Test drive Porsche Cayenne 957 2007 - 2009 SUV

No Pasaran! or strangers will not pass here

The first official steps of the new Cayenne in Russia fell on the land of the picturesque corner of the Verkhny Mandrog village. She spread out in the taiga forest zone, at the very northeast of the Leningrad region. About 50 people live here, who have never previously seen so many brand new Porsche per square kilometer of Vepa Upland.

A dozen log houses are scattered around the village; There is a mill, a tavern, mail and a museum of vodka. If necessary, there is a Wi-Fi zone. And here, in the Podporozhsky and Lodinopol districts, there are sandy quarries, swamps, smooth and even asphalt. Finally, there is a grader in general, everything that is needed to obtain clear ideas about a car claiming the title of universal SUV. Therefore, the Russian representative office Porsche has chosen a platform for test tests of the new Cayenne precisely Mandrog.

So, the new Porsche Cayenne. There are plenty of external differences among the old and new SUVs: you just need to know where to look. New air intakes grab much more atmosphere, and their lateral sections now contain turning pointers (vertical on Cayenne and Cayenne S models, and horizontal on Turbo versions).


Behind the hopeless models have two single muffler, and a turbocharged pair of doubles. The hood of Cayenne Turbo has two longitudinal protrusions, and the central air intake in height is equal to the side (in the atmospheres it is shorter).

New headlights are distinguished by hatching along the contour, and the lanterns are made on the basis of LED optics. On the display of the viewfinder, the cameras such overall lights flicker ...

Like previous models, the new Cayenne can be distinguished from one another by the color of the calipers: black in V6, silver in Cayenne S and red in Turbo.

But in the cabin there is practically nothing new: except that two new buttons of the lid of the trunk and Sport appeared. The latter transfers a pneumatic suspension, automatic machine, an accelerator drive and a muffler in a sports regime. After this regime is turned on, the rumble of release becomes bewitching, deep and rolling.


All engines increased significantly in volume: the six -cylinder instead of 3.2 became 3.6, and each of the V8 has been increased by 0.3 liters, turning them into 4.8. The power of atmospheric motors reaches 290 and 385 liters. With. At 6,200 200 rpm. And the Cayenne Turbo engine produces 500 liters. With. at 6,000 rpm.

Moreover: in eight -cylinder engines there are now direct fuel injection, as well as the Variocamplus system, which independently regulates the opening phases and the course of inlet valves.

The new Cayenne, provided for the test, were equipped with an optional PDCC system (Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control), which is available with air suspension. In fact, the system is active reptile stabilizers on the front and rear axles. Depending on the angle of rotation of the steering wheel and transverse acceleration, the stabilizers relax or tighten, reducing or increasing the forces that counteract the rolling of the car. At the entrance to the turn, the hydraulic cylinders are settled by stabilizers, thereby reducing the angle of crossing the axes. On the off -road, the opposite is true: when the reduced row of gears is turned on, the stabilizers are unclenched, and the angle of crossing the axes is increased, which is why contact with the road is noticeably improved.


A three -hour off -road walk showed that the size does not matter. The volume of the engine and the presence of a boost play almost no role when under the wheels the track with loose sand, and the path runs through a steep rise, and even with a turn.

But the presence of air suspension plays a role! Like the direct fuel injection system, helping to choose the optimal dosage of fuel, causing the instant response of the motor to move the accelerator pedal.

The testing of diagonal hanging all -terrain vehicles passed by five, calmly and reasonably moving forward, blocking the wheels dependent in the air and passing the moment for those that have better adhesion with the coating.


We choose the maximum road clearance (271 mm) and the bottom of Cayenne seems to be in complete safety. However, the presence of electronic brains nevertheless played a negative role. The instructor transmits by the radio order to establish the clearance in the highest position: the secret of passing the obstacle was precisely in the maximum road lumen.

Installed. Now, taking the run, you have to climb a hill along the sand rut. And when the acceleration speed exceeded 30 km/h, the air suspension automatically lowered the car to 241 mm. These three centimeters were not enough for taking the barrier the car the first time buried. Perhaps the upper position of the pneumatic power systems would be nice to keep in a given position forcibly!


Unlike extreme off -road, on public roads, the difference in engines affected the most powerful way. Drivers of the 3.6-liter Porsche are more likely offered to change the V8 pilots. After 150 km/h of energy, V6 was not enough for spectacular accelerations. And Cayenne S up to 230 km/h impressed the passenger and the driver with sharp assertive jerks.

Another thing is Turbo: this is a real devil who nails passengers to the armchairs with nails and carries towards the underworld. Thanks to direct injection and two turbochargers, Cayenne Turbo has an even and uniform, but damn intense patch that lasts up to 6,000 rpm.

Where are we flying? Are you aware that you moved at a speed of 273 km/h? The traffic police officer sternly stated. Your black Porsche Cayenne photographed the camera.

Can not be! This car for more than 270 can not drive the speedometer is not calculated. And so maximum speed 250! Now in these places there are many black Cayenne! Your camera confused something


Our Cayenne S could really not develop this speed: on that day we did not ride more than 230 km/h. But the black Cayenne Turbo could one of the colleagues. But he managed to slip unnoticed. However, they could not incriminate us someone else's offense: at such a speed, the number in the photo was simply lubricated. Here the excerpt is needed shorter

Text: Alexander Korobchenko
Photo: author


A source: Wheel magazine [No. 116/2007]

Test drives Porsche Cayenne 957 2007 - 2009