like Cadillac of the 60s. In reality, on cars with this level of characteristics, you can only go on asphalt in Sport mode.
Next to the PASM switch on the central console, another large button with the inscription Sport appeared, which is included in the basic equipment of all three modifications. And, honestly, it is completely uninteresting to travel without pressing this button. In the usual mode, the operation of the engine and the transmission is focused on fuel saving, and only the aforementioned button returns decent reactions to the driver’s message. The new Cayenne and another very interesting novelty has appeared PDCC suppression system (a similar system in 2001 debuted on BMW), which is nothing more than an active transverse stability stabilizer (see insertion).
Another very useful function of the air suspension change in the clearance. Norma 215 mm. At a speed of more than 210 km/h the body drops by 32 mm. On off -road, the suspension rises 30 mm above the norm. There is a special level for the most difficult conditions for a rise of 58 mm. However, in Andalusia, where our acquaintance with the new Cayenne took place only a few days after his official debut at the Detroit car dealership, we did not need this regime. Although there was no anxiety.
School of Toreadors
The main thing is not to press the brake. You never know how they react to the red lantern, I thought, carefully moving past the herd of young bulls, many of which very carefully followed the maneuvers of my Porsche. Of course, I knew that, according to the latest research, the bullononics bulls and their dislike for red color. In theory. But in this case, we pass by a herd belonging to the local Toreador school, in the vicinity of which an off -road route was laid for us. What if they already managed to train them?
Andalusia does not make the impression of the harsh edge. Calm hilly terrain. Blue sky. Winter cool degrees fifteen above zero. Only a sign carefully, animals! A little alarming. Instead of a traditional cow, a very impressive bull is inscribed in a red triangle. The question involuntarily arose who should be worried about: for the animal or for yourself.
However, the passage past the herd ended safely. And the car did not deliver any more excitement on the Spanish off -road. He easily and cheerfully overcame local hills, pastures, lanes and buuse. It was pleasant to note the lack of a rollback when starting up the mountain for modification with the manual transmission (a special system holds the car in place until the clutch is turned on). Although we tested the track on the simplest version of C V6 (though with air suspension), there was definitely a feeling of serious off-road potential, which failed to feel the limits of which did not succeed due to the lack of worthy obstacles.
The key to good all -terrain qualities is a constant all -wheel drive with the PTM (Porsche Traction Management) system, which under normal conditions distributes the traction in a ratio of 38% forward and 62% back, but can direct up to 100% of the power to a particular axis. The reduction in the series and the possibility of rigid blocking of the center and rear (option) differentials to continue moving when hanging one of the wheels complement the off -road equipment. However, it is no secret that the element of Cayenne asphalt.
With a smile
The first impression obtained on a small snake during the demonstration of the work of the Krenov suppression system made me smile. There was still no way to test the dynamics, all these crazy accelerations and crazy speeds. But how nice this car is! That's what Porsche has always been famous for! You can argue about anything, but by handling is a leader in his class. The steering system with a variable sensitivity (in middle and in extreme positions) is excellent. Excellent and comfort surrounding you in the cabin: convenient steering wheel, chairs, finishes, materials. Basic configuration and list of options The topic of a separate article. We’ll talk better about the main thing about the impressions of riding.
We started with a simple Cayenne V6 equipped with mechanics. In total, it seems to have increased a little. A slightly more powerful and responsive motor, a little better aerodynamics, longer transfers gave rise to a feeling of not just more fresh dynamics, but already on the verge of a chill running along the back with a strong press on the gas pedal. Cayenne S C V8 should be called the golden middle, but the middle has no Porsche. The V8 engine, which we tested in combination with an automatic machine, amazingly flexible and allows you to draw as much power as you dare to demand, and exactly at the moment when you have decided. The new Cay-Enne S is first equipped with a sports exhaust system, which is extracted by the Sport button. The sound is corporate, amazing physically, and not just emotionally. But, honestly, all the impressions of the two younger versions, no matter how bright they were, completely overshadowed Turbo.
The designers took care that the flagship externally differed from the brothers even in the darkness of the night. But the difference in behavior on the road between them is much greater. If versions with atmospheric V6 and V8 are still cars, although very powerful, then the similarity of a turbocharging with a device called the car only misleads. At ordinary speeds, Turbo deftly imitates the behavior of the roadway: it is convenient, obedient, adequate. But here we go on the highway, click on the gas pedal, and after a few seconds the car flies out for 230 km/h. The smile is still on the face. She just did not have time to slide.
Most of all, not speed is striking, but the ease with which it is achieved. Cayenne remains amazingly stable and controlled, and along with a high landing, this gives rise to a terrible illusion of the lack of excess speed. Meanwhile, the speed is such that, frankly, a reasonable person does not need to accelerate before her! Especially on the SUV, albeit equipped with a complete set of vibrant electronics. And if in ordinary, even very powerful, cars in the way of a rational person to these speeds lies a strain with which the car begins to move, then everything happens with amazing carelessness. This light power is amazing!
We hastily drop the gas. The engine is stitched at almost idle. It seems that we are barely half -earth, and on a speedometer 170 km/h. I warn potential buyers at once: V6 is good, V8 is great, but Turbo is no longer a car. This is an aviation turbine on four wheels. However, I seem to be inflated. Why warnings? It is enough to recall that this is Porsche.
Technical characteristics of Cayenne
Dimensions, mm 4798x1928x1699
Equipped mass, kg 2160
Benzine engine type V6
Working volume, cubic meter. cm 3598
Max. Power, L.S./rpm 290/6200
Max. moment, nm/rpm 385/3000
Mechanical transmission 6-speed or
Automatic 6-band
Max. Speed, km/h 227
The permanent drive is complete
Acceleration time 0-100 km, from 8.1 (8.5)*
Fuel consumption (average), l/100 km 12.9 (12.9)*
Technical characteristics Cayenne S
Dimensions, mm 4798x1928x1699
Equipped mass, kg 2225
Benzine engine type V8
Working volume, cubic meter. cm 4806
Max. Power, L.S./rpm 385/6200
Max. moment, nm/rpm 500/3500
Mechanical transmission 6-speed or
Automatic 6-band
Max. speed, km/h 252 (250)*
The permanent drive is complete
Acceleration time 0-100 km, with 6.6 (6.8)*
Fuel consumption (average), l/100 km 14.9 (13.7)*
Technical characteristics of Cayenne Turbo
Dimensions, mm 4795x1928x1694
Equipped mass, kg 2355
V8 gasoline engine type with two turbines
Working volume, cubic meter. cm 4806
Max. Power, L.S./rpm 500/6000
Max. moment, nm/rpm 700/2250-4500
The transmission is automatic 6-band
Max. Speed, km/h 275
The permanent drive is complete
Acceleration time 0-100 km, from 5.1
Fuel consumption (average), l/100 km 14.9

Leonid Sitnik
Photo by the author and the manufacturer

Source: Avtopanorama magazine

Test drives Porsche Cayenne 957 2007 - 2009